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Dungeons and Dragons Adventure


GAME OVERVIEW …………………………………… 3

WINNING THE GAME………………………………… 3

Campaign Play & the Advanced Deck ………………. 3
Game Setup ………………………………………........ 3
To Start Playing ……………………………………….. 4
Taking Turns …………………………………………… 4
The Dungeon Tile Stack ………………………………. 4

PLAYER SETUP ……………………………………….. 6

THE HERO CARD ……………………………………… 6
PLAYER TURN ……………………………………….. 6
Hero Phase ……………………………………….. 6
Exploration Phase ………...…………………………….. 6
Villain Phase …………………………………………….. 6

MOVEMENT …………………………………………….. 7

ATTACKS ………………………………………………… 8
Expert Powers …………………………………………… 8
Daily Powers ……………………………………………... 8
Utility Powers …………………………………………….. 8
At-Will Powers …………………………………………… 8

COMBAT …………………………………………………. 8
Targeting …………………………………………………. 8
AC and HP ……………………………………………….. 8
Attack Bonus …………………………………………….. 9
Making an Attack ………………………………………... 9
Damage ………………………………………………….. 9
Critical Hits ………………………………………………. 9
Defeating Monsters …………………………………….. 9
Defeating Heroes ……………………………………….. 9
Regaining Hit Points ……………………………………. 9
Healing Surges ………………………………………….. 9
Disabling a Trap ………………………………………… 9
Other Actions ……………………………………………. 9

THE MONSTER DECK ………………………………… 10

THE ENCOUNTER DECK …………………………...... 11

EXPERIENCE POINTS ………………………………... 12

Canceling Encounter Cards …………………………… 12
Levelling Up (One-shot adventures)…………… 12

THE TREASURE DECK……………………………….. 12

THE TRAP DECK ……………………………………… 12
THE SPELL DECK …………………………………….. 13
Optional Rules …………………………………….. 13
CONDITIONS………………………………………….. 14
One-shot Adventures.............................…………….. 16
Campaings......………………………………………….. 18
D&D Adventure system F.A.Q .................................... 24

GAME OVERVIEW The Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure System is exception
The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®: Adventure system Board based. That means the cards, powers, monsters, and
Game is a cooperative Adventure game. You and your fellow Special Adventure Rules may contradict the base rules of the
Heroes must work as a team to succeed in the Adventures game (this book). Whenever that happens, you should follow
that unfold within the wilderness and dungeons set in the the instructions on the exception even though it contradicts
forgotten realms. You either win together or lose together. the rules.
Each player selects a Hero, who has come to the adventure
chosen location to seek fame and fortune or to fight the WINNING THE GAME
evil hiding behind the evil lair. Choose from a vast cast of You win by completing the objective in the adventure you are
heroes, like Dragonborn Wizard, Human Cleric, Elf Paladin, playing. For example, you might have to round up bandits or
Half-Orc Rogue, and Dwarf Fighter or mythic characters like destroy a lich’s phylactery.
the drow ranger Drizzt Do’Urden, the dwarf fighter Bruenor Unless stated otherwise in an adventure, you lose if any
Battlehammer, the human archer Catti-brie, the halfling Hero is at 0 Hit Points at the start of that Hero’s turn and
rogue Regis, or the human barbarian Wulfgar. The Heroes there are no Healing Surge tokens left to play. You also lose
explore the dungeons below the lands of Faerum, to find if you are defeated by the adventure you are playing. Each
treasure, fight Monsters, and uncover mysterious chambers. adventure lists its specific victory and defeat requirements.
With a little help from you, the game chooses the monsters
you battle, the encounters you meet, and the halls you
The Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure System board game
is intended to be played as a campaign, although you can
NUMBER OF PLAYERS always play any adventure as a one-shot.
The game can be played with any number of players, from For playing one-shot adventures, follow the directions set
1 to 5. Each player controls one Hero—and the game does in page 16, that will guide you pick and adventure and build
the rest! the corresponding decks. For playing a campaign, the page
18 has all the rules for setting up the campaign and how to
For this set of rules we will think you have one or more of
the Adventure system box sets. The idea is to combine all
this games in a vast collection of adversaries, locations and
The Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure System board game
tresures. includes everything you need to run all adventures in the
adventure book. Because each adventure is different,
The adventure system box sets are (up to the date): you don’t always use every component in the boxes. The
● Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board following components are usually used in every adventure.
Game (2010) We recommend that you store them separately so you can
● Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board make it easy to set up each adventure!
Game (2011) ● Hero cards and all figures
● Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board ● Hero Power cards
Game (2011) ● Dungeon tiles (representing dungeon; cavern comes
● Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board later)
Game (2015) ● Entry Well Tile
● Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb of Annihilation Board ● Basic Encounter cards
Game (2017) ● Basic Monster cards
● Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad ● Basic Treasure cards
Mage (2019) ● Basic Trap cards
● Basic Spell cards
Print and play scenario bundles for the Adventure System: ● Basic Adventure cards
● Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game – ● Elder Rune cards
Bonus Adventures Designed for use with Castle Ravenloft. ● Trap tokens
(2010) ● Condition markers (Advantage, Disadvantage, Stunned,
and Weakened)
● Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game – ● Hit Point tokens
Contest Adventures Designed for use with Castle Ravenloft. ● Die

● Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Bonus

Adventures – Servants of the Thunder Shaman Designed
to integrate both Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon.

It will be ideal for the use of these rules to have all the
boxes of the Adventure system series, but we will try to
provide some key cards to help those who may miss one or
more boxes.

Set aside the remaining game pieces. You use those pieces THE DUNGEON TILE STACK
only if the adventure you are playing requires them (see the You draw from the collected Dungeon tiles (referred to as the
adventure book for details). Dungeon tile stack) to build the dungeon and cavern areas.
Each time you play, the area has a different layout. The
TO START PLAYING: dark dungeons and dangerously populated caverns are said
Shuffle the Monster cards into their own deck. Do the same to be deadly for the unprepared.
for the Encounter cards, Treasure cards, Trap cards, Spell
cards and Elder Rune cards (if you adventure takes place in The start tile: The start tile is where the Heroes usually
Undermountain). Place these decks in easy reach of all the begin their dungeon adventures. It’s twice the size of the
players. Randomize all of the Trap tokens and keep them other tiles. The start tile will be define by each adventure,
face down in easy reach of all the players. Complex Trap and actually consist of two separate tiles that are already
tokens are kept in a separate pile and only come into play connected; treat each as its own tile for the purposes of
when their card is drawn. movement and counting tiles.

● Give each player a Sequence of Play card as a reminder When you start an adventure on the Start tile, you can
of how play proceeds. start on either tile.

● Place the die and the various figures in easy reach. Unexplored Edge: A Dungeon tile with an unexplored edge
is a tile where you could place a new tile. This means that
● Pick your next adventure from any of the adventuring an edge of the tile is open and doesn’t have another tile
books. adjacent to it.

● Check the “Adventure Setup” section of the adventure TILES AND SQUARES
book to see if your chosen adventure calls for any of the Game cards refer to both tiles and squares.
game pieces you set aside.
A tile is the basic building block of the dungeon or cavern,
● Unless the adventure says otherwise, place the Entry drawn from the Dungeon tile stack.
Well tile in the centre of the table and place two Healing
Surge tokens beside it. These are the group’s surges for this A square is one of the spaces on a Dungeon tile.
● When you choose a Hero, take that Hero’s Hero card,
Power cards, and the figure that matches the Hero. The ● Triangles: Each tile features a white or black triangle that
name of each Hero is printed on the base of the figure. is used to specify less dangerous and more dangerous tiles.
When you place a new tile, the triangle points toward the
● Unless the adventure says otherwise, place each player’s unexplored edge of the tile it is attached to. If the tile has a
Hero figure on any square of the start tile (define by the black triangle, you draw an Encounter card during the Villain
adventure). Adventures and cards refer to the players as Phase of your turn.
● Monster Symbols: Each tile may feature one or
● Each Hero card tells you how many and which Power more Monsters. Each set of tiles has a different set
cards you can choose for that Hero. In your early games, symbol to mark the monsters placement and number
you can use the Power cards suggested on the back of the of adversaries on that tile. For example, in the
adventure book. (See “Choosing Power Cards” on page XX Dungeon of mad mage set the alabaster face symbol
for details on how to choose Power cards in later games.) is use as monster symbol, while in Castle ravenloft a
Set aside any Power cards that aren’t used in this adventure. pile of skulls is use as a monster symbol.
● Set up the Dungeon tile stack (the deck of tiles) using ● Trap Symbols: Each tile may feature one or more
the setup instructions in the adventure you have selected. Trap squares with a red X to indicate where to place
You are now ready to begin play. The adventure tells you Traps.
any other rules you need in the “Special Adventure Rules”
section. ● Ambush Symbol: Each tile may feature a square
with a red “!” to indicate where special effects happen
TAKING TURNS from card effects.
Play progresses around the table, starting with a player of
the group’s choice and then proceeding clockwise. You can ● Treasure Symbol: Each tile may feature a square
also each roll the die and let the player who rolled highest with a to indicate where to place a Chest token.
go first. When a Hero ends their turn on a square containing
Your turn consists of three phases: one for your Hero, one a Chest token, he or she draws two Treasure cards
for Exploration, and a Villain Phase for the Monsters under and gets to keep one, discarding the other card. Then
your control. discard the Chest token.

● Other Features: Dungeon tiles have darkened areas -
representing walls and impassable areas - which cannot be
moved through. Some tiles have names to distinguish them
for use in certain adventures.

Diagonal Movement: Your Hero can move diagonally when

moving by squares, unless the path is blocked. Your Hero
cannot move diagonally when moving by tiles. If you are
counting squares, your Hero can move diagonally, even
between tiles. If you are counting tiles, you never count
diagonally; your Hero has to move in straight lines, not
diagonal lines, when you count tiles.

Place your Hero card (1st level) and your selected Power
cards face up in front of you.
As you acquire Treasure cards, they also go face up in
front of you.
As you acquire Monster cards, place them to one side of
your Hero card, in the order in which you received them.


Here’s what a Hero card looks like. The parts of a Hero card
are briefly described here and explained in detail on the
listed page of this book.

● Hero’s Name, Race, Class, and Level: The top lines show
your Hero’s race and character class. The Hero’s level is
shown in the bottom right corner.

