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Compensation structure, contextual

influence that structure,

base of payments and Payment structure of

Report on:

Submitted to:

Kazimul Haque

Assistant professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Submitted by:

Name ID Serial
Saief Hossain 111 161 025 10

Shanjida Rahman Monisha 111 171 064 25

Dipannita Hore 111 171 141 26

Tasfia Belal 111 171 170 27

Ridoy Hasan Rana 111 171 221 29

Course: Compensation Management (HRM 4152)

Section: B
Date of Submission:

September 24, 2020

Kazimul Haque

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

United International University

Subject: Submission of Report of “Compensation structure, contextual influences of the

structure, bases for pay followed by the organization and pay structure.”

Dear Sir,

It is indeed a great experience for us to prepare the report on, “Compensation structure,
contextual influences of the structure, bases for pay followed by the organization and pay
structure” under your excellent supervision for Compensation Management Course. We have
completed the report work by doing both secondary and primary research. We couldn’t visit
grameenphone. But we personally tried to collect information from few employees few which
they could share. We analysis grameenphone structure on the information we could find
analyze it and made few recommendation which can be helpful to grameenphone.

We, hope that you will find this report worth reading. Please feel free for any query or
clarification that you would like us to explain. We hope that the report would meet your
expectations and standards. Hope you will appreciate our hard work and excuse the minor
errors. Thanking you for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Behalf of the group

Shanjida Rahman Monisha

First of all, we want to thanks our Almighty from our heart. Without His blessings, nothing
would be possible for us.

Second, we want to express the gratitude to our parents. Parents help us both directly and
indirectly. Actually the parents are one of the main reasons that we are now in UIU and able
to do this kind of report. They also help us in many ways for completing the report mentally.

Third, before thanking this person, we want to say something about her. In our UIU life, we
are dealing with lots of faculties with their different attitudes and behavior. We can say one
thing, we are very fortunate to have this faculty member who is very committed to his duties,
caring and helpful to us. He has given us this opportunity to meet with a new challenge and
experience in our life that will be very helpful for our future career. Actually our report is
mainly based on “Compensation structure, contextual influences of the structure, bases for
pay followed by the organization and pay structure” of Grameenphone and it becomes very
easy for us because of this person. He has taught us the materials so nicely that it becomes
very easy to present. The person we are talking about is none other than, our honorable
faculty, Kazimul Haque. We will be grateful to her forever.

Last of all, we want to thanks each other, because we think that if we would not be supportive
and dedicated with our job, we couldn’t complete the report.

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………... 01

Chapter 1: Introduction of the Report………………………………………………………02

1.1 Background of the Report……………………………………….…………………….. 03

1.2 Objectives of the Report …….……………………………………………..……...….. 03

1.3 Limitations of the Report ……………………………………………………………... 03

1.4 Methodology of the Report……………………………………………………….…….04

Chapter 2:…………………………………………………………………………….……..05

Literature review……………………………………………………………………………06

Chapter 3: Introduction of Grameenphone…………………………………………………08

3.1 History…………………………………………………………………………………..09

3.2 Current Market Scenario………………………………………………………………..11

3.3 Service description……………………………………………………………………...12

Chapter 4:…………………………………………………………………………………...14

4.1 Compensation management and it types…………………………………………….….15

4.2 Grameenphone compensation……………………………….……………………….….16

Chapter 5: Contextual influence of grameenphone’s compensation structure……..……….21

Chapter 6: Payment basis and payment structure of grameenphone………………..………24

Chapter 7: Findings and recommendation………………………………………………….29

Chapter 8: Conclusion………………………………………………………………………31


Compensation and payment structure a plays a vital role in organization. It’s the
Compensation factors for which employees work in the organization. Compensation and
payment factors can be monitory or non-monitory or both. The factors might be salary,
bonus, better working environment etc.

Grameenphone is leading organization and having largest market share in telecommunication

industry in Bangladesh. They have the most subscribers of 74.5 million even they lost 2
million subscribers in 2020.

As they have the most profit generating MNC in telecommunication. They can provide than
any other competitors. In this report, as a group we have tried to show the compensation and
salary structure of grameenphone. As grameenphone and it’s employees follow strictness
about inertnal information they shared a very little information for which it was a little
difficult to work.

Grameenphone hires white collar people only. So grameenphone provide salary as core
compensation. They have merit based pay and inflation adjustment as adjustment to core
compensation. Some legally requied benefits provided by grameenphone are: provident fund,
gratuity, payment during festival etc. few of discretionary benefits provided by are: children
educational allowance, educational grant, house rent and long service award etc.

