GR 6 Grammar Revision Booklet 2

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Gr 6 Grammar Revision Booklet 2

Miss. Marwa Atef

1- Present Simple and Present Continuous
Exercise 1.Choose the correct form of the verbs to
complete the following letter :

Dear Rickey

There’s a picture of me and Miguel on holiday. We stay/are

staying on a small Island which not many people know/are
knowing about. In fact ,we are almost the only tourists here,so
we don’t want/we are not wanting too many others to discover
our secret place .

Our daily life is very pleasant.Every morning, we get /are

getting up between 9 and 10 and have /are having along
,relaxed breakfast- just as I do / am doing now,which is
probably why this letter’s has got butter on it –sorry! After
breakfast ,we spend/are spending about 10 seconds
discussion about where to spend the day and,of course we
always go/are always going to the beach.
Anyway,how are you ? I hope you get /are getting on all right
with your new job , and that you don’t work /are not working
too hard
See on a couple of weeks !
Lots of love,

2- Past Simple and Past Continuous
Exercise 2 .Choose the correct form of the verbs to
complete the following sentences :
3- Past Simple and Past Perfect
Exercise 3 .Complete the following sentences using the
past simple or the past perfect :
4- Present Perfect : Since or for
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise .6
5- Passive with present simple and past simple
Exercise .7
5- Will and Going to
Present Continuous with future meaning
6- Linking Words : because,but,
although/though , so
6- Linking Words: as soon as, after,
Before, until, when, while
7- Comparison
8- Verbs with to + inf and verbs with ing
9- Possibility
10- Modal Verbs
11- Countable and Uncountable
12- Many, Much, Some, Any, No
Fill in the blanks with the correct form
of verbs
1. I won’t finish it on time unless you………… (help) me.
2. If I had another device, I …………. (repair) it.

3. If they were Japanese, they ……….. ….(not speak) Chinese.

4. If I saw a big spider in my house, I ………… (scream) loudly.

5. The hijackers would threaten us if they ………. (have) a bomb.

6. Kevin will return to the office if his boss ………….. (tell) him so.
7. His mother would let him go to the party if he ………. (get) good marks at
the exam.

8. If you see John at the pub, ………….(remind) him to call me.

9. The government will increase the taxes if they ……. ……….. (think) it is

10. Bernard won’t cross the road until it ……….. (get) green.
11. Helen ………. (catch) a cold if she doesn’t wear a coat.

12. If the pain returned, you ……….. (phone) the doctor.

13. The film director won’t make the film unless the famous actress
………….. (sign) the contract.

14. If I weren’t so shy, I ………..… (ask) the teacher a question.

15. Mr Potter would publish the novel if it …..…..(not be)interesting.

16. He would be rich if he …….. (win) the lottery.

17. You have to fill in this form if you………. (need) a visa.

18. If she buys the paint, I …….. (do)it for you.

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