● AC (Armour Class): The Hero’s defence score. An attack

hits the Hero if it equals or exceeds this number (see page

● HP (Hit Points): The Hero’s health. Damage reduces the ● Disable a Trap.
Hero’s Hit Points (see page 9). A Hero can never regain ● Other.
more Hit Points than his or her Hit Point total.
When you have finished all the steps in your Hero Phase,
● Speed: The number of squares the Hero can move by your Exploration Phase begins.
using a single move (see page 7).
● Surge Value: When a Hero is at 0 Hit Points, he or she This is the phase in which you add new Dungeon tiles, draw
must use a Healing Surge token at the start of his or her next Monster cards, and place Traps.
Hero Phase. After using the Healing Surge token, the Hero 1. If your Hero occupies a square along an unexplored edge
recovers this number of Hit Points (see page 9). (see page 5), go on to Step 2. If your Hero doesn’t occupy a
square along an unexplored edge, you don’t draw and place
● Special Ability: Each Hero has a Special Ability, as a new Dungeon tile. In this case, go on to the Villain Phase.
described here.
2. Draw a Dungeon tile and place it with its triangle pointing
● Powers: This tells you how many of each type of Power to the unexplored edge of the tile your Hero is exploring from.
card you can select for use in an adventure, as well as any
Power cards the Hero automatically gets to use (see page 3. Place Monsters, Traps and Chests (if any) on the new tile.
● To place a Monster, draw a Monster card from the Monster
PLAYER TURN deck for each Monster symbol on the newly placed tile. Place
the card in front of you to show that you control that Monster.
Each player’s turn consists of three phases. On your turn,
complete these phases in this order: Place the corresponding Monster figure on the Monster
symbol of the newly placed tile. (The name of each Monster
● Hero Phase is printed on each figure’s base.) If you draw a Monster
● Exploration Phase card that matches a Monster you already control, discard
● Villain Phase that Monster card and draw again. If another player has a
matching Monster card, however, that’s okay.
HERO PHASE ● To place a Trap, choose a face-down Trap token from the
This is the phase in which your Hero moves through the area pile and place it face-down on a Trap symbol.
and makes attacks against the Monsters encountered along
the way. ● To place a Chest, take any Chest token and place it on a
Treasure symbol.
1. If your Hero has 0 Hit Points, use a Healing Surge token if
one is available (see page 9). When you have finished all the steps in your Exploration
Phase, your Villain Phase begins.
2. Your Hero may move and perform one of the following
actions. Your Hero may move before or after performing the
action, but you must perform an action completely before VILLAIN PHASE
doing another action: This is the phase in which you draw and play Encounter
● Move. cards, as well as when you activate the Villain (if the Villain
● Attack. is in play) and any Monster cards you have in front of you.

1. If you didn’t place a Dungeon tile in your Exploration
Phase, or if you placed a Dungeon tile with a black triangle,
draw and play an Encounter card.

2. If the Villain is in play, activate the Villain. (There could be

more than one Villain in play, depending on the adventure. In
this case, activate each Villain, one at a time.)

3. Activate each Monster card, in turn, in the order you drew

them. Follow the tactics on the Monster card to determine
what each Monster does on its turn. If there are multiple
Monsters with the exact same name in play, activate each
of those Monsters on your turn. So, if you have a Grung
Monster card and another player has a Grung Monster card,
you activate both Grungs during your Villain Phase. If both
Monsters survive until the other player’s Villain Phase, that
player will activate both Grungs again!

When you are done with your Villain Phase, the player to
your left begins his or her turn.

When your Hero moves, use the following rules for

When does your hero move?

Your Hero usually moves during the Hero Phase of your turn.
The e_ ect of a Power card, Treasure card, or Encounter
card can make your Hero move at other times, as well.

How does your hero move?

Your Hero moves according to his or her Speed, which is the
number of squares you can move your Hero.

Think of your Hero’s Speed as your movement budget. Each

time your Hero moves a square, you spend _ point from that
budget. When you have no more Speed left, your Hero can’t
move any more.

Whenever your Hero moves, you can spend up to your

Speed budget to move your Hero.

● Your Hero can move in any direction, including diagonally,

as long as you have the necessary Speed to spend.

● You can’t move your Hero into a square filled with a

darkened area.

● You can’t move your Hero into a square occupied by a


● You can move your Hero through a square occupied by

another Hero, but you can’t end your Hero’s movement there.

Triggering trap tokens:
A Trap is a snare or other mechanical device placed in
the area to thwart the Heroes. When a Hero moves into a
square containing a Trap token, or when they unsuccessfully
attempt to disable the trap (see page 10), trigger the Trap
and flip the token face up to reveal its effect. Monsters do
not trigger Traps.

● If the token doesn’t have a damage number, the Hero

suffers no effect (exception: Draw, see page 12). Otherwise,
the Hero takes the damage indicated. Then remove the
token from the board. If your hero was in the middle of his or
her move, you may continue moving them normally.

ability to counter a Monster’s attack. Many of these powers

don’t require an attack action to use, instead specifying when
to use the ability. Unless the card states otherwise, when you
use a Utility power, you flip it over and cannot use it again
ATTACKS until some other effect (usually a Treasure card) allows you
A Hero makes attacks using either his or her Hero’s Power to flip it back up.
cards or the powers of Treasure cards. A Hero’s Power
cards represent weapons, physical training, arcane spells, or At-Will Powers
divine prayers, depending on a Hero’s class. At-Will powers are relatively simple attacks, spells, or
prayers. Using an At-Will power requires no special effort. It
At the start of every adventure, you select Power cards that is weaker than a Daily power, so when you use it you do not
you have available for that adventure. Set the remaining flip it over. You can use it again on your next turn.
Power cards aside. For your first few adventures, you can
use the Power cards listed on the back of the adventure
book. Once you become familiar with the game, you can COMBAT
choose which Power cards you want to use. As your Heroes explore the dungeon or caverns, they will
encounter constructs, undead, and other Monsters. You
Whenever your Hero attacks, you pick a power you have in need to battle your way past these creatures to complete the
front of you (either from a Power card or a Treasure card) adventure using your Hero’s attacks and magic items!
and use it as described in Combat.
Expert Powers When you decide to attack, first determine which Monsters
Expert Powers are truly powerful attacks and effects that your Hero can target. A power specifies what Monsters you
are reserved for Heroes of higher levels. Not all of them can target, ranging from only Monsters in an adjacent square
require you to flip over after they are used, adding to their to a Monster as far as 2 or more tiles away. Remember the
spectacular strength. difference between squares and tiles when making attacks
(see page 4).
Most important, keep in mind that you can never trace
Daily Powers a diagonal path between tiles. If a power lets you attack
Daily powers represent a significant attack or spectacular
a Monster within 1 tile of your Hero, that does not include
effect. When you use a Daily power, you flip it over and cannot
Monsters on a Dungeon tile that is diagonal to your Hero’s
use it again until some other effect (usually a Treasure card)
tile. You also cannot attack a Monster within 1 tile of your
allows you to flip it back up.
Hero if a wall completely blocks the path between the Hero’s
tile and the Monster’s tile.
Utility Powers
Utility powers are special manoeuvres that don’t actively
AC and HP
attack Monsters but instead provide other advantages.
The AC (Armour Class) of a Hero or a Monster determines
These advantages may include a specialized move or the
how diffcult it is to hit. It represents a combination of physical

armour, agility, and natural toughness. HP (Hit Points) show
how much damage a Hero or Monster can take before being

Attack Bonus
Most attack powers and Monster attacks have an attack
bonus. A power with a higher attack bonus is more likely to
hit than one with a lower bonus.

Making an Attack
For each enemy a Hero’s power or a Monster’s attack Healing Surges
targets, roll the die and add the attack bonus. If the result A Healing Surge represents a Hero’s ability to fight on against
of the die roll plus the bonus is equal to or greater than the overwhelming odds. Despite pain and injuries, a Hero can
target’s Armour Class, the attack hits. push forward to continue the battle. The Heroes begin the
game with two Healing Surge tokens. These tokens are a
Damage resource that the entire group shares. You use Healing
If an attack hits, it deals the listed damage to the Monster or Surge tokens to revive a Hero that has been reduced to 0
Hero. Damage that reduces a Monster or Hero’s Hit Points to Hit Points.
0 defeats them (see below). Damage that does not reduce a
Monster or Hero to 0 Hit Points stays on that Monster or Hero ● If your Hero is at 0 Hit Points at the start of your turn, you
(use the Hit Point tokens to track damage). must use a Healing Surge token. Discard one Healing Surge
token and your Hero regains Hit Points equal to his or her
Critical Hits Surge Value. You then take your turn as normal.
When a Hero attacks and rolls a natural 20, that attack deals
+1 damage. ● If there are no Healing Surge tokens remaining when your
Hero starts your turn at 0 Hit Points, the Heroes lose the
Defeating Monsters adventure and the game ends.
If a Monster’s Hit Points are reduced to 0, the Monster
is defeated. Remove its figure from the tile. The player Disabling a Trap
controlling that Monster discards the Monster card into Traps can be disabled. While a Hero is on a tile with a Trap,
the Experience pile (see page 12). If more than one Hero as an action, he or she can attempt to disable that Trap. Roll
controls that type of Monster, the player who made the attack the die.
discards the card if he or she controls one of those Monsters.
If not, go clockwise around the table. The first player you ● If you roll a 1-10, you failed and triggered the Trap! (See
reach who controls one of those Monsters discards that “Triggering Trap Tokens” on page 8).
Monster card.
When your Hero defeats a Monster, draw a Treasure card ● If you roll an 11-20, you succeeded! Remove the Trap from
(see page 12). You can only draw one Treasure card per the board and keep it face up next to the other Trap tokens.
turn, no matter how many Monsters you defeat during that
Moving, attacking, and disabling Traps are the most common
Defeating Heroes types of actions that a Hero takes, but some adventures and
When a Hero is reduced to 0 Hit Points, keep the Hero’s cards allow for Heroes to take special actions. These actions
figure on the tile. Knock the figure on its side to show that might range from tracking bandits to retrieving a special
the Hero is at 0 Hit Points, and the Hero cannot take any item. When your Hero takes one of these actions, follow
additional damage or use any powers or items. Conditions, the instructions for the action as described in the Special
such as Advantage or Disadvantage, still apply to the Hero Adventure Rules section, or on the card.
and the Hero can use any Advancements (see page 21). Here we will check some common other actions players
Monsters ignore the downed Hero, following its tactics as can do instead of attacking.
though any Hero at 0 Hit Points were not there. If all of the
Heroes are at 0 Hit Points during a player’s Villain Phase, the Giving an item to another Hero
Monsters do nothing and the phase ends immediately. If a hero want to give an item card to another hero, he must
A Hero that starts his or her turn at 0 Hit Points must spend be adjacent to that hero and spend his action to give an item
a Healing Surge token. If there are no Healing Surge tokens to the selected hero.
remaining, the Heroes lose the adventure.
Picking Up Objects
Regaining Hit Points Some Encounter Cards and Adventures can result in an
Heroes and Monsters can regain lost Hit Points through object marker being placed on the tiles. To pick up an object,
various means. A Hero or Monster can never regain more your Hero needs to be in any square adjacent to the object
Hit Points than his or her Hit Point total. Whenever a Hero during your Hero Phase. It does not take any action to pick
that has been reduced to 0 Hit Points regains any Hit Points, up an object. Your Hero can pick up any number of items, or
stand it back up—the Hero is back in the fight and can use even pick up items as he or she moves past them.
Powers and Items normally.

