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Cores Module





Python Bootcamp
Development with Python
Introduction to Cloud and Azure

Azure Azure Advance
Azure DevOps

Docker Docker

Azure Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes

Azure Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes

Terraform Terraform

Installing Data bricks in Azure

Mounting  DataLake   Containers 
Data Bricks
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Azure Data Factory

virtual machines and virtualizations

kernel vs shell, linux commands, bash scripting, services

git fundamentals, version controlling, basic git commands

Python Basics, python syntax, conditional statements, functions, loops, database connection (psql)
OOPS, python classes, python coding practices
Implement framework for Python Micro services
Basics of Azure, Deployment models, cloud architecture terminologies, global infrastructures
Account creations, exploring various services like storage services, application services, devops services, etc., virtual
network, load balancer, ai/ml services, VPNs, security groups, access managements, hands-on on deploying web
application, Azure security, Pricing, Optimizations
Understanding DevOps, azure boards, azure repos, azure artefacts, azure pipelines, azure test plans, setting up CI/CD
with azure pipelines, Hands-on with flask application deployment

 Introduction to containers
What are containers
 Why containers
 Difference between virtual machines and containers
 How are containers implemented
 Container engines
 Containerization with Docker
 Basic docker terminology
 Components of Docker engine
 Introduction to Advanced Docker
 Container orchestration with Kubernetes
 Motivation to use Kubernetes
 Kubernetes Architecture
 Kubernetes in Azure
Provisioning AKS clusters
Configuring AKS cluster
Configure HPA
Need for terraform
Deploying terraform templates
Commands for terraform
Deploying terraform templates on Azure
Installing Data bricks in Azure

Mounting DataLake Containers 

Delta Lake
Data Lake Storage gen2
Trainer Contents
1 Day - VM, 2 Days Git & 2 days Linux
Getting Help in Linux
Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
User and group administration
Controlling Access to Files
Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes
Controlling Services and Daemons
Configuring and Securing SSH
Archiving and Transferring Files
Installing and Updating Software Packages
DEVI Analyzing and Storing Logs
Cron jobs
Installing and configuring apache web server
Troubleshooting performance issue

what is source code management
what is version control
why git
distributed vs centralized version control
git installation
git architecture
Basic git commands
DEVI git comparision
git rebasing
git stashing 2 days
git tagging
git branching stratergy
git push and pull
git pull request
Exploring github
one for a
given business scenario.
●● Lesson 1 - Choose the best Azure IoT service
●● Lesson 2 - Choose the best AI service
●● Lesson 3 - Choose the best Azure serverless technology
●● Lesson 4 - Choose the best tools with DevOps and GitHub
●● Lesson 5 - Choose the best management tools
●● Lesson 6 - Choose the best Azure monitoring service
●● Lesson 7 - Module 3 Review Questions
●● Lesson 8 - Module 3 Summary
Module 4 - General security and networking features
In this module you'll learn about general security and network security features, and learn
about how you
can use the various Azure services to help ensure that your cloud resources are safe, secure,
and trusted.
●● Lesson 1 - Security Tools and Features
●● Lesson 2 - Secure Network Connectivity
●● Lesson 3 - Module 4 Review Questions
●● Lesson 4 - Module 4 Summary
Module 5 - Identity, Governance, Privacy, and Compliance
In this module you'll about identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features. You'll learn
how Azure
can help you secure access to cloud resources, what it means to build a cloud governance
strategy, and
how Azure adheres to common regulatory and compliance standards.
●● Lesson 1 - Core Azure identity services
●● Lesson 2 - Azure Governance Methodologies
●● Lesson 3 - Privacy, Compliance, and Data Protection standards
●● Lesson 4 - Module 5 Review Questions
●● Lesson 5 - Module 5 Summary
Module 6 - Azure Pricing and Lifecycle
Learn about the factors that influence cost, tools you can use to help estimate and manage your
spend, and how Azure's service-level agreements (SLAs) can impact your application design
●● Lesson 1 - Planning and Cost Management
●● Lesson 2 - Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Lifecycle
●● Lesson 3 - Module 6 Review Questions
●● Lesson 4 - Module 6 Summary
Lab Links:

