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1. B 6. A 11. A 16. B
2. C 7. B 12. C 17. B
3. C 8. A 13. D 18. D
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. D
5. A 10. B 15. A 20. A


Question 21

Section Mark Answer Note

(a)(i) 1

(a)(ii) 1 Diffaraction
(b) 1 The amplitude decrease
Amplitud berkurang
1 Energy separate in a large area
Tenaga tersebar pada kawasan yang lebih luas
(c) 1 v= 2 x5
1 = 2 cm s-1
Total 5 marks

Question 22

1(a) Underline the correct answer

- transverse 1

Garis jawapan yang betul

- melintang

(b)(i) Mark one region correctly

Peak to peak // 1
Crest to crest//trough to trough
Tanda kawasan yang betul

Puncak ke puncak//
Palung ke palung

(ii) Name one example correctly

Gamma ray // X ray // Ultra violet // visible light // Infra red // 1

// radio wave

Namakan satu contoh yang betul

Sinar gamma//sinar X// Ultra ungu//cahaya ternampak//infra

merah//gelombang mikro//gelombang radio
State the change of speed correctly
- decrease // slower

Nyatakan perubahan kelajuan dengan betul

- berkurang//perlahan


Question 23

23 (a) An area of electrical forces 1

(b) -The candle flame ionizes the air molecules to negative ions and 4
positive ions
-The candle flame splits into two parts because negative ions are
attracted to positive plate and positive ions are attracted to the
negative plate.
-The candle flame splits more to the negative plate because the mass
of positive ions are heavier than negative ions.
Question 24

Section Mark Answer Note

(a) 1 The distance between two successive points in
phase @ the distance between two successive
crests / troughs
Jarak di antara dua titik berturutan pada fasa
yang sama @ jarak antara dua puncak/
lembangan yang berturutan.
(b) 1 Light waves travel from denser medium to less
dense medium.
gel.chy merambat drpd medium lebih tumpat ke
medium kurang tumpat
1 The direction of the wave propagation away
from normal
arah perambatan gel.menjauhi garis normal
1 The water waves travel from deep water to
shallow water
gel.air merambat drpd medium yg dalam ke
medium yg cetek
1 The direction of the wave propagation towards
the normal
1 arah perambatan gel.mendekati garis normal
The change of the wave propagation from denser
mdium to less dense medium/ bending of wave
in two diffent medium/different density cause
the refraction
perubahan dalam arah perambatan gelombang /
pembengkokkan gelombang pd sempadan antara
dua medium yg.berbeza ketumpatan / kedalaman
menghasilkan fenomena pembiasan.
1 When the wave passing through shallow water//
( c) 1 convex area, the wavelength and speed decrease
Semasa melalui kaw.cetek/cembung pjg. Gel dan
1 laju berkurang
After the wave passing through shallow water//
1 convex area, the circular waves converge at focal
point an then diverge from the focal point
Selepas melalui kaw.cetek/cembung gelombang
membulat menumpu pada titik fokus dan
kemudian mencapah dari titik fokus
Suggestion Explaination
Cadangan Penerangan
(d) The roof of the house To reduce the
1,2 not so slanting difference of pressure Accept any suitable
Bumbung rumah Mengurangkan suggestions
berbentuk perbezaan tekanan Terima mana-mana
landai/kurang tirus cadangan yg
3,4 The roof with large Required large force bersesuaian.
mass to lift the roof
Jisim atap lebih Memerlukan daya
5,6 besar lebih besar utk
The concrete wall More strong //
Dinding diperbuat withstand high
7,8 drpd bahan konkrit presure
Lebih kuat/tahan
tekanan yg tinggi
9,10 The house is built at Small amplitude/
the bay / far from small wave
cape Amplitud gel. kecil/
Rumah dibina di ombak kecil
kawasan teluk / jauh
drpd kaw. tanjung
Wall in front the To reflect the water
house waves
Rumah dibina di Gelombang air
kawasan yang ada dipantul
Total 20 marks

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