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The 8 Tallest Animals in the World

Whether you’ve been on an African safari, taken a walk around a zoo, or just
looked through some nonfiction books, you likely know that there are a number
of animals on this planet that are tall—much taller than us humans are! Which
animals are the tallest, though and just how tall are they? Keep reading, and
you’ll learn about some of the tallest land animals that share our planet with us.

#8 Tallest Animals: American Bison

If you’re looking for tall animals, look no further than the American bison. Their
height can range from about 5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet 1 inch when measured to
the top of their shoulders. In addition to their height, Bison are just large in
general; they can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. While American Bison were once
abundant across parts of North America, due to hunting, viruses, and other
threats, their population significantly decreased during the 19th century. While
they still have a near-threatened conservation status, the American Bison
population is growing some. There are over 30,000 located in various United
States preserves and National Parks. The American Bison even became the
national mammal of the United States in 2016 when Barack Obama signed the
National Bison Legacy Act into law.

You can find American Bison in different zoos including the Minnesota

Zoo, Oakland Zoo, and Buffalo Zoo.

#7 Tallest Animals: Shire Horse

While most horses you’ll find are relatively tall, Shire horses are the tallest. They
can be about 5 feet, 7 inches tall to the shoulder blades, also called the withers. If
you’re familiar with horse heights, this is about 17 hands tