Word List: BIO - CH6: Noun Noun Verb Verb Adjective

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Word list: BIO.

respiration noun breathing
individual noun a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong

exemplify verb to be or give a typical example of something

facilitate verb to make something possible or easier
wasteful adjective using something in a careless way and causing some of it to be wasted

permanently adverb always and for ever

sufficient adjective enough for a particular purpose
inhibition noun the act of stopping or slowing down a process, or the fact of this happening

beneficial adjective helpful, useful, or good

mutation noun the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences
presence noun the fact that someone or something is in a place
significant adjective important or noticeable
rise verb to move upwards
exception noun someone or something that is not included in a rule, group, or list or that does not behave in
the expected way
denature verb to change the characteristics of a substance, for example by the action of heat or an acid

optimal adjective the best or most effective possible in a particular situation

extreme adjective very large in amount or degree
reach verb to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling

inhibitor noun something that stops or slows down a process

instance verb to give something as an example
collision noun an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force
trypsin noun an enzyme (= a chemical substance produced by living cells) that breaks down proteins

alteration noun a change, usually a slight change, in the appearance, character, or structure of something

merely adverb used to emphasize that you mean exactly what you are saying and nothing more

accommodate verb to provide with a place to live or to be stored in

respond verb to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done

arrangement noun a plan for how something will happen

involved adjective being in a close relationship with someone
involved adjective not simple and therefore difficult to understand
constitute verb to form or make something
repeat verb to happen, or to do something, more than once
filament noun a thin thread or fibre of natural or artificial material
contraction noun the fact of something becoming smaller or shorter
immediate adjective happening or done without delay or very soon after something else
pump noun a piece of equipment that is used to cause liquid, air, or gas to move from one place to
conducive adjective providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist
assume verb to accept something to be true without question or proof
coupling noun a device that joins two things together
energetically adverb with a lot of energy
essential adjective necessary or needed
contract verb to become smaller in amount or quantity
combustion noun the process of burning
disorganized adjective not good at planning or organizing things
distribute verb to give something out to several people, or to spread or supply something

entropy noun the amount of order or lack of order in a system

constant adjective happening a lot or all the time
consume verb to use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large amounts
participate verb to take part in or become involved in an activity
concerned adjective worried
subtract verb to remove a number from another number
exergonic adjective (of a chemical process, especially one in the body) involving energy being given out

endergonic adjective (of a chemical process, especially one in the body) involving energy being absorbed

appropriate adjective suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion

conduction noun the process by which heat or electricity goes through a substance
previously adverb before the present time or the time referred to
minimize verb to reduce something to the least possible level or amount
express adjective moving or being sent fast
conditions plural noun all the particular things that influence someone’s living or working environment

instability noun uncertainty caused by the possibility of a sudden change in the present situation

efficiently adverb working or operating in an organized, quick, and effective way

regenerate verb to improve a place or system, especially by making it more active or successful

constantly adverb all the time or often

demand verb to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused

spontaneous adjective happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being
dissipate verb to (cause to) gradually disappear or waste
destroy verb to damage something so badly that it cannot be used
terrestrial adjective relating to the earth
formulate verb to develop all the details of a plan for doing something
sustain verb to keep alive
accomplish verb to finish something successfully or to achieve something
dependent adjective needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating

capture verb to take someone as a prisoner, or to take something into your possession, especially by force

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