Destroying Objects
An Adventure might specify that an object needs to be
destroyed to win a particular scenario. If the object has an
Armor Class and Hit Points, your Hero can target it just like a
Monster. If your Hero has a power that attacks all Monsters
on a specifi c tile, it can also attack an object on that tile.
Once you deal damage equal to its number of Hit Points, you
destroy the object and remove its marker from the tile.

Disabling Traps
A Trap from an Encounter Card can be disabled. While a
Hero is on a tile with a Trap, he or she can attempt to disable
that Trap instead of attacking. If you roll the number listed on
the Trap card or higher, discard the Trap card and its marker.

Escaping the Dungeon

Some Adventures require Heroes to escape from the
To escape from the dungeon, your Hero needs to be on the
specified location (such as the ladder square on the Secure
Exit tile, the stairs on the Tunnel Exit tile, or the stairs on the
Start Tile) at the end of your Hero Phase. Once you have
escaped from the dungeon, you no longer take your Hero
Phase or Exploration Phase, or draw Encounter Cards, but
you do continue to take your Villain Phase and activate any
Monster Cards or Trap Cards that you control.


The Monster deck randomly determines the Monsters that
cross the Heroes’ paths as they explore.
Each Monster card shows a Monster’s defenses and attacks.

● Monster Name and Type: This shows the name of the

creature and what kind of creature it is.

● AC: This is the Monster’s Armour Class, its defence score

(see page 8).

● HP: This is the Monster’s Hit Points, its health score (see
page 8).

● Special Ability: If the Monster has a special ability, it is

shown here.

● Experience: This is how many Experience Points the

Monster is worth when you defeat it (see page 12).

● Tactics: Each Monster card provides a Monster’s tactics.

The tactics are a script that shows you what the Monster
does when you activate it during your Villain Phase.

● The Monster’s tactics are presented as a list. Each

possible tactic for the Monster starts with a statement.
If that statement is true, the Monster uses the resulting

● If the statement is not true, go on to the next statement.

The final entry in the tactics list is a default action that the
Monster follows if no other statements are true.

● If the tactic requires the Monster to move to a new tile,

place the Monster on the new tile’s Monster symbol if the
square is empty. Whenever possible, Monsters move from

tile to tile by following the Monster symbols. If the Monster
symbol square is occupied or the tile doesn’t have one, place
the Monster as close as possible to the monster symbol.

● If the tactic requires the Monster to move to be adjacent to

a hero, move the monster adjacent to the hero so he move
the shortest possible distance.

● Once a Monster has selected and followed one set of

tactics, the Monster’s turn ends. Do not continue to check its
remaining tactics that turn.

● Sometimes a Monster requires you to place a new Monster.

Add that Monster card to the end of any Monster cards you
control. The new Monster acts during your Villain Phase.

Villains: Villains are not drawn from the Monster deck.

Instead, their appearance is triggered by an event in the
adventure itself (typically when a certain tile is drawn from
the stack). Villain cards represent especially tough “boss”
Monsters and are considered Monsters for all purposes,
EXCEPT that Villains activate during each Hero’s Villain
Phase (see page X), rather than just on the turn of the player
who drew the card.


The Encounter deck represents the Events, Attacks, and
other threats that inhabit the dangerous locations that the
heroes explore in the world of Faerum. Whenever you draw
an Encounter card, apply its effects immediately.
You can cancel an Encounter card before applying its
effects by spending Experience Points (below).

“Active Hero” and “Your Hero”: Some Encounter cards

use the phrase “your Hero” or “active Hero.” The card affects
the Hero played by the player who drew the card. Other
game effects that refer to “the active Hero” affect whichever
Hero is taking a turn when they take place.

Events: An Event card is a strange occurrence, a dreadful

sight or sound, or some other incident that befalls your Hero.
the new one.
An Event takes place when you draw the card unless you
You can cancel an Environment Card with Experience
cancel it with Experience Points. Once you have resolved
Points, just like any other Encounter Card (see page X). If
the Event, discard it.
you cancel a new Environment Card when there is already
one in play, you do not discard the card that was already in
Most Events are yellow cards. A few Events include an attack
roll against one or more Heroes. These events appear on red
cards and are called Event-Attacks to distinguish them from
Events: An Event Card is a strange occurrence, a dreadful
the Events that don’t include an attack roll.
sight or sound, or some other incident that befalls your Hero.
An Event takes place when you draw the card unless you
Curses: Some Encounter Cards represent a curse that
cancel it with Experience Points. Once you have resolved
affects a single Hero. Place a Curse Card on top of your
the Event, discard it. Most Events are yellow cards. A few
Hero Card to remember its eff ect. Curses last a short time,
Events include an attack roll against one or more Heroes.
such as until you defeat a Monster or when you roll a 16 or
These events appear on red cards and are called Event—
higher at the end of your turn.
Attacks to distinguish them from the Events that don’t include
an attack roll.
Environment: An Environment Card represents a major
change in the dungeon. Bats might swarm through the
Hazards: A Hazard is an obstacle that slows your passage
corridors, or a cloud of thick mist might drift from chamber
through the dungeon. A rock fall blocks part of the corridor, or
to chamber. The effects of an Environment Card apply to all
red-hot lava pouring from a fissure slowly fills the dungeon.
Heroes. Place the Environment Card where everyone can
When you draw a Hazard Card, place the Hazard’s marker
see it.
on the active Hero’s tile. If there is already a marker on the
If you draw an Environment Card and there is already one
tile, discard the Hazard Card and draw a new Encounter
in play, discard the old Environment Card and replace it with

After placing the Hazard marker, put the Hazard Card roll, that Hero can choose to spend 5 Experience Points to
in front of you with any other Monster Cards you control. become 2nd level!
When you take your Villain Phase, the Hazard activates like Discard the Monster cards after you spend them. Flip your
a Monster. Unlike a Monster, Hazards lack tactics. Instead, 1st-level Hero Card over to the 2nd-level side. Levelling up
a Hazard takes the actions listed on its card. A Hazard might to 2nd level increases your Hit Points, your Armour Class,
attack all the Heroes on its tile, or it might attack the Hero and your Surge Value. It also allows you to choose a new
closest to it. A Hazard attacks just like a Monster. Daily power, and you gain the special ability to make critical
attacks (shown on the Hero Card).
Traps: Traps are like Hazards, except that Heroes have the In addition to the natural roll of 20, some treasure cards
option to disable a Trap. See page 10 for more information. like the Tome of Experience also provides an opportunity to
level up your Hero.
Heroes earn Experience Points by defeating Monsters. THE TREASURE DECK
When you defeat a Monster, the Hero who controls it puts The Treasure deck represents the magic items and other
that Monster card in the party’s collective Experience pile. valuables you can find in the clutches of your defeated
Each Monster card lists the Experience Points it provides. enemies. Once per turn, you can draw a Treasure card
The tougher the Monster, the more Experience Points it is when you defeat a Monster or Villain.
worth. Villains are worth Experience Points equal to their When your Hero defeats a Monster or Villain, draw a
level, usually 5 Experience points for normal villains and 10 Treasure Card. You can only gain one Treasure Card per
for Epic Villains. turn, no matter how many Monsters or villains you defeat
Heroes can spend Experience Points to cancel an during that turn.
Encounter card. They should decide together when to spend Each Treasure Card represents an item. Items provide a
Experience Points, but the active Hero can always choose to lasting benefit. When you draw an Item, decide if you want to
spend or not to spend Experience Points. keep it for your Hero or if you want to give it to another Hero.
Once you’ve decided who gets the Item, that hero place it in
Cancelling Encounter Cards front that hero’s card.
Cancelling an Encounter card represents using the hard- A Hero may later pass the item card to another hero, but
fought experience your Hero has gained to avoid danger. For in order to do it he most be adjacent to the chosen hero and
example, your Hero spots an ambush and avoids it before spend an action to pass the item.
it can be sprung, or avoids an Event before it inflicts any When you use a Treasure Card, follow the rules listed on it.
injuries. The Treasure Card also explains when you can use it.
Whenever you draw an Encounter card, you can spend a You can benefit from multiple Treasure Cards in play that
certain number of Experience Points, as shown on page X apply to your Hero. The only exception to this rule applies to
of the adventure book, to cancel it. The Monster cards you Items that provide attack or defence bonuses. A Hero can
choose from the Heroes’ Experience pile must add up to at only gain one attack bonus and one defence bonus from
least that number of Experience Points. Discard the cards items at a time.
after you spend them. You can’t use any excess points from
one cancellation in a later turn. This game includes two types of Treasure cards.
When you cancel an Encounter card, discard it and ignore
its effects. You can cancel an Encounter card only when you ● Fortunes are played immediately and provide an immediate
draw it. Once the card comes into play, you cannot cancel it benefit. If the benefit has no effect, nothing happens. Discard
on a later turn. a Fortune Treasure card immediately.

Example: There are three Monsters worth 3 Experience ● Items provide a lasting benefit. When you draw an Item
each and one Monster worth 2 Experience in the Heroe’s Treasure card, decide if you want to keep it for your Hero or
Experience pile. If you want to cancel an Encounter card for if you want to give it to another Hero. Place the Item Treasure
5 Experience Points (which is the cost during Adventures card in front of that Hero’s player.
1-4 or for heroes of level 1-2), you could spend one 3-point
Monster card and the 2-point Monster card. That would leave THE TRAP DECK
you with two 3-point Monster cards in the pile. If you then The Trap deck represents special, often deadly traps!
wanted to cancel another Encounter card, you would have Whenever you trigger a Trap token with “DRAW” printed on
to spend the two 3-point Monsters. Even though you have 6 it, you draw a Trap card, and place it with your Monsters. It
total Experience Points and need to spend only 5, you don’t will activate in turn order during step 3 of the Villain Phase.
have the right mix of cards to make exactly 5. The extra point These Complex Traps usually have a token associated
is wasted and the card is discarded, though you still cancel with them and the Trap card will tell you on which tile it
the Encounter card. should be placed.
A Hero may attempt to disable the Trap using the Disable
Levelling Up (One-shot adventures) Trap action (see page 10) but many have an effect if you fail
If you and your friends are playing a one-shot adventure, your the Disable roll.
heroes can reach up to level 2 during that mission. These
rules only apply to one-shot adventures, as for campaing
levelling system works different (see page 16).
A Hero starts play at 1st level. Whenever a Hero rolls
a natural 20 when making an attack roll or a disable trap

Some Adventures make use of optional rules and include
some or all of the pieces we suggested you set aside during
setup (see page 4). Here’s a brief rundown on some of these

Some Adventures use the Boon Cards. A Boon Card
provides the Heroes with an advantage after they overcome
a challenge.

