CPP Report Updated - Rohit

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This is to certify that Mr. Priyanshu Ganatra, Mr. Rohit Nandagawali, Mr. Nikhil
Lende, Mr. Harshdip Ladhe. From (institute) Government Polytechnic Yavatmal
having Enrollment No. 1901350001, 1901350030, 1901350054, 1901350025
respectively has completed Project planning Report having title “Website for
Local Crime Alert” in group consisting of four Candidates under the guidance of
the faculty guide.

Name & Signature of Guide _____________________________

Name & Signature of HOD ______________________________

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This project is done as a semester project, as a part course titled “Website for
Local Crime Alert” We are really thankful to our course the Principal DR. R.P.
Mogre and the HOD K. K. Bele, Computer Engineering, Government
Polytechnic, Yavatmal for his valuable guidance and assistance, without which the
accomplishment of the task would have never been possible. We thank Prof. G.K.
Yadav for giving this opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the
interrelation without which a Project can never progress. In our present project we
have chosen the topic- “Website for Local Crime Alert”. We are also thankful to
our parents, friends and all staff of Computer Engineering department, for
providing us relevant information and necessary clarification, and great support.

1. Priyanshu Ganatra

2. Rohit Nandagawali

3. Nikhil Lende

4. Harshadip Ladhe

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The topic of our project is Website for Local Crime Alert. In this project we are
going to create a system which will serve as a community for citizens. The purpose
of this project is to alert people about any crimes happening in their respective
cities. By using this project, it will be easier for people to be alerted about any
crimes, to talk about them, to share the uploaded posts, or to post an alert for others
to see, about any crime happening in their vicinity. Keeping all the post records on
online database so there will be no need of physical paper / register. In this project,
the users can view some crime alert posts without having to sign-up & make an
account, but to post an alert or to use other functionalities like commenting on a
post, liking/disliking it etc. requires mandatory sign-up as we maintain a database
for the users. When the users make a new account, they aren’t verified but can still
post an alert and this has a huge impact on other viewers of their uploaded posts as
the uploader isn’t verified. For a user to be verified, an Admin is responsible,
he/she can only verify the users, block them from posting further or delete any of
the inappropriate crime alert posts. Users can even change their profiles and can
select which city’s posts to view, they get notifications about new alert posts of
their selected cities and they can further manage the notifications. The benefit of
this project is that it provides Local people a dedicated platform to talk about
serious issues and then to take their individual actions.

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Sr.no Topic Name Page no.

1 1. Introduction 5

1.2 Objectives 7

1.3 Issues for Consideration 7

2 2. Literature Survey 8

3 3. Proposed Methodology and Implementation 11

3.1 Problem Definition 11

3.2 Action Plan 13

3.3 Proposed methodology 14

3.4 Proposed Application 14

3.5 Proposed Scope 16

3.6 Proposed Limitation 18

3.7 Summary 18

4 4. Reference and Bibliography 19

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Chapter 1
A crime is an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by
the state and is punishable by law. There are numerous types of crimes that are possible,
like the most common ones including burglary, cyber-crimes, etc. & critical ones like murders,
human trafficking, property-related misdemeanors etc. Even though the government and
police department are responsible for handling them, it is our local citizens’ duty to
at least be aware about them, report them and if possible, prevent them from further
happening by actively reporting them to the authorities.

 Overtime Statistics of crimes in India

A report published by the NCRB compared the crime rates of 1953 and 2006. The report noted
that burglary declined over a period of 53 years by 79.84% (from 147,379, a rate of 39.3/100,000
in 1953 to 91,666, a rate of 7.9/100,000 in 2006), murder has increased by 7.39% from 9,803, a
rate of 2.61 in 1953 to 32,481, a rate of 2.81/100,000 in 2006.
Kidnapping increased by 47.80% from 5,261, a rate of 1.40/100,000 in 1953 to 23,991, a rate of
2.07/100,000 in 2006, robbery declined by 28.85% from 8,407, rate of 2.24/100,000 in 1953 to
18,456, rate of 1.59/100,000 in 2006 and riots have declined by 10.58% from 20,529, a rate of
5.47/100,000 in 1953 to 56,641, a rate of 4.90/100,000 in 2006
In 2006, 5,102,460 cognizable crimes were committed including 1,878,293 (IPC) crimes and
3,224,167 Special & Local Laws (SLL) crimes, with an increase of 1.5% over 2005 (50,26,337).
IPC crime rate in 2006 was 167.7 compared to 165.3 in 2005 showing an increase of 1.5% in 2006
over 2005. SLL crime rate in 2006 was 287.9 compared to 290.5 in 2005 showing a decline of 0.9%
in 2006 over 2005.

