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Discover My Talents

Handbook of the Intelli Quest Dermatoglyphic Test

for Congenital Intelligences

伯乐多元智能教育中心 Intelli Quest Enrichment Centre (JM0409332-T)

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Tel: 07-3573933, 016-7165805 Fax: 07-3578958 Email:

Contents Foreword:
From Multiple Intelligences
to Dermatoglyphic Test
Foreword: In 1983, Howard Gardner, a professor of Harvard University,
From Multiple Intelligences to Dermatoglyphic Test .... 2 proposed the theory of “multiple intelligences” which divided
human intellectual abilities into eight categories. In his view,
Guide to the Report.................................................. 4 we are endowed with all kinds of intelligence which determine
our performance in different activities. As everyone’s superior
Case Studies........................................................... 8 intellectual abilities are not alike, we all have different modes of
thinking, behaving, and learning.
Frequently Asked Questions................................... 10
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
When learning histor y, a child with strong “logical-
mathematical intelligence” pays more attention to the causal
relationship among different events. His main interest and strong
points are obviously different from children with good “linguistic
intelligence” and who love listening to stories. Therefore, if a
teacher can use different approaches to teach her students
according to their aptitudes, they can definitely learn better.
However, in reality, the Confucius’s first major educational
Edited by: 伯乐多元智能教育中心 principle, “teaching without discrimination”, is easy to be
Intelli Quest Enrichment Centre achieved but the second, “teaching by considering everyone’
11, Jalan Harmonium 23/13, s needs and characteristics”, is the opposite. There is an
Taman Desa Tebrau, initial problem we need to tackle in order to realize the second
81100 Johor Bahru. Johor. ideal-in what way we can identify every child’s needs and
Tel: 07 3573933 /012 7185805 characteristics?
Fax: 357 8972 Our educational system is not flexible and prone to turning all
Email: of us into conformists. As most jobs in our society emphasise
Website: linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities, those children with
other aptitudes but not these two are marginalised. Even now,
CEO: Chen Jia Rong talents such as art, music, and sport are not appreciated and
Editors: Zhang Ying Jie considered as “extraordinary skills” by most parents. In our
Cover Designer: Chen Yan Ni mind, the definition of “talent” is rigid, narrow, and materialistic.
Photographer: Zenge Xiong Wei Most schools, which only manufacture “standardized
Illustrator & Typesetter: Zhang Ying Jie products” whose quality are measured by numerous
translator: Yang Jia Wen examinations, overlook everyone’s infinite potential. Without
visionary educational concepts, our hope to build a vibrant
society will always be “mission impossible”. In schools, children’
s chance of developing their multiple intelligences is obliterated.
In real life, many intellectuals are not sitting on the “right seat”.
Hence, the mission of Intelli Quest Enrichment Centre is
This is a complimentary handbook for the Intelli Quest to extricate all parents or even the whole society from the
Dermatoglyphic Test for Congenital Multiple Intelligences. bondage of limited educational notions. To achieve our mission,
copyright © 2005 by Intelli Quest Enrichment Centre we introduce “Dermatoglyphic Test for Congenital Multiple

The negative effects of narrow
educational concepts and
monotonous social values:
Instead of embracing areas which
they are passionate about, most
members of the society choose
“stable jobs” which secure their
livelihood and set their parents’
Intelligences” into Malaysia from Taiwan. mind at rest. That’s why many
brilliant talents are stifled!