When an Adventure uses the Chamber rules, add the
appropriate Chamber Entrance tile to the Dungeon Tile
Stack and place the appropriate Chamber Tiles Stack face
down nearby. You will also need either a specifi c Chamber
Card or the entire Chamber Card deck, depending on the
rules of the Adventure.
A Chamber represents the location of the climactic scene
of an Adventure and is filled with dangerous Monsters and
terrible Villains.
When you draw either the Dire Chamber Entrance or the
Horrid Chamber Entrance from the Dungeon Tile Stack,
place that tile according to the tile placement rules. Then
draw from the associated stack of Chamber Tiles, labelled
either “Dire Chamber” or “Horrid Chamber” as appropriate.
Draw and place an additional Chamber tile next to each
unexplored edge of the Chamber Entrance tile.
If one of the Chamber Tiles drawn is the Large Chamber,
you place additional Chamber Tiles next to each unexplored
edge of that tile as well.
After you’ve placed the Chamber Tiles, you draw the top
Chamber Card or a specifi c Chamber Card, depending on
the needs of the Adventure. Each Chamber Card sets up
a major encounter that challenges the Heroes. You might
discover a Villain to fight, villagers to rescue, or altars to

Filling the Chamber

Most Chamber Cards tell you to fill the Chamber in the
following way:

● Place the specific Monster or Villain called for on the

Chamber Card on any Chamber tile.

● Then, starting with the active Hero, each Hero draws a

Monster Card and places the corresponding figure. These
Monsters should be placed on empty Chamber Tiles first.
Once all tiles have been filled, you can place any remaining
Monsters on any Chamber Tile.

● To specify which Monster Cards were placed by a Chamber,

put a Shield marker on the Monster Card as a reminder.


The Spell deck represents the various spells cast by Each Chamber Card has a goal. This goal tells the Heroes
Treasures, Monsters and Traps. how to defeat the Chamber. (Most Adventure goals are also
Spells can be cast by Heroes and Monsters and the Spell the goals of the Chamber.) Goals typically include defeating
cards indicate how a Spell works depending on the caster. If a specified Villain or group of Monsters, but sometimes
a Hero is not casting the Spell then by default it is a Monster they include rescuing villagers, escaping the dungeon, or
casting the Spell. Once a Spell is cast, place the Spell card performing other tasks.
back in the Spell deck.
The Spell deck will be shuffled before another Spell card
is required to be drawn.

DOORS Advantage
Some Dungeon Tiles have an open door symbol. When an The presence of a champion uplifts your spirits. Patience in
Adventure uses the door rules and you draw a tile with an battle exposes your opponent’s weaknesses. These effects
open door, place the top Closed Door token on the symbol. A and others like them cause a Hero to gain Advantage.
Hero that is in a square adjacent to a Closed Door token can
try to open the door. Reveal what type of door it is by turning ● If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to gain
over the token. There are 3 types of doors: Advantage, put an Advantage marker on your Hero card.
You can have only one Advantage marker on your Hero card
● Unlocked: When you reveal an Unlocked Door, discard at a time.
the Closed Door token.
● While your Hero has Advantage, the next time he or she
● Trapped: When you reveal a Trapped Door, each Hero makes an Attack, roll the die twice and use the higher result.
adjacent to the Closed Door token immediately takes 1 Then, discard the Advantage marker.
damage. Then discard the Closed Door token.
● If your Hero gains Disadvantage while having Advantage,
● Locked: When you reveal a Locked Door, place the face- discard both markers.
up token back on the Dungeon Tile. While a Hero is adjacent
to a Locked Door, he or she can attempt to unlock the door Disadvantage
instead of attacking. If you roll a 10 or higher, you unlock the An enemy knows where to strike. A curse cast by an enemy
door. Discard the Closed Door token. debilitates you. These effects and others like them cause a
Hero to gain Disadvantage.
Some attacks, traps or encounters may inflict conditions upon ● If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to gain
the heroes. Conditions may change the hero performance, Disadvantage, put a Disadvantage marker on your Hero
reducing or improving his abilities. If more than one condition card. You can have only one Disadvantage marker on your
affects a character, apply them all. Hero card at a time.

If an effect inflict a condition on your hero or monster, place ● While your Hero has Disadvantage, the next time he or she
the appropriated condition marker on your hero card or place makes an Attack, roll the die twice and use the lower result.
a condition token in the monster, never duplicate condition Then discard the Disadvantage marker.
● If your Hero gains Advantage while having Disadvantage,
discard both markers. Monsters can also gain Advantage
and Disadvantage. This works exactly the same for them as
it does for a Hero.

Slowed ● At the end of your Hero Phase, roll the die. If your result is
A spider’s web wraps around a Hero, making it difficult for the 10 or higher, discard the Poisoned marker.
Hero to get away. A massive nets falls from the ceiling and
entangles the Hero in ropes. These attacks and others like Stunned
them cause a Hero to be Slowed. An Intellect Devourer attacks your mind. A spell of Fear
sends you scampering away. These effects and others like
● If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to become them cause a Hero or Monster to gain the Stunned condition.
Slowed, put a Slowed marker on your Hero Card. You can
have only one Slowed marker on your Hero Card at a time. ● If an attack or other effect causes a Hero or Monster to
become Stunned, put a Stunned marker on that Hero’s card
● If your Hero is Slowed, his or her Speed is reduced to 2. or that Monster’s figure.

● At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Slowed marker. ● While a Hero is Stunned, he skips his next hero phase
during his next turn and does nothing. After the hero skips
Immobilized his hero phase, resolve the remaining of his turn (exploration
A ghoul’s paralyzing claws infect a Hero with a deadly toxin phase, Villain phase, end phase), then discard the Stunned
that stops him or her from moving. A magical trap blasts an marker.
area with ice, freezing a Hero in place. These attacks and
others like them cause a Hero to be Immobilized. ● While a Monster is Stunned, it skips its next activation and
does nothing. After the Monster skips its activation, discard
● If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to become the Stunned marker.
Immobilized, put an Immobilized marker on your Hero Card.
You can have only one Immobilized marker on your Hero Weakened
Card at a time. A swipe from a Shadow drains your strength. A bite from a
Stirge makes you light-headed. These effects and others
● If your Hero is Immobilized, his or her Speed is reduced cause a Hero or Monster to gain the Weakened condition.
to 0—that Hero can’t move!
● If an attack or other effect causes a Hero or Monster to
● At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Immobilized become Weakened, put a Weakened marker on that Hero’s
marker. card or that Monster’s figure.

Dazed ● Weakened is a form of damage and therefore reduces your

The babble of a gibbering mouther makes it impossible to Hit Points. This damage, however, cannot be healed in the
concentrate. The spores of an underdark fungus cloud the normal way of regaining Hit Points: the only way to remove
mind. These attacks and others like them cause a Hero to Weakened markers is through an effect that removes
be Dazed. conditions or the spending of a Healing Surge.

● If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to become ● When a Hero spends a Healing Surge, ALL Weakened
Dazed, put a Dazed marker on your Hero Card. You can markers are removed first, then the Hero regains Hit Points
have only one Dazed marker on your Hero Card at a time. equal to his or her Surge Value.

● If your Hero is Dazed, instead of your normal Hero Phase,

you may perform only one of the following actions: Move or

● At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Dazed marker.

● If a power or other effect allows you to remove the condition

during your Hero Phase, you immediately regain your full
allotment of actions and can perform them that turn.

A snake’s bite injects foul venom into a wound. Toxic gas
seeps from the magma lakes below the dungeon floor. These
attacks and others like them cause a Hero to be Poisoned.

● If your Hero becomes Poisoned, put a Poisoned marker on

your Hero Card. You can have only one Poisoned marker on
your Hero Card at a time.

● If your Hero is Poisoned, he or she takes 1 damage at

the beginning of your Hero Phase. Take this damage before
using any Treasure Cards and before checking to see if you
must spend a Healing Surge.

Temple of Elemental Evil box)
One-shot Adventures - The jungles of Chult (using the jungle tiles from Tomb of
If you want to play a one shot adventure, this is easy. Just Annihilation box)
pick any of the adventures from the adventures booklets - The Tomb of Annihilation (using dungeon tiles from the
include in any of the adventure system boxes, or make a Tomb of Annihilation box)
random adventure as describe in the Master campaing book. - Undermountain (using tiles from The Legend of Drizzt box
and Dungeon of the Mad Mage Box)
Once you selected the adventure you must select the location
of the adventure and put aside the corresponding dungeon You could also create your own location mixing these
tiles, and finally you must build 3 decks for the adventure: tiles sets. Be creative and build a narrative around these
Treasure deck, Encounter deck and Monster deck. adventures!

