The Church As A Source of Moral Decision

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THE CHURCH as a Source of Moral Decision

Here, monsi tried to connect 4 areas in Tradition: doctrine, morals, liturgy, history. why? Because
the Church is an expert of humanity. The milestones of history are the lives of the Saints: Church
Fathers (Gk & Lat), scholastics, people of Renaissance. Why? Because there are 3 roots to
understanding Experience/ understanding who God is:
- Truth (STA, Bona, Ambrosio, Augustine, Gk & lat Fathers- they use Gk models of thinking to
understand who God is and who Jesus is.)
- Good (SFA, Catherine of Siena, Therese of Lisuex, PPio- his battle against the nemesis known as
Lucifer expresses the absolute good is always in battle with evil which is prevatio boni.)
- Beauty (Michael Angelo, the great iconographers: Da Vinci, Raphael, meaning the root to God
is claritas, integritas, simplicitas [these are the properties of transcendence])

And these bring us to UNITAS: ONE, TRUE, GOOD & BEAUTY.

That is why did not only emphasize the decalogue but emphasize no sequela Christi. The
attitude is necessary to be his disciple. And what are they? The self- portrait [the be-attitude].

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