Discover our “Talents” with Dermatoglyphic Test

This test uncovers a person’s innate learning style, strength of
different congenital intellectual ability, learning potential and other
characteristics about learning accurately and efficiently. As different cerebral cortex controls a specific intellectual
Long ago, the Chinese have discovered that the course of a ability, the distribution of brain cells will decide how superior or
person’s life is related to the pattern of his fingerprints vaguely. inferior a person’s congenital multiple intelligences.
They composed a song called “Ten Spirals Song” and handed During 1980s, scientists in Taiwan began to develop
it down to express this belief. This can be regarded as our technology for assessing congenital intellectual abilities based
ancestors’ initial attempt to find out facts disclosed by ridges on on dermatoglyphic research. Over the past twenty years,
the skin of our fingers. plenty of case studies have been accumulated. In recent
Modern scientific research on the link between dermal ridges years, Dermatoglyphic Test for Congenital Multiple Intelligences
and congenital intellectual ability started with medical studies of has become even more widespread with the aid of high-tech
the relation between fingerprint patterns and genetics. In 1926, computer software and examination tools. Currently, this test is
Harold Cummins, the Father of Dermatoglyphics, pulled together an important tool for educating children and helping adults to
the diverse work of his predecessors, added original research, plan their life in Taiwan.
and set the standards of the field. Since then, dermatoglyphics, Along with the acceleration of globalization, Dermatoglyphic
as a specialized field of study, is chiefly used for population Test for Congenital Multiple Intelligences has been introduced
studies, personal identification, morphological and genetic into China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and other
research. Useful instruments for dermatoglyphic research were areas. According to brief surveys, this test, which exerts great
also developed. influence on children and parents, is most welcomed in areas
Since last fifty years, scientists have gradually identified the where students are oppressed by stiff educational system and
correlation between dermal ridges and intellectual abilities. heavy burden caused by piles of homework.
Based on genetics, embryology, and neuroscience, scientists
who had carried out observation, comparison, induction,
and clinical experiment proved that the number of brain cells
Our brain and hands are
distributed over different cerebral cortices can be measured by correlated: Ridges on the
ridges on the skin of fingers. skin of our fingers are
visible genetic signs of the
brain embryo. They reflect
a person’s inborn features.
一螺穷  二螺富
With one spiral, a person is destined to
Various versions of “Ten Spirals be poor. Two spirals, rich.
Song”: Our ancestors did not carry
out scientific research to prove that
Three and four spirals, the owner of a
the course of a person’s life is related pawnshop.
to patterns of fingerprints. However,
based on real life observation, 五螺六螺卖豆腐
they composed interesting song to Five and six spirals, the tofu seller.
express their assumption that we
could predict someone’s future by Seven and eight spirals, white horse
reading our fingerprints. There rider with power.
are many versions of “Ten Spiral
Songs” in different dialect. Which
Nine and ten spirals, the great achiever.
is the version in your mind?

Guide to the Report

Less Developed

The test examines our congenital intellectual abilities from

seven aspects, including learning potential, the agility of learning,
the strength of congenital intellectual abilities, learning mode,
ways of absorbing and processing information, innate learning
style, behavioural manner, and the development potential of
Fully Developed
multiple intelligences. Neuron

1. Explore Learning Potential with TRC Newly-born 1 Month Old

“Total Ridge Count (TRC)” is the value we use for examining a
person’s learning potential and it is directly linked to the number
of neurons in the brain. Our brain is primarily composed of
neurons. The key to the growth of intelligence lies with how
well fibres of different brain cells (dendrites and axons) are
connected. There are more chances for these neurotransmitters
to be connected if neurons are dense. Better connection means
higher leaning potential.
The number of neurons affects the pace of learning. We
need external stimuli in order to acquire learning experience and
6 Month Old 2 Years old
the gain will result in connections of dendrites and axons. With
more neurons, the speed of connection will be faster and make
a person a quick learner. Learners with less neuron can also
reach a certain level via repeated practice.

TRC Learning pace Suggest

To learn better, these learners

< 60 Rather slow
need stable and familiar learning
environment and they should
employ appropriate learning
60 - 90 Slow Rich learning experience changes the appearance of
methods and practise regularly.
brain cells: The picture above shows the look of brain cells
of four different stages. The number of neurons remains
These learners’ performance
unchanged but the network of dendrites expands along
90 - 150 Normal depends on adequate external
with a person’s growth and increasing external stimuli.
stimuli and guidance.
These learners’ attention is easily
diverted. To arouse their interest,
150 - 190 Fast
it would be better to teach them
with multiple approaches. Useful learning experience can only be obtained from positive
These learners should lead a learning environment which is secure, relaxing, liberal, and full of
> 190 Very fast full life in order to exploit their novelties and challenges. Hence, if we want to be “smarter”, we
are required not only to maintain original connections between
brain cells but also to nourish our brain constantly with new
learning experience which expands the network of dendrites.

