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( P.E. & HEALTH )

1. Who created the game of basketball?
A. Walter A. Hakanson C. Kareem Abdul Jabbar
B. James A. Naismith D. William J. Morgan
2. What equipment is worn by the catcher in softball for safety?
A. Mask and Body protector C. Mask and Mitt
B. Glove and uniform D. Spikes and Mask
3. What is the position of the spiker’s hand at the beginning of the forward swing to hit the ball?
A. Over the spiker’s head C. Out of the side of the spiker’s shoulder
B. Over the spiker’s right shoulder D. Above and slightly behind the spiker’s head
4. What was the original type of basketball?
A. peach basket B. Sewing basket C. Fish basket D. Trash basket
5. Which is used for timing periods of play and intervals between them?
A. 24- second device B. Game clock C. Stopwatch D. wristwatch
6. Which movement would be most efficient when shooting a lay-up from the right side of the basket?
A. Take off from the left foot, shoot with right hand.
B. Take off from right foot, shoot with right hand
C. Take off from left foot, shoot with both hands
D. Stand on both feet, shoot with right hand
7. Which statement concerning the pivot is untrue?
A. it is an offensive maneuver B. It is a defensive maneuver
C. It is a method of evading an opponent D. It is executed by lifting both feet from the floor
8. What is the most significant factor to stress when executing a pass?
A. Handling the ball with the fingers C. Stepping into the pass
B. Using a wrist snap upon release D. Keeping the elbows in
9. What is the most executed fctor in the execution of an accurate bounce pass?
A. Lowering the release point C. Initiating the pass with a stride
B.Rotating the wrists inward D. Having correct point of contact on the floor
10. Where should a players eyes be focused when dribbling?
A. Downward in order to control the ball
B. Forward in order to pass a teammate
C. Forward in order to alternate hands quickly
D. Downward in order to see the feet of a defensive player
11. In what city did softball originate?
A. Springfield, Massachussetts C. Chicago, Illinois
B. Detroit, Michigan D. Claveland, Ohio
12. What equipment is worn by the catcher for safety?
A. mask and mitt C. glove and uniform
B. cleats and mask D. mask and body protector
13. When is the sidearm throw used most often?
A. When the pitcher is pitching
B. when the infielders used to make a good throw
C. When the right fielder is attempting to throw out a base runner at the first base
D. When the catcher is attempting to throw out a runner stealing second base
14. Which grip should be used if the batter wants to hit a long ball?
A. hands spread about 2 inches
B. hands together at the bottom of the bat
C. hands together about 1 inch from the bottom of the bat
D. hands together about 3 inches from the bottom of the bat
15. What is the most important consideration for an infielder when fielding a ground ball?
A. Charging the ball
B. Getting in front of the ball
C. Getting the glove down immediately
D. Keeping the weight on the balls of the feet
16. What technique is used to pitch an incurve?
A. rotate wrist upward C. rotate wrist downward
B. rotate wrist to the left D. rotate wrist to the right
17. What is the correct procedure for a right- handed person to use on an overhead throw?
A. Face the target, step ahead on the left foot. B. Face the
target, step ahead on the right foot.
C. Left shoulder toward target, step ahead on the right foot.
D. Left shoulder toward target, step ahead on the left foot.
18. William G. Morgan invented a game in 1895. What team sport is this?
A. Volleyball B. Basketball C. Softball D. Soccer Football
19. What is the dimension of the volleyball playing court?
A. 28 meters x 15 meters C. 9 meters x 18 meters
B. 225 feet x 220 feet D. 22 feet x 40 feet
20. In hitting the forearm pass, what is the reason for hitting the ball on the inner part of the forearms?
A. So the pass will be legal.
B. So the ball can be hit below the waist.
C. So there is a flat surface for rebounding the ball.
D. So the speed of the oncoming ball can be absorbed.
21. What movements contribute to the height of the jump in hitting a spike?
A. leg extension C. upward movement of the arms
B. arching the back D. leg extension and upward movement of the arms
22. What parts of the hands should contact the ball in hitting the overhand pass?
A. the finger pads and thumbs
B. the heels of the hands, finger pads, and thumbs
C. the palms of the hands, finger pads, and thumbs
D. the thumbs and finger pads of the first two fingers
23. When should the blocker extend his or her arms upward for the block?
A. just before reaching the peak of the jump
B. as he or she jumps upward to block the ball
C. as he or she moves into position to jump for the block
D. as the spiker begins the forward motion for the spike
24. What direction should a player face when preparing to jump to block a spike?
A. sideways to the net C. facing the opposing team’s setter
B. squarely facing the net D. facing the line of the spiker’s approach
25. Where is the ball held when the server is going to hit an overhand serve?
A. Waist high, diagonal to the right side line
B. Waist high, directly toward the right side line
C. chest high, toward the net and in line with the right shoulder
D. Chest high, toward the net and in line with the left shoulder
26. When does the timer stop the clock?
A. When the official gives the hand signal.
B. When the scorers’ buzz alerts the official of a substitution.
C. When the official’s whistle blows.
D. When two opposing players collide attempting to get a loose ball.
27. How many seconds may a defensive player stay in the lane?
A. 3 seconds B. 5 seconds C. 10 seconds D. No time limit
28. If after receiving a pass a player makes a two-step stop, what is he permitted to do?
A. Pivot in any directions on the front foot.
B. Pivot in any directions on the back foot.
C. Pivot in any directions on either foot.
D. Pivot in any directions on both feet.
29. A foul is committed against a player who is able to make the goal in spite of the fouls. Does the shot
A. No, a free throw is awarded. C. Yes, a free throw is awarded.
B. No, a jump ball is called. D. Yes, the other team takes the ball out of bounds
30. The offensive team plays a fast break, what is the best shot for the player close to the basket do?
A. Lay-up shot B. set shot C. Jump shot D. Fall away shot
31. A violation is committed by the defensive team and the ball is out of play. The ball situation is called
A. Jump ball B. Dead ball C. Time out D. Delay of game
32. Player A is cutting for the basket and runs into Player B who has established a guarding position. What is
the official’s decision?
A. Blocking on Player A C. Charging on Player
B B. Blocking on Player B D. Charging on Player A
33. An offensive player happened to return the ball to the back court and a violation occurs. What is the
penalty for the violation?
A. Jump ball B. One free throw C. Two free throws D. Opponent’s ball out-of-bounds
34. An inning is that portion of a game within which the teams alternate on offense and defense. For an official
game the minimum number of innings is _____.
A. Seven B. Six C. Five D. Four
35. For a pitch ball to be counted as a strike it must pass over the strike zone. Where is the batter’s strike
A. Between the shoulders and ankles and over the home plate.
B. Between the neck and the top of the knees and over the home plate.
C. Between the armpits and the top of the knees and over the home plate.
D. Between the waist and the top of the knees and over the home plate.
36. A legally batted ball is said to be fair when it
A. settles in fair territory in the infield.
B. touches fair territory and rolls foul in the infield.
C. rolls outside third base into the outfield.
D. hits foul territory in the outfield and bounces fair.
37. A batter-runner successfully hit a fair ball and reaches first base. The next batter in the line-up hits a fly
ball and was caught by a fielder. When does the base-runner advance to another base?
A. As soon as the ball is hit C. As soon as the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand
B. As soon as the ball is caught
D. The base runner may not advance to another base on a fly ball
38. The bases are loaded and the on-deck batter interferes with the defensive player’s opportunity to make a
play on the runner. Who is called out?
A. The batter C. The runner on second
B. The runner on first D. The runner on third
39. Softball is played in innings and run is the unit in scoring. What determines the winner of a game?
A. The team that scores five runs first
B. The team that makes the fewest errors
C. The team that has the most hits in a regulation game
D. The team that scores the most runs in a regulation game
40. The outfielders support the basemen in fielding balls. Which base is usually not backed up by the
A. First base B. Second base C. Third base D. Home
41. The bases are loaded with no outs. The batter swings and misses a third strike. How is the batter put out?
A. The catcher must hold the ball to put the batter out.
B. The catcher must tag the batter to make the out.
C. The catcher must throw to first to put the batter out.
D. The batter is automatically out.
42. What position in the serving order a player takes if he/she re-enters the game?
A. His or her original position C. The left front position
B. The serving position D. Any position
43. A toss coin is performed by the first referee between the two team captains before the match. What
choices does the winner of the toss coin have?
A. First serve or team area in that game C. First serve and team area in that game
B. First serve in the first or second game D. First serve in the first and second game
44. A hit is any contact with the ball by a player in play. When may a player hit the ball twice in a row?
A. Never B. When the first hit was an attempted block
C. When the hits are made with different body parts
D. When the first hit was a ball recovered from the net
45. A back row player on the serving team spikes the ball into the opponent’s court. The spike was behind
the attack line when jumping to make the spike. What was the decision?
A. Legal play B. Point C. Side out D. Replay
46. The service is the act of putting the ball in play. What is the most important aspect of the serve?
A. The placement of the ball C. The speed of the ball
B. The height of the ball D. The spin on the ball
47. A block attempt is the action of blocking without touching the ball. If two or more players attempt to
block a spike at the same time what is this called?
