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2\® ® VISION IAS I SUBJECT: Test Code: || 0 Name of Candidate | KJDH\ BANSAL ‘Medium Hindl/Eng, Registration Number a a No. Marks Obtained ypropr ye answ I | few nee tH, rs ‘ | rend warn ate Total Marks Obtained: elon eet een rie Cee A Pa EVALUATION INDICATORS Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: 1 2 3. 4 5. 6 7 Alignment Competence Context Competence Content Competence Language Competence Introduction Competence Structure - Presentation Competence Conclusion Competence All the Best VISION IAS” SECTION A adored Opa, generally com Oe Apursows Wrosmguh objet + “the TSG, speach 4 dowg abuse Puy fume dae #8 Asbphy , Buk Ko govennnnsnk aller o\jivena Lys eduction Ua —- REGUEATION Vvecause , OPO Low's de medicok gon en eke - ove 1 jude . 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