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Q1.What is/are the classification of Hospital on the basis of path of treatment?

Q2.Vertical coordination is comparable to horizontal coordination because
Q3.The contemporary management theories discussed in the text have which of the
following in common?
Q4.You are the manager of materials management at a hospital with 450 beds. A
student from the health services management major asks you to identify the primary
characteristic of your managerial position. Your answer is
Q5.What is/are the attributes of an ideal hospital manager?
Q6.Which of the following persons is considered a connected link between employees
and administration?
Q7.Which of the following is the most powerful method of communication?
Q8.Genuine desire, listening, and being approachable are techniques to encourage
Q9.Hunches are most often associated with
Q10.The functions of management are equally applicable in
Q11.Which of the following best describes management?
Q12.In order to ensure commitment to the vision from those who work in the
organization and the external community, it is imperative to:
Q13.What is/are the classification of Hospital on the basis of objective?
Q14.Written communications to one’s supervisor should
Q15.Which of the following is not a major management dimension?
Q1.What is/are the classification of Hospital on the basis of path of treatment?
Q2.Vertical coordination is comparable to horizontal coordination because
Q3.The contemporary management theories discussed in the text have which of the
following in common?
Q4.You are the manager of materials management at a hospital with 450 beds. A
student from the health services management major asks you to identify the primary
characteristic of your managerial position. Your answer is
Q5.What is/are the attributes of an ideal hospital manager?
Q6.Which of the following persons is considered a connected link between employees
and administration?
Q7.Which of the following is the most powerful method of communication?
Q8.Genuine desire, listening, and being approachable are techniques to encourage
Q9.Hunches are most often associated with
Q10.The functions of management are equally applicable in
Q11.Which of the following best describes management?
Q12.In order to ensure commitment to the vision from those who work in the
organization and the external community, it is imperative to:
Q13.What is/are the classification of Hospital on the basis of objective?
Q14.Written communications to one’s supervisor should
Q15.Which of the following is not a major management dimension?
Q1.Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of the rational
comprehensive approach of decision-making in an organization?
Q2.In line organisation, the business activities are divided into following three types
Q3.Name the following topics that give an idea about the concept of organizing.
Q4.Who among the following expressed the view that virtually all the decisions in an
organization are such that they do not maximize, but only suffice?
Q5.Consider the following statements: 1. Control helps to monitor environment changes
and their effects on the organization’s progress. 2. Delegation of authority in
participative management does not change the nature of the control process. Which of
the sta
Q6.Consider the following statements about open model of organization: 1. Means (or
the proper way to do a job) are emphasized in the open model. 2. Non-routine tasks
occur in unstable conditions in the open model. 3. The beginning of the open model can
be t
Q7.Delegation becomes a necessity due to the following reasons:
Q8.Who of the following has described authority as the supreme co-ordinating power ?
Q9.Functional managers are responsible
Q10.Name the following topics that gives an idea about the concept of organizing.
Q11.Barriers to delegation of authority would be:
Q12.Sequence the following steps of organising process: (i) Forming supportive
objectives (ii) Delegating the authority require to perform activities. (iii) Establising
enterprise objectives (iv) Identifying and classifying activities
Q13.Authority means:
Q14.The line organisation structure is also called as:
Q15.Role of staff in ‘line and staff’ organization is
Q1.What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?
Q2.Which factor comes under Psychological Influences?
Q3.Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where
do the factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside?
Q4.According to __________ employees love work as play or rest
Q5.In attribution theory, what is distinctiveness?
Q6.The cognitive process through which an individual selects, organizes but
misinterprets environmental stimuli is known as_________
Q7.The theory of behavioral psychology was first developed by ______________
Q8.What is the name of the theory that deals with how we explain behaviour differently
depending on the meaning we assign to the actor?
Q9.The mental process to interpret environment as' per one's own understanding is
known as:
Q10.What is/are the needs given in Maslow’s theory?
Q11._________ theory believes that employees dislike work
Q12.Who propounded X and Y theory of motivation
Q13.What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception?
Q14.Z theory is a Japanese approach of motivation developed by
Q15.Which social factor/s influence Human Behaviour?
Q1._________ refers to any goods or services or ideas perceived by someone as
new.The idea may have long history but it is an innovation to the person who sees it as
Q2.______________is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
for health. Examples include treating patients, conducting research, educating the
health workforce, tracking diseases and monitoring public health.
Q3.Which things are included in Managing Opthalmic Services?
Q4._________  is a relatively recent term for healthcare practice supported by
electronic processes and communication, dating back to at least 1999.
Q5.“___________ is the spread of a new idea from its source of invention or creation to
its ultimate users or adopters.”
Q6.What is/are the line services in hospital management?
Q7.All of the following describes planning except
Q8.Of all the resources managed by a supervisor, the most important resource is
Q9.The prime responsibility of hospital ___________ to make it sure that line services
reach to the ultimate users or patients in a right fashion.
Q10.During a staff meeting to discuss absenteeism, a staff member communicated to
one of her peers saying “I am going to hear what I wish to hear”. The staff member is
Q11.__________bearing the responsibility of ensuring quality and regulating price.
Q12.What is/are the policies influencing hospital product?
Q13.________ are related to the services made available to the patients after getting
Q14.The ___________ process focuses on the mental process through which an
individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to its final adoption
Q15.What is/are the auxiliary services?

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