Setting up a One-shot adventure. BUILDING THE TREASURE DECK

A single adventure or “quest” will take you and your friends First gather all treasure cards and you must separate your
from level 1 to 2, and will give you around 45 minutes of fun cards by gold cost (the price in gold of all items are marked
as you explore a Dungeon location. in the card):
You could just pick one of your Adventure system boxes and
use the coresponding decks and tiles, but if you want to mix Your Treasure Deck for a One shot adventure it should be
and match the components from your collection to create a made of 30 cards. To made this deck you must select:
vast range of possible adventure, just follow the following - 8x Fortune cards
steps. - 6 x items that cost 300 gp
- 6 x items that cost 600 gp
- 6 x items that cost 800-1000 gp
LOCATION - 2 x items that cost 1200-1500 gp
First you must select the location of the adventure, - 2 x items that cost 1800-2000 gp
imagining you have all the boxes from the Adventure
system you should have the following options:
First gather all Encounter cards and you must separate your
- Castle Ravenloft (using the tiles that came from the box
cards by encounter type (the type are properly marked by
“castle ravenloft)
name and different colour):
- The Caves under Firestorm peak (using tiles from the The
- Environment (Purple)
Legend of Drizzt Board Game box and the chamber tiles
- Event (lime)
from the Wrath of Ashardalon box)
- Event-attack (Red)
- The Dungeons under Firestorm peak (using tiles from the
- Curse (dark green)
Wrath of Ashardalon box)
- Trap (Blue)
- The Underdark (using tiles from the The Legend of Drizzt
- The temple of Elemental evil (using dungeon tiles from the

Your starting Encounter Deck it should be made of 40 SELECTING A VILLAIN FOR A MISSION
cards. To made these deck you must select at random: Many of the Adventures on the Adventure system end up
- 4x Environment (Purple) with a climatic battle between the heroes and some Villain.
- 16x Event (lime) Each Villain has an appropriated card that represent them
- 10x Event-attack (Red) and give them powers and tactics to face the heroes.
- 4x Curse (dark green) You can use any of the original villain cards from any of the
- 6 Trap (Blue) Adventure system boxes, but in this rules we updated all the
Villain cards (plus many new adversaries) to present a more
Especial: In Wrath of Ashardalon there is a series of five challenging and interesting game for you and your friends.
event cards designed to create swarms of certain types Each Villain card has to sides, each one showing a
of monsters. The text on these cards is nearly identical different version of that Villain: a normal side with a power
except for the types listed. If you add the cards Unnatural level of 5 (and worth 5 XP) that are intended for One-shots
Corruption, Duergar Outpost, Hall of Orcs, Kobold Warren, adventures, ignore the Epic Version for these adventures.
and Spotted! without careful consideration will render all but
the Kobold Warren card pointless.

If you add any of the following event cards to your deck, you
must place at least 10 monsters of the appropriated type
(in bracket) to your monster deck: Unnatural Corruption
(Aberrant), Duergar Outpost (Devil), Hall of Orcs (Orc),
Kobold Warren (Reptile), Spotted! (Sentry)


First gather all Monster cards in your collection and you
separate them by the XP value of the creature, these value
go from 1 up to 5 XP.

In some, but not all, boxes of Adventure system were

include 4 event monster cards. These are monsters that
instead of place a monster they do an event. These can be
divided in two type: one that do not place a monster and
one that force the player to Draw 2 more Monster cards and
play them both.

Your Monster Deck it should be made of 30 cards. To made

these deck you must select at random:
- 2x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster cards and play
them both
- 1x Shrieker*
- 9x random Monster cards of 1 XP (3 group of 3).
- 12x random Monster cards of 2 XP (4 group of 3).
- 2x random Monster cards of 3 XP (a pair).
- 2x random Monster cards of 4 XP (a pair).
* Shrieker (From the Dungeon of the Mad mage): For
each unexplored edge of the tile this monster would be
placed on, draw a dungeon tile from the top of the stack and
place it as though that ed had just been explored. At the
end of these rules are a set of cards you can print and use
in your deck if you do not have the originals.

Especial: when you select at random your monsters, try to

make groups of 2 or 3.

- The temple of Elemental evil (using dungeon tiles from the
CAMPAIGN BUILDING Temple of Elemental Evil box)
- The jungles of Chult (using the jungle tiles from Tomb of
With two or more boxes of the Adventure system, you will
Annihilation box)
have a vast selection of monsters, items and encounters to
- The Tomb of Annihilation (using dungeon tiles from the
build amazing adventures that link together form a campaign.
Tomb of Annihilation box)
Here we will see the steps you need to do to create an exiting
- Undermountain (using tiles from The Legend of Drizzt box
and challenging campaign.
and Dungeon of the Mad Mage Box)

STARTING A NEW CAMPAIGN You could also create your own location mixing these
The Adventure system comprises of more than five amazing tiles sets. Be creative and build a narrative around these
campaigns, starting with the Castle ravenloft, all the way to adventures!
the most current one (Dungeon of the mad mage, in 2019).
The original games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Asharadon, DECK BUILDING FOR THE CAMPAIGN.
and the legend of Drizzt) don’t have complex campaigns, Any game of Adventure system will use 3 decks of cards
keeping the game casual and fun. But you may like more for the adventure: the Treasure Deck, the Encounter Deck
to play a longer campaign, taking your heroes above level and the Monster Deck. Here we will explain you how
2. The boxes from the most recent adventures include new to ramdomize those card and decks so you can make
ways to expand your heroes powers (acquiring advancement interesting adventures.
tokens) and in the box Dungeon of the Mad mage bring new
levelling rules allowing your character to level all the way up
to level 4.
First gather all treasure cards and you must separate your
You can chose to play any of the campaigns as they are
cards by gold cost (the price in gold of all items are marked
written, but here we will present a new set of rules so you can
in the card):
build a 12 mission campaign that will take your heroes from
level 1 all the way to level 4.
- Fortune cards
- items that cost 300 gp
LOCATION - items that cost 600 gp
First you must select the location of the adventure, - items that cost 800-1000 gp
imagining you have all the boxes from the Adventure - items that cost 1200-1500 gp
system you should have the following options: - items that cost 1800-2000 gp

- Castle ravenloft (using the tiles that came from the box Your collection should also have 3 special treasure cards (if
“castle ravenloft) not, these are easy to print and add):
- The Caves under Firestorm peak (using tiles from the The - Pouch of copper: these are the cards that give the player
Legend of Drizzt Board Game box and the chamber tiles 100 gold pieces (Gp)
from the Wrath of Ashardalon box) - Bag of Silver: these are the cards that give the player 200
- The Dungeons under Firestorm peak (using tiles from the gp
Wrath of Ashardalon box) -Chest of gold: these are the cards that give the player 300
- The Underdark (using tiles from the The Legend of Drizzt gp

Especial: Any item that cost more than 2000 gp or has no Duergar Outpost, Hall of Orcs, Kobold Warren, and Spotted!
price must be put aside. without careful consideration will render all but the Kobold
Warren card pointless.
Your starting Treasure Deck it should be made of 30 cards.
To made these deck you must select: If you add any of the following event cards to your deck, you
- 10 Pouch of copper Cards (100 gp). must place at least 10 monsters of the appropriated type
- 2x Bag of Silver (200 gp). (in bracket) to your monster deck: Unnatural Corruption
- 1 x Chest of gold (300 gp). (Aberrant), Duergar Outpost (Devil), Hall of Orcs (Orc),
- 5x Fortune cards Kobold Warren (Reptile), Spotted! (Sentry)
- 8x items that cost 300 gp
- 4x items that cost 600 gp BUILDING THE MONSTER DECK
First gather all Monster cards in your collection and you
When your players reach level 2, or at the end of the 4th separate them by the XP value of the creature, these value
adventure (whichever is first) made the following changes go from 1 up to 5 XP.
to the Treasure deck:
In some, but not all, boxes of Adventure system were include
At the end of 4 event monster cards. These are monsters that instead of
Remove Add place a monster they do an event. These can be divided in
1x600 gp item, 1x two type: one that do not place a monster and one that force
1 1x 300gp item the player to Draw 2 more Monster cards and play them both.
Bag of Silver
2x Pouch of 1x600 gp item, 1x
2 In the legend of Drizzt you can find:
copper Bag of Silver
1x600 gp item,1x - Stalagmite: Event, Do not place a monster
3 1x 300gp item
Chest of gold - Hunting Party: Event, Draw 2 more Monster cards and play
1x Pouch of 1x800-1000 gp them both.
copper item
1x800-1000 gp From the Dungeon of the Mad mage we got:
5 1x 300gp item
item - Shrieker: For each unexplored edge of the tile this monster
1x Pouch of 1x800-1000 gp would be placed on, draw a dungeon tile from the top of the
6 stack and place it as though that ed had just been explored.
copper item
1x1200-1500 gp
7 1x 300gp item At the end of these rules are a set of cards you can print and
use in your deck if you do not have the originals.
1x Pouch of 1x1200-1500 gp
copper item Your starting Monster Deck it should be made of 32 cards. To
1x Pouch of 1x1200-1500 gp made these deck you must select at random:
copper item - 4x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
1x Pouch of 1x1800-2000 gp - 2x Monster Event:  Draw 2 more Monster cards and play
copper item them both
1x Pouch of 1x1800-2000 gp - 1x Shrieker
11 - 12x random Monster cards of 1 XP (6 pairs).
copper item
- 8x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs).
- 4x random Monster cards of 3 XP (two pairs).
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single monster).
First gather all Encounter cards and you must separate your
cards by encounter type (thease type are properly marked by
Especial: when you select at random your monsters, try to
name and different colour):
make groups of 2 or 3.
- Environment (Purple)
- Event (lime)
- Event-attack (Red)
- Curse (dark green)
- Trap (Blue)

Your starting Encounter Deck it should be made of 40 cards.

To made these deck you must select at random:
- 4x Environment (Purple)
- 16x Event (lime)
- 10x Event-attack (Red)
- 4x Curse (dark green)
- 6 Trap (Blue)

Especial: In  Wrath of Ashardalon  there is a series of five

event cards designed to create swarms of certain types of
monsters. The text on these cards is nearly identical except
for the types listed. If you add the cards Unnatural Corruption,

