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BRM Project on

Quantitative Data Analysis

and Hypothesis Testing

Group 2

Submitted to: -
Piyusa Pritiparnna Das

Submitted by: -
Saurav Kumar Das (21202109
Sonali Kar (21202117)
Soumyadeep Anand (21202120)
Susree Smruti Rekha Behera (21202132)
Tapaswanee Sahoo (21202140)
Deepak Rajak (21202351)
Serial No. Topics Page No.
1 Descriptive Analysis via Tableau 2-4
2 Descriptive Analysis via Power Bi 5-7
3 Data Visualization using Tableau 8
4 Hypothesis Testing on Objective 1 9
5 Hypothesis Testing on Objective 2 10 – 11
6 Hypothesis Testing on Objective 3 12
7 Hypothesis Testing on Objective 4 13

Descriptive Analysis via Tableau

Fig 1: A complete representation of the data.

The above image shows the count of amount in USD in various cities, the count of amount in
USD vs Industry Vertical, the count of amount in USD vs Investment Type and the count of
amount in USD vs date (year).

Fig 2: Bubble representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs

Investment Type
In the above image we can see that the sum and average amount in Private Equity is more in
comparison to the other investment type followed by Debt Funding, Seed Funding, and
Crowd Funding. We made a comparison between the total amount in USD and the
investment type based on the information provided. Private Equity has the largest amount,
while crowd funding is the least.

Fig 3: Line representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs date
(year and month)
In the above image we can see that the total amount of funding was more in the month of
March, 2017 and the average funding was more in the month of May, 2017.
We can also see that the sum and average funding in the year 2016 was almost constant.
In the year 2015, there was a spike in the sum and average funding in the month of July and

Fig 4: Geographical representation of the sum and average amount in USD

vs city location
We can see that New Delhi has the highest average amount of funding than the other cities
and Bangalore has the highest total amount of funding then the other cities.

Fig 5: Bar representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs
Industry Vertical
From the above graph we can conclude that the total amount of funding is higher in
eCommerce and the average funding is higher in Online Marketplace.

Descriptive Analysis via Power Bi

Fig 1: A complete representation of the data.

Fig 2: Pie chart and bar representation of the sum and average amount in
USD vs Investment Type

Fig 3: Waterfall representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs
date (year and month)

Fig 4: Line representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs city

Fig 5: Bar representation of the sum and average amount in USD vs
Industry Vertical

Data Visualization using Tableau
Below are the links attached for the data visualization using Tableau

Dashboard 1 – Visual representation of the complete data

Dashboard 2 – Sum and average of amount in USD v/s Investment Type

Dashboard 3 – Sum and average of amount in USD v/s date (Year)

Dashboard 4 – Sum and average of amount v/s City Location

Dashboard 5 – Sum and average of amount v/s Industry Vertical

Hypothesis Testing on Objective 1
Objective: To understand whether the average funding for "eCommerce" (Industry Vertical)
start-ups is greater than $ 20 Million USD

Ha: Average funding for eCommerce > $ 20,000,000

H0: Average funding for eCommerce <= $ 20,000,000

Study Aim Average funding for eCommerce is greater than

certain expected value
Variables Average funding for eCommerce
Dependent Not Applicable (Uni-variate)
Independent Not Applicable (Uni-variate)
Data Analysis Method Right tailed z-test

Observed Value 2,87,32,816.16

Expected Value 2,00,00,000

Standard Deviation 162964591.989

Square root of Sample size i.e., 149 12.20655562

Standard Error Standard Deviation / Square root of

Sample Size
Standard Error 13350579.57

Test Statistics Observed Value - Expected Value) /

Standard Error
Test Statistics 0.654115135

Critical Value As it is a large sample size significance value at

5% will be 1.645
Critical Value 1.645
Alpha 0.05

Since, test statistics is less than the critical value, we will accept the null hypothesis

Hence, average funding of eCommerce is less

than $20 million USD

Hypothesis Testing on Objective 2
Industry Vertical Amount In USD Industry Vertical Amount In USD
Healthcare 10,00,000 Education 82,00,000
Healthcare 4,00,00,000 Education 60,00,000
Healthcare 2,10,00,000 Education 6,70,000
Healthcare 1,95,00,000 Education 5,00,00,000
Healthcare 4,43,000 Education 9,00,000
healthcare 3,70,00,000 Education 40,00,000
Healthcare 30,00,000 Education 10,00,000
Healthcare 20,00,000 Education 1,00,00,000
Healthcare 1,50,000 Education 10,00,000
Healthcare 15,00,000 Education 50,00,000
Healthcare 40,00,000 Education 1,00,000
Healthcare 2,00,000 Education 30,00,000
Healthcare 4,00,000 Education 7,50,000
Healthcare 1,50,000 Education 1,00,000
Healthcare 40,00,000 Education 45,000

