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Date: April 5, 2022

To: Jordan Berg, Fish Factory Swim School Eubank Administrator

From: Wyatt Nolen, Fish Factory Swim School Employee
Subject: Rampant Client Disobedience

Recently, I’ve noticed a surprising rise in disobedience among our clients.

Instructions are being ignored and often ridiculed, some even going as far as to
question the legitimacy of the employee’s positions. Examples of clients breaking
protocols include:
● Refusing to approach different employees when instructed
● Refusing to take a seat in their designated sections
● Blatant disregard for safety protocols despite extensive repetition
● Placing themselves in dangerous situations requiring employee
● Referring to our employees using slang I do not feel comfortable
writing here
These actions extend beyond verbal abuse and refusal to follow our set guidelines,
venturing often to physical assault. I understand it is policy to not hold our clients
responsible for these actions, but in just the last week I have been beaten,
scratched, and even bitten on more than one occasion. While none of these
occurrences have drawn blood, I do feel uncomfortable and unsafe in my work

In addition to this, multiple other employees have mentioned concerns regarding

the very same issue I write to you about now. These complaints make up a majority
of the conversations we’ve had during our Lunch break, and because of how we are
treated, I regret to inform you that there are times when our employees are fearful
and hesitant to work with certain clients who are prone to this behavior.

I feel that a more detailed examination of our clients backgrounds would help to
reduce the amount of harassment we suffer. If this is not an option, some
alternatives might include:
● Protective gear
● More impactful repercussions
● Permission for our employees to leave when they feel threatened
Thank you for your time, I hope we can come to an arrangement that satisfies both
myself and our clients.

-Wyatt Nolen
Date: April 6, 2022
To: Hank Kress, Fish Factory Swim School Manager
From: Jordan Berg, Fish Factory Swim School Eubank Administrator
Subject: Client Observation

An employee has contacted me regarding our “clients” violent outbursts and failure
to follow protocol. Issues listed in the email include:
● Failure to follow instructions
● Disregard of safety precautions
● Frequent self endangerment
● Verbal harassment
● Physical assault

As the manager of the Eubank location, I’d like you to investigate these claims and
report back with any findings. I would like as much information as possible, so
please be sure to send me as many details as possible.

I’m looking for information such as:

● Subject of disagreement
● Time stamps
● Names of all participants
● Any significant events that took place

Hopefully, we can avoid more scenarios like this in the future, as from what I
understand, our employees are very distraught about these occurrences. Ensure
that they feel comfortable and welcomed in the workplace to evade stressful
situations between yourself and the workforce.

Please have this information sent to me as soon as possible.

-Jordan Berg
Date: April 7, 2022
To: Jordan Berg, Fish Factory Swim School Administrator
From: Hank Kress, Fish Factory Swim School Eubank Manager
Subject: Re: Client Observation

I’ve done as you asked and now have distressing news. From my observations,
these concerns are completely validated. The following is an exchange between one
of our employees and a client that took place today (April 7, 2022).

During our 11:30 AM session, one of our clients entered the care of another
employee. The moment they had done so, they immediately began harassing other
clients. They had selected one other client in particular, who they proceeded to
poke and spit on despite our employees’ objections. In addition to this, the same
client was frequently endangering themselves by jumping past our protective
barriers. Of course, this did not end well, and as such a few employees, myself
included, were forced to relocate ourselves to assist in the maintenance of the
client. At times, we found ourselves simply holding on to them to prevent any
attempts to harm themselves again.

Once the session had ended (at around 12 PM) and our clients were exiting the
premises, the same individual pushed another client past our protective measures
once more, prompting our employees to once again be forced to leap to their aid.
As such, I can inform you that the concerns from your previous email are justified.

I recommend that we push our employees to be more proactive in the

discouragement of this behavior, and that we enact some penalty for such. An
example may be fines or the culprit not being welcomed back in the future. Either
way, we currently stand in a precarious predicament which requires attention.

-Hank Kress
Date: April 8, 2022
To: Wyatt Nolen, Fish Factory Swim School Employee
From: Jordan Berg, Fish Factory Swim School Administrator
Subject: Re: Rampant Client Disobedience

Hello Wyatt.
I’ve looked into your concerns and have received some very helpful information due
to this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Later today, you will be receiving an email that will be sent out to all Fish Factory
Employees with information regarding your previous emails points, but I felt it
necessary to follow up with you personally before that.

After some discussion with upper management, we’ve decided a few different
courses of action are possible solutions to the situation. I’d like to get employee
feedback on these options, so I’d like it very much if you could respond as
requested to the poll that will be sent to you later today.

Your recommendations for solving this workplace issue were considered, but both
protective gear and permission to leave were both deemed unsatisfactory
solutions. Please see the following for more information.

Protective Gear: While we at Fish Factory value the safety of our employees, I
believe protective gear would defeat the purpose of our operations. Our Clients
may feel threatened when approached by an individual wearing such intimidating
clothing. In addition, I feel that our employees would underperform while wearing
equipment that may weigh them down or hinder their movement.

Permission to Leave: While on shift at Fish Factory Swim School, it is essential that
our employees only leave when completely necessary. An employee leaving doesn’t
only look bad on the schools reputation, it also leaves our Clients in an unsafe
environment where we risk their safety.

I hope to hear back from you once the next email has been sent! Happy teaching!

-Jordan Berg
Date: April 8, 2022
From: Jordan Berg, Fish Factory Swim School Administrator
Subject: Changes in the Workplace (WE NEED YOUR HELP)

Good Afternoon Fish Factory Team-

Happy almost Easter! Recently, my attention has been drawn to a number of issues
involving our “clients”. These issues reach from their endangerment and even
employee safety. I applaud you all for enduring these challenges up to this point,
however please do not feel afraid to contact me if issues like this arise. I am here to
help, and I want to ensure that you and our clients are safe and taken care of.

The changes that will be made are planned to be enacted on April 18th of this year.
This is directly after Easter, and it will be the perfect time to change our policies
before our next billing cycle.

For these changes to be installed however, we would like some employee feedback.
We have some ideas on how to solve the issues at hand, but would like to ensure
that all voices are heard in this scenario. The solutions currently in place are:
● A fine or suspension enacted on clients who are repeat offenders of our class
● Stricter policies that protect employees from physical assault directed from
our clients

Please reply to this email with any ideas and I will consider them for
implementation this coming holiday. These ideas should be sent by April 15th at
noon to ensure that I have ample time to review and respond to any employees.

-Jordan Berg

P.S. Please do keep in mind that our “clients” are typically 3-10 years olds.
Content Development - It was very difficult to write all of the emails separately.
Pretending to be different people can be hard, and I feel I didn’t do a very good job
of it. I often found my writing style to be very similar no matter who I was writing
for. If I were to attempt a project like this again, I think I would spend more time
developing writing styles for each character, as opposed to using the same writing
style for each and cutting my losses.

Written Communications - Most of my writing avoided simple grammatical and

spelling errors. I truly feel that I did my best to sound formal, while also not
overfilling the text with unnecessary content and flavor. Most of the writing was to
the point. If I were to write again, I think I would spend more time during my review
process looking for things like this however.

Reviewing and Editing - While I acknowledge that a good portion of my emails

could be considered confusing, I opted into this issue. I thought the constant
referral to the children we worked with as “clients” was comical. Perhaps if I were to
rework this project, I would not do that again.

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