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British Intelligence Unit SPARTAN

Based On an Idea for the BBC Series Spooks

SPARTAN motto: Procul Ullus Sumptus Nos Vadum Valloan (At Any Cost We Shall Defend) is an elite psychic British Intelligence
unit attached to the Security Service MI5. Date of formation unknown and scant information exists it is with thanks to those in the

Responsible for Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing of foreign and internal domestic enemies of the UK, the story of this unit
starts not with the famed Majestic 12 organization which is often read about and formed after the Roswell UFO incident, but by the
formation at Wright Paterson AFB of the Collins Elite, the Collins Elite developed psychic espionage and counter espionage
techniques, in response to the appearance of UFOs over the United States these UFOs were perceived as the actions of a none human
entity or NHEs this conclusion was reached by observation and historical research in myth and folklore.

The Collins Elite was funded partly by the Air Force and CIA; the National Security Agency (NSA) also looked at this problem by
researching mankind's turbulent past with unknown forces. This forms the background to the elite unit SPARTAN.

Although it is widely thought that the UK MOD did research in Remote Viewing and concluded it was not useful, the utilization and
vision to use psychic espionage came from the early formation of British Intelligence in 1500 by Sir Francis Walshingham.

The First Intelligence Chief.

Sir Francis Walsingham (c. 1532 – 6 April 1590) was principal secretary to Elizabeth the 1st of England from 1573 until 1590, and is
popularly remembered as her "spymaster". Walsingham is frequently cited as one of the earliest practitioners of modern intelligence
methods both for espionage and for domestic security. He oversaw operations which penetrated the heart of Spanish military
preparation, gathered intelligence from across Europe, and disrupted a range of plots against the queen, securing the execution of
Mary Queen of Scots.

John Dee the First 007

A fine example of a psychic spy is Dr John Dee, recruited by Walshingham who was running probably the first version of a foreign
espionage service with agents as far as Turkey, the real enemy was Spain, and among one of the many examples of psychic spying or
even Remote viewing by Dr Dee was the psychic information passed on regarding French infiltration of the Forest of Dean at the
time Britain's ship building centre French workers secretly working for the Spanish attempted to bribe disloyal workers to burn the
forest, this information proved to be correct and the French men were arrested.

The number "007" originally was an insignia number developed by Dee for Queen Elizabeth to use in covert communications
between the Court and Dee

The double-Os in the number referred to Dee being the secret eyes of the Queen. The Queen signed her missives to Dee as "M."

The Original 007 Signature

US RV projects founder Ingo Swann indicated that MI5 used RV in the 1900's oddly enough the French military were also exploring
RV in 1900.

Members of SPARTAN are required to operate under the strictest secrecy, and have to have proven ability in the areas of Remote
Viewing but also Remote Influencing (RI) each member is fully aware of the risks they undertake in the area of deploying RI.

Members of SPARTAN have to be exceptionally mentally tough due to the rigors and shocks they will need to deal with mentally
when using RI and are volunteers from the various security services including the Army, Navy & Air Force, they are sworn to secrecy
and cannot discuss any of their roles reporting directly to the heads of MI5 and MI6 and the JIC.

RI is deployed to prevent various incidents, however the unit discovered that certain incidents if prevented by RI may actually
manifest differently elsewhere also that the covert going's on of elitist secret societies connected to the world of the esoteric (what is
hidden) may also be manipulated by NHE's the unit discovered that attempts were made to prevent RI on various incidents due to
such incidents being beneficial to an elitist agenda hidden from view.

Burnout and mental illness stalks members of the unit constantly and this was of the greatest concern to the DG of 5 & 6, however
the successes of the unit have saved countless lives, and they forever remain in the shadows.

The RI protocol is based on time being a network of stacked events that form a horizontal signal line from thought manifesting into
intention into reality (termed causal seed) it is not fixed in time these events can be influenced by intercepting them at intervention
points, however interception of an intervention point on the horizontal signal line forward in time can cause a ripple effect sending
the event somewhere else. For example a town that is about to be flooded by a burst river could with the right intent be prevented by
intercepting the event in time and influencing it not to happen, however it is possible that another location is flooded in other words
the event manifests somewhere else. This gives a very basic insight into RI, from classified documents.

Members of SPARTAN are also said to have been deployed when the HMG are confronted by serious unknown mysterious situations
to which no explanation can be given. Including UFOs. It is said that the unit has expanded and is one of the most secretive in the
intelligence world the head of the section is simply known as 7. It is also rumored that they are referred to as MI7.

They are of course the UK Men In Black this article is a fine example of placing a secret straight in front of a person to hide it.

This article is copyright © rights reserved 2011 and the information is owned by Tony Topping no part of this article maybe used by
any media or broadcast organization nor any media production without prior permission of Tony Topping due to the nature of the
material. Please email

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