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Time: 1:15 Hour Max Marks: 126


Section A) 24 multiple choice questions with one alternative correct.

• +3 marks credit for correct choice. • - 1 mark penalty for incorrect choice.
Section B) 09 multiple choice questions with one or more than one correct alternatives.
• +6 marks credit for correct choice. To get credit, all the correct option(s) and no incorrect
option(s) should be marked. No Negative Marking.

Name of the Candidate : .................................................................................................

Enroll Number : .................................................................................................

Date of Examination : .................................................................................................

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

1. What is the potential difference between P and Q in the R

circuit shown below? P Q
(A) 15 volt (B) 10 volt 5
(C) 5 volt (D) 20 volt 20V

2. A body is projected vertically up. At certain height h above the ground its PE and KE are in
the ratio 1 : 4. At what height above the ground PE and KE will be in the ratio 4:1?
(A) 4 h (B) h/4
(C) 5 h (D) h/5

3. A ball of a material having density ‘d’ is immersed in water of density ‘’ to a depth ‘h’
below the surface of water and then released. The height out of water upto which the ball will
jump is
  
(A)  − 1 h (B) h
d  d
d 
(C)  − 1 h (D) h
 

4. A man is slipping on a frictionless inclined plane and a bag falls down from the same height.
Then their speed is related as
(A) VB > VM (B) VB = VM
(C) VB and VM (D) VB and VM don’t hold any relation

5. A semi circular wire of radius R is connected to a x

wire bent in the form of a sine curve to form a closed
loop a shown in the figure. If the loop carries a x
current I and is placed in a uniform magnetic field B, x
then the total force acting on the sine curve is B
(A) 3BIR (B) 2BIR x x x
(C) zero (D) BIR x
x x

6. A set of n identical resistors, each of resistance R, when connected in series have an
effective resistance X and when connected in parallel, their effective resistance is Y. R, X
and Y are related as
(A) R = (B) R = XY
y 1 1
(C) R = (D) R = +

7. A block of mass 2 kg and specific gravity is attached with a
2 k
spring of force constant k = 100 N/m and is half dipped in the
water. If extension in the spring is 1 cm. The force exerted by
the bottom of the tank on block is (take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 20 N (B) 19 N
(C) 15 N (D) 16 N

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
8. An electric current i enters and leaves a uniform circular wire of radius a through
diametrically opposite points. A charged particle q moving along the axis of the circular wire
passes through its centre at speed . The magnetic force acting on the particle when it
passes through the centre has a magnitude.
 i  i
(A) q 0 (B) q 0
2a 2a
 0i
(C) q (D) zero

9. A gaseous mixture contains O2 and N2 in the ratio of 1 : 4 by weight. The ratio of their
number of molecules is:
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 1 : 8
(C) 7 : 32 (D) 3 : 16

10. Elements A and B form two compounds B2A3 and B2A. 0.05 moles of B2A3 weight 9.0 g and
0.10 mole B2A weight 10g .What are the atomic weight of A and B respectively?
(A) 20 and 30 (B) 30 and 4
(C) 40 and 30 (D) 30 and 20

11. The size of the following species increases in the order:

(A) Mg2+ < Na+ < Al < Cl– (B) Cl – < Al < Na+ > Mg2+

(C) Al < Mg < Cl < Na +
(D) Na+ < Al < Cl – < Mg2+

12. Which of the following ores is exclusively subjected to extraction process shown by the
following flow chart?


Chemical separation

Electrolytic reduction

Electrolytic refining
(A) Zinc blend (B) Calamine
(C) Bauxite (D) Haematite

13. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound:


(A) 5, 6-diethyl-3-methyldec-4-ene (B) 7-methyl-2,4,6-trieneoctanal

(C) 6-methyl heptene (D) 3,3-diethyl-5-ethyl-4-decene

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
14. Which of the following reactions represents thermite welding process involved in the
repairing of broken railway tracks?
(A) Al + Fe2O3 → Al2O3 + Fe (B) Al2O3 + 3Zn→ 3ZnO + Al
(C) Al2O3 + Fe → Fe2O3 + Al (D) C + Fe2O3 → CO + Fe

15. The boron, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen have their increasing (first ionization energy (IE1) in
the order
(A) B, C, O, N (B) N, O, B, C
(C) B, N, C, O (D) O, B, C, N

16. Homologous series of alkanols have a general formula

(A) CnH2nO2 (B) CnH2nO
(C) CnH2n+1O (D) CnH2n+2O

17. The body temperature regulatory centre in the brain is:
(A) celebellum (B) corpus callosum
(C) hypothalamus (D) hippo campus

18. Which of the following classes of phylum chordata are homiothermous?

(A) Amphibia (B) Reptilia
(C) Aves (D) All of these

19. _______ increases the surface area for mitochondria activity.

