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Aflevering - Find en historie og skriv det på engelsk

At the meeting in Casablanca in 1943 the Allies began to plan the invasion of France. The
invasion was to take place in May 1944, somewhere on the French coast by the Channel.
Shortly after, Eisenhower was appointed leader of the invasion. The English and American
armies worked on the plan for almost a year and a half. In planning they used the experiences
from the landing, in French North Africa, in Sicily near Salerno and Anzio in Italy and in
several places in the Pacific. The generals were especially afraid to repeat the massacre from
Anzio. There were many problems: Every day supplies had to be sailed across the Channel to
many thousands of soldiers, troops, weapons and vehicles were to be landed directly on the
beach; and how could the troops avoid being thrown back into the sea? In June 1944, the
army was ready, and on the first day of the invasion, 160.000 soldiers jumped ashore, from
rocking boats. The invasion had succeeded and by the end of August a large part of France
had been conquered. From now on the attack on Germany itself was on the agenda.

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