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I. Choose the word that has different stress.

1. a. earthquake      b. transaction            c. applicant                d. patriot
2. a. degree              b. virtually                c. assembly               d. synthetic
3. a. coincide          b. community            c. conception           d. committee
4. a. envelope           b. astronaut              c. tuberculosis         d. poverty
5. a. altitude            b. recover                  c. comedy                  d. library
II. Choose the word that has the different pronounced underlined part.

6. A. helps   B. laughs   C. cooks        D. finds

7. A. neighbors                 B. friends   C. relatives       D. photographs

8. A. snacks      B. follows     C. titles      D. writers

9. booked                  B. watched  C. jogged D. developed

10.  A. contributed B. jumped C. introduced D. vanished

III. Choose the correct answer

11. This is the first time I have seen this car. Where ..................?
A. did it make B. did it made C. was it make D. was it made
12. I was born and grew up in this village.
A. It was this village that I was born and grew up.
B. It was in this village I was born and grew up.
C. It was in this village that I was born and grew up.
D. It was in this village where I was born and grew up.
13. Pioneers, ______ in isolated areas of the United States, were almost totally self-sufficient.
A. who living B. living C. lived D. that lived
14. I.............along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
A. was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked
15. When I last...............Jane, she find a job.
A. see/was trying B. saw/was trying C. have seen/tried D. saw/tried
16. Mexico City, ______ is the fastest growing city in the world , has a population of over 10 million.
A.what B.which C. that D.where
17. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman ______ governor in the United States.
A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as
18. She .............German for two years.
A. has learnt B. is learning C. learn D. learns
19. When the first child was born, they.............married for three years.
A. have been married B. had been married C. will been married D. will have been married
20. The girl ______ is our neighbor.
A. talks to the lady over there C. was talking to the lady over there
B. is talking to the lady over there D. talking to the lady over there
21. The house belongs to Mr. John. It is being built now.
A. The house is being built now belongs to Mr. John.
B. The house built now belongs to Mr. John.
C. The house being built now belongs to Mr. John.
D. The house to built now belongs to Mr. John.
22. Yesterday I passed by Peter's house, but the front door was closed. He .....out.
A. went B. must have gone C. has gone D. had had
23. I come from Canada.Where .............from?
A. do/come B. did/ come C. are coming D. have/come
24. The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot.
A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot.
B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot.
C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot.
D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot.
25. We're going to be late if_____
A. we not leave right now B. didn’t leave C. won't leave D. we don’t leave
26. Ms Young, to ______ many of her students are writing, is living happily and
peacefully in Canada.
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose

27. Today, many serious childhood diseases .................... by early immunization.

A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
28. Why me like that? What's the matter?
A. do you look B. have you looked C. did you look D. are you looking
29. If I meet an alien from outer space, I _____ him to my home.
A. will invite B. would invite C. invite D. invited
30. Mr Smith, ______ a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital.
A. that is B. who was C. who is D. is
31. Where is the house______ ?
A. whom they are living B. which they are living
C. in which they are living D. where they are living in
32. If my candidate had won the election, I _____ happy now.
A. am B. would be C. was D. can be
33. I wish Janet_____ to the meeting this afternoon.
A. came B. will come C. can come D. could come
34. If we_____ more time, we'd plant a garden.
A. have B. has C. had D. having
35. "What happened to the postman?" "He ...................... to a new town to work."
A. has sent B. was send C. was sent D. sent
36. Excuse me. Is this seat..................?
A. taking B. took C. occupy D. taken
37. If you_____ to be chosen for the job, you'll have to be experienced in the field.
A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants
38. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy_____
A. might be saved B. have been saved C. was saved D. might have been saved
39. If I had lived in the nineteenth century,_____ a horse and a carriage.
A. I'd have owned B. I would have owned C. I would have owned d. a or c
40. Whole-grain food products …………….. in most large supermarkets across the United States and
A. now can purchase B. can now be purchased C. now to purchase D. the purchase of
41. All that rubbish will have to be ............. at once.
A. get rid of B. got rid of C. got rid of D. getting rid of
42. If you just approach the job with the right attitude, things_____ well.
A. would have turned out B. will turn out C. would turn out D. turns out
43. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now ______ on the campus of Princeton University.
A. standing B. it stands C. has stood D. stood
44. We visited Hanoi, which is the capital of VN.
A. We visited Hanoi, the capital of VN.
B. We visited Hanoi, is the capital of VN.
C. We visited Hanoi, being the capital of VN.
D. We visited Hanoi, where is the capital of VN.
45. I_____ you to the woman I was speaking with, but I couldn't think of her name.
A. will introduce B. would introduce C. would have introduced D. couldn't have introduced
IV. Reading
As a way of living, lifestyle is everyday behaviors, activities, and diet. It involves your work, leisure activities,
food and drink consumption, and interaction with people. That is why it is important to have a healthy lifestyle.
Although it is often difficult to change your habits, reorganizing your daily activities to achieve a healthy
lifestyle is not impossible. Here are some steps you need to take to have a better life and health.
Become more active
Scientists have proved that regular exercise can help to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
Remember that you do not need to do too much exercise – just a 30-minute walk a day will bring health
benefits. But it is important that you do it regularly and safely. Simple things like walking or cycling to school,
using the stairs instead of the lift, doing the housework and gardening can all contribute to good health.
Moreover, hobbies such as dancing, reading, listening to music, playing chess, and solving crossword or sudoku
puzzles are also good ways to keep your body and mind engaged, and increase life expectancy. No matter
where you are – at home, at work, or at play – always look for opportunities to be more active and energetic.
Eat healthily
‘Eat to live, not live to eat’ is the advice to follow. The food and drink we consume can dramatically affect our
health. Bad nutrition based on fast food, and meals high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, some
types of cancer and other chronic diseases. Planning and following a healthy and balanced diet is not difficult at
all. Eat the right amount of calories to balance the energy you get from food and the energy you use. Make sure
you have a wide range of foods to receive all the nutrients you need. Remember to eat less saturated fat, sugar
and salt, and more fish, fruit, and vegetables.
Stay positive and be happy
Once you have started to be more active and eat more healthily, you can notice that you also feel happier. There
is no doubt that daily worrying and stress can damage your heart and brain. When you are under a lot of stress,
you may get angry easily. Anger and hostility have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Recent
research has confirmed that angry, hostile people live a shorter life. Try to control your anger, always look at
the positive side of every situation and be optimistic. If necessary, practices or-e meditation and yoga to help
you to relieve your stress and anger, and enjoy life more.
46. Why is lifestyle an important factor for healthy living?
47. What lifestyle changes does the writer recommend?