In this report we also tried to evaluate the compensation structure by contextual influences of
grameenphone compensation structure. We also tried to evaluate grameenphone’s pay
structure. As we didn’t get the information as we needed, so we had to work on less

During doing this report we found some problems and we also tried to give some
recommendations that might help grameenphone.

Finally, we concluded this report by conclusion.

1|P ag e
2|P ag e
Compensation plays a vital role in organization. Compensation is given to employee in
exchange of their contribution in organization. Organization compensated employees in two
types. They are intrinsic compensation and extrinsic compensation. Intrinsic compensation is
reward by doing challenging jobs. Extrinsic compensation is salary bonus and other financial
and non-financial benefit

The report mainly has done on compensation structure of Grameenphone Limited

Company’s, contextual influences of the structure and explaining the payment on basis by
like either grameenphone follows traditional or incentive or person focused for payment and
the payment structure of grameenphone.

As it is time of covid-19 corona pandemic. Many employees of grameenphone are working

from home. Though grameenphone has opened their office maintaining health measures so
arranging interview session with them was difficult.

As a student of compensation course, we have also realized the importance of compensation

structure, its contextual influences, payment procedure followed by organization and their
payment structure. So when we have been given the term paper on this topic, we became
excited, because we knew that our theoretical knowledge would be furnished if we visit in
any organization. Though we were bound to conduct the report for our course, we were very
much interested to complete the report for gaining more clear knowledge about performance
management system.

The main objectives of the report are:

 Gathering knowledge about grameenphone’s compensation structure.

 Contextual influences of the compensation structure of grameenphone.
 Explaining the payment procedure of grameenphone.
 Payment structure of grameenphone.

A report work without facing any problem particularly if there exits any primary research, is
quite impossible. While doing this we had few difficulties. We also faced some problems and

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we believe that if those wouldn’t occur, our report result would be more accurate. We can
write some of the problems below:

 Actually due to covid-19 corona pandemic has made difficult to interview employees
properly.So it made a little difficult.
 As we mainly conducted an open conversation with a list of sample questions, so
whenever they gave the answer of the questions, we took down it, but we wanted to
record those, but they didn’t permit us doing this.
 The interviewees didn’t want to give us some information that would have been
helpful for us to prepare a better report. As grameenphone doesn’t disclose all
 Grameenphone is very strict about sharing their information to third party rather than
proper authority. They can’t gave us some information for such strict policy rather
than giving few hints.

Phase 1: At first, we started our data collection in a secondary way to find out the basic
information that we need to carry out the report and for that we took help from different
sources. A systematic search was carried out using search engine Google and Bing for
entering into different webpages, our text books to collect relevant information.

Phase 2: After completing secondary data collection, we felt necessity few information which
we collected through interview. Then we analyzed those qualitative data and came out with
findings and solutions. The interview was like an open conversation.

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5|P ag e
Compensation management is managing the employee’s benefits in terms of financial and
non-financial in exchange of their work. With salary the financial benefits might be bonus,
different payments, reward etc. These financial and non-financial benefits may be required
legally or might be given by organization which is not legally required. These not legally
required benefits are vastly known as discretionary benefits.

Different authors, HR experts, writers have shared different knowledge about compensation.

Keith Davis described compensation as exchange of contribution of employees. Employees

contribute to organization by their work. Organization sets employees work according to goal
the organization wants to achieve as the organization’s strategy is. If the employee works
effectively and efficiently it makes the organization in a competitive and strategic situation.
For such contribution an employee should be rewarded.

Cascio discussed about compensation as compensation can be financial or non-financial or

both that motivates employees to perform more to increase productivity. Financial and non-
financial compensation can be direct or indirect cash payments different benefits etc.

Dale Yoder considered compensation as the payment to employee for work. If employees do
their jobs according to the goals are set then the employee should have the payment as

The main objectives of Compensation management are:

 Compensation management values the efforts of employees.

 Compensation creates a motivation that organization values them.
 Compensation management helps to retain top performers.
 Compensation management motivates to become quality performers. If the quality of
work is good then they will receive more reward.
 Compensation management helps to ensure the equity in organization that top
performers are benefitted for their work.

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Some benefits of compensation are:

 Compensation creates a motivation that organization values them.