A. A team block B. An attack block C. A multiple block D. A simultaneous block
48. The officiating officials cause the game to progress with as little interference as possible. Which of these
directs the match from the start until the end?
A. Head official B. First referee C. Umpire D. Head Referee
49. A playing area does not have the required clearance above the court. A serve hits the ceiling. What is the
A. Play continues B. Reserve C. Second serve D. Side-out
50. A player is permitted to penetrate into the opponent’s space under the net, provided that this does not
interfere with the opponent’s play. Which event is a center line violation?
A. Stepping on the center line
B. Touching the opponent’s playing area with the hands
C. Stepping on center line and opponent’s playing area
D. Having one or both feet on or above the center line
51. A player makes a two-step stop after receiving a pass. What is the player permitted to do?
A. Pivot in any directions on the front foot. C. Pivot in any directions on either foot.
B. Pivot in any directions on the back foot. D. Pivot in any directions on both feet.
52. What is the purpose of arching shots toward the basket?
A. so the ball will go a longer distance
B. so the ball will be dropping into the basket
C. so there will be a less chance of a guard blocking the shot
D. so the players will have time to get into rebounding positions.
53. Where should the ball be in relation to the body when using a speed dribble?
A. in front C. slightly toward the dribbling-hand side
B. to the side when closely guarded
D. in front and slightly toward the non dribbling-hand side
54. Where is the strike zone?
A. Between the shoulders and ankles and over the plate.
B. Between the neck and the top of the knees and over the plate.
C. Between the armpits and the top of the knees and over the plate.
D. Between the waist and the top of the knees and over the plate.
55. What is the most important thing to remember when catching a ball above the waist?
A. to catch with the gloved hand only
B. to wait for the ball to drop to waist level
C. to hold the hands out in front of the body
D. to keep the thumbs together and fingers pointed up
56. What position is best for fielding a ground ball?
A. side stride, one knee on the ground, glove waist high
B. forward stride, one knee on the ground, glove waist high
C. side stride, knees bent and hips lowered, glove touching the ground
D. forward stride, knees bent and hips lowered, glove touching the ground
57. Which parts of the hands supply the primary force in hitting an overhand pass?
A. the finger pads and thumbs
B. the finger pads of the last three fingers
C. the heels of the hands, finger pads, and thumbs
D. the thumbs and finger pads of the first two fingers
58. What movements contribute to the height of the jump in hitting a spike?
A. leg extension C. upward movement of the arms
B. arching of the back D. leg extension and upward movement of the arms
59. When should the blocker extend his or her arms upward for the block?
A. just before reaching the peak of the jump
B. as he or she jumps upward to block the ball
C. As the Spiker begins the forward motion for the spike
D. as he or she moves into position to jump for the block
60. A player is blocking a spike. How far apart should the player’s thumbs be?
A. 1 to 2 inches C. touching each other
B. 6 inches apart D. slightly less than the width of the ball apart
61. When a serving team commits a violation, it is _____.
A. Side out and the other team gains the serve C. Change of court
B. Point for the serving team D. point for the opposing team
62. Player number delivered an ace serve. What did the player earn?
A. A point B. An award C. A violation D. A set
63. When the player on the back row jumps to spike the ball, he/she may _____.
A. Spike from any position
B. Spike the ball from the back row and never cross the attack line.
C. Spike the ball as long as he/she takes off from in front of the attack line.
D. Spike the ball as long as he/she takes off from behind the attack line.
64. When a player commits a flagrant foul, the referee’s decision is to _____.
A. Award a point to the opposing team C. Eject the player from the game
B. Call the attention of the coach D. Continue the game
65. In 2003, NBA made a new rule as regards the stay of players inside painted area. Who should get out of
the painted area every three seconds?
A. Offensive players C. Both offensive and defensive players
B. Defensive players D. The player holding the ball
66. You are on the second base with two outs, The batter hits the ball into the air. What should you do?
A. Stay at your base. C. Go back to your base
B. Run as soon the batter hits the ball D. Wait and see if the ball is caught before
advancing to the next base
67. What should a defensive player do when there is a force out at the second base?
A. Tag the runner C. Neither is correct
B. Tag the second base D. Tag the runner and tag the second base
68. Which is the art of passing the ball fairly high and close to the net so that the spiker can spring into the air
and smash it into the opponent’s court?
A. Overhead volley B. spiking C. Setting D. Tossing
69. When the serving team fails to serve the ball legally into the opponent’s court or return the ball into the
opponent’s court, the referee gives the decision. Which is referred to ?
