Essay 1 - Reflection Essay Valeria Reyes

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Reyes 1

Valeria Reyes

English 1302

Judith McCann

20 February 2022

Reflection Essay 1

Writing my first essay for English 1302 was a nice experience. Although I think that

there were some challenges throughout this essay I felt that I learned a lot. I also feel that this

essay was a great way to challenge myself to try new things and get to know myself better. I feel

that not using facebook for a while was a great experience for me. I feel that doing this

experiment was also a big challenge for me because I have been using facebook for a really long

time. In fact, I felt really bad doing this experiment. One of the reasons why I say this is because

I started to have more anxiety, my mood changed, and that made me feel that I was so addicted

to Facebook and I had to use it. In fact, I failed two times trying to do this scientific experiment

because the first attempt I remembered I tried to hide the facebook application ,butI still started

using it. The second time I tried to do my scientific experiment I tried to uninstall Facebook and

keep messenger ,but since messenger is related to facebook I had to install facebook to check

something that had to do with my messenger. The last attempt I did in my experiment was

uninstalling both facebook and messenger from my phone. I feel that this method actually

worked for me and that made my experiment successful.

To Start off, When I was writing my Introduction I kind of felt lost because I did not

know what to write exactly. In fact, I tried making a bubble map ,so it could help me have a clear

idea of what exactly I was going to write about. I feel that doing that bubble map actually helped
Reyes 2

me because there I started writing how I felt towards my topic. Another thing that I feel that

helped me write my introduction was doing the invention worksheet because there I saw the

topics I had in mind for this essay. This means that I at least had something to write about and

where to choose from. Another thing that I would say I had a hard time with was with the thesis

statement because I was so confused on what exactly to include since this essay was about doing

scientific research obviously the thesis statement was going to be different from the other essay I

had done. One of the things that helped me alot was going to the writing center because there

they kind of helped me figure out what to put as my thesis statement. As a matter of fact, they

said that since this essay is about a scientific research paper, the thesis statement should include a

hypothesis. In other words, the thesis statement has to do with what I think about my topic.

In addition, when I was writing my body paragraphs it was pretty interesting because I

did some research that related to my experiment. Doing this made me feel that I could relate with

what I was researching. One of the reasons why I felt like that was because the articles that I was

reading shared surveys and percentages where people also felt the same way I was feeling when I

was not using facebook. Another reason why I would say that writing the body paragraphs was

interesting is because there I could back up my information and mentioned how my feelings

towards this scientific research could relate to my research and that some people actually feel the

same way I did when I was not using this social media.

To conclude, I felt that writing my research paper was a fun thing to do. I also felt that I

learned how to deal with my anxiety when I am not using Facebook. In fact, writing my

conclusion in my essay was easier because I only had to restate my thesis statement and mention

if my hypothesis was right or wrong. This also means that this would helped me conclude my

paper and restate how I felt doing my experiment.

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