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When the body is cremated, Lord Agni consumes only the body, and the departed soul, ‘the

unborn part’ (RV. 10-16-4) issues forth as from the father or mother (SB 2-2-4-8) furnished with
a body, all lustrous (RV.10-56-1) and free from imperfections (Atharva Veda. A.V.6-120-3)

>Dismiss again to the Pitṛs, Agni, him who offered on you, comes with the svadhās; putting
on(celestial) life, let the remains (of bodily life) depart; let him, Jātavedas, be associated with a
body.” (RV.10.16.5)

Svadha here is natural power. The remains go to the Earth, and the unborn(Aja) finds a new

Lord Agni is supplicated to see that he may assume life and a new body and increase his
offspring in RV.10-16-5

The departed soul is asked to take a new body in RV.10-14-8

(RV stands for Rigveda, SB for Satapatha Brahmana and AV for Atharva Veda)

In the Yajurveda (Yajurveda 19.7), we see

>There are two paths for the soul. One path Pitryana provides birth again and again through
union of father and mother, good and bad deeds, happiness and sorrow. The other path of
Devayana frees the soul from cycle of birth and death and provides bliss of salvation. The whole
world reverberates with both these paths. And after both, the soul again takes birth as progeny
of father and mother

In the 3rd book of the Shukla Yajurveda

>We call the spirit hither with a hero-celebrating strain, Yea, with the Fathers’ holy hymns (53)

>The spirit comes to us again for wisdom, energy, and life, That we may long behold the Sun

The spirit here denotes Atma which comes to us (human beings) after being somewhere for
sometimes. Since it is clearly written that it comes again, it clearly denotes reincarnation

In the Atharva Veda (9th Mandala and 10th Suktam)

>Back, forward goes he, grasped by power inherent, immortal born the brother of the mortal.
Ceaseless they move in opposite directions: men mark the one and fail to mark the other (16)

The he mentioned here is Atma which is immortal and the mortal here is body. It also says men
will notice only one thing (mortal body) and fail to notice the other (Atman).
In the Rigveda again we find(R.V III.1.20-21)

>These O Agni are your perpetual births, new for the ancient one that I declare. For the great
bull these sessions are made. The knower of birth is hidden in every birth (janman janman nihita

>In every birth is hidden the knower of all births. By the Vishvamitras he is en-kindled unbroken.

Agni though exists as the fire and the physical deva, but he also symbolizes the individual
reincarnating soul that is present in the human being like a flame within the heart, which is also
a common Upanishadic image. This is reflected in Agni’s Vedic name as Jatavedas or the
knower of birth, meaning also a knower of karma and rebirth.

We see again

>For the holy Gods Savitar first created immortality, the highest portion. Then as a bondage for
mortals he unfolded successive lives (anucina jivita).

Rig Veda IV.54.2

(One interpretation I have heard is that here Savitar is taken to mean the truth because, no one
created samsara it was always there due to our ignorance, the verse is just symbolic telling us
how from the truth has ignorance arisen, this ignorance is binding us to mortal existence and
immortality is moksha which is attained by breaking free from samsara)

In the Rigveda 10.58.1-12 mantras are referring to Manas, the Soul, and the prayers signify,
irrespective of where it may be wandering, that the Soul return to the body, which appears to be
dead. It's definitely hinting at Rebirth.

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