(A) inner membrane (B) inter membrane space
(C) matrix (D) cristae

20. Goblet cells of the alimentary canal that secrete mucus are _______ glandular epithelium.
(A) unicellular squamous (B) unicellular columnar
(C) multicellular cuboidal (D) multicellular columnar

21. Refer to the given flow chart:

Select the option that correctly identifies A, B, C and D.

(A) Amyloplast Aleuroplast Xanthophyll Leucoplast
(B) Chromoplast Amyloplast Xanthophyll Aleuroplast
(C) Aleuroplast Xanthophyll Amyloplast Chromoplast
(D) Chromoplast Xanthophyll Amyloplast Aleuroplast

22. In a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals, percentage of pure

homozygous individuals obtained in F1 generation will be:
(A) 25% (B) 50%
(C) 75% (D) 100%

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
23. The process of migration of chloride ions from plasma to RBC and carbonate ions from RBC
to plasma is:
(A) Chloride shift (B) Ionic shift
(C) Atomic shift (D) Na+ pump

24. One of the factor required for maturation of erythrocytes is:

(A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin B12
(C) Vitamin K (D) Vitamin B6


25. A cubical block of wood of edge 10cm and mass 0.92 kg floats in a tank of water with oil of
rel. density 0.6 to a height of 4 cm above water. When the block attains equilibrium with four
of its sides edges vertical
(A) 1 cm of it will be above the free surface of oil
(B) 5 cm of it will be under water
(C) 2cm of it will be above the common surface of oil and water
(D) 8cm of it will be under water

26. In a charging battery:

(A) the terminal voltage is greater than the emf of the battery.
(B) the emf of the battery increases.
(C) the heat developed in the battery is zero.
(D) the internal resistance of the battery decreases.

27. A long straight wire carries a current along the x-axis. Consider the points A(0, 1, 0),
B(0, 1, 1), C(1, 0, 1) and D(1, 1, 1). Which of the following pairs of points will have magnetic
fields of the same magnitude?
(A) A and B (B) A and C
(C) B and C (D) B and D


28. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A mixture containing 64.0 g H2 and 64.0 g O2 is ignited so that water is formed as follows:
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
(A) H2 is the limiting reagent
(B) O2 is the limiting reagent
(C) The reaction mixture contains 72.0 g of H2O and 56.0 g of Unreacted H2
(D) The reaction mixture contains 56.0 g of H2O and 72.0 g of Unreacted H2

29. A bulb contains 1.6 g of O2. It contains

(A) 0.05 mol of O2 (B) 3.011  1022 molecules of O2
(C) 1.12 L of O2 at STP (D) 1.12 L of O2 at SATP

30. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(A) F is the most electronegative and Cs is the most electropositive element
(B) The electronegativity of halogens decreases from F to I
(C) The electron affinity of Cl is higher than that of F through their electronegativity values
are in the reverse order
(D) The electron affinity of noble gases is high

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

31. Choose the correct statement w.r.t. anaphase stage of mitosis.

(A) two daughters chromatids referred to as daughter chromosomes of the future daughter
nuclei, begin their migration.
(B) All chromosomes come to lie at the equator.
(C) Nucleolus, golgi complex and ER reform
(D) Centromeres split and chromatids separates

32. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(A) Tight junctions help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue
(B) Gap junction facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the
cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big
(C) Adhering junctions performs cementing to keep neighbouring cells together
(D) Tight, adhering and Gap junctions are found only in connective tissue

33. Which of the following statements is/are part of Calvin cycle?

(A) Carboxylation (B) Decarboxylation
(C) Regeneration (D) Reduction

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B

5. B 6. B 7. C 8. D

9. C 10. C 11. A 12. C

13. A 14. A 15. A 16. D

17. C 18. C 19. D 20. B

21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B

25. CD 26. AD 27. BD 28. BC

29. ABCD 30. ABC 31. AD 32. ABC

33. ACD

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
1. B
v R
Sol. i= P
20 5
2= +
R+5 -
v = i R = 2  5 = 10 v
2. A
P. E. mgh 1
Sol. = =
K. E. 1 4
m(u2 − 2gh)
3. A
Sol. Using work energy theorem:
Bh – mg (h + x) = ΔKE = 0
4. B
Sol. Using conservation of energy:
Mgh = MV2
5. B
Sol. ( )
Fnet = i l  B  Fnet = i  ( 2R )  B = 2BIR

