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“Happy Smiles”

Southeast Elementary
Ms. Erbes’ Class

Presenter: ____Rachel Swift and Katie Tingley ___________

(Lesson plan outline written by Rachel Swift)
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
Kindergarten Dental Hygiene Lesson

TITLE: “Happy Smiles”

ASSESSMENT: After meeting with the teacher virtually Katie and I were able to
take notes about the class and gage the classroom based off the information
given from our virtual meeting. We will be presenting to a class of 25
kindergartners in Mallory Erbes’ class at Southeast Elementary school in Ankeny.
The classroom setting is a typical kindergarten classroom with desks for each child
and a carpet area for the class to sit as a group on the floor. They also have an
Elmo and whiteboard available for use. In this classroom the teacher uses
multiple techniques to keep the children focused and engaged such as counting
down from 5, then saying sh sh sh where they respond back with a phrase. The
Teacher states that they are usually pretty good if you just remind them to raise
their hand and take turns sharing. This group of students has a wide variety of
abilities and levels to accommodate. Two students can read already while there
are a few students that don’t speak English and still learning the language with
majority of them in between learning letters sounds and sight words. We will be
using the same technology and methods the teacher uses in her classroom. This
will look like talking about the subject then having the kids do an activity about
what was learned. Many of the children have past experiences going to the
dentist and knew the basics of brushing flossing and dental visits. This will be the
second time that we visit this class and the teacher says that this is still accurate
and no changes have been made to her classroom.

The need for dental education in schools is important because we know that
dental caries is preventable. If we can teach kids at an early age the importance to
dental health, we can make an impact on a child’s future. The CDC states “Poor
oral health can have a detrimental effect on children's quality of life, their
performance at school, and their success later in life. Cavities are preventable and
ensuring that students have the preventive oral health services they need in
school is important in helping them stay healthy and ready to learn.” Based on
this if we can teach children the importance of oral hygiene and how to do it, we
can prevent decay and other issues associated. If programs are created that can
help provide dental supplies to kids in need, we are not only giving them
knowledge but the supplies to put everything into action. This will lead to better
outcomes and futures especially in high-risk areas.
Children’s dental health states “According to one study published in the
American Journal of Public Health, on average, elementary children miss a total of
6 days per year, and 2.1 days of missed school were due to dental problems.
These children are four times more likely to have a lower grade point average.
This also includes parents who missed an average of 2.5 days of work per year to
care for children with dental problems. Too many absences related to dental pain
can cause children to miss a critical time in their lives where reading and writing
skills start to become a focus.” Because of facts like this it is important to give kids
this type of education on a continuous basis at an early age to promote and
create healthy habits.


Goal 1: The students will understand the importance of flossing and how to floss.
Objective 1.1: 80% of students will be able to state purposes of flossing (cognitive)
Objective 1.2: 80% of students able to demonstrate flossing through a simulated
activity. (cognitive)
Goal 2: The students will understand why we need to take care of teeth and what
happens when they don’t.
Objective 2.1: 80% of students will be able to state the purpose of brushing
Objective 2.2: 80% of students able to verbalize and explain the what happens
when we don’t take proper care of teeth (cognitive)

Good morning, everyone, my name is Rachel (Katie will also introduce self)! We
are dental hygiene students, and we came to see you in the fall. We are here to
tell you even more fun stuff about your teeth. With a raise of your hand who can
tell me what one thing they remember from the fall when we came to see you?
As a dental hygienist student, I am learning how to clean your teeth and teach
people how to take care of their teeth at home. So, my job today is to teach you
even more about how to have a good healthy smile! We are going to talk about
flossing and what happens when do don’t take care of your teeth. We will also
review brushing.


-Begin with a review on why we brush and how based off of the information from
the previous lesson.

-Find out what the kids already know about flossing

-Discuss Why and how we floss
-Read sugar bug Doug and review book (1.1, 1.2 Cognitive lecture, participation)
-divide the class into two groups Group 1. Set children up with Duplo Blocks and
have them put playdough in the spaces to represent the plaque that sits between
the teeth. Once they have their plaque in place they will take a piece of yarn and
demonstrate how to remove the plaque using floss. Group 2. Will do a sugar bug
Doug work sheet from the book to review nutrition.

-once these activities are complete finish with a game of plaque plaque cavity
(2.1, 2.2 Cognitive lecture participation)
This game is played like “Duck, Duck, Goose.” Start the game with the
children sitting in a circle, facing the center. This can be played standing up
as well.

The “germ” walks around tapping lightly on the head of each “tooth” in
turn, calling each a “tooth” until finally picking one to get a “cavity.” The
“cavity” then rises and tries to tag the “germ”, while the “germ” tries to run
all around the circle and sit where the “cavity” was sitting.

If the “germ” gets to the open seat in the circle without being caught, the
“cavity” is now the new “germ” and the process begins again. If the “cavity”
tags the germ, the “cavity” sits back down in the spot and the “germ” goes

Everyone in the circle is a nice, clean tooth, but the GERM is trying to make
a hole or cavity. When the germ says CAVITY you have to chase the “germ”
around the circle and catch the “germ” before he or she gets back around
to the empty space.

Demonstrate the game while being the germ for the first round.

Children often need help to pick people who have not been chosen. You
may use markers so children can tell who else has not been a “germ” yet.
Game and directions found (

Thank the kids for being such great listeners and ask if anyone has any last
questions. Remind them that we are sending them home with goodies. Tell the
students to go home and share all the great things we learned with their families!
Will be sending kids home with
- toothbrush and toothpaste

Teacher to hand items out to students during a time that works best for her as kids
have lunch and recess right after presentation.

Sugar Bug Doug book will be used to explain and teeth the caries process in
an understandable engaging way
Flossing using play dough and yarn with a duplo lego
Worksheet to review sugar bug doug book
Instead of duck duck goose we will play germ germ cavity to simulate a
germ going after a healthy tooth using proper instruction and explanation
Answer questions by raising hands or completing activities …
(1.1) Why do we floss? – Remove the plaque in-between the teeth and clean
under the gums. All the kids are able to raise hand for at least one. The class gave
all the reasons.
(1.2) How do we floss teeth? – All children in the class are able to complete
flossing activity and demonstrate proper technique by end of activity
(2.1) Students able to state the purpose of brushing – 90% of students can state
reason for brushing
(2.2) What happens if we do not floss and what do sugar bugs do – 85% of the
kids were able to respond correctly

What went well was….
We were able to keep the kids engaged and focused. They did a great job listening
and following the presentation. They all participated eagerly and did the activities
listening well. I was happy with how it turned out. This went much better this
time because we used more variation in activities and had them more active

What I would change and why is…

I don’t know if I would have changed anything we had a great group of students
that participated and used our fulltime and got everything done and had extra
stuff just in case we ran out of stuff to do with time left over. This honestly went
very great, and the teacher was very happy.

What surprised me was…

How much the children remember from the last visit. They are all very eager to
learn more information and new skills. They also sat so well and took turns raised
hands. The teacher is amazing at getting the kids together and back on track.

The classroom teacher support I received was…

She was great at classroom management and reminding kids to raise hands and
wait turns. While doing activities she jumped in and helped as needed. She took
over and gathered kids when they got a little crazy great classroom management

I felt my preparation, organization, and presentation was….

Well organize and prepared to go in and complete tasks in a timely manner while
allowing the kids the chance to complete activities this ran much more smoothly.
These presentations are getting easier as we do them a second time.

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