 Employees base Pay. It might be hourly wage or annual salary.
 Free transport facility.
 Payment of overtime of employees.
 Day care of employee’s children.
 Person-focused pay, Bonuses, Incentives, Profit Sharing, Merit Pay, Stock
 Insurance /Accommodation /Travel Allowance

For giving compensation, organization needs to consider few things. They are:

 Recognize top performers.

 Gather information from 360 degree.
 It should fit in organization’s budget.
 Compensation should be market competitive.
 Check and make new compensation structure on regular basis.

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8|P ag e
Grameenphone is the leading telecommunication operator of Bangladesh which is part of
Telenor Group of Norway which has a presence in 13 markets across Europe and Asia. Once
considered a fancy gadget for the elite, the mobile phone has been transformed into an
essential tool for all. Mobile phones are now empowering people from all groups in all areas
of Bangladesh and this revolution was first brought about by Grameenphone Ltd.

Head Office of Grameenphone, Bashundhara, Dhaka

Grammenphone started its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of
Bangladesh. It is the largest mobile telecommunications operator in Bangladesh in terms of
revenue, coverage and subscriber base. Grameenphone converted to a public limited
company on 25 June 2007. The company became stock listed and started its trading at Dhaka
and Chittagong Stock Exchanges from 16 November 2009. The shareholding structure
comprises of mainly two sponsor Shareholders namely Telenor Mobile Communications AS
(55.80%) and Grameen Telecom (34.20%). The rest 10.00% shareholding includes General
public & other Institutions.

After the Citycell Company, GP took entry as the second telecommunication company and
after that they totally changed the scenario of telecommunication sector. Grameenphone was
the first operator to introduce GSM Technology in this country. Grameenphone pioneered
breakthrough initiative of mobile to mobile telephony and became the first operator to cover
99% of the country’s people with network.

Grameenphone started its journey with the Village Phone program named a pioneering
initiative to empower rural women of Bangladesh. The name Grameenphone translates to
“Rural phone”. Before Grameenphone’s inception, the phone was for a selected urbanized

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few. The cell phone was a luxury item for Bangladeshi people or a flouting accessory for the
select elite. The mass could not contemplate mobile telephony as being part of their lives.

Since its inception, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the country with
about 13000 base stations. Grameenphone was also the first telecommunication operator in
Bangladesh to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-
hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data
transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services,
EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services. In October 2013 the
company launched 3G services commercially. The entire Grameenphone network is
4G/3G/EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from
anywhere within the coverage area.

10 | P a g e
Grameenphone Ltd. is incorporated in Bangladesh as a private limited company and now it is
the market leader in mobile connectivity in Bangladesh. The current market share of GP is
around 46%, almost three times more than its nearest competitor, Banglalink. Grameenphone
has been established to provide high-quality GSM cellular service in Bangladesh at
affordable prices.

Serving the mass market is one of GP’s primary goals. By serving the general public as
opposed to niche markets, the company plans to achieve economies of scale and healthy
profits, but serving the mass population is never easy. Organizing the distribution and
collection channel for over 74.5 million clients is a daunting task indeed. That is why
Grameenphone has always tried to be innovative in introducing newer and easier channels
both for its distribution and collection network to work more efficiently.

The total subscriber number of Grameenphone is currently 74.5 million in 2020.

Grameenphone has revenue of 36.2 billion in first quarter of 2020 which is 3.7 % more than
last year first quarter and earning in first half of 2020 is 69.2 billion taka. These subscribers
mainly pay through – Banks, ERS (Flexi Load) and Scratch Card. Banks used to be the main
collection mode but recently ERS is more popular whereas Scratch Cards are the least used
mode of collection.

11 | P a g e
Services List Brief Description Mobile Network Customer can avail country wide mobile
network with 2G/3G/4G & international calls. Internet Service They provide country’s best
internet connection among all the telecommunication company. GP Online Shop Customer
can buy genuine devices with manufacturer warranty and get it delivered at the doorstep.

12 | P a g e
Service list Brief Description
Mobile Network Customer can avail country wide mobile
network with 2G/3G/4G & international calls
Internet Service They provide country’s best internet
connection among all the telecommunication
GP Online Shop Customer can buy genuine devices with
manufacturer warranty and get it delivered at
the doorstep.
Tonic Customer can avail medical consultations and
services for patients.
GP Music It is country’s largest digital music collection.
Customer can stream or download both
international and local releases
My GP App It is a one stop app to manage all the account
Wow Box It is number one lifestyle app for android
phone users.
Online Recharge Customer can avail online recharge from
debit or credit card, bkash etc. and enjoy
exciting bonus.
Mobile Financial Services GP gives 0% EMI system to buy any mobile
phones launched by them.

