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1. How could you explain the purpose of CLIL in education?

2. What do you think about the approach and how could you incorporate
it in your classes?
3. What do you think about the following statement? Support your

"So what we are doing is providing the opportunity to learn to

'think' in the language, not just learn about the language itself as
the major learning focus".

1) Yo pienso que el propósito de clil en la educación, es poder integrar el aprendizaje de asignaturas en idiomas
diferentes al materno, dándole herramientas a los estudiantes para poder aprender simultáneamente el
nuevo idioma y adquirir los conocimientos de una asignatura determinada.
2) Pienso que el enfoque es una oportunidad de mejorar tanto el aprendizaje de las asignaturas y el
acercamiento a una lengua extranjera, ya que no solo se trata de enseñar en otro idioma, sino de que se
pueda aprender. En mi clase realizaría una incorporación progresiva en la que los desarrollos de las temas se
hagan de una manera más integrales con el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.

3) Pienso que esa es la idea central del esta metodología, que lo que busca es que no solo se aprenda ese una
idioma que se desea aprender sino que se pueda aprender a pensar en una lengua diferente y en temas
diferentes, lo cual es muy necesario es en este mundo globalizado en el que vivimos.

HI, my name is Cesar Baquero I'm currently working at Cajamag School as an English Teacher

1) I think that the purpose of clil in education is to be able to integrate the learning of subjects in languages other
than the mother tongue, giving students tools to simultaneously learn the new language and acquire the
knowledge of a given subject.

2) I think that the approach is an opportunity to improve both the learning of the subjects and the approach to a
foreign language, since it is not only about teaching in another language, but that it can be learned. In my class I
would carry out a progressive incorporation in which the development of the topics is done in a more integral
way with the learning of a foreign language.

3) I think that this is the central idea of this methodology, that what it seeks is not only to learn the language that
you want to learn, but also to be able to learn to think in a different language and on different topics, which is
very necessary is in this globalized world in which we live

4) I feel that the statement is pretty clear and real. What CLIL means is creating an environment
where the students are able to develope content skills and competence aobut the main subjetc,
but doing it walking across a road which is called "second language", being prepared to use the
foreign language as a tool that ease every process for their academic life.

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