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Total cog. Murder Burglary (known as
Kidnapping Robbery
Year crimes under per house-breaking in
per 100,000 per 100,000
IPC, per 100,000 100,000 India) per 100,000

1953 160.5 2.61 1.40 2.24 39.3

2006 162.3 2.81 2.07 1.60 7.92

% Change in
2006 over 1.1 7.39 47.80 −28.85 −79.84

Our project aims to create a website for local people to alert fellow citizens about some
crimes happening in their respective cities, talk about them using comments, post a crime alert
and many more. This will hopefully significantly help the users to be aware, help others by

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taking necessary actions.
Any Number of clients can connect to the server. Each user can view posts without signing-in

but to post an alert it’s mandatory to login to sever to show their availability.


The objectives of this project were to create a website:

• That can serve as a platform for local citizens.
• That can be used to alert citizens about local crimes.
• That can make use of modern features like photos,
• video or text to post crime alerts.
• That is able to transmit data to an
• external destination (server).
• That has a good user interface- easy to use,
• clear instructions.

• Issues for consideration

• It could be difficult for the viewers of posts to identify whether a post is fake or
real. As there are chances that it could generate fake news.

• Another difficulty would be management of a lot of data, as the website is

going to provide different alert posts from each different city, and the data of
users, admins, user posts, the comments on posts will be needed to be managed,
additionally the users can even modify their personal data.

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Chapter 2


Existing websites/applications

As part of our initial research, we decided to investigate websites that offer the same
or similar services for the web and other platforms. Our aim is to see how these
websites/apps work and to see how they can be improved. To date we have
identified some Websites that offer the similar services – SpotCrime.com,
Neighborly - Neighborhood network’ etc. We also looked at world map driven
websites and crime reporting websites.

1. SpotCrime.com
SpotCrime.com “SpotCrime is a public facing crime map and crime alert service. With
SpotCrime, it’s easier than ever to check crime anywhere in the United States and many
other countries worldwide. Our goal is to provide the most accurate and timely crime
information to the public. As the most visited crime mapping website, ‘SpotCrime’
allows you to easily look up city and county crime data and reports - all the way down to
local neighborhood statistics.” – This is the description of the website .

Drawbacks that we found in this website: This website is only limited to the U.S.A. and
some other countries. And it doesn’t let people post about crime alerts in their areas and
there isn’t any medium by which people can discuss about the crime incidents (comments
section). We can’t predict if the crime is real or not as there aren’t any ‘Fake’ or ‘Real’
buttons. And we aren’t able to know about the source of the crime alert i.e., we don’t get
to know who has posted the alert, if the uploader is a trusted source or not. And if the
alert is found to be fake, we can’t report it.

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2. Neighborly - Neighborhood network - App
This is a mobile application. It is very similar to our project; it has login issues and it
crashes a lot. Sometimes it won’t even open, even though the internet connection and
device are quite good enough.

3. Local Live - Local News, Videos and Updates - App

This mobile app is also quite similar to our project. We faced an issue as soon as we
opened the app, it says “No Internet” even though our internet speed was excellent.
The count of available cities is low too.

Other similar websites/Apps include:

• MyLocalCrime (https://www.mylocalcrime.com/#)

• Lokal App (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=get.lokal.localnews)

• Neighbors app by ring (https://ring.com/neighbors)

• CityProtect (https://cityprotect.com/map/list/incidents?toDate=2021-12-

• CitizenCop (https://www.citizencop.org/?kbid=62750)

• CrimeMapping.com (https://www.crimemapping.com/?kbid=62750)

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• Neighborhood Scout website(https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ny/burdett#crime).