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14 | P a g e
Compensation management is benefiting the employees in exchange of their work. This
benefit can be financial or non-financial or both depending on organization. Some benefits
are legally required, some are given by organization according they want give the employees
if the organization wants. There are mainly two types of compensation. They are:

1. Extrinsic compensation.
2. Intrinsic compensation.

Intrinsic compensation is reward by doing challenging jobs. By doing this jobs employees
think they are important so that they are given important and challenging jobs. Extrinsic
compensation is financial and non-financial benefit.

15 | P a g e
There are four types of extrinsic compensation. They are:

1. Core compensation:

Core compensation is the salary of employees who works for the organization. It’s annual
salary is for office employees and hourly wage for industrial employees.

2. Adjustment to core compensation:

Adjustment to the core compensation is the financial benefit given to employee. Example:
person-focused pay, merit based pay etc.

3. Legally required benefit:

Legally required benefit is organizations must have to give as law gives the specific benefits
for all industries or any specific industry.

4. Discretionary employee benefit:

Discretionary benefit is kind of benefit that is not legally required but organization give if
they want. This kind of benefit is not mandatory but it’s up to the particular organization.

Grammenphone focuses both on extrinsic and intrinsic compensation. The provided

compensations are:

Grameenphone has a core focus continuously on work to match the market scenario. The aim
focus of it is to contribute more. It supports requirements of project with the expertise of
employees. Grameenphone encourages employees to bring with new ideas. These type
challenging works encourage and motivate employees. Because they feel that they are
important for organization that’s why they are assigned with these challenging works.

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As grameenphone is telecommunication industry mainly focuses on “Annual salary” is their
core compensation. Mainly grameenphone hires both on regular basis and contractual basis.
Grameenphone has 10 salary steps. Grameenphone provides salary according to pay grade.
Grameenphone has 13 types of pay grades. Grameenphone make certain changes in pay
structure once in September in every three year.

The salary will increase if employees perform well considered through performance
appraisal. The salary might also increase if any employee performs well in probationary

 Merit pay:

Grameenphone pay their employees merit pay. But it is fixed with a discussion of HR and
employee while appointing the employee.

 Inflation rate adjustment:

As cost of living increases overtime, grameenphone provide financial benefit to their

employees. It helps the employees to have the expenses. It is inflation adjustment for

 Overtime payment:

Grameenphone encourages employees to complete the work in office time. But in emergency
overtime might be considered approved by head of department. Normally employee in
officer level or below can take overtime payment. It is calculated standard basic salary of per
hour. It’s double of each hour.

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Shifts Duration Rate per hour

General Shift 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 00

Evening Shift 4 p.m.-12 a.m 30
Night Shift 12 a.m.-8 a.m. 45

 Provident fund:

Whenever any employee becomes permanent in grameenphone the employee is eligible to get
provident fund. For that employee makes 10% contribution of their basic salary.
Grameenphone makes equal payment provident fund. Employee has to serve at least 3 years
in grameenphone to claim provident fund. Provident fund in grameenphone matures in 3

 Gratuity:

Employees will be eligible for gratuity if they serve at least 5 years in grameenphone. If any
employee completes at least 5 years in grameenphone then they will have gratuity. The
employees who completed at least 5 years will receive one month of basic salary completed
for 5 years as gratuity. Employees who completed more than 5 years but less than 10 years
will receive 1.5 months of basic salary each completed years. Employees who completed
more than 10 years will receive 2 months of basic salary.

 Payment during festival:

As festival bonus required in Bangladesh, grameenphone give two bonuses. One bonus is
given to all employees in general in Eid-ul-Fitr. Another bonus is given to the employees are:

Muslim employees: During Eid-ul-Adha

Hindu employees: During Durga Puja.

Buddhist employees: Buddha Purnima

Christian employees: Merry Christmas

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 Medical allowances:

Grameenphone provide employees a certain amount of medial allowances according their

post. Grameenphone also pay their employees if any female employee gives birth to a child.
The allowances will be given for two children up to 40,0000.

 Children educational allowance:

Grameenphone give benefit to all their confirmed employees by giving children educational
allowance. It is available from March 2006. For this allowance parents have to work in
grameenphone and only one claim is allowed. The proper document of the school going child
who is below 18 has to be submitted to HR.

