Template Sirok Bastra (Bahasa Inggris)

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Editorial: Article Template Sirok Bastra Journal

(CAPITAL LETTER, Tahoma 12, bold, 1 space
Comprehensive title, clear, simple, maximum 18 words)

Article Title
(capital letter in each word, Tahoma 11, italic, single spacing)

WRITER’S FULL NAME (Tahoma 10,5, bold, single spacing, without academic title)
Affiliation (writer’s workplace)
Affiliation Address (address, city, country)
email: (e-mail address)
(Tahoma 10,5, Single Spacing)

Date Received: ..., approved: ..., final revision: ... (filled by editorial staff)

Abstrak (Tahoma 10,5, bold, spasi 1)

Abstrak merupakan gambaran singkat seluruh artikel sehingga harus menggambarkan isi ar-
tikel dengan memuat (1) latar belakang, (2) masalah pokok yang dibahas; (3) tujuan; (4)
metode dan teori yang digunakan, (5) hasil penelitian. Dengan membaca abstrak, diharapkan
pembaca dapat memahami isi dan kontribusi tulisan. Abstrak ditulis dalam paragraf tunggal
dengan panjang 150—200 kata, spasi 1, tanpa pustaka atau kutipan.
Kata kunci: maksimal lima kata/frasa

Abstract (Tahoma 10,5, bold italic, single spacing)

Abstract is a short description of the entire article. it should describe the essence of the
article contain (1) background, (2) problem issue, (3) purpose, (4) method and theory ap-
plied and (5) result. By reading an abstract, readers can understand the content and con-
tribution of the article. Abstracts are written in single paragraphs. The length is 150—200
words, single spacing, without reference and quote.
Keywords: maximum five words/phrases

Preliminary should contain background,
problem formulation, research purpose, lit-
erature review, and theory used. Prelimi-
nary explain the actual problem phenome- 2. RESEARCH METHOD (15%)
non of the research supported by literature This part describes the method, concept,
review and result of the previous research. and research technique and also research
In this part, the writer explains the differ- step based on the applied theory.
ence between this research and previous This part using Tahoma Letter 10,5, sin-
research. A literature review should be gle spacing.
avoided. All of the quoted sources should
be written in the bibliography. 3. RESULT AND ANALYSIS (55%)
This part arranged without subsec- This part shows the result of the research
tion. This part using Tahoma letter 10,5, (empirical or literature) and analysis ac-
single spacing. cording to the problem, research purpose,
and applied theory.

SIROK BASTRA Vol. xx, No. xx, month year, page. xx—xx
Editorial: Article Template Sirok Bastra Journal

This part using Tahoma Letter 10,5, sin- white format (for the writer who wants the
gle spacing and can be arranged to be- printing proof).
come subsection. Subsection arranged us-
ing number describe order of the analysis, 4. CONCLUSION (10%)
for example This part should answer the problem and
3.1 Subsection (1) purpose of the research. The conclusion is
3.2 Subsection (2) not a summary and not a rewritten form of
3.2.1 Sub-subsection (1) analysis. This part shows the final result of
3.2.2 Sub-subsection (2) the analysis according to the research pur-
3.3 Subsection (3) pose. Recommendation and suggestions
3.4 Subsection (4) can be added in this part.
This part using Tahoma Letter 10,5 Sin-
Referral or citation arranged using in- gle spacing.
side note system, not footnote or endnote,
with the order of writer name, year of BIBLIOGRAPHY
publishing, and page, for example Bibliography minimum consist of 12
(Kridalaksana, 1990:13), using Mendeley sources and at least 80% primary refer-
application installed in Ms. Word. ence and should be originated from the re-
sults of research, the idea of theory, or
A direct quote from the source more
concept which is already published on
than three-row is written in different para-
printed or online journal. Bibliography con-
graphs using Tahoma letter 9,5, single spac-
ing (Damono, 2013:17). sist of minimal 12 sources and at least
80% is the primary reference and also
Endnote only used for text explanation, originated from results of research, idea,
not referral. Endnote is written using theory, or concepts which are already pub-
numbers 1, 2, 3, ... with tiny size and the lished on printed or electronic journal. Ref-
explanation put down after bibliography. erences used are publication results in the
Article written in Indonesian or English last ten years, except classic reference
in A4 paper. Page margin 2,5 cm and dis- used as historical study material.
tance between column 1 cm. The article is This part using Tahoma letter 10,5, sin-
12—18 pages including bibliography, pic- gle spacing. Bibliography writing is using
ture, and table. Picture and table should Mendeley’s application with APA (American
have the title, number according to the or- Psychological Association) style.
der of appearance, information and quoted
in the text. The table form is only the hori- Books
zontal line, the vertical line is disguised. Chaer, Abdul. (2009). Pengantar Semantik
Table 1 Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Gajah Mada
Title University Press.
No. Details Information Luxemburg, Jan Van, Mieke Bal, dan
Willem G. Weststeijn. (1984). Pengantar
Ilmu Sastra (translated by Dick Har-
toko). Jakarta: Gramedia.

Picture or photo should be seen be- Magazines/Newspapers

cause the article will be printed in black in

SIROK BASTRA Vol. xx, No. xx, month year, page. xx—xx
Editorial: Article Template Sirok Bastra Journal

Nador, Donatus. (2006). “Kegetiran Hidup

Malam Jahanam,” Harian Seputar In-
donesia, April 30, page 7.
*if the writer unknown. Writer’s name is
replaced with the name of the

Sunardi. (2012). “Konsep Rasa dalam
Pertunjukan Wayang Kulit Purwa,”
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Vol.
18, No. 2, page 192—203.

Hoed, B.H. (1994). “Wacana, Teks, dan
Kalimat,” Liberty P. Sihombing, dkk.
(ed.), Bahasawan Cendekia: Seuntai
Karangan untuk Anton M. Moeliono,
page 125—135. Jakarta: Intermasa.

Haryanto, Ignatius. 2012. “Jacob Utama
dalam Lintasan Sejarah Pers,” on
tasan-sejarah-pers, accesed March 10
2012 20.05 PM.

Other Instruction
Article are research results, conceptual
ideas, studies, applications, theories, or
critics which never been published.
Article can be sent in softcopy format
through OJS
Publication or rejection of the article will
be notified through the OJS after the as-
sessment process from affiliated partners
and editorial staff.
Writers who are selected will receive
two copies Sirok Bastra Printed Journal and
two single copies of their printed article.
To facilitate writing, the writer can
copy-paste this article to the template of
Sirok Bastra Journal.

SIROK BASTRA Vol. xx, No. xx, month year, page. xx—xx

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