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SCHOOL OF FOREIGN Date: 14th Jan 2022
LANGUAGES Time: 3:00 PM 14th Jan 2022
****** Venue: Zalo
Group 2
No. Full name of members Titles Activities Evaluation
Summarize the content
of the report of the
whole group. Discuss
1 Nguyen Thi Kieu My Leader A
with members and do
part 4: Case study - Task
Nguyen Quoc Phuong Secretar Discuss with members
2 A
Uyen y and do the task
Discuss with members
3 BNuoch Thi Diem Member A
and do Vocabulary
Discuss with members
4 Phan Tuyet Nhu Member A
and do CD 2.30
Discuss with members
5 Phan Nguyen Phuong Nhi Member and do Case study: Task A
Discuss with members
6 Tran Ngoc Van Anh Member and do part 2: Discuss A
these questions
Discuss with members
7 Huynh My Bach Kim Member A
and do Vocabulary
8 Hoang Thi Xuan Sang Member Discuss with members A
and do Case Study: Task
Discuss with members
9 Nguyen Kha Nhi Member A
and do Language review
Discuss with members
10 Do Anh Thu Member and do Case Study: A
Discuss with members
11 Ho Doan Bao Ngoc Member A
and do Writing 1
Nguyen Khanh Minh Discuss with members
12 Member A
Chau and do Writing 2

A.W.O.L: 0



New word d Transcription Meaning Examples
to go together
badly or to be They made a
(không phù Adj /ˌmɪsˈmætʃ/
not suitable mismatched couple.
for each other
pro-European Adj/ /proʊ ˌjʊr.əˈpiː.ən/ (adj) having
(thân phương Tây) N enthusiasm or The door, therefore,
admiration for the remains open for a
European Union wayward pro-
(n) a person who European path to be
taken in the future.
I have always been
admires the and will continue to
European Union be pro-European.