 Educational grant:

Educational grant is another benefit to employees who want to purse higher education in
similar area of responsibility area.

 House rent:

Grameenphone allows their employee’s house rent benefit according to their basic salary
level. So that employee has benefit to live in a better house according to lifestyle.

 Long service award:

If any employee completes 5 years in grameenphone, grameenphone awards that employee

gift an amount of 30,000 in an award ceremony organized by HR.

 Recreation program:

Grameenphone arranges different Recreation program for their employee. These programs
like movie, annual tour, picnic, any lunch or dinner etc.

 Mobile bills:

Grameenphone give allowance for mobile bills till a limit for their employees. Mobile bill
limit for an employee 5000 BDT for a month.

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 Transportation allowance:

The employee who doesn’t want to avail transportation facility given by grameenphone
receives an allowance. Employee working in AGM post above that receives 40000 BDT as
allowance. Others receive 20,000 BDT in a month.

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21 | P a g e
Employee is the most important factor for all organization. It is employee or more
importantly effective employees make the way of organization smooth. When any
organization becomes the market leader it is expected that the service of that organization is
best. Grameenphone is no exception of it as well.

1. Labor market:

Grameenphone hires the white collar people. There is a supply of inefficient employees in
Bangladeshi labor market. So sometimes it is very much easier for any organization for any
organization to pay less for many works. So as for grameenphone has the opportunity to hire
employees with less salary.

2. Economic condition:

The main condition is inflation rate of Bangladesh. The inflation rate of Bangladesh is 7%-
8% every year. As inflation rate plays a significant role for any organization and any country.
So grameenphone adjusts inflation rate as adjustment to core compensation.

3. Prevailing wage level:

Robi, Banlalink and Airtel are main competitors of grameenphone in telecommunication

industry in Bangladesh. Grameenphone always have to keep the information about its
competitors that which posts they have and how much salary they offer.

4. Government control:

Though grameenphone is a private organization but there are certain rules and regulation for
telecommunication industry which grameenphone has to follow to operate their business. So
grameenphone follows it.

5. Cost of living adjustment:

The cost of living is incrising in Bangladesh. So grameenphone provides an adjustment to

their employees. So that employees don’t have the pressure on salary.

6. Compensation structure:

Grameenphone has a basic pay salary for every position. Salary structure is according to the
organizational structure.

22 | P a g e
7. Employee affordability:

Grameenphone has the largest market share in telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. As

to have efficient and effective employees, grameenphone has to pay those employees more
than usual. Grameenphone has the affordability to pay as they generate more profit than its

8. Ability to pay:

Grameenphone is one of the star performer among MNC’s in Bangladesh. Grameenphone

generate more profit than competitors in telecommunication industry. So payment and
compensation structure is better than Robi, Banlalink and Airtel. Even grameenphone share a
certain potion of profit to every employees working in grameenphone.

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24 | P a g e
Traditional pay system is a narrowly pay system. It includes salary or wage, set merit based
pay and other benefits.

Incentive pay is a benefit if employee performs beyond their duty.

Person focused pay is a certain type of payment which is if employees have certain job
related knowledge and skill which makes employees job performance better.

Grameenphone pays their employees on the basis of the performance of employees. They
want to fix the salary structure basis on employee qualification, employee practice and
employee performance. So grameenphone focuses on specific person while they design pay
structure. Whenever grameenphone design and offer a pay structure it is important for
grameenphone that employee is have enough merit to conduct job given as job description for
certain employee. Their pay structure or specifically payment of salary structure is person-
focused. The individual performance of employee is most important of all to grameenphone.
So that the employee can be rewarded who are effective and efficient. It creates motivation
and that specific employee tries to perform more.

Grameenphone doesn’t prefer traditional pay system or incentive pay system. They have the
preference is for person-focused pay. It helps to find out the key or the best performer.

To design any formal pay structure for any post, there are certain 5 steps. These 5 steps are
considered by every organization to retain their own employees and recruit fresher and new
employees from other organization as well. The 5 steps are:

1. Deciding the number of pay structure to construct.

2. Determine market pay line.
3. Define pay grades.
4. Calculate pay range.
5. Evaluate result

25 | P a g e
1. Deciding the
number of pay
structure to

5. Evaluate 2. Determine
results. market pay line.
5 steps of

4. Calculate pay
range 3. Define pay

1. Deciding the number of pay structure to construct:

Grameenphone first all need to determine the organizational structure and employee types.
As grameenphone is operating their business in in telecommunication industry grameenphone
has various employees.