6. B
Sol. X = nR & Y =
7. C
Sol: N + B + Kx = mg
8. D
Sol. Magnetic field at the centre is zero.

9. C
Sol. Mole of O2 =
Mole of N2 =
Ratio of no. of molecules = 7 : 32

10. C
Sol. Mw of B2A3 = = 180
Mw of B2A = = 100
2B + 3A = 180 - - - - - (i)
2B + A = 100 - - - - - (ii)
Solving equation (i) & (ii)
2A = = 40
2B = 180 - 120 = 60
B= = 30

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
11. A
Sol. The size of the following species increases in the order Mg2+ < Na+ < Al < Cl –.

12. C
Sol. Bauxite is the only ore that is purified by chemical separation. It is the only ore that is
subjected to electrolytic reduction to get the metal.
13. A
Sol. 4 CH3
H3C 2 CH3
5 3
6 8 10
7 9
14. A
Sol. Since Aluminum has more affinity towards oxygen than Iron, Aluminum displace iron from
Fe2O3 . Huge amount of heat is liberated that melts iron. This molten iron is used for welding
15. A
Sol. The increasing IE1 order of boron, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen is B, C, O, N.
16. D
Sol. Homologous series of alkanols have a general formula CnH2n+2O

17. C
Sol. The body temperature regulatory centre in the brain is hypothalamus.
18. C
Sol. Aves are homiothermous.
19. D
Sol. Cristae increases the surface area for mitochondria activity.
20. B
Sol. Goblet cells of the alimentary canal that secrete mucus are unicellular columnar glandular
21. D
Sol. A → Chromoplast; B → Xanthophyll; C → Amyloplast; D → Aleuroplast.
22. B
Sol. A monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals is as follows:

In F1 generation, pure homozygous individuals will be TT (pure tall) and tt (pure dwarf) i.e.,
23. A
Sol. The process of migration of chloride ions from plasma to RBC and carbonate ions from RBC
to plasma is chloride shift.
24. B
Sol. One of the factor required for maturation of erythrocytes is Vitamin B12.

25. CD
Sol. In case of floating
mg = B

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
0.92  g = A 2
 103  g + A 2 
(10 − x )  0.6  103  g
100 100
26. AD
Sol. V = Ɛ + ir & P = VI
27. BD
Sol. B= o
Also ‘d’ for point A& C = 1
While ‘d’ for point B & D = 2
Hence, BA = BC and BB = BD

28. BC
Sol. nH2 = = 32 mol
nO2 = = 2 mol
1 mole of O2 requires = 2 mol of H2
2 mole of O2 requires = 4 mol g H2
Since H2 is present in excess, therefore O2 is the limiting reagent
2 mol of O2 = 4 moles of H2O = 4  18 = 72 g
Moles of H2 left = 32 – 4 = 28 mol = 28  2 = 56
Mixture contains = 72 g H2O + 56 g H2
29. ABCD
Sol. (A) Moles of O2 = = 0.05
(B) Molecules of O2 = 0.05  6.023  1023 = 3.011 1022
(C) Volume of O2 at STP = 0.05  22.4 = 1.12 L
(D) VO2 at SATP = 0.05  24.4 = 1.22 L
30. ABC
Sol. The correct statements are:
(A) F is the most electronegative and Cs is the most electropositive element
(B) The electronegativity of halogens decreases from F to I
(C) The electron affinity of Cl is higher than that of F through their electronegativity values
are in the reverse order

31. AD
Sol. The correct statements are:
• Two daughters chromatids referred to as daughter chromosomes of the future daughter
nuclei, begin their migration.
• Centromeres split and chromatids separates
32. ABC
Sol. The correct statements are:
• Tight junctions help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue
• Gap function facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the
cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big
• Adhering junctions performs cementing to keep neighbouring cells together
33. ACD
Sol. Carboxylation, Regeneration and Reduction are part of Calvin cycle

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

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