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Developing Positive Attitude

Learning Objectives:

 What is attitude?

 The power of positive thinking

 Positive self-talk

 Self-esteem

 Attitude in the workplace

 Building a positive attitude

 Adaptability
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

Winston Churchill
What is attitude?

 Attitude is a feeling or opinion.

 Attitude determines our behaviour
The Power of Positive Thinking

It involves a conscious control of the defeating patterns of thoughts

through a counter-voice from within.

• Attracts people towards oneself

• Builds good interpersonal relationships

• Increases confidence

• Develops a winning attitude

Positive self-talk

The optimistic inner voice playing in your head that always looks on

the brighter side of things.

• Removes self-doubt

• Energises the mind

• Leads to self-motivation

• Helps in focusing on one’s strengths


 Self-esteem is a state of mind.

 It is the way we think and feel about ourselves.

 Self-esteem indicates confidence, worthiness, and positive regard for


 It gives one the ability to accept oneself and others.

 It builds a strong foundation for trust.

 It gives one the strength to handle criticism positively.

Attitude in the workplace

 Accepting difficulties as challenges and opportunities

 Accepting a better idea

 Accepting harsh criticism

 Unlearning and relearning

 Moving out of our comfort zone

Building a positive attitude

 Take good care of yourself. Don’t overstress yourself. It is difficult to think

positive when you are exhausted.

 Stop and appreciate the good things you are blessed with in life. Learn to be
grateful for them.

 Look for proof instead of making assumptions about people and situations.

 Speak openly to people to understand their thoughts.

 Get into the practice of throwing out negative thoughts and replacing them
with positive ones.

 Surround yourself with happy people. Their positive energy will affect you in a
positive way.

 Look around and seize new opportunities

 Obtain enriching feedback

 Be ready to learn

 Try doing things differently

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