2. Examine the Agility of Learning with ATD Angle “Strength” is obtained from the comparison of the “Total Ridge
Count” with our statistical database. “Strength” is divided into
atd angle The Agility of Learning
five levels, with “10%” as the median.
< 35° Very Good
35° - 42° Good
4. Innate Learning Modes: Ways of Absorbing and
42° - 45° Moderate
Processing Information
45° - 56° Poor
There are three learning modes: visual, auditory, and
> 56° Very Poor
kinaesthetic. When learning something new, some learners
The value of ATD angle reflects the smoothness of body learn by doing but some other learners, who rely on seeing or
movement and coordination (e.g. the dexterity of fingers). This listening, can only apply new knowledge in their daily life after
value is more important to athletes. going through a digestive process of classification, analysis, and
Generally speaking, this value is not directly related to deduction.
congenital intellectual abilities. Besides, ATD angle will reduce By understanding our preferred learning mode, we are able to
slightly after long-term training of your palms. learn better and even get twice the result with half the effort.

3. Distribution and Strength of Congenital Intellectual Abilities 5. Identify Innate Learning Style with Patterns of Fingerprint
The computer system will generate a table showing the order The pattern of each fingerprint reveals many features of
of the strength of every intellectual ability, to which different the corresponding brain lobe. Our centre’s categorization
finger corresponds. It also provide a general picture of how well of fingerprints is based on “Henry System of Fingerprint
different brain lobe functions and the development potential of Classification” proposed by E.R. Henry, a British scholar.
each intellectual ability.
Learnig style Symbol Characteristics
Strength Level Suggestion
If the learner is guided properly, it These learners prefer
is very probable for him to achieve individual work. They learn
> 13% Great standing
high level in this area with his by analysing, reordering, and
potential if compared to others. Head: Thinking abstract thinking.
If the learner is guided properly, independently
he is able to grasp skills and
11% - 13% Superior These learners prefer group
knowledge of this area quickly and
efficiently. Inter- work and they always care
personal about others’ feelings. They
Heart: Sharing
The learner can learn well without Learner learn by discussing issues or
7% - 11% Average feelings with
much difficulty in this area. sharing ideas with others.
The learner do not have inborn
advantage in this area but he is
< 7% ment is These learners are creative.
able to make a breakthrough if Self-
needed They learn through
cultivated properly since young. expressive
exploratory and inspiring
The learner’s performance in Learner
Eye: Having activities.
Various this area, which may turn out unique opinion
Nil possibilities to be extremely good or bad,
depends greatly on his learning
environment and education. These learners prefer concrete
Mastery and realistic objects. They
“Ranking”, an item which is found in the table of “Distribution Learner learn well with clear step-by-
Hand: Doing step guidance.
and Strength of Congenital Intellectual Abilities”, shows the
things manually
order of the strength of different intellectual ability. The value of

To understand a person’s major innate learning style, 6. Distinguish Innate Behavioural Manner with Patterns
we mainly look at fingerprints of four fingers—thumb and of Fingerprint
forefinger of both hands. An analysis of all fingers is required for By understanding his behavioural manner, a person can
knowing the “learning style of the whole brain.” Each pattern of know the way he treats people, conduct himself in a group,
fingerprint corresponds to a type of learning style. According to and communicate with others. With these insights, his career
educational theory, by understanding how we learn, we are able performance will be enhanced as he will know how to better his
to learn more effectively. interaction with others.

spiral whorl concentric whorl press whorl

composite whorl imploding whorl peacock’s eye

ulnar loop radial loop variant

The 11 patterns of fingerprint classified by E.R. Henry: Ridges

on the skin of our palms and soles begin to take shape after the
13th week embryos grow in maternal body. The formation of
those fine dermal lines will be completed during the 24th week
simple arch tented arch and they will stay unchanged for the whole life. The formation of
dermal ridges is correlated with the development of our brain.

Behavioural Manner Characteristics Way of Communication Suitable Type of Occupation

Smart, rigorous, polite, pragmatic,

Creator Persuade with sense Creative job with autonomy

Observant, thoughtful, understanding, Lead people to express their Works to do with coordinating and
spirited, subtle viewpoints integrating ideas and efforts

Amiable, kind, sensitive, care about the Service industry, jobs require
Servant Persuade with empathy
ambience, able to influence others friendliness

Probing challenger, humorous, idiosyn- Guide with inspiring methods Specialised jobs to do with research and
cratic, good at creating atmosphere or goad with ridicule development

Introvert, conservative, well-disciplined, State objectives and steps

Doer Regular and repetitive jobs
careful, steady clearly

7. Analyse the Development Potential of Eight Multiple

Howard Gardner proposed the theory of “multiple of our brain and their collaboration. Dermatoglyphic test helps us
intelligences” in year 1983. Instead of judging a person’s to understand the distribution of congenital multiple intelligences
intelligence by his IQ (Intelligence Quotient), a criterion which in a systematic and reliable way. As a result, we can adjust
was traditionally used, he divided our intellectual abilities into ourselves to learn better and lead a more pleasurable life.
eight categories.
Our actions and decisions are determined by different regions

Multiple Intelligences Basic Definition Symbol Explanation

Speaking, listening, Able to master languages and communicate with people

reading, and writing effectively.