The pre-event
meeting is one of
pre-event occurring before
the most important
(trước sự Adj /prɪ: ɪˈvent/ the official event
settings that define
kiện) starts
the success of an
existing or The company will
post-activity (sau
Adj /poʊst ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬ i/ occurring after hold many post-
hoạt động)
activity activity feedbacks.
(N): a situation in
which two or more The study found a
things are not disconnect between
connected in the the state's social
way that they programs and some
should be. people who need
disconnect (không (V) to unfasten assistance.
N/V /ˌdɪs.kəˈnekt/
kết nối) something,
especially to break Never try to fix a
the connection broken machine
between a supply without
of electricity, gas, disconnecting it
water, etc. and a from the electricity
device or piece of supply.
Michael and Sean
a person who used
ex-military (cựu are working an
N /ˈɛksmˈɪlɪtəri/ to be in the
chiến binh) angle that he's ex-
military forces
Both nations have
involving two
bilateral (hai bên, signed bilateral
Adj /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ groups of people
song phương) treaties with the
or two countries
United States.
We are more likely
to remotivate him to
remotivate (lại to motivate
V \riːˈməʊtɪˌveɪt\ continue working
động viên) someone again
toward our chosen
including people Britain is
multicultural (đa who have many increasingly a
Adj /ˌmʌl.tiˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/
văn hóa) different customs multicultural
and beliefs society
a place in an
Click on the
document that is
hyperlink below to
hyperlink (siêu connected to
N /ˈhaɪpəlɪŋk/ see the full range of
liên kết) another electronic
events and
document or to
another part of the
same document
feelings of respect,
ESPRIT DE care and support His leadership kept
CORPS for each other, etc. the team's esprit de
N /eˌspriː də ˈkɔː(r)/
(tinh thần đồng that are shared by corps intact during
đội) the members of a difficult periods.
Due to lacking of
a sessions before
the pre-event
pre-event the conference to
consultation, our
consultation /priːɪˈventˌkɒnsl discuss setup,
N conference
(tư vấn tiền sự ˈteɪʃn/ logistics, or
kiện) conference best
confronted many
technical problems
post-activity N /pəʊst ækˈtɪvəti advice, criticism or We can deny the
information given importance of the
feedback (phản
ˈfiːdbæk/ after an event, post-activity
hồi hậu hoạt động)
activity feedbacks
a meeting where Weeks later, in their
someone is asked debriefing sessions,
debriefing session
/ˌdiːˈbriːfɪŋ to give a report on both men recalled
(cuộc họp kiểm N
ˈseʃ.ən/ an operation or the scene vividly
task that they have and described it in
just completed. detail.
Breaking down the
language barriers is
break down eliminate
/breɪk daʊn crucial when
barriers (phá vỡ difficulties,
ˈbæriə(r)z/ working in a
các rào cản) obstruction
a brand name for a
small piece of
equipment that you He could have e-
connect to a mailed it to you or
memory stick
N /ˈmem.ər.ɪ stɪk/ computer or other handed you a
(thẻ nhớ)
piece of electronic memory stick or
equipment to copy DVD.
and store
(of a person) not The intimations to
uncommunicative /ˌʌnkə willing to talk to policyholders were
(không hoạt ngôn) ˈmjuːnɪkətɪv/ other people or generally
give opinions uncommunicative.
indecisive (không Adj /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (of a person) not As a leader during
quyết đoán) able to make the war, he was
decisions quickly indecisive and
and effectively ineffectual and was
eventually relieved
of his command.
not doing a job
There are too many
well and not
inefficient (không big, inefficient
making the best
hiệu quả, không Adj /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃnt/ companies in almost
use of time,
hiệu năng) every part of the
money, energy,
not feeling or
showing a lot of He was a talented
Adj /ʌnɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ excitement and but unenthusiastic
(không nhiệt tình)
interest about student.
that cannot be
The rules are too
inflexible (không changed or made
Adj /ɪnˈfleksəbl/ inflexible to allow
linh hoạt) more suitable for a
for human error.
particular situation
There were too
not having a clear
many, and his mind
unfocused (không aim or purpose;
Adj /ʌnˈfəʊkəst/ was too unfocused
tập trung) not well organized
to cut all the
or clear
messages off.
She gives out a
not new, original, simple and
unimaginative or clever; not unimaginative
adj ʌn.ɪˈmædʒ.ɪ.nə.tɪv
(không sáng tạo) showing any solution, which
imagination can’t make the
situation better.
I have heard it said
not loyal, not
from all quarters
disloyal (không supporting
Adj /dɪsˈlɔɪ·əl/ that doctors are
trung thành) someone that you
disloyal if they go
should support
disorganised adj /dɪsˈɔːɡənaɪzd/ badly planned; not She always misses
(thiếu tính tổ able to plan or deadlines. She’s so
chức) organize well disorganised.
It is totally
impractical to
persuade everyone
impractical (phi
adj /ɪmˈpræktɪkl/ not realistic to try to use our
thực tế)
products at the same

I was feeling very

not enjoying the
unsociable, so I
unsociable (không company of other
adj /ʌnˈsəʊʃəbl/ didn’t go to the
hòa đồng) people; not

if people are
unstable, their He's highly
behaviour and unstable, and liable
unstable (không
adj /ʌnˈsteɪbl/ emotions change to sudden fits of
kiên định)
often and suddenly rage.
because their
minds are upset
not willing to She was intolerant
accept ways of of others who were
intolerant (không
adj /ɪnˈtɒlərənt/ behaving that are less efficient than
bao dung)
different from your her.
annoyed by
somebody/somethi Teachers try not to
impatient (không ng, especially be too impatient
adj /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/
kiên nhẫn) because you have with naughty
to wait for a long children.
II. Discuss these questions: p.75
1. Who is the best or worst person you have ever worked with?
Explain why.
I will describe one of my best bosses I have ever worked with. She was
critical about my work, but in a constructive manner. She never
reproached me or raised her voice, just calmly explained what could be
done better, with a smile on her face. What’s more, she was open to the
suggestions of the employees, and did not consider herself the smartest
store manager in the world. I really enjoyed working under her
2. What qualities could you contribute to a team? What qualities
would the other members need to have to create an effective
In order to be a great team member, I would contribute to a team with
qualities such as communicative, respectful and flexible. I am willing to
listen actively and communicate to understand tasks I need to complete.
Moreover, I respect other members of the team as well as their thoughts,
ideas and opinions. And I will manage my time effectively to complete
teams’ goals.
And to create an effective team, I think members should fulfill their own
tasks and also help one another to follow through with the team’s plan by
accomplishing their individual tasks excellently and on time and trusting
that their teammates will do the same. In addition, at the same time,
members listen to what others have to say because they believe in the
ability, character, and integrity of their teammates. This culture of trust
allows members to share their knowledge, build on each other’s ideas,
collaborate, and experiment.