●● Configure Storage Security
●● Configure Azure Files and File Sync
●● Configure Storage with Tools
●● Lab 07 - Manage Azure storage
Module 08 – Administer Azure Virtual Machines
In this module, you will learn about Azure virtual machines including creating, availability and
This module includes:
●● Configure Virtual Machines
●● Configure Virtual Machine Availability
●● Configure Virtual Machine Extensions
●● Lab 08 - Manage Virtual Machines
Module 09 - Administer PaaS Compute Options
In this module, you will learn administer computing features like Azure App Service, Azure
Instances, and Kubernetes. This module includes:
●● Configure Azure App Service Plans
●● Configure Azure App Services
●● Configure Azure Container Instances
●● Configure Azure Kubernetes Services
3 DAYS ●● Lab 09a - Implement Web Apps
●● Lab 09b - Implement Azure Container Instances
●● Lab 09c - Implement Azure Kubernetes Service
Module 10 – Administer Data Protection
In this module, you will learn about backing up files and folders, and virtual machine backups.
module includes:
●● Configure File and Folder Backups
●● Configure Virtual Machine Backups
●● Lab 10 - Implement Data Protection
Module 11 – Administer Monitoring
In this module, you will learn about monitoring your Azure infrastructure including Azure
alerting, and log analytics. This module includes:
●● Configure Azure Monitor
●● Configure Azure Alerts
●● Configure Log Analytics
●● Configure Network Watcher
●● Lab 11 - Implement Monitoring
lab links:
Module 07 - Implement security and validate code bases for compliance
●● Lesson 1: Introduction to Secure DevOps
●● Lesson 2: Implement open-source software
●● Lesson 3: Software Composition Analysis
●● Lesson 4: Static analyzers
●● Lesson 5: OWASP and Dynamic Analyzers
●● Lesson 6: Security Monitoring and Governance
●● Lesson 7: Labs
●● Lab 19: Implement security and compliance in Azure DevOps Pipelines
●● Lab 20: Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps
Module 8 - Design and implement a dependency management strategy
●● Lesson 1: Explore package dependencies
●● Lesson 2: Understand package management
●● Lesson 3: Migrate, consolidating and secure artifacts
●● Lesson 4: Implement a versioning strategy
●● Lesson 5: Lab
●● Lab 09: Package management with Azure Artifacts
Module 9 - Create and manage containers using Docker and Kubernetes
●● Lesson 1: Design a container build strategy
●● Lesson 2: Implement Docker multi-stage builds
●● Lesson 3: Implement Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
●● Lesson 4: Explore Kubernetes tooling
●● Lesson 5: Integrate AKS with Pipelines
●● Lesson 6: Labs
●● Lab 15: Deploying Docker Containers to Azure App Service web apps
●● Lab 16: Deploying a multi-container application to Azure Kubernetes Services
Module 10 - Implement continuous feedback
●● Lesson 1: Implement tools to track usage and flow
●● Lesson 2: Implement route for mobile application crash report data
●● Lesson 3: Develop monitor and status dashboards
●● Lesson 4: Share knowledge within teams
●● Lesson 5: Explore SRE and design practices to measure end-user satisfaction
●● Lesson 6: Design processes to capture and analyze user feedback
●● Lesson 7: Design processes to automate application analytics
●● Lesson 8: Manage alerts, Blameless retrospectives and a just culture
●● Lesson 9: Labs
●● Lab 17: Monitoring application performance with Application Insights
●● Lab 18: Integration between Azure DevOps and Microsoft Teams

Lab links:

Chapter 1: Introduction
▪ History & Philosophy
▪ About Docker
▪ Understanding Docker
▪ Docker vs Virtual Machines
▪ Container Security - Kernel Level

Chapter 2: Docker Components

▪ Docker Engine
DEVI 1 DAY ▪ Docker Machine
▪ Docker Compose
▪ Docker Swarm
▪ Docker Images
▪ Docker Containers
▪ Docker Hub (Registry and Repositories)

Chapter 3: Classroom Environment

▪ Docker Machine
▪ Docker Registry
▪ DockerKubernetes
Chapter: Configuration

▪ Orchestration & Containers

▪ What is Kubernetes?

▪ Architecture of Kubernetes
DEVI 1 DAY ▪ Nodes
▪ API Server

▪ kubelet
▪ Etcd

1.▪ infrastructure
Scheduler as-code basics
2. Terraform basics
3. Terraform fundamental blocks
4. Terraform resources
DEVI-1 DAY 5. Terraform variables
6.Terraform Datasources
7. Terraform state
8. Terraform workspaces
9. Terraform provisioners


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