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GENERIC: Diffuses into INDICATIONS: Common Side Effect: Dx:

organism, interacting
Metronidazole with DNA causing a 1. CNS infections such as meningitis, CNS: peripheral neuropathy, a) Monitor daily pattern of bowel
brain abscess, subdural empyema headache, sleeplessness, activity, stool consistency.
loss of helical DNA and septic thrombophlebitis
structure and strand dizziness, ataxia, paresthesia b) Monitor I&O, assess for urinary
2. Gynecological Infections:
BRAND: breakage, inhibiting problems.
Endometrics, tubo-ovarian abscess,
GI: nausea, gastrointestinal c) Be alert to neurologic symptoms
protein synthesis. vaginal cuff infections, pelvic
Erzol pain (dizziness, paresthesia of
Therapeutic Effect: abscesses, Bartholin’s abscess,
Produces vaginal salphingitis and post extremities).
abortion sepsis. Systemic: Anorexia, dry d) Assess for rash, urticaria.
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: 3. Chest Infections: Aspiration mouth, metallic taste. e) Monitor for onset of
antiprotozoal, pneumonitis, lung abscesses,
amebicidal, superinfection (ulceration/change
Nitroimidazole derivative necrotizing pneumonia, Vaginal: Symptomatic
trichomonacidal of oral mucosa, furry tongue,
emphysema and bronchitis. cervicitis/vaginitis, abdominal
effects. Produces 4. Intra-abdominal Infections: vaginal discharge, genital/anal
cramps, uterine pain. pruritus).
antiinflammatory, Peritonitis, intra-abdominal, and
PHARMACOLOGIC: liver abscesses, post operative
immunosuppressive Tx:
abdominal and wound infections Occasional:
Antiprotozoal effects when applied
and appendicitis.
topically. a) Obtain baseline CBC, LFT.
5. Urinary Tract Infections: Peri- Systemic: Diarrhea,
urethral cellulitis abscess or b) Question for history of
Source: constipation, vomiting, hypersensitivity to
DOSAGE: 5mg/mL gangrene, chronic prostatic abscess,
renal abscess, perirenal abscess and dizziness, erythematous rash, metronidazole, other
Saunders-Nursing- urticaria, reddish-brown urine.
Adult: 500 mg testicular abscess. nitroimidazole derivatives
Children: 7.5 mg/kg 6. Other Indications: Endocarditis, (and parabens with topical).
2021-1st-Edition bacteremia,osteomyelitis Topical: Transient erythema,
mild dryness, burning, c) Obtain specimens for
ROUTE: IV, PO speticemia, bone and joint
irritation, stinging, tearing diagnostic tests, cultures
infections, prophylaxis in chronic
surgery. when applied too close to eyes. before giving first dose
(therapy may begin before
Vaginal: Vaginal perineal, results are known).
CONTRAINDICATIONS: vulvar itching; vulvar swelling d) Administer drug with meals to
1. History of hypersensitivity to minimize GI distress
Metronidazole Rare: e) Reduce dosage in hepatic
DRUG TO DRUG INTERACTIONS: Mild, transient leukopenia;
thrombophlebitis with IV Edx:
 Intravenous administration of therapy
Metronidazole intravenous a) Advise pt that urine may be red-
infusion and other medications brown or dark.
are not recommended. b) Instruct pt to avoid alcohol,
 Alcohol may cause alcohol-containing preparations
disulfiramtype reaction (e.g., (cough syrups, elixirs) for at least
abdominal cramps, nausea, 48 hrs after last dose.
vomiting, headache, psychotic c) Instruct pt to avoid tasks that
reactions). require alertness, motor skills
 Disulfiram may increase risk of until response to drug is
toxicity. established.
 May increase effects of oral d) Educate pt that if taking
anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin). metroNIDAZOLE for
trichomoniasis, refrain from
DRUG TO FOOD INTERACTIONS: sexual intercourse until full
treatment is completed.
None known. e) Educate pt that for amebiasis,
frequent stool specimen checks
will be necessary.

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