III. Language review p. 78

A. Answer yes, no or not sure to each of these questions.
1. They should have changed the team leader.
Did they change the team leader? ⇒ NO
2. Alicia needn't have spent so much time on the report.
Did Alicia spend too much time on the report? ⇒ YES
3. They could have prepared better if they'd had more time.
Did they prepare as well as they wanted to? ⇒ NO
4. The team would have been stronger without him.
Was the team as strong as it could be? ⇒ NO
5. The team may have made a decision by now.
Has the team made a decision yet? ⇒ NOT SURE
6. Carlos shouldn't have spent all the budget on one team-building
Did Carlos spend all the budget on one team-building course?
7. The Chairman couldn't have prepared properly, as we lost the
Did the Chairman do enough preparation? ⇒ NO
8. I've lost my memory stick. I must have dropped it somewhere.
Did I drop my memory stick somewhere? ⇒ NOT SURE

B. Which of these statements use the modal perfect correctly?

Suggest alternative modals for the incorrect statements.
1. It's too late to sign the contract. You must have done it last week.
⇒ should have done
2. I'm a bit angry. You would have told me you had invited the entire
team for dinner.
⇒ could have told
3. His behaviour yesterday could have ruined all the team spirit we
have built up.
⇒ correct
4. They bought the shares when they were cheap and sold them at
their peak, so they needn't have made a lot of money.
⇒ must have made
5. Simone wasn't at the meeting. She might have been delayed at the
⇒ correct
6. You couldn't have booked a place on the June course because it was
completely full.
⇒ correct
7. She's made a lot of mistakes. She should have been very careless.
⇒ must have been
8. Abi was inspirational and a motivator. We must have made her
team leader.
⇒ should have made

C. Use these structures as possible: should have / shouldn't have /

could have / needn't have / + past participle.
1. You needn’t have stayed in a five-star hotel.
You could have stayed in a three-star or four-star hotel.
2. You shouldn’t have ordered breakfast in your room.
You could have eaten outside.
3. You shouldn’t have drunk most of the mini-bar.
4. You shouldn’t have phoned home from your room.
5. You shouldn’t have hired a top-of-the-range car.
You could have hired a cheaper one.
6. You shouldn’t have had your clothes dry-cleaned by the hotel.
You could have done it by yourself.
IV. Case study p.80
1. Background

Company and Designer Kitchen Products (DKP), Leicester,

location England
Products Range of high-quality kitchenware
Sales Manager David Seymour
Appointed 1 year ago
His task Improve sales revenue, create high-performing
sales team
Problems Sales below target (20% increase had been the
Low morale
Asian expansion in doubt
Launch of new products next year in doubt

2. CD 2.30
The team’s problem is:
● Have a mix of nationalities and characters
● Fail to find out the way to work together, as well as harmonize
the differences among the members
● Have various differences in working experience and working
● Be judgemental about other performances and achievements
● Team leader fails to listen to other members’ opinions and
motivates them
3. Task p.81
● Task 1: Make a list of the problems that are affecting the
performance of the sales team.
- The sales team is not efficient enough
- David should contribute more to the team’s performance
- Lack of motivation to boost staff’s spirit
- Lack of training on teamwork despite their differences
- Lack of self-confidence
- Lack of training on how to foster customer relationships
- Hank’s attitude causes annoyance to team members

● Task 2: Which David Seymour’s proposals should be acted

- Each month, I will choose the outstanding salesperson of the month.
And her photo will appear in the company newsletter.
- An informal dinner with each member of the sales team.
- The sales representative with the biggest percentage increase in sales
over a six-month period will be given a prize.