Logical- Logic, mathematics, Understand the causal relationship among different things,
Mathematical science able to think independently and critically.

Sense of direction,
Spatial Have a good sense of admiring beautiful things in life

Living things, natural

Naturalist Show interest and respect to natural world.

Sensitivity to rhythm, Mould temperament through singing, listening to music,

pitch, and melody playing musical instrument, or composing music

Able to control body movements smoothly, handle things

Bodily-Kinesthetic Sense of balance
skilfully, and carry out task efficiently.

Relate to and Capable of discerning others’ moods and feelings, showing

understand others respect to people.

Know own abilities and needs, able to adjust to the

Intrapersonal Self-reflection

Case Studies

Case 1 atd
A tutor brings her student, Wong, to our centre for the test.
left/50  right/52
Wong is an 8-year-old boy whose academic results are poor.
Intellectual Abilities Ranking Strength
TRC Handling/Coordinating 10 6.5%
From Alex’s report, we find that his ATD angle is quite wide
Intellectual Abilities Ranking Strength and his palm muscles are not well-developed. Thus, he is
Creative/Interpersonal 10 7.0% not good at executing tasks that requires dexterity of fingers,
Spatial/Mental-imaging 2 11.1% for example, handicraft. To help him overcome this problem,
Logical/Reasoning 1 12.1% we advise Alex to use “triangular pencil”. The stick of this
Handling/Coordinating 9 8.2% kind of pencil is triangle in shape and thicker if compared
to other pencils. Learners with wide ATD angle can hold
According to the report, Wong’s TRC value is 206, which them comfortably and write smoothly. Parents should bear in
means his learning potential is high. Besides, the strength of mind that attractive handwriting is not the ultimate objective
Wong’s different intellectual abilities is quite even. for learning. They should not care too much about this.
Obviously, Wong’s high learning ability is the reason for his Furthermore, as they move up, more tasks are to be done with
lack of motivation to learn. As most subjects are not interesting computer.
and challenging to him, he does not pay much attention to
them. Case 3
After talking with the tutor in detail, we understand that Wong’ Wayne is a fifth-grade primary school student. According to
s parents have divorced. That is why he lacks a sense of his mother, his academic results were good and consistent from
security and cannot concentrate on his study. grade one to grade three. However, his mathematics results
Stable environment is crucial children’s learning. Children dropped suddenly last year.
will only open their minds and hearts in an environment without
threat and disturbance. Those with high TRC value can absorb Intellectual Abilities Ranking Strength
both good and bad things quickly. Hence, if they encounter Logical/Reasoning 1 12.6%
negative experience in their process of growing up, the
Linguistic/Memory 10 6.5%
emotional damage will be more severe to them.
Therefore, in order to prevent Wong from being helpless and Wayne’s “superior intellectual ability” is “Logical/Reasoning”
to assist him to get through this period, his family members and but his “Linguistic/Memory” ranks tenth. In theory, he should
teachers should provide sufficient love and support. have no problem with the calculation. It is just that he does not
excel in language.
Case 2 As we know, there are more practical questions in maths
Alex, an 8-year-old boy, hates doing homework. As his writing exercises of grade four and above. Wayne’s inability to
is always crabbed, his teacher and mother think that he should answer those questions is originated from his poor reading
be more patient and focused when he writes. While lack of comprehension. Instead of improving his arithmetical ability, he
concentration is one of the reasons for children’s writing illegibly, should pay more efforts in language in order to get rid of the
we must not neglect the fact that some of them are having barrier.
learning disorder about writing.