As the campaign progress the heroes will face new - 4x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
adversaries, these will bring higher threat to them and will - 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
keep the game exciting. cards and play them both
- 1x Shrieker
At the end of each adventure you must modify the Monster 2 - 12x random Monster cards of 1 XP (6 pairs).
deck, this will increase the danger of the encounters that - 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs).
the heroes will face on their next adventure, and they know - 4x random Monster cards of 3 XP (two pairs).
that even failing an adventure (and returning to town empty - 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
handed) or taking a detour to do a side quest, will bring more monster).
dangers in the future.
- 4x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
On the following table you will find the modifications you - 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
must do to the monster deck at the end of each adventure. cards and play them both
- 1x Shrieker
3 - 10x random Monster cards of 1 XP (5 pairs).
Adv. Remove Add - 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs).
2x Monster cards of 2 - 4x random Monster cards of 3 XP (two pairs).
1 -
XP (One pair) - 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
2x Monster cards of 1 monster).
2 -
XP (One pair) - 2x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
2x Monster Event: Do - 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
3 - cards and play them both
not place a monster
2x Monster cards of 1 2x Monster cards of 3 - 1x Shrieker
4 4 - 10x random Monster cards of 1 XP (5 pairs).
XP (One pair) XP (a pair)
- 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs).
2x Monster Event: Do 2x Monster cards of 2
5 - 4x random Monster cards of 3 XP (two pairs).
not place a monster XP (a pair)
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
2x Monster cards of 3 monster).
XP (a pair),
6 - - 2x Monster Event: Do not place a monster
1x Monster of 4 XP
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
(to complete the Pair)
cards and play them both
2 x Monster cards of 2x Monster cards of 3 - 1x Shrieker
7 1 XP (reduce present XP (a pair) 5 - 8x random Monster cards of 1 XP (4 pairs).
groups to pairs) - 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs).
1x random Monster - 6x random Monster cards of 3 XP (3 pairs).
2x Monster cards of 2
8 cards of 5 XP (Single - 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
XP (a pair)
monster) monster).
2x Monster cards of 2 2x Monster cards of 4 - 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
XP (a pair) XP (a pair) cards and play them both
1x random Monster - 1x Shrieker
2x Monster cards of 1 - 8x random Monster cards of 1 XP (4 pairs).
10 cards of 5 XP (Single 6
XP (One pair) - 12x random Monster cards of 2 XP(6 pairs).
11 1x Shrieker event card - - 6x random Monster cards of 3 XP (3 pairs).
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
2x Monster cards of 4
12 - monster).
XP (a pair)
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
2x Monster cards of 2 2x Monster cards of 3
13 cards and play them both
XP (a pair) XP (a pair)
- 1x Shrieker
- 8x random Monster cards of 1 XP (4 pairs).
As you campaign advances, your monster deck will change, 7
- 12x random Monster cards of 2 XP(6 pairs).
increasing on difficulty. Below is a list with the composition
- 8x random Monster cards of 3 XP (4 pairs).
of the monster deck at the beginning of the appropriated
- 2x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
Adjusting Difficulty: if you find an adventure is too difficult, - 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster
just adjust the monster deck going back one Adventure level. cards and play them both
If instead you and your friends find the encounters too easy - 1x Shrieker
increase the difficulty of the Monster deck by one level. 8 - 6x random Monster cards of 1 XP (3 pairs).
- 12x random Monster cards of 2 XP(6 pairs).
- 10x random Monster cards of 3 XP (5 pairs).
- 2x random Monster cards of 4 XP (a pair).

- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster SELECTING A VILLAIN FOR A MISSION
cards and play them both Many of the Adventures on the Adventure system end up
- 1x Shrieker with a climatic battle between the heroes and some Villain.
- 6x random Monster cards of 1 XP (3 pairs). Each Villain has an appropriated card that represent them
9 - 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(6 pairs). and give them powers and tactics to face the heroes.
- 10x random Monster cards of 3 XP (5 pairs). You can use any of the original villain cards from any of the
- 2x random Monster cards of 4 XP (a pair). Adventure system boxes, but in this rules we updated all the
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single Villain cards (plus many new adversaries) to present a more
monster). challenging and interesting game for you and your friends.
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster Each Villain card has to sides, each one showing a
cards and play them both different version of that Villain: a normal side with a power
- 1x Shrieker level of 5 (and worth 5 XP) that can be face by any player
- 6x random Monster cards of 1 XP (3 pairs). group of an APL of 1-5. And an Epic side that show a more
10 - 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(5 pairs). challenging version of that same villain, and is mend to be
- 8x random Monster cards of 3 XP (4 pairs). face by heroes with an APL of 6+.
- 4x random Monster cards of 4 XP (2 pairs).
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single SELECT THE ARCHVILLAIN FOR YOUR
monster). CAMPAING.
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster Every good story have a mayor adversary, an ultimate evil
cards and play them both you must stop. From the beginning you must select one of
- 1x Shrieker the final adversaries that you and your friend want to destroy
- 4x random Monster cards of 1 XP (2 pairs). from the selection of mayor villains like Count Strahd, the
- 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(5 pairs). dragon Ashardalon or the Demon Erru.
11 - 8x random Monster cards of 3 XP (4 pairs). When you define an Archvillain, he will be always be
- 4x random Monster cards of 4 XP (2 pairs). play using his EPIC stat block (see above). An Epic villain is
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single mend to be face by level 4 heroes with upgrades and great
monster). magic grear.
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster In the Adventure System Board Game, the Heroes will
cards and play them both adventure to new locations or new levels of a dungeon,
- 4x random Monster cards of 1 XP (2 pairs). exploring the most dangerous places in all the forgotten
- 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(5 pairs). realms. Each new location the heroes explore is more
- 8x random Monster cards of 3 XP (4 pairs). difficult than the last and thus requires more Experience to
- 4x random Monster cards of 4 XP (2 pairs). cancel Encounters.
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single The Heroes begin their adventures in the Yawning Portal
monster). in Waterdeep or in the city of Neverwinter, and will use this
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single location as its base of operations for the first four adventures.
monster). The first four adventures they undertake will take place in a
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster lower danger area, and It will cost the normal 5 XP to cancel
cards and play them both an Encounter in these adventures.
- 4x random Monster cards of 1 XP (2 pairs). As they progress in levels and move to explore more
- 10x random Monster cards of 2 XP(5 pairs). dangerous locations, will make harder to cancel encounters.
- 8x random Monster cards of 3 XP (4 pairs). As balancing, the cost of cancelling and Encounter card
13 is base on the mission of the campaign that the players are
- 6x random Monster cards of 4 XP (3 pairs).
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single playing or the Average Party level (whichever is higher). As
monster). shown on the table below, as you progress in the campaign it
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single will become more expensive to cancel encounters.
- 2x Monster Event: Draw 2 more Monster Adventure (Average Party
Xp to cancel
cards and play them both Level)
- 4x random Monster cards of 1 XP (2 pairs). 1-4 (1-2) 5 XP
- 8x random Monster cards of 2 XP(4 pairs). 5-8 (3) 7 XP
- 10x random Monster cards of 3 XP (5 pairs).
14 9-12 (4) 9 XP
- 6x random Monster cards of 4 XP (3 pairs).
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single
- 1x random Monster cards of 4 XP (Single

CHALLENGING After each adventure players will draw one (and only one)
Each time the Heroes complete an adventure without losing card from an special deck called “the event deck”. Each one
any Healing Surges, they begin the next adventure with 1 of this cards describe an event that takes place after the
less Healing Surge (to a minimum of 1). adventure that can have consecuences to the hero. Some
Each time the Heroes are defeated, they receive 1 extra events will grant heroes booms or gold, others will harm
Healing Surge the next time they attempt that adventure (to them or force them to avoid the settlement, and some will
a maximum of 4). alter the next adventure they will face.

Once each player have read their event cards, they can visit
LOSING AN ADVENTURE the settlement (if the event card allow it).
Heroes may lose and adventure, this can happens when any
of the heroes die and there is no more heling surges or if they
fail to fulfil the objectives of the mission.; THE SETTLEMENT
Whatever their size, Settlements in the forgotten realms are
If the heroes lose and Adventure, this is not the end of the busy places, teeming with activity as the inhabitants strive to
campaign, they just go back to town and try again. Repeating make a living. Pedlars accost the heroes on the streets to sell
a mission will do not increase the difficulty of the monster them trinkets, while merchants loudly proclaim the quality of
deck nor change the composition of the treasure deck, as their wares. To the weary traveller, such Settlements are like
the players will be doing the same mission (unless this was a an oasis in a desert, offering the prospect of a decent meal
bonus mission, in witch they cannot do again and they must and a real bed after months in the wild.
do the next campaign adventure). Unfortunately, there is another side to every Settlement,
lurking just below the gaudy and brash veneer of civilisation,
that the haggard and unkempt traveller would do well to be
BETWEEN ADVENTURES aware of. The heroes are regarded with a certain amount
The Heroes take some rest and shelter in a specific location of suspicion in most Settlements, and are often shunned
after each adventure, this place can be a small town, a or ignored completely. Traders may refuse to deal with
big city like Neverwinter or a solitary fortress close to the outlandishly dressed strangers, shutting up shop as they
dungeon. Whatever the place is, this is call the settlement approach.
by the heroes. The local militia will often detain such travellers,
questioning them about their intent, where they have come
Between each adventure the players must go back to the from and about events in the far flung places they have been
settlement, but before this happens each player must draw to. If the hero’s answers are deemed insufficient to allay the
an Event card from the event deck, once this card is resolve suspicions of the Guard Captain, in the best case they may
the player can visit the settlement (unless the card not allow be hauled before the local magistrates and unceremoniously
him to do it). hurled out of town. In the worst case, they may be convicted
of witchcraft and burnt at the stake.
Besides this sort of off-hand reception that the adventurers

may encounter they should also be vigilant of the pickpockets, his current levelx1000. So, to reach level 2, he must gather
muggers and cut-throats who wait down every back alley, 1000 gp and do the train action when he is in town (see town
ready to pounce on the unwary and relieve them of both their action below), when he do this the gold is consume and the
money and their lives. character advance to the next level. The amount of gold
needed to advance in level is shown on the table below:
After and adventure, a player must return to the Settlement Level Gold Needed to advance
to rest and recover. First he will sell all the extra loot he
1st 1000 gp
acquire in the adventure (as describe in the item capacity
section, see below), then the players must set the items, 2nd 2000 gp
advancement and spells available to purchase in town. 3rd 3000 gp
The Heroes collectively draw 4 random Treasure cards 4th 4000 gp
(discard any card that is not an item) and place them at one
side, these cards represent the items available to purchase
in the marked place, after this draw 3 advancement tokens ADVANCEMENT TOKENS
at random from the Advancement pool and place them at Your Hero can spend gold pieces to buy Advancement
side, these are the advancement that are available from the tokens as a training action. An Advancement token allows
settlement trainers this time. your Hero access to a specific benefit. A Hero can never
trade or give an Advancement token to another Hero.
Once the local marked and trainers are set, players can
chose to do one action in the settlement from the following The available tokens include:
list: ● Reroll: This token can be used to reroll any die rolled
- Level up during your Hero Phase.
- Buy advancements ● +1 Damage: This token can be used after you hit with an
- Visit the market place attack to deal +1 damage.
- Hire a mercenary ● +2 Attack: This token can be used after you roll a die in an
Attack to modify the roll upward by 2.
ITEM CAPACITY ● Regain 2 HP: This token can be used to regain 2 Hit Points.
You will find many items in your adventure, sadly you cannot ● Recharge: This token can be used to flip up any face down
carry all of them. Your character can carry a number of items Power or Treasure card, enabling another use of that card.
between adventures equal to his level, so a level 3 character
can only carry 3 items with him from one adventure to other, Each advancement token has a price listed on the card, this
any excess must be sold. price increase with each card purchased by the heroes, not
As you pick items during a mission you can carry them matter the heroes. So for example the advancement “+1
and use them, but when you return to town you must select damage” has a listed cost of 500/700/800, if a hero buy it will
what items you want to keep and sell the rest for half-their cost 500 gp for that hero, but later in the campaign another
price in gold pieces. different hero buy same advancement, he must now pay 700
gp (as it become rarer).
In the Adventure System Board Game, your hero will level up HIRE AN ALLY
when he has enough gold and stop in town to train, this is an Players reveal the top two cards from the ally deck, any
action he can take between adventures. player may hire any of those allies as an ally for 200 gp. You
To level up, he must amass an amount of gold equal to can only have one ally at any time.

