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Potential Theory Questions

Define Vernacular Architecture

Explain the various factors influencing vernacular architecture
Explain the various components of vernacular architecture
Describe the various steps in systematic methods of studying vernacular architecture
Explain documentation in study of vernacular architecture
Explain the various types of documentation and its needs
Explain the various approached in studying vernacular architecture
Explain the importance of different approaches of studying vernacular architecture and their
With example describe the influence of climate on vernacular architecture
Describe the views of Amos Rappoport on the influence of culture on the form of habitats.
Give examples
Explain the planning of any two vernacular cities in India
Explain the physical features of any heritage vernacular building in India
Write a note on the importance of symbols in vernacular architecture with an example
Explain the climatic significance of the following vernacular elements
 Step Wells
 Courtyards
 Temple Ponds
 Fort walls
 Wind catcher
 Jharokas or traditional bay windows in Indian buildings
Comment on the sustainable considerations of vernacular architecture with examples
Explain the planning of the following vernacular towns with diagrams
Fort Kochi
Explain the contributions of any two architects who are pioneers in practicing vernacular
Explain the need for studying vernacular architecture
Describe the need for documenting traditional buildings and its relevance in architectural
Explain with an example how vernacular architecture is fine tuned through repeated trial
and error
Explain with an example security and military consideration sin vernacular architecture
Explain the types and importance of courtyards in India
Explain methods of documenting vernacular buildings
Explain with an example the influence of climate on vernacular construction
Discuss the influence of culture and traditions on vernacular architecture with an example
Vernacular Architecture is an approach towards a sustainable future architecture- Discuss
Explain the vernacular aspects in tribal construction
Explain Nalukettu typology of Kerala
Explain vernacular construction of any one Indian state with example and sketches
Explain with an example how fold art has been used in vernacular architecture
Explain any three vernacular materials and its properties
Explain disaster resistance construction techniques in vernacular construction with an
Explain with sketches the vernacular aspects of architect Laurie Baker

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