Sso 390 45 Final Paper Healing

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William Kemerer

Seton Hill University

Health and Society

SSO 390 45

Professor Rockwell
A Different Look at Healing

Healing is more than just taking a medication to make an illness go away there is more to

being well than just taking a pill, shot or any other way of administering healing means. There

will be a better understanding to holistic healing that will bring a better understanding what the

possibilities are looking at powerful holistic healing. Holistic healing is the understanding that

healing is more than just treating a symptom of a problem somewhere in the body with a

medication or some type of treatment that will make the symptom go away. There is background

information on holistic healing and what it is along with what can be accomplished with using

this type of healing.

The definition of holistic healing is as follows: “Holistic healing is the practice of health

and wellness that considers the entire person and all of the internal and external factors affecting

them” (h h par 3). There is research that supports holistic healing dating back to 1999. The

National Center for Complementary an Integrative Health (NCCAM) funded an excess of 2500

research projects to help understand how Complementary alternative medicine therapies work as

so their safety and efficiency. Holistic medicine is an addition to what is regular treatments for


Holistic medicine is a treatment for the entire person not just what is wrong, it is

searching for the root cause of a problem and treating the entire body mind, body and spirit. It is

believed by holistic medicine practicians that if there is one part a person that is not working

correctly the entire body will be affected. Physical, social, emotional, or spiritual imbalances

can affect the overall health of an individual. Holistic remedies help with getting the whole

system of an individual back into balance and helps restore wellness and will greatly lessen or

eliminate symptoms. There are some common holistic remedies for chronic symptoms that an

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

A Different Look at Healing

individual may experience. An extensive list is available which will briefly touched on and some

that I have personally experienced I will discuss a little more.

Diet and Nutrition, healthy diet and nutrition create an optimal opportunity for the body

to use supplements for the best results of them. Anti-inflammatory diet such a gluten, dairy, and

sugar are eliminated. Fruit, vegetables, healthy fats are increased along with adding non-dairy

protein and dinking a lot of water.

Neurofeedback, safe effective treatment that works on the subconscious level. The goal

is changing the brain through creating new electrical activity by measurement and reinforcement.

This means that one is reinforced for changing their brain learns to self-regulate calming the

nervous system and reducing or exterminating symptoms.

Biofeedback, used to learn how to control the body’s functions such as heart rate, skin

temperature, or breathing. Pain and stress relief can be obtained by regulating on body functions,

self-regulation can balance the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

Homeopathy, this is a natural form of medication used to treat acute and chronic

conditions. The principal is based on principle that a substance taken in small amounts will cure

the same symptoms it causes if taken in large amounts.

Herbal medicine, also known as herbalism or botanical medicine one of the oldest

medicines based on the use of plants and extracts that can be either ingested or absorbed through

the skin. This is becoming more common as clinical research has been able to show the value of

this type of medicine. Herbal medicine is effectively used in treating many conditions when it is

used by a trained practitioner or physician.

Psychotherapy, this is the type of therapy that is used to treat mental health problems

through relationship building and talking through difficult life situations. This is completed

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

A Different Look at Healing

with a mental health professional there are different approaches to psychotherapy. Cognitive

behavioral therapy being one of several others. This type of therapy helps individuals work

through problems in healthy productive ways. This helps individuals build coping skills and

helps them gain control of their life when it seems as though they cannot.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), this therapy is very powerful

psychotherapy created by Francis Shapiro PhD. This therapy is very successful with those

individuals that suffer form past trauma, PTSD. This type of therapy works on two levels of the

brain at one time. There is visual stimulation or sensational feelings along with thought at the

same time. This helps and individual find the traumatic experiences that have been trapped in

the brain and have not been able to be released. With this therapy when the brain in stimulated

simultaneously it creates a way for the brain to separate the emotions attached to a traumatic

event. This therapy is a life changing therapy I know this from experience of eighteen months

every week to untangle the brain in my head. This therapy I found hard to believe that it is

considered to alternative therapy it should be a recommended therapy for all that have

experienced trauma.

Reflexology, this is from ancient Chinese times an art that certain organs are stimulated

by putting pressure on specific points on the feet, ears and hands. This is done by placing

pressure on these spots on the feet, ears, and hands that creates homeostasis within the whole

body. This will help in areas where there is dysfunction within the body.

Massage therapy is used for relaxing the body and muscles within it. Massage therapy

will relax tight muscles and help increase relaxation; the therapist is able to help relax certain

areas of the body that may be in pain such as headaches. There are areas that can be focused on

to help alleviate pains in other parts of the body.

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

A Different Look at Healing

Ozone therapy, this treatment increases the amount of oxygen in the body through

introducing the body to larger amounts of oxygen in the body through introduction of ozone.

This therapy can help reduce clogging of blood cells; also, it can help detoxify liver; decrease

uric acid; improve oxygen supply and circulation; kill viruses, bacteria, and fungus. This can

also increase the effectiveness of white blood cells. The listed are some interesting ideas and

processes that are being used for healing the entire body not just the symptoms. Looking into

the future there are ways that the holistic healing can and already is being implemented in


As the world is starting to come out the pandemic there has been an emphasis placed on

mental health due to all the problems arising from the traumatic experience involved with it. All

the life loss loved ones not getting to say goodbye to other loved ones due to COVID the mental

toll has been huge. The isolation that came with staying home, loss of income causing financial

strain on homes across the world, the stress of how am I going to pay my bills, or even eat

because of food shortages. The holistic healing is necessary, mental health treatments, stress

massage therapy, reflexology are treatments that offer more choices and may be the answer to

higher prices of pharmaceuticals because of greed. These types of therapies do not rely on the

use of factories to manufacture the drug they are performed by people and are successful. As

time goes on and these ancient forms of healing are combined with modern forms of treatment

the life expectancy will go up. Life will be much better with less pain and suffering of humans

with access to better long-term solutions to ailments. Looking into the future maybe it isn’t the

modern medicine after all that has been the savior to many things rather it is the ancient medicine

which stated and understanding of the body that holds more power. Maybe it just realizing that

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

A Different Look at Healing

modern medicine and ancient medicine used in combination is the true answer I will have to

leave that answer up to you.

Works Cited

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

A Different Look at Healing

24 holistic remedies for chronic conditions: Healing the whole person. Dr. Roseann. (2022,
February 21). Retrieved March 2, 2022, from

Dr. Chuanxin Wang - OM Clinical / Faculty Supervisor. (n.d.). Healing holistically:

Understanding holistic medicine. Acupuncture and Massage College. Retrieved March 2,
2022, from

Holistic healing: Six steps to holistic health. Healthy Hildegard. (2019, August 10). Retrieved
March 2, 2022, from

William Kemerer SSO 390 45

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