D&D ADVENTURE SYSTEM FAQ What do I do when placing a Monster on a tile that has an
occupied bone pile?
We’ve scoured the message boards and our personal
You instead place the Monster on any square on that tile.
mailbags to put together this list of frequently asked questions
and the appropriate answers. Many of these have already
Where do I put a Monster that I move with one of my
been worked into the newest version of the Rulebook, but
Powers or Treasure cards?
some very specific questions still need answers. So here they
If you use a Power or Treasure card that moves a Monster,
are. And be sure to check out www.DungeonsandDragons.
you can place the Monster in any unoccupied square that
com for the most up-to-date rules and FAQ for the D&D
meets the effect’s requirements. For example, Tide of Iron
Adventure System board games.
allows you to place the Monster on any unoccupied square
on any tile within 1 tile of your Hero’s current location.
What does a Monster do when a Hero is at 0 Hit Points? What does “within 1 tile” mean?
Monsters ignore Heroes that are at 0 Hit Points. Follow the An object (such as another figure, a token or marker, or
tactics on a Monster’s card as though any Hero at 0 Hit an unexplored edge) is within 1 tile of a figure when that
Points were not there. If all of the Heroes are at 0 Hit Points object is on the figure’s current tile or on a tile connected
during a player’s Villain Phase, the Monsters do nothing and to the figure’s current tile. (Diagonally touching tiles are not
the phase ends immediately. adjacent.)


Markers are 2-inch squares used to show where something Bless (8): The attack bonus is granted to all Heroes within 1
is on a Dungeon tile. Markers represent Hazards, Traps, tile of the active Hero as soon as that Hero uses this power.
some Items, and some terrain features. If any of those Heroes then move away, they do not lose
the attack bonus. Likewise, Heroes cannot gain the attack
What do we do when we draw all the cards from a deck? bonus by later moving to within 1 tile of the Hero who used
If you play through an entire deck of cards, shuffle that deck’s this power.
discard pile and keep playing.
Consecrated Ground (9): If you discard a marker that was
Does each Hero maintain an Experience pile? placed by a persistent card (such as a Trap card), you also
Experience is a party resource. There is only one Experience discard that card.
pile, which all the Heroes share. Any Hero can choose to
spend Experience to cancel an Encounter card or to level up. Shield of Faith (10): The AC bonus is granted to all Heroes
Players should decide together when to spend Experience, within 1 tile of the active Hero as soon as that Hero uses
but the active Hero can always choose to spend or not to this power. If any of those Heroes then move away, they do
spend Experience. not lose the AC bonus. Likewise, Heroes cannot gain the AC
bonus by later moving to within 1 tile of the Hero who used
I just defeated a Monster by rolling 20. Can I use the this power.
Experience from that Monster to level up?
Yes. Cleave (12): If your Hero can’t move because of being
Immobilized, that Hero can still deal 1 damage to a Monster
What’s the difference between a Monster and a Villain? he or she is currently adjacent to.
A Villain is a special kind of Monster. Anything that affects a
Monster also affects a Villain. Illusionary Crowd (49): When you use this power, place
each Monster in play on any tile on or adjacent to the tile with
Do I get Experience for defeating a Villain? the Illusionary Crowd marker.
Yes. When you defeat a Villain, add the Villain’s card to the
Experience pile. That Experience can be spent just like other Music of the Damned (57): If both Monsters you draw are
Monster cards. the same level, you choose which one to play.

My Hero is currently not on a tile due to a Power or Cyrus Belview (62): You do not draw an Encounter card
Encounter card. What happens when another card is when you place the new tile.
drawn that affects each Hero?
A Hero might be trapped in a Pit or be or sucked into King Frenzy (63–64): If more than one Monster with the same
Tomescu’s Portal for a turn. A Hero that isn’t on a tile due name is in play, each of those Monsters activates twice!
to the effects of a card is not affected by other cards drawn
while he or she is not on a tile. Howl of the Wolf (66): If more than one Monster with the
same name is in play, only the chosen Monster activates.
Sometimes a Monster’s card says to move it adjacent to
the closest Hero. What do I do if that Monster is already Prowling Ghost (101): You do not draw an Encounter card
adjacent to a Hero? when you place the new tile.
You can simply leave the Monster where it is, or you can
move it to any other unoccupied square adjacent to that Alarm (104): The Monster placed by the Alarm activates
Hero. during the Villain Phase in which it is summoned.

Run! (154): Slowed Heroes have a Speed of 4 while this Experience is a party resource. There is only one Experience
blessing is in effect. Immobilized Heroes still can’t move. pile that all of the Heroes share. Any Hero can choose to
spend Experience to cancel an Encounter Card or to level up.
Lucky Find (170–171): Drawing additional Treasure cards is Players should decide together when to spend Experience,
optional. If you draw fewer than three, you still just keep one but the active player can always choose to spend or not to
and discard the others. spend Experience.

Boots of Striding (177): A Slowed Hero with this item has a I just defeated a Monster by rolling 20. Can I use the
Speed of 3. An Immobilized Hero still can’t move. Experience from that Monster to level up?
Slowed: This Condition takes effect during your Hero’s
move action and any time the Hero moves his or her Speed What’s the difference between a Monster and a Villain?
due to some other effect. The Hero can move more than A Villain is a special kind of Monster. Anything that affects a
his or her Speed if instructed to move to an adjacent tile. Monster affects a Villain. When you defeat a Villain, add the
Slowed Heroes can still swap positions with other figures or Villain’s card to the Experience pile. That Experience can be
be placed in new positions. spent just like other Monster cards.

Immobilized: This Condition takes effect during your Hero’s My Hero is currently not on a tile due to a Power or
move action and any time the Hero would move due to some Encounter Card. What happens when another card is
other effect. Immobilized Heroes can still swap positions with drawn that affects each Hero?
other figures or be placed in new positions. A Hero might be trapped in the Pit or sucked into King
Tomescu’s Portal for a turn. A Hero that isn’t on a tile due
CASTLE RAVENLOFT ADVENTURE to the affects of a card is not affected by other cards drawn
while he or she is not on a tile.
Coffins on Tiles: Coffins on tiles have no associated rules
unless otherwise specified by the adventure. Heroes can WRATH OF ASHARDALON SPECIFIC CARDS
move freely through them just like any other square. Blade Barrier (5), Box of Caltrops (139): These only affect
a Monster that ends its movement in a square containing a
Adventure 2: The Monsters placed on the Chapel tile are Blade Barrier or Caltrop token. A Monster that takes up more
in addition to the normally placed Monster. There should be than 1 square takes 1 damage for each square that contains
one more Monster on the tile than the number of players. a token.

Adventures 2 and 4: The Encounter card drawn every Astral Refuge (8): When a Hero that is not on a tile draws
Villain Phase is in addition to any other Encounter card that an Encounter Card that refers to that Hero’s tile, that part of
might be drawn. If you don’t explore during your Exploration the card has no effect. This could result in an Encounter Card
Phase, you’ll draw 2 Encounter cards! that has no effect. Discard the card.

Adventure 4: The number of Treasure cards required to win Inspiring Advice (18): A Hero may use this power only once
includes the Items that the Heroes enter the dungeon with. per attack. If the attack still misses, you cannot expend this
Fortunes and Blessings, however, do not count towards the power again this turn.
required number of Treasure cards; only Items. Heroes who
leave the dungeon no longer draw Encounter cards. Positioning Shot (34): Place the Monster on any square
within 1 tile of your Hero’s current position, not the original
position of the Monster.

WRATH OF ASHARDALON F.A.Q Dragon’s Tribute (59): If you aren’t using the Treasure
Tokens in this adventure, draw 2 Treasure Cards and select
What does a Monster do when a Hero is at 0 Hit Points? the one with the lower gold piece (gp) value. If the values are
Monsters ignore Heroes that are at 0 Hit Points. Follow the the same, pick the one that you want.
tactics on a Monster’s card as though any Hero at 0 Hit
Points is not there. If all of the Heroes are at 0 Hit Points Wall of Magma (64): A Hero is adjacent to a wall if the
during a player’s Villain Phase, the Monsters do nothing and square he or she is in shares an edge with that wall. If the
the phase ends immediately. square shares a single corner with the wall, the Hero is not
adjacent to the wall.
What is a Marker?
Markers are 2-inch squares used to show where something Hidden Treasure (70): If you aren’t using the Treasure
is on a Dungeon Tile. Markers represent hazards, traps, Tokens in this adventure and you draw this card, draw and
some items, and some terrain features (such as the Vast place a Treasure Card on the tile. A Hero that ends his or her
Gate). Hero Phase on the tile can claim the Treasure Card.

What do we do when we draw all the cards from a deck? Pit (98): If a Hero falls into the Pit, place the Hero’s figure
If you play through an entire deck of cards, shuffle that deck’s on the Pit card. When a Hero that is not on a tile draws an
discard pile and keep playing. Encounter Card that refers to that Hero’s tile, that part of the
card has no effect. This could result in an Encounter Card
Does each Hero maintain an Experience pile?

that has no effect. Discard the card. When the Hero escapes Monster also affects a Villain.
from the pit, place the Hero’s figure in any square adjacent to
the Pit marker on the tile. Do I get Experience for defeating a Villain?
Yes. When you defeat a Villain, add the Villain’s card to the
Lava Flow (100): When the lava flow is disabled, remove all Experience pile. That Experience can be spent just like other
lava flow markers from the tiles. Monster cards.

Legion Devil (122–124): If you draw a Legion Devil card and My Hero is currently not on a tile due to a Power or
there are already Legion Devils active, add Legion Devils Encounter card. What happens when another card is
until there are 3 in the dungeon. This may mean that you drawn that affects each Hero?
place no new Legion Devils. When all of the active Legion A Hero might be trapped in the Pit or be hiding for a turn.
Devils are defeated, add all of the Legion Devil Monster A Hero that isn’t on a tile due to the effects of a card is not
Cards in play to the Experience pile. affected by other cards drawn while he or she is not on a tile.