48. What are the benefits of regular exercise?

49. How can you keep your body and mind active?

50.What are the main principles of healthy eating?


46. Because it involves one’s work, leisure activities, food and drink consumption, and interaction with
47. Becoming more active, eating more healthily, and staying positive and happy.
48. It can help to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
49. By having hobbies such as dancing, reading, listening to music, playing chess, and solving crossword
or sudoku puzzles.
50. Eating the right amount of calories and a wide range of foods to receive all the nutrients the body
needs, and consuming less saturated fat, sugar and salt, and more fish, fruit, and vegetables.

University graduates hoping to get a job as an investment banker in London could be disappointed
if they wear brown shoes to their job interview. A new report highlights how the investment
banking industry in the UK follows centuries-old, unwritten rules about how bankers should
conduct themselves. The study was undertaken by the British government’s Social Mobility
Commission. Researchers looked at how the industry selected people in job interviews. They found
that the industry was governed by “relatively opaque” codes of conduct. They wrote: “For men, the
wearing of brown shoes with a business suit is generally considered unacceptable…within
investment banking.”
The survey suggested that people from working class backgrounds had to change their behaviour to
fit in with bankers who were from middle and upper classes. One newly-appointed banker said: “I
felt like my accent was a bit out of place, so I changed it.” The study also said the industry
discriminated against those who did not go to elite universities. The Commission’s chairman said:
“Bright, working-class kids are being systematically locked out of top jobs in investment banking
because they did not attend a small handful of elite universities.” He added: “It is shocking…that
some investment bank managers still judge candidates on whether they wear brown shoes with a
suit, rather than on their skills and potential.”


51. What kind of graduates could be disappointed?

a) technical college graduates
b) high school graduates
c) university graduates
d) undergraduates

52. Who looked at how the industry selected people in interviews?

a) researchers
b) bankers
c) universities
d) candidates

53. What is considered unacceptable in the investment banking industry?

a) cheating
b) causing global financial collapses
c) taking unnecessary risks
d) wearing brown shoes

54. What did one banker have to change to not feel out of place?
a) his/her accent
b) his/her career
c) his/her university
d) his/her hairstyle

55. Who is being systematically locked out of top investment banking jobs?
a) candidates
b) graduates
c) upper-class kids
d) working-class kids

V. Rewrite these sentences 0.3

56. He was driving very fast because he didn't know the road was icy.
If he had known the road was icy, he wouldn't have been driving so fast.
57. I get to work in twenty minutes.
It It takes me 20 minutes to get to work.
58. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
She had her car repaired.
59. No one expected his coming.
He wasn't expected to come.
60. The increasing number of cars has caused serious air pollution.
Air pollution has been caused by the creasing number of cars.

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