One Sample T-Test.//////// Independent Two-Sample T-Test. Paired Sample T-Test

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1.Into how many types, we can classy measures of dispersion?

2. This is the mode value for data set: 0,3,4,5,7,7,7,7,7,8,10,10

3. Which of these is a type of T-test?

One sample t-test.\\\\\\\\

Independent two-sample t-test.

Paired sample t-test.

All of these
4. The T-test is not a reliable test. True or false?


5. The T-test tells you about the significant difference between the two groups. True
or false?


6. A t-test is a significance test that assesses

The means of two independent groups

The medians of two dependent groups

The modes of two independent variables

The standard deviation of three independent variables

7. To use a t-test, the dependent variable must have
Nominal or interval data

Ordinal or ratio data

Interval or ratio data

Ordinal or interval data

8. Statistical significance or the probability of finding statistical significance is also
known as

Degrees of freedom (df)


Standard deviation (sd)

A constant source of frustration!

9.T-tests and other significance tests are frequently criticized. Over-representation
of statistical significance in research may result in:

Publication bias

Researcher fatigue

Lost funding

Confused graduate students

10. This is not the types of t-test is

One-sample t-tests

Null Hypothesis t-tests

Independent sample t-tests

Paired samples t-tests;

Variable t-tests

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