Case 4 Case 5
Sue, who is 18 years old, has just completed her secondary- Jenny’s mother thinks that she is a smart kid. However,
school education. Her parents plan to send her abroad and ask she often loses her focus during lessons. Whenever people
her to major in accountancy. However, she shows no interest talk to her, it seems that she does not fully understand them.
in her parents’ arrangement. Her wish, which is not meeting her From Jenny’s report, we know that she is a visual learner. That
parents’ expectation, is to further her study in art. Whenever her means she learns best by seeing images, observing, imitating,
parents mention issues about choosing university or handling and reading. Her parents should provide adequate training to
relevant procedure, she always reacts passively. improve her listening skill.

Intellectual Abilities Ranking Strength Learning Modes Strength

Spatial/Mental-imaging 4 10.7% Kinaesthetic 18%
Kinesthetic/Artistic 2 11.1% Auditory 14%
Visual/Cognitive 2 11.1% Visual 25%
Observing/Reading 1 11.4% Listening alone is never enough for Jenny to fully grasp the
meaning of a piece of information. She needs something, for
Suitable Career Paths arranged according to their ranking example, a picture or a book, to look at or read.
    We advise 
her to prepare a notebook and bring it along with
Arts-Design Science Business-Finance
Biotechnology Medicine Computer/Information
her. When she learns something new, she can draw picture
Arts-Dancing Engineering Humanities/Social Science or jot down notes with symbols that she understands. When
reading a book, she can mark those important points with a

Excerpt of “Advice on Career or Personal Development” highlighter. Colours will enhance her pleasure of learning. In
addition, we suggest her to use table, graph, and flowchart to
Sue’s “superior intellectual abilities” are “Spatial/Mental- sort out pieces of information when she grows older as these
imaging”, “Kinesthetic/Artistic”, “Visual/Cognitive”, and methods will help her to learn more effectively.
“Observing/Reading”. Apparently, she possesses aptitude for On the other hand, children need to be praised when they
art. Majoring in art fits not only her interest but also her flair. are learning. For visual learners, verbal praises would not really
Before being shown the results of the test, her parents try to motivate them. They need tangible rewards. A practical way is
persuade her to choose “promising courses” which may enable to prepare a “Reward Book” which is used to compliment their
her to earn more money in the future. They ask her, “Why didn’ good behaviours, for example, waking up punctually, completing
t we see any excellent performance of yours in fine art?” She homework on time, and picking up toys. Parents can reward
responds, “You have never looked at my textbooks. I’ve drawn them with little stars or stickers.
many beautiful illustrations in them.”
If parents and the child seldom communicate in depth with
each other, this report can serve as a helpful reference for
making important decisions about the child’s future, for example,
choosing major. As this report is scientific and objective, it can
clear parent’s doubts, resolve disagreement, and help parents
and the child to make the best choice together.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is “Dermatoglyphic Test for Congenital Multiple 4. Is the test accurate?

Intelligences”? Generally, the accuracy of the test is about 80%. Factors
This is a scientific test for congenital intellectual abilities which which may cause error are as follows:
is based on our physiological features. 1)  The test is based on statistical database. Therefore, inductive
First of all, we take fingerprints of all fingers. After that, we error is inevitable.
calculate the “Total Ridge Count” and compare the value with 2)  Human brain is a complex structure. If compared to it, dermal
our large database. With the comparison, we are able to carry ridges on our skin are just simple shapes. As fingerprints
out statistical analysis of a person’s learning potential, strength cannot reflect all features of our brain, there must be some
of different intellectual ability (altogether 10 abilities, including gaps in the test.
interpersonal, managerial, logical, linguistic, and artistic), learning
style, and many more. 5. What positive ideas should people have for the test?
Hence, dermatoglyphic test can prevent mistakes which may No doubt, this test is a high-quality tool for examining
be caused by cultural differences or verbal misunderstanding congenital intellectual ability. However, with the right spirit, we
in IQ test which only reveals a person’s linguistic and logical- must admit that the test has its boundaries. We hope that the
mathematical abilities. public will not have any unrealistic expectation for the test.
1)  Scientific research on congenital intellectual ability is
2. What is the difference between dermatoglyphic test based on the brain map. At the moment, we still have not
and fortune-telling? fully understood all functions of the brain and scientists
Dermatoglyphic test and palm reading are based on dermal are striving to investigate those details. Along with the
lines on palms and both of them are people’s attempts to latest development, we will amend and improve the test
uncover a person’s “destiny”. Naturally, people may have the continuously.
misunderstanding that two of them are in the same category. 2)  Most results are within the normal range. This explains that
In fact, dermatoglyphic test, which analyse people’s congenital most of us are ordinary people.
features, is completely different from fortune-telling or palm 3)  No matter a person’s congenital intellectual abilities are
reading, which predicts people’s future. strong or weak, learning environment and education that
Dermatoglyphic test is grounded on solid theoretical he obtains are more important to his future development.
framework and large database of samples. Hence, you should Some scholars hold the view that 65% of a person’s life is
not treat the test as a kind of fortune-telling. You should hold decided by his after-born experience. Hence, this test can
positive attitude toward the test and accept the result with an never replace roles played by parents, teachers, physicians,
open mind. psychoanalysts, and coaches.