● Task 3: Ideas to improve the team’s performance and

suggestions to put into effect:
- Clarify goals and purposes
- Establish each one’s role in achieving goals
- Put the members of the team in contact with the people that are
interested in what they do or that need it
- Pay attention to conflicts when they arise
- Search ways to resolve conflicts
- Encourage everyone and have clear rules
- Remember the leadership role
- Interact with team members at meetings
● Task 4: Action plan for the next 6 months:
- Reorganize the departments and assign the responsibility according
to a communication plan.
- Create a common virtual report that every department has filled and
implement the balance principle for each member. Motivate the team
using group games that reinforce the relations between the people.
- Show the indicator to the public and the departments that don't fill
the expectations and give money bonuses to all the others who reach
the goal.
- Consider every team member in order to find their best place to work
or the cause of the problem.
- Give recognition to all who fill their mission. Have feedback with
the team to know the necessities and risks.
- Continue the competitive aspect to create strong’s bonds.
4. Writing p.81
Writing 1:
Mrs. Emma Watson
Designer Kitchen Products
14 January

Dear Mrs. Watson,

I am writing to inform you of the solutions to the recent problems with the
sales team that the Board of Directors agreed on at the meeting on January
14th, 2022.

Firstly, we decided that David Seymour will work as the sales manager for
another three months before reviewing the situation. We hope that during this
time, he can prove his ability and improve the current situation.

Secondly, when it comes to Seymour’s proposals, we unanimously approved

five of them:
- Paying commissions based on monthly team performance.
- Choosing the “outstanding salesperson of the month”.
- Offering a prize for the highest sales improvement in six months are
expected to motivate all team members to increase their own productivity
and collaborate with other colleagues.
- There should be only one webinar per month to save time because the
staff usually have heavy amounts of paperwork to process.
- Considering point 8, Seymour can organize informal dinners or lunches
with anyone when he feels appropriate and necessary.

Lastly, to ameliorate the team’s relationships, we suggested organizing an

intrapersonal course along with some bonding activities such as holidays and
meals. These activities will not only enable the sales agents to enhance their
teamwork skills but also create a friendlier atmosphere among them.
I look forward to hearing your opinion about our action plan for the next six
months. Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Bao Ngoc
Designer Kitchen Products

Writing 2
Mr. Hank
Designer Kitchen Products
14 January
Dear Mr. Hank,

Hank, on behalf of the entire management, it is my joy to work with the Sales
team and have you as a member. I have received some emails from our
colleagues about you. So I am writing this letter to let you know about the
situation and hope that some advice from me will help you work better on
future projects.

Firstly, I know you faced a lot of challenges with the newbies on our team that
at times both tempers and voices rose, but I understand that you had pressure to
see the job completed promptly. From what I have observed, there is so much
potential in you, and I am confident that you will thrive very well under any
challenge. So in order not to upset your co-workers, I suggest you should be
more subtle and flexible in communication. And if there is any conflict or
disagreement, it could be better if you discuss directly with members to solve
the situations and thus will not feel uncomfortable when working in a team.
Secondly, I know it is not easy to manage time effectively since there is extra
work to finish every day. However, the company and I always express our deep
heartfelt gratitude for work well done and delivery before the set deadlines.
Your performance is great and you set a very good example for everyone on
the team. So I want you to schedule work wisely and improve your work-life
balance, which could help you reduce stress and achieve your goals faster and
easier. Hope to see your sales report punctually next time. Please let me know
if you need any help with any future projects.

Once again, thank you for your hard work. I'm excited to see what you do next
and hopefully you will have greater performance and grow with the company
in the future.

David Seymour,
Sales Manager,
Designer Kitchen Products

This discussion comes to an end at 4:30 PM on the same day.

Secretary Group leader

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