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Introduction to the Python 

  Python setup on Windows 

  Python setup on Linux (Installing required pyhton on Linux)

  Editors for Python code 

  How to use Atom Editor to run python script

Basics of print, indentation , comments and special characters

  Simple hello world script 

  Python Indentation 

  Python Comments

  Usage of special characters with print statement

  Running Python script on Windows and Linux

Basics of variables and Data Types

  Introduction to variables and print with variables

  Data Types

  Working with multiple variable and strings in print

  Input and Output Syntax

Complete String Operations

 Basic operations on strings

 Case (Lower,Upper,tiltel etc...) conversion operations

 Boolean result operations 

 Join, center and zfill(zero fill)

 Strip,split operations

 Count,index and find opearations on strings

 Practice: Display given string at left/right/center of a line in title format

Data Structures of Python

  Introduction to Data Structures and Types of Data Structures

  Lists

  Tuples

  Dictionaries

  Sets

Operators of Python

  Introduction to Operators of Python 

  Arithmetic and Assignment Operators

  Comparison Operators

  Identity and Membership operators

  Logical Operators

Conditional statements

  Introduction to conditional statements ; simple if condition

  If ... else and if ... elif ... elif ... else condition

  Practice with conditional statements

Working with Python Modules

  Introduction to Python Modules

  Platform module

  Getpass module
Sys module

  Introduction to sys module

  Sys.argv | working with command line arguments with an example

OS Module
  Introduction to OS Module and Basic operations

  Os.path module

  Os.system() function from os module

  Practice script on platform and os module

  Os.walk(path)

  Best Practice with os.walk for real-time

Loops - for and while loops with break,continue and pass

  Practice: Read a path and check if given path is a file or a directory 

  Introduction to loops with an example

  Loops | Working with for loop

  Simple practice with for loop

  Find all files in a directory with required extension .py/.sh/.log/.txt etc…

  Complete range() function

  For loop to work with strings, list, tuple and dictionaries

  Introduction to while loop

  Loop Control statements: break,continue and pass

Datetime module to work with dates and times

  Introduction to datetime module

  Practice: Find the files which are older than x days from a given path
Subprocess Module: To execute any Operating System Commands with

  Introduction to subprocess module

  Practice-1 with subprocess module

  Practice-2: Platform independent script to find the java version

Working with text files

  Working with text files: Reading and writing to text files

  Copy the content of a source file into a destination file

Working with csv

  Introduction to csv files and How to read a csv files using python ?

  Read only header of a csv file and Finding the no of rows in a csv file

  Creating csv file

Working with files like json

  Working with json files

Exception Handling
  Introduction to Exception Handling

  Exception Handling for known Exceptions

  Try except else and finally usage

  Raise user Defined Exceptions


  Introduction to Functions 

  How to define a Function and How to use defined Funtion , Types of Functions

  Converting simple code into Functions

  Calling a function from another function and Scope of the variables

  Simple Functions with arguments

  Functions with arguments and return value

  Functions with default arguments

  Functions with keyword-based arguments

  Functions with Variable length arguments

  Functions with variable keyword arguments

  How to use Functions of one script into another script, what is __name__ ?

  Simple exception handling to changing current working directory

Regular expression with re module

  Introduction to regular expressions 

  Basic rules to create a pattern for regex

  Rules to create a pattern Part-2

  Rules to create a pattern Part-3

  Regex with Flags

  Working with search and match operations from re module

  Working with findall and finditer operations

  Working with split , sub and subn operations of re module

  Compile operation (Execute all re operations on compile object)

Paramiko module to work with remote servers using python

  Introduction to paramiko

  Transfer file from local server to remote server and vice versa using paramiko

Shutil module

 Part-1: copy file(s) with shutil module

OOPS for Real Time

  Introduction to oops

  Class and object attributes

  Constructor of a class

  Simple Python Script without and with oops concepts

  Destructor of a class

  Polymorphism and inheritance of python oops

  Encapsulation

Windows Subsystem for Linux

  Linux for Developers on Windows

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