3. Dermatoglyphic test reveals a child’s congenital 6. When should a child do the test?
intellectual abilities. Does the test imply that his or There is no age limit for doing the test. In principle, the earlier
her life is predetermined? a child does the test, the better his parents can make plans for
Of course not. On the contrary, a child’s future development overcoming his weakness.
is totally determined by himself and his parents. If a child’s According to the development of a child’s brain, we suggest
logical-reasoning ability is weak but his parents give up nurturing that parents should focus on tasks that help children improve
his skill in this area considering the difficulty for him to improve, their weaker intellectual ability before they are 12 years old. As
we might well say that it is his fate regretfully. However, if his this is their golden period for learning, it is easier for them to turn
parents are positive and make up strategy to help him overcome their weakness into strength effectively.
his disadvantage, we will regard him as a success delightfully.

7. Why may adults find that the test is inaccurate? 10. Why is the Intelli-Quest Dermatoglyphic Test for
While our “superior intellectual ability” may be suppressed Congenital Multiple Intelligences different from other
due to social value or our parents’ expectation, our “inferior similar tests?
intellectual ability” may be improved because of continuous 1)  Most Objective and Trustworthy Statistical Database
practice. Hence, if a person is not educated according to his Our test is based on a large database with more than 60,000
nature and aptitude, it is normal for him to find that the result samples from worldwide sources. All the data are objective
of the report, which analyses his congenital features, does not and reliable.
match his current abilities and position in life. 2)  Reader-friendly Report and Handbook
The difference between the result and reality highlights the The 8-page report is comprehensive and formatted for your
value of Dermatoglyphic Test of Congenital Multiple Intelligences. convenience of reading. We enclose a 12-page handbook
We should be more open-minded and consider the test as a with the report. Besides listening to the consultant’s analysis,
way to know more about ourselves. you can also read the report on your own by making
reference to the handbook, which lets you know more about
8. Then, is it still meaningful for adults to do the test? the test. In addition, suggestions for career and personal
The value for adults to do the test is different from children’s. development are also included in the report.
People who lose their direction in life may need an objective 3)  Personalised Suggestions
and reliable report telling them what their inborn advantages are. Besides the report and handbook, we also provide
In real life, some people only unlock and fulfil their full potential practical suggestions according to individual needs. These
(most in the arts) after their retirement. Hence, it is never too late suggestions will be given in written form for your future
to start a whole new life. reference.
On the other hand, those who have planned their life nicely 4)  Professional Consultation
and lived accordingly can obtain more convincing confirmation We pay extra attention to the quality of consultation in order
of their success from the report. “Marvellous! I’ve reached my to make sure your full understanding of the test results and
potential and I’m leading a full life now.” provide consumers with value-added service.
5)  Family Package
9. Dermal ridges on the skin of our soles are not We understand that this test is not only useful for individual
examined. Is the test incomplete? but also valuable to the whole family. Hence, we provide
No, it is not. The test is complete because we only need to family value package which includes additional analysis and
take fingerprints in order to understand a person’s congenital explanation.
intellectual abilities. However, that does not mean dermal lines 6)  Reasonable Price
on our soles are useless. We can identify some hereditary Besides caring about the quality of our service, we
diseases by examining ridges on the skin of both our palms also endeavour to enable everyone to benefit from this
and soles. As we are unable to diagnose people’s illness and outstanding examination tool. After making comparison with
provide treatment, we do not examine soles. We only do what other centres in the region and foreign countries, we fix the
we can do and do our best. cost at a reasonable level to make sure that everyone can
afford it.

12To achieve full potential, one must be in position. To learn effectively, one must adopt the right method.

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