• Crimedoor App (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crimedoor.app)

Our overall experience:

We wouldn’t recommend these websites and mobile apps as there was no

explanation of what each button did or how to use the website/application. The
user interface was quite poor and offers little instructions to the users. We were
able to figure out most of the functionally by trial and error but we do not believe
the average user would have the patience or technical knowledge to be able to do
so. Neither of the websites/applications we investigated were satisfactory from the
perspective of the end user, Websites or applications should be user friendly and
easy to figure out. We intend to create a website that addresses these issues.

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Chapter 3


3.1 Problem Definition:

 Crime Definition and Statistics:

In ordinary language, a crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other

authority. The term crime does not, in modern criminal law, have any simple and
universally accepted definition, though statutory definitions have been provided for
certain purposes. The most popular view is that crime is a category created by law;
in other words, something is a crime if declared as such by the relevant and
applicable law. One proposed definition is that a crime or offence (or criminal
offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual but also to a community,
society, or the state ("a public wrong"). Such acts are forbidden and punishable by
law. There are numerous types of crimes that are possible like the most common
ones including burglary, cyber-crimes, etc. & critical ones like murders, human
trafficking, property-related misdemeanors etc. Crime in India has been recorded
since the British Raj, with comprehensive statistics now compiled annually by the
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), under the Ministry of Home Affairs
(India) (MHA). The crime rate (crime incidence per 100,000 of population) in
India increased from 383.5 in 2018 and 385.5 in 2019 to 383.8 in 2020 according
to the National Crime Records Bureau. The rise in crime in 2020 has been
generally attributed to COVID-19 related restrictions and violations. 2020 saw a
fall in crimes such as rape, kidnapping and crime against children, while
disobeying public servant related crimes increased 21%.

In 2018, a total of 5 million cognizable crimes were registered comprising 3

million Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes and 2 million Special & Local Laws (SLL)
crimes. The average charge-sheeting rate for 2020 is 82.5%.

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If any unfortunate crime is committed, people aren’t able to get instant updates of
it in their respective cities, and they are not able to share their own opinions on the
latest issues and crimes. People individually were not able to post an alert for their
neighbors and citizens, although there are other websites available to do so. But
they are much general purpose, and not specific to local areas like cities. We aim to
build a dedicated platform by which people can share these critical issues and
discuss about them.

Our project aims to develop a website that brings people all the latest updates of
their city through short videos/photos/text. Through the website, we aim to provide
users a medium where they can get all the important and interesting posts from
across their city in a single place.

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3.2 Action Plan:
Sr. No Details Of Activity Planned Planned Name Of Responsible
Start Date Finish Date Team Members

1. We will understand the 30-01-2022 06-02-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit

concepts related to our (1.5 hour) (1.5 hour) Nandagawali, Nikhil
project in various web Lende, Harshadip Ladhe.
technologies (HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, etc.).
2. We will design GUI and 07-02-2022 14-02-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
database of every module (2 hours) (2 hours) Nandagawali, Nikhil
of our website. Lende, Harshadip Ladhe

3. We will work on sign-up 15-02-2022 22-02-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit

and log-in page of users (3 hours) (3 hours) Nandagawali, Nikhil
and admins of the website. Lende,
4. We will work on making 23-02-202 02-03-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
the database according to (2 hours) (2 hours) Nandagawali, Harshadip
the design. Ladhe
5. We will work on the 03-03-2022 10-03-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
Homepage that is visible (3 hours) (3 hours) Nandagawali
to users.
6. We will discuss about 11-03-2022 18-03-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
some difficulties with our (10 (10 minutes) Nandagawali, Nikhil
guide. minutes) Lende, Harshadip Ladhe

7. We will work on the 19-03-2022 28-03-2022 Nikhil Lende, Harshadip

Homepage that is visible (3 hours) (3 hours) Ladhe
to admins.
8. We will work on ‘My 29-03-2022 06-04-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
Profile’ module of the (4 hours) (1 hour) Nandagawali
9. We presented the project 07-04-2022 07-04-2022 Priyanshu Ganatra, Rohit
in files and submitted it. (20 (20 minutes) Nandagawali, Nikhil
minutes) Lende, Harshadip Ladhe

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3.3 Proposed Methodology:

So far, we have discussed the problem and our aim. Now we will discuss how
we are actually going to implement it and solve the mentioned problem.