Objective: To understand whether the average funding for "Healthcare" (Industry Vertical)
start-ups is more than "Education" (Industry Vertical) start-ups by $ 2 Million USD

Ha: Average funding (Healthcare) - Average funding (Education) > $2

Million USD
H0: Average funding (Healthcare) - Average funding (Education) <= $2
Million USD

Comparing (find difference between average funding

Study Aim
(Healthcare) and average funding (Education))
Amount in USD (metric), Industry Vertical
Dependant variable Amount in USD (metric)
Independent Industry Variable
variable (categorical)
2 Groups (Amount in USD (Healthcare) & Amount
in USD (Education))
Right tailed test Two-sample independence t-test

Ha: variances are
not equal
Ho: variances are

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

Healthcare (Amount In Education (Amount In

Mean 8956200 6051000
Variance 188267033742857.00 0
Observations 15 15
df 14 14
F 1.193795443
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.372467393
F Critical one-tail 2.483725741

As F Statistic is less than F Critical one-tail, we will accept the null

hypothesis i.e. variances are equal

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Healthcare (Amount In Education (Amount In

Mean 8956200 6051000
Variance 188267033742857.00 0
Observations 15 15
Pooled Variance 172985817228571.00
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 2000000
df 28
t Stat 0.18848202
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.425929127
t Critical one-tail 1.701130934
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.851858254
t Critical two-tail 2.048407142

As t Statistic is less than t Critical one-tail, we will accept the null


P(T<=t) one-tail 0.425929127

alpha 0.05
p value > alpha
As p value is greater than alpha, we accept the null hypothesis

Hence, average funding for "Healthcare" (Industry Vertical) start-ups is

less than "Education" (Industry Vertical) start-ups by $ 2 Million USD

Hypothesis Testing on Objective 3
Objective: To understand whether the average funding by "Private Equity" (Investment
Type) is more than "Seed Funding" (Investment Type) by $ 20 Million USD

Ha: Average funding (Private Equity) - Average funding (Seed Funding) >
$20 Million USD
H0: Average funding (Private Equity) - Average funding (Seed Funding) <=
$20 Million USD

Comparing (find difference between average funding

Study Aim
(Private Equity) and average funding (Seed Funding))
Amount in USD (metric), Investment Type
Dependant variable Amount in USD (metric)
Independent Investment Type
variable (categorical)
2 Groups (Amount in USD (Private Funding) &
Amount in USD (Seed Funding))
Right tailed test
independence t-test

z-Test: Two Sample

for Means

Private Equity (Amount Seed Funding (Amount

Mean 21747687.2 478884.3055
Known Variance 7348360000000000.00 286434000000.00
Observations 828 694
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 20000000
z 0.425896448
P(Z<=z) one-tail 0.335091652
z Critical one-tail 1.644853627
P(Z<=z) two-tail 0.670183303
z Critical two-tail 1.959963985

As z Statistic is less than z Critical one-tail, we will accept the null


Hence, average funding by "Private Equity" (Investment Type) is less

than "Seed Funding" (Investment Type) by $ 20 Million USD

Hypothesis Testing on Objective 4
Objective: To understand whether the average funding for start-ups varies across
three years '2015', '2016' and '2017'

Ha: Average funding vary across 3

Ho: Average funding do not vary
across 3 years

Study Aim Comparison of average funding across 3 years

(2015, 2016, 2017)
Variables Amount in USD (Metric), Start-up Name
Dependent Amount in USD
Independent Start-up Name

Anova: Single

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
2015 (Amount 86730223 279963462414
In USD) 654 68.00 13261502.09 8640.00
2016 (Amount 38280886 383318754150
In USD) 586 08.00 6532574.42 893.00
2017 (Amount 58462755 146365213714
In USD) 285 00.00 20513247.37 71200.00

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 39211925625995 196059628129 0.0083 3.00163
Groups 300.00 2 97600.00 4.805835822 0644 6478
62091749502451 407961560462
Within Groups 40000.00 1522 8870.00

Total 40000.00 1524

As F stat is greater than F critical we will reject the null hypothesis

Statement Hence, the average funding for start-ups varies across three years '2015', '2016' and

**********END OF REPORT**********


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