A. A side-out win no point awarded is called C. A fault is declared
B. A score of one point is given D. A time out is declared
70. A team is declared a winner of a set or game in volleyball, when the team is first to score_____.
A. 25 points C. 15 points with an advantage of one point
B. 15 points with an advantage of one point
D. 19 points with an advantage of two points
71. The objective of the volleyball game is to _____
A. Serve the ball legally into the opponent’s court
B. Send the ball over the net to the ground of the opponent’s court
C. Team to reach at least 15 points or more
D. Make the ball remain in play without touching the ground
72. In volleyball game, when two teammates contact the ball simultaneously it is considered two contacts for
their team EXCEPT during _________.
A. Blocking B. Spiking C. Dribbling D. Serving
73. In basketball, if a player is fouled out while shooting for a goal and misses the shot, What is the penalty?
A. The ball is awarded to the offensive player C. Two penalty shot
B. One penalty shot D. Three penalty shot
74. In Basketball, which one of the following is NOT allowed?
A. A player, while still dribbling, puts two hands on the ball at the same time.
B. A player receives the ball, fakes a pass,then dribbles forward.
C. A player dribbles with the right hand, then with the left.
D. A player moves forward dribbling, comes to the halt, continues dribbling, then moves
Dribbling again
75. The following are the team composition of football game, except one. Which one is it?
A. Goal keeper B. Right full back C. Forwards D. Right fielder
76. In basketball, after a field goal is scored, the ball is put back to play by throwing it back from the _____
A. sideline B. Centerline C. Endline D. Corner
77. Which is a continuous tapping of the ball with your hands or palm towards the floor with full control and
follow through?
A. Passing B. Dribbling C. Spiking D. Stopping
78. Which foul is committed by a player which involves contact with an opponent?
A. Personal foul B. Intentional foul C. Double foul D. Technical foul
79. In basketball game, how long can a player be on his opponent’s restricted area when his team has
possession of ball without being penalized?
A. Three seconds C. Thirty second
B. Five seconds D. Ten seconds
80. Which of the following is against the rules?
A. A player bounces ball to another player?
B. A player takes the ball from the hands of an opposing player.
C. A player dribbling towards the goal knocks over an opponent who was on his path.
D. A player rolls the ball along the ground.
81. How many steps is a player permitted to take between bounces in a dribble?
A. Two B. As many as he/ she wish C. One D. Five
82. When a penalty shot is taken, when are the players permitted to move into the retaining area?
A. Whenever they like
B. When the thrower has been given the ball
C. When the thrower has been given the ball
D. When the thrower hits the background or basket
83. The space over the home plate, between the batter’s armpits and the tip of his knee called
A. Strike zone B. Penalty zone C. Foul zone D. Foul ball
84. Which is the most important throws in outfield?
A. Overarm B. Sidearm C. Underarm D. Pitch
85. Which of the followings usually covers a play to first base?
A. Left over B Short stop C. Right fielder D. short stop
86 Which player usually covers home plate when the catcher leaves it to field a ball
A. The pitcher B. 1st baseman C. 3rd basemanD.Short stop
87. A ball that is not swing at, but which is purposely tapped slowly into the infield
is called
A. Strike B. A ball C. a fault D. A bun
88. What is the most important in batting?
A. To keep eyes on the ball C. To swing bat on a level plane
B. To swing hard D. To swing only at good pitches
89. To which base is a runner always forced?
A. Home base B. 2nd Base C. 1st base D. 3rd base
90. Which of the following cases is the batter “ out”?
A. The call against the batter is strike 2 and he hits and misses the next ball which
Is caught by the catcher
B. The call against the batter is strike 1 and he tips the next ball which goes straight to
To the catcher at shoulder height and he holds the ball.
C.There is no runner on base 1and when the ball is hit, a runner on base 2 runs to Base 3
Where he arrives after the ball has been received by third baseman who does not tag
D. The call against the batter is Ball 3 , strike 2 and he hits the next ball into the infield
And it rolls onto foul territory between home and first base.
91. When does a batter receive a free base or “ walk”?
A. after 3 strikes C. After hitting two fouls
B. After 4 balls D. When he hits an infield fly
92. before pitching, a pitcher must______.
A. Have both feet on the plate C. Hold the ball in front in one hand
B. Have one foot touching the plate D. Have both feet together on the plate
93. Which of the following would be called “ ball “
A. The ball passes over the home plate level with the batter’s waist
B. The ball is struck at by the batter and missed.
C. The ball passess over the home plate level with the batter’s knee.
D. The ball passess over the home plate level with the batter’s armpit.
94. What is the formula used to determine the number of games for single elimination?
A. G= N-I B. N(N-I) C. G=2(N-I) D. G=2(I-N)
95. How many byes are there in a tournament with nine ( participating ) team using single elimination?
A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 0

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