Structure of Grameenphone

26 | P a g e
Grameenphone will have decide how much they will pay their employees according to the
hierarchy grameenphone has set.

2. Determine market pay line:

Grameenphone is very much strict of sharing information about their pay structure it’s hard to
know in details. As Robi, Banglalink and Airtel are the main competitors of grameenphone.
First of all grameenphone needs to find out similarity and dissimilarity of the posts and
dissimilarity between compensation and salary structure. If there is any dissimilarity in
compensation and salary structure it should be make up. Example: the provident fund
provided by grammenphone is equal to its competitors Robi. Grameenphone gives two
festival bonuses to the employees so does Robi as well.

3. Define pay grades:

Grameenphone’s employee’s structure is flat structure. They motivate their employee to

innovate. They have two separate posts which is AGM and DGM under GM. So it’s the wide
span. So that employees don’t have the thought that they are more regulated. As we didn’t get
as information as we needed but as we got the information that Marketing manager’s salary is
50,000 BDT/ month so other department managers have the same amount of salary.

4. Calculate pay range:

Though we were not able to get all information about the pay range of grameenphone, but we
got few pay range that grameenphone provide that are

Costumer manager: 100 BDT / hour

System manager: 39,994 BDT/ month

Specialist: 47500 BDT/ month

Intern: 5500 BDT/ month

Software engineer: 60,000 BDT/ month

Lead engineer: 66,000 BDT/ month

Marketing manager: 50,000 BDT/ month

Senior executive: 50,000 BDT/ month

27 | P a g e
Call center representative: 15000-26000 BDT/ month

(All salary payments are the average of monthly payments for every employee.)

As pay range represents vertical dimension, so it is expected that employees working in a

same level are receiving same kind of salary.

5. Evaluate result:

The payment structure of grameenphone is very much competitive. The payments, bonus,
salary and other compensations are standard. Robi which is the second market leading
telecommunication organization pay their employee nearly of it. For a manager post Robi
pays 50,000. Other financial benefits also nealy of it. As grameenphone is more financially
stable grameenphone can provide more to the employees.

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29 | P a g e
Grameenphone is the one of the biggest MNC in Bangladesh and in telecommunication as
well. During of the work of compensation structure and payments structure we had many
findings. We noticed many strong points of grameenphone and few problems as well. Our
findings are:

The findings about grameenphone are:

 Grameenphone doesn’t have incentive or person-focused pay for reward.

 The merit pay provided by grameenphone is discussed and fixed at joining time.
 Grameenphone rewards basis on group work.
 Grameenphone provide fixed mobile recharge.
 Many kinds of legally required benefit are provided by grameenphone.
 Grameenphone provide many discretionary benefits.
 For salary structure grameenphone focuses on employee skills.

While working for report, we found some draw backs of grameenphone compensation and
pay structure. We have given some recommendations that can be undertaken by
Grameenphone for more accuracy of the process. They are given below:

 Grameenphone doesn’t have person-focused pay for reward system. They focus on
group. There is no individual performance evaluation in grameenphone. It should be
 Grameenphone doesn’t have any incentive plan. If it is possible then grameenphone
should provide incentive to employees.
 Grameenphone is in telecommunication industry. They provide their employees
provide fixed mobile recharge. If they need more mobile recharge they finanace
department balance this money from salary. As it is same for every employee,
grameenphone should have the research that who needs more mobile recharge and
who needs less mobile recharge for work purpose should be found out.
 Grameenphone fixes the merit pay range during appointing employees. If it is fresher
then he might have a problem. So it should be standard.
 Grameenphone provide allowance for children education of the employees. If it is
possible for grameenphone this allowance should be adjusted.

30 | P a g e
31 | P a g e
After completing the report with the help of both secondary and primary data, we can say that
it is a great experience for us. But we had very less secondary and primary data. So there are
very lees information, we could provide more if it available enough. When we matched the
real life information with our theoretical knowledge, it enhances our knowledge of
compensation structure, contextual influence of the structure, pay bases followed by the
grameenphone and grameenphone’s pay structure. After evaluating the whole system of
Grameenphone, we will say though GP’s system has well compensation and pay structure,
still its outcome is not accurate every time because of some errors or problems. For that, we
have already provided some recommendations and we believe that if they think about these
suggestions, they can solve those problems at some level.

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