Flying Carpet (145): You may place the Flying Carpet under Sometimes a Monster’s card says to move it adjacent to
your Hero, but it must be placed on a single tile. A Hero can the closest Hero. What do I do if that Monster is already
move on to and off the Flying Carpet as though it were any adjacent to a Hero?
other square. You can simply leave the Monster where it is, or you can
move it to any other unoccupied square adjacent to that
Tome of Experience (163): Don’t spend Experience to level Hero.
up by using the Tome of Experience.
What do I do when placing a Monster on a tile that has an
Wand of Polymorph (166): The wand’s power does not occupied mushroom patch?
work on Villains. You instead place the Monster on any square on that tile.

VILLAIN CLARIFICATION Where do I put a Monster that I move with one of my

Rage Drake: Once the Rage Drake takes 6 damage, flip Powers or Treasure cards?
over the Villain Card to the Enraged Rage Drake side. It You can place the Monster in any unoccupied square that
takes 10 total damage to defeat the Enraged Rage Drake. meets the effect’s requirements. For example, Tide of Iron
allows you to place the Monster on any unoccupied square
on any tile within 1 tile of your Hero’s current location.

THE LEGEND OF DRIZZT F.A.Q What does “within 1 tile” mean?

An object (such as another figure, a token or marker, or
What does a Monster do when a Hero is at 0 Hit Points? an unexplored edge) is within 1 tile of a figure when that
Monsters ignore Heroes that are at 0 Hit Points. Follow the object is on the figure’s current tile or on a tile connected
tactics on a Monster’s card as though any Hero at 0 Hit to the figure’s current tile. (Diagonally touching tiles are not
Points were not there. If all of the Heroes are at 0 Hit Points connected.)
during a player’s Villain Phase, the Monsters do nothing and
the phase ends immediately.
What is a marker?
Mark of Lolth (6–10, 108–110): The newly cursed Hero
Markers are 2-inch squares used to show where something
takes 1 damage when this card is played. A Hero takes only
is on a Cavern or Dungeon tile. Markers represent Hazards,
1 damage when a Mark of Lolth card is played, regardless
Traps, some Items, and some terrain features (such as the
of how many Curse cards that Hero has. This damage also
Crystal Prison).
applies if a Hero has Curse cards from other D&D Adventure
System games.
What do we do when we draw all the cards from a deck?
If you play through an entire deck of cards, shuffle that deck’s
Dinin Do’Urden, Drider (26): If you are playing a solo game,
discard pile and keep playing.
you do not pass the card after Dinin acts.
Does each Hero maintain an Experience pile?
Feral Troll (30, 131): If you are playing a solo game, you do
Experience is a party resource. There is only one Experience
not pass the card after the Feral Troll acts.
pile, which all the Heroes share. Any Hero can choose to
spend Experience to cancel an Encounter card or to level up.
Hypnotic Spirit (38–39, 135): If your Hero is Immobilized,
Players should decide together when to spend Experience,
he or she does not move toward the Hypnotic Spirit.
but the active Hero can always choose to spend or not to
spend Experience.
Khazid’hea (46): You do not take the damage from using
this power until after all attacks are completed. If an effect
I just defeated a Monster by rolling 20. Can I use the
(for example, from Battle Trance) allows you to regain Hit
Experience from that Monster to level up?
Points when attacking, you regain the Hit Points before
taking the damage from Khazid’hea.
Ruby Pendant (70): You can deal the 1 damage to any
What’s the difference between a Monster and a Villain?
Monster on the Monster’s tile, including the Monster targeted
A Villain is a special kind of Monster. Anything that affects a

by the attack. Experience pile. Each Villain’s Experience is equal to its
level. That Experience can be spent just like other Monster
Battlefield Promotion (75): A Hero doesn’t spend cards.
Experience to level up by using this card.
My Hero is currently not on a tile due to a Power or
Drizzt (Ally) (103), Wulfgar (Ally) (107): If no Monster is in Encounter card. What happens when another card is
play, the Ally does nothing. drawn that affects each Hero?
A Hero that isn’t on a tile due to the effects of a card is not
Hunting Party (138–139): If any of the cards you draw affected by other cards drawn while he or she is not on a tile.
match a Monster that you already control, discard that card
and draw a new one. Sometimes a Monster’s card says to move it adjacent to
the closest Hero. What do I do if that Monster is already
Immobilized: This Condition takes effect during your Hero’s adjacent to a Hero?
move action and any time the Hero would move due to some You can simply leave the Monster where it is, or you can
other effect. Immobilized Heroes can still swap positions with move it to any other unoccupied square adjacent to that
other figures or be placed in new positions. Hero.

VILLAIN CLARIFICATION What do I do when placing a Monster on a tile that has an

Yochol, Handmaiden of Lolth: This Villain’s card starts occupied Monster symbol?
with the Drow Form side face up. Once the Yochlol takes 5 You instead place the Monster on any square on that tile.
damage, flip over its Villain card. It takes 10 total damage to
defeat the Yochlol, regardless of which side of its Villain card Where do I put a Monster that I move with one of my
is showing. Powers or Treasure cards?
You can place the Monster in any unoccupied square that
Dark Chasm/Underground River meets the effect’s requirements. For example, Ring of the
The squares of the chasm or river are impassable to figures Ram allows you to place the Monster on any unoccupied
with bases that occupy only 1 square; you cannot place a square on any tile within 2 tiles of your Hero’s current location.
figure in those squares or move one through them, only the
bridge squares. A larger figure, such as Errtu or a Feral Troll, What does “within 1 tile” mean?
can occupy such a square as long as the figure is also on at An object (such as another figure, a token or marker, or an
least 1 bridge square. A Hero cannot use an effect to place unexplored edge) is within 1 tile of a figure when that object
a Monster in a chasm or river square unless the adventure is on the figure’s current tile or on a tile connected to the
specifically allows it. figure’s current tile and not separated by a wall. (Diagonally
touching tiles are not connected.)

TEMPLE OF ELEMENTAL EVIL F.A.Q What if I have to make a choice and there’s more than
one option?
What does a Monster do when a Hero is at 0 Hit Points? Whenever there is more than one option for a choice, the
Monsters ignore Heroes that are at 0 Hit Points. Follow the active Hero chooses.
tactics on a Monster’s card as though any Hero at 0 Hit
Points were not there. If all of the Heroes are at 0 Hit Points
during a player’s Villain Phase, the Monsters do nothing and
the phase ends immediately. CARDS
Cultist Fervor (58): The newly placed Monster will also
What do we do when we draw all the cards from a deck? activate normally during your Villain Phase.
If you play through an entire deck of cards, shuffle that deck’s
discard pile and keep playing. Water Elemental (184): If mixing Adventure System games,
treat the Water Elemental Monster card in this game as a
Does each Hero maintain an Experience pile? separate monster from the Water Elemental Monster cards
Experience is a party resource. There is only one Experience from the Legend of Drizzt Board Game.
pile, which all the Heroes share. Any Hero can choose to
spend Experience to cancel an Encounter card. Players
should decide together when to spend Experience, but the
active Hero can always choose to spend or not to spend

What’s the difference between a Monster and a Villain?

A Villain is a special kind of Monster. Anything that affects a
Monster also affects a Villain.

Who controls the Villain?

The active player controls the Villain.

Do I get Experience for defeating a Villain?

Yes. When you defeat a Villain, add the Villain’s card to the

The F.A.Q of both box games (the Tomb of Annihilation and
the Dungeon of the mad mage) share the same questions
and answers.

What do we do when we draw all the cards from a deck?

If you play through an entire deck of cards, shuffle that deck’s
discard pile and keep playing.

Sometimes a Monster’s card says to move it adjacent to

the closest Hero. What do I do if that Monster is already
adjacent to a Hero?
You can simply leave the Monster where it is, or you can
move it to any other unoccupied square adjacent to that

What happens when my Ally defeats a Monster?

The Monster goes to the Experience Point pile but you do
NOT draw a Treasure card for the defeated Monster.

When a card specifies that an effect happens with a

certain rolled number, does that include any modifiers?
No. That roll has to be natural - unmodified.

Where do I put a Monster that I move with one of my

or Treasure cards?
You can place the Monster in any unoccupied square that
meets the effect’s requirements.

What does “within 1 tile” mean?

An object (such as another figure, a token or marker, or an
unexplored edge) is within 1 tile of a figure when that object
is on the figure’s current tile or on a tile connected to the
figure’s current tile and not separated by a wall. (Diagonally
touching tiles are not connected.)

What if I have to make a choice and there’s more than

one option?
Whenever there is more than one option for a choice, the
active Hero chooses.

● While your Hero has Advantage, ● While your Hero has Disadvan- ● If your Hero is Slowed, his or her
the next time he or she makes an tage, the next time he or she Speed is reduced to 2.
Attack, roll the die twice and use makes an Attack, roll the die twice
the higher result. Then, discard and use the lower result. Then ● At the end of your Hero Phase,
the Advantage marker. discard the Disadvantage marker. discard the Slowed marker.

● If your Hero gains Disadvantage ● If your Hero gains Advantage

while having Advantage, discard while having Disadvantage,
both markers. discard both markers. Monsters
can also gain Advantage and
Disadvantage. This works exactly
the same for them as it does for a


● If your Hero is Dazed, instead of
● If your Hero is Immobilized, his your normal Hero Phase, you may ● If your Hero is Poisoned, he or
or her Speed is reduced to perform only one of the following she takes 1 damage at the begin-
0—that Hero can’t move! actions: Move or Attack. ning of your Hero Phase. Take this
damage before using any Treasu-
● At the end of your Hero Phase, ● At the end of your Hero Phase, re Cards and before checking to
discard the Immobilized marker. discard the Dazed marker. see if you must spend a Healing
● If a power or other effect allows
you to remove the condition during ● At the end of your Hero Phase,
your Hero Phase, you immediately roll the die. If your result is 10 or
regain your full allotment of higher, discard the Poisoned
actions and can perform them that marker.

● While a Hero is Stunned, he skips ● Weakened is a form of damage and
his next hero phase during his next therefore reduces your Hit Points.
turn and does nothing. After the This damage, however, cannot be
hero skips his hero phase, resolve healed in the normal way of regaining
the remaining of his turn Hit Points: the only way to remove
(exploration phase, Villain phase, Weakened markers is through an
end phase), then discard the Stun- effect that removes conditions or the
ned marker. spending of a Healing Surge.

● While a Monster is Stunned, it ● When a Hero spends a Healing

skips its next activation and does Surge, ALL Weakened markers are
nothing. After the Monster skips its removed first, then the Hero regains
Hit Points equal to his or her Surge
activation, discard the Stunned

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