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NAME & SECTION: Ashley Mae Prieto STEM 11-I Date:

Describe the different methods of determining the age of stratified rocks and
explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the subdivisions
of geologic time.

I. Given the illustration and the mass to age correlation

chart, complete the given table below and answer the
following questions.
Mass (g) Relative age Absolute age
( 1 youngest-4 Oldest) (in Millions of Years)
Rice bag A 240g 1- youngest Present day- 10
Rice bag B 110g 3 - old 250- 300
Rice bag C 200g 2 - young 31-44
Rice bag D 50g 4 - oldest 550-575

1. If the baggies represents a fossil or rock found within the earth, which would be found closer to the surface
of the Earth? And which would be closer to the center of the Earth? How do you know?
- The baggies with more mass would be found near the top and the baggies with less mass would be found
toward the bottom.

2. What do you notice about the correlation between the age of the object and the mass of the object?

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- The baggies with more mass are younger. The baggies with less mass are older. The older objects would be
the one with less mass; the younger have more mass

3. How certain are you that the age of your objects are correct?
- You can determine the difference in age by conducting radioactive dating.

4. What evidence makes you certain?

- As time goes on, the rocks/fossils lose mass (like the apple rotting), so the oldest rocks/fossils have the least

5. What is the difference between the Relative Age of an object and the Absolute Age of an object?
- Relative age is an approximation or an estimate based on comparing its position or age to other fossils.
Absolute age is a more exact age based on the rate of decay in the fossil or rock.

6. Which form of dating is more accurate? Why?

- The absolute dating is more precise than relative dating because it tells the exact age of the fossils. Both are
ultimately based on the fossils found in the strata.

Email: | Tel. No.: 09392789074 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403


Email: | Tel. No.: 09392789074 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

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