We surveyed various websites as well as mobile apps, and we observed lot of

missing functionalities and bugs.

The goal of our research is to develop a website that addresses the above-
mentioned problems. Our website will let common people:

 Watch all the latest updates of their cities through short videos/images.
 Get instant updates of their city.
 Record and share their opinion on latest issues.
 Report local issues and problems of their city on our website.
 Get instant notifications for every breaking or local update of their city.

To create the GUI (graphical user interface) we are going to use HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, React.js and for back-end we will be using php and MySQL.

3.4 Proposed Application:

When the user opens the homepage of our website, he/she will be able to
view other people’s posts and will be able to share them. But to use the other
functionalities like uploading a post, commenting on a post, liking or disliking a
post, receive alert notifications and report an inappropriate post. After registering
to our website (sign-up/login) a user will be able to use these above-mentioned
functionalities. If a user wants to post an alert, he/she can either post a short
video/images/text, add description to the post and further delete the post if
required. The viewer of the post will be able to see the username, profile picture of
the uploader and uploading date and time of the post. By default, the post will not
be verified of any user, here comes the admin into the picture. Only the admin will
be able to verify the users, block any user from further posting and delete any
inappropriate looking post. Registered users can modify their: profile picture,

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password, city, ‘About Me’ section. Not only this, the user can mute post
notifications, he/she can view his/her uploaded posts and logout.

Functionalities of each module can be seen in ‘Proposed Scope’ topic


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3.5 Proposed Scope:

Functionalities of each module:

User Sign-up Module:

1. Set Profile picture (optional)
2. Username field
3. Password field
4. Confirm password field
5. A question to be answered if in case password is forgotten in future
6. E-mail field
7. Cities choice list
8. Age Field
9. Mobile no. field
10. Sign-up button

Admin Sign-up Module:

1. Set Profile picture (optional)
2. Username field
3. Password field
4. Confirm password field
5. A question to be answered if in case password is forgotten in future
6. E-mail field
7. Cities choice list
8. Age Field
9. Mobile no. field
10. Sign-up button

User Log-in Module:

1. Username field
2. Password field

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3. Forgot password? Then answer the question that was asked when you signed
4. Not Registered User? Then click here to sign-in.
5. Login Button.
6. Login as Admin.

Admin Log-in Module:

1. Username field
2. Password field
3. Forgot password? Then answer the question that was asked when you signed

Posts Module for users (Home page):

1. Navigation menu bar at Bottom – including ‘Home’ page item (posts page)
& ‘My
Profile’ item

2. Post features:
• ‘Real’, ‘Fake’, ‘Comment’, ‘Share’ & ‘Report’ buttons when it has
been posted.
• The profile picture, username, time and date of uploader will be
• Post header – Can include either images, a video or text.
• Post body – Can include description text.
• A ‘Post’ button
• And then a ‘Delete post’ button after the post has been uploaded by a

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My Profile Module:
1. Change profile photo
2. Change Password feature
3. Change City
4. Mute Notifications about posts
5. ‘About me’ section.
6. ‘My Posts’ section.
7. Logout button
8. Save changes button

Posts Module for Admins (Home page):

1. View user posts
2. Verify trusted users (A verification mark will be displayed next to the
uploader of post who has been verified by the admin)
3. Block users from posting further
4. Delete inappropriate posts

3.6 Limitations

If the internet connection is slower than required, then the website may take
little bit longer time to load. There is a possibility that a user can post a fake news
or may post something inappropriate.

3.7 Summary:

In this report, we propose a novel crime alert website to provide users a

medium where they can get all the important crime alerts, share them, discuss
about them etc. from across their city in a single place. Though multiple issues
remain with our proposed local crime alert website. Nevertheless, we confirmed
that our local crime alert website will be a useful tool for people to be notified,
alerted, to alert others etc. about the crimes happening in their cities.

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Chapter 4


1) Crime statistics in India - Wikipedia


2) Top Crime Watch Resources for Safer Neighborhoods


3) Crime Prevention: What can the government do to lower the crime rate?


4) Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5: A Step-by-Step

Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites - Robin Nixon

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