Key Players in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management: DR & RR 11

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DR & RR 11
MODULE 1 Key Players in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
The nature of disaster, its gravity or severity, and its frequency of occurrence determine the extent of government’s involvement.
They also determine at which sphere or level of the government structure needs to act or respond. There are circumstances the he capacity
of the local governments to support themselves becomes insufficient and external support tis needed. In fact, one of the features of a
disaster is that the victims are unable to help themselves, using their own resources thereby constraining them to seek outside assistance.
This precisely is the key objective of a disaster risk-reduction- to capacitate the people and make them prepared and resilient in the face of

Below are four tables taken from the Philippine Government’s blueprint of its disaster risk reduction undertakings as one of the aspects of
its national management of its hazards and disasters for 2011-2028. Notice that in each approach or program, it identifies the lead agency.
The DRRM plan is on a national level but it involves the other government agencies.

Thematic Area 1: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Overall Responsible Agency: DOST
Outcome Lead agency (ies)
DRRM and climate change adaptation- CCA mainstreamed and integrated Office of Civil Defense (OCD)
in national, sectoral, regional, and local development policies, plans and
DRRM and CCA- sensitive environmental management Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Increases resiliency of infrastructure systems Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Enhanced and effective community- based scientific DRRM and CCA OCD
assessment, mapping, analysis, and monitoring
Communities’ access to effective and applicable disaster risk financing and Department of Finance (DOF)
End-to-end monitoring (monitoring and response), forecasting and early DOST
warning systems are established and or/or improved
Thematic Area 2: Disaster Preparedness
Overall responsible agency: DILG
Outcome Lead agency (ies)
Increased level of awareness and enhanced capacity of the community to Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
the threats and impacts of all hazards
Communities are equipped with necessary skills and capability to cope DILG (to coordinate) and OCD (to implement)
with the impact of disasters
Increased DRRM and CCA capacity of Local DRRM Councils, Offices DILG
and Centers at all levels
Developed and implemented comprehensive national and local DILG and OCD
preparedness and response policies, plans, and systems
Strengthened partnership and coordination among all key players and DILG
Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response
Overall responsible agency: DSWD
Outcome Lead Agency (ies)
Well-established disaster response operations DSWD
Adequate and prompt assessment of needs and damages at all levels Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
Integrated and coordinated Search, Rescue, and Retrieval (SRR) capacity DND, DILG, DOH
Safe and timely evacuation of affected communities LGU
Temporary shelter needs adequately addressed DSWD
Basic social services provided to affected population (whether inside or DOH
outside evacuation centers)
Psychosocial needs of directly and indirectly affected population addressed DOH
Coordinated, integrated system for early recovery implemented DSWD
Thematic Area 4: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
Overall responsible agency: NEDA
Outcome Lead agency (ies)
Damages, losses, and needs and assessed OCD
Economic activities restored, and if possible, strengthened or expanded Agency to be determined based on the affected sectors
Houses rebuilt or repaired to be more resilient to hazard events; safer sites National Housing Authority (NHA)
for housing
Disaster and climate change-resilient DPWH infrastructure constructed/ DPWH
A psychologically sound, safe and secure citizenry that is protected from DOH and DSWD
the effects of disasters and is able to restore to normal functioning after
each disaster
There are two major paths through which disaster risk reduction can be achieved- the structural and non-structural means.
A. Structural Measures
DR & RR 11 page 2 Finals
1. Construction of sea walls, oceans wave barriers, flood gates, and inland lock gates; the planting of mangroves to minimize
erosion and brake waves in order to lessen the impacts of storm surges and tsunami waves.
2. Strengthening buildings and bridges to withstand strong ground shaking.
3. Provisions of evacuation centers in every school, town, or community to house people in cases of emergencies.
4. Upgrading of weather forecasting equipment and early warning system instruments.
B. Non-Structural Measures
1. Formulation and strict implementation and monitoring of building codes to prevent disasters or reduce any impacts.
2. Educational trainings through mock drills, seminars, integration into school curricula, and road shows.
3. Continuous researches to augment and update knowledge and practices.
4. Improvement of communication systems.
Institution in the local context: NDRRMC
The body mandated to take charge of all affairs pertaining to the country’s management of natural hazards and disasters is the
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). It has main office located at Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo in
Quezon City. Tasked to ensure the protection and safety of the Filipino people in times of natural disasters and emergencies, it is an inter-
agency and multi-sector body headed by the Secretary of the Department of Nation Defense and assisted by the Secretary of the Local
Interior and Local Government serves as the Vice-chair for Disaster Response; the secretary of the Department of Science and
The function of the NDRRMC include the planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects relative
to the management of disasters, among which are the reduction of disaster risks and building community resilience.
- Department of Health - The Executive Secretary
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Secretary of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process
- Department of Agriculture - Chairman, Commission on Higher Education
- Department of Education - Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines
- Department of Energy - Chief, Philippine National Police
- Department of Finance - The Press Secretary
- Department of Trade and Industry -President, Government Service Insurance System
- Department of Transportation and Communication - President, Social Security System
- Department of Budget and Management - Pres. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
- Department of Public Works and Highways - Department of Labor and Employment
- Department of Public Affairs - Depart of Tourism
- Department of Justice - President of the League of Cities in the Philippines
FT1. Complete the table below.
Acronyms Complete term (1 pt.) Function for Disaster Risk Reduction (2 pts.)
1. DND
4. DOH
5. NHA
6. LGU
7. OCD
9. DepEd
10. DPWH
FT2. Determine responsible agency for each approach or program.
1. Increases resiliency of infrastructure systems
2. Damages, losses, and needs and assessed
3. Well-established disaster response operations
4. Basic social services provided to affected population (whether inside or outside evacuation centers)
5. Communities are equipped with necessary skills and capability to cope with the impact of disasters
6. Strengthened partnership and coordination among all key players and stakeholders
7. Communities’ access to effective and applicable disaster risk financing and insurance
8. Increased DRRM and CCA capacity of Local DRRM Councils, Offices and Centers at all levels
9. End-to-end monitoring
10. Coordinated, integrated system for early recovery implemented
11. Sensitive environmental management
12. Temporary shelter needs adequately addressed
FT3. Write true if the statement is correct, F, if not.
1. The government cannot regulate the private sector.
2. Only politicians can help in drafting the national management system.
3. All government agencies have roles to play in disaster management.
4. Most of the functions of disaster management are better off being done at the local or decentralized government with the participation of
the community members.
5. Disasters can be prevented.
6. The government has the sole responsibility in identifying which what agency is responsible for each thematic area.
FT4. Answer the following thoroughly.
1. Discuss the best practices in disaster management/disaster risk reduction.
2. What is the key objective of risk-reduction? Support your answer.
3. Provide examples by which the Filipino people can support national efforts towards disaster prevention, preparedness, mitigation, and

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