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Dear Hiring Manager,

Thank you for the opportunity to submit my application for the position of Apprentice
Support Officer. I have extensive experience in both technical IT and customer support
roles and my experience is well suited for a service role in providing information to all
stakeholders of the apprenticeship and trainee system of Western Australia.

Attributes I possess that make me a good Apprentice Support Officer

Proven ability to follow legislative requirements and organisational processes accurately
and efficiently.
I have demonstrated ability and experience in interpreting legislation, policy and
procedures in my previous role as a datacentre technician at RaceCap. I provide service
and assistance to my clients in accordance to company protocols for digital financial

Well developed computer skills including a working knowledge of databases and

I have a high level of technical skills and previous work experience providing tech
support both onsite and remotely. I can grasp new systems, hardware and software, and
very quickly be well versed in my new role as a Contact Centre Consultant to resolve
issues effectively. I have considerable work experience with tech support in-person,
email, phone, live chat and support ticketing. In my previous role as a customer service
consultant at, I resolved customers wallet issues remotely. Using my IT
knowledge, skills and training in the company's products and services, I can resolve
customer’s inquiries and issues promptly and efficiently. I have extensive knowledge of
databases and spreadsheets in clinical applications for patient health records and have
familiarity with SQL query and Excel formulas for efficient data entry.

Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in the workplace, including good

communication skills, teamwork skills and good interpersonal skills.
In my tech support role at Perth Wellness Centre, I work together with clinicians, front
desk staff and managers to solve IT issues or to improve and upgrade existing systems.
This requires effective communication and teamwork with all staff members in order to
have a good understanding of each of their individual requirements in IT.
I have well developed communication skills, both verbal and written to handle customer’s
queries and problems competently. In my previous role as Customer Service Consultant,
I use good communicative skills with tact and discretion in my dealings with my
customers, colleagues and stakeholders.
Demonstrated application of organisational skills and time management skills to meet
operational requirements.
I have proven in my previous roles that I am reliable, have good work ethic and a
willingness to do what needs to be done. In my roles as a Data Centre Technician, I am
commended for being a good team player, willing to step up to the needs of the Data
Centre; from fixing network issues, taking on unexpected shifts, writing the maintenance
protocols, and communicating issues with colleagues, customers and stakeholders
abroad. As a Customer Service Consultant, I have proven to be work well in a team,
being supportive and respective to my international team members online.
As it was a rotating shift and only one person was responsible for each shift, I have also
demonstrated that I am self-motivated and able to work independently. I was given
decision making responsibilities within the corporate guidelines. I can work well within
set timeframes and adhere to schedules.

Demonstrated capacity to deliver excellent customer service.

In my role in Tech Support for the Perth Wellness Centre, I provide tech support during
and after business hours by phone calls, texts or emails and in-person. I can engage in
good listening skills to identify my client’s issues by effective questioning, being patient,
attentive and empathetic. By listening well and asking the right questions, I can identify
the problem and then present appropriate options and solutions clearly and concisely. In
doing so, I am also able to make my customers feel important and appreciated.
I genuinely enjoy helping people especially in technical areas and have done numerous
paid and unpaid work helping family, friends and clients set up computers, or resolving
software and hardware problems.

Please review my resume for a deeper look at my work history, I am confident that the
skills I have developed from my previous positions in IT support and customer service
have prepared for a position as an Apprentice Support Officer. If you have any
questions, please give me a call at 0466 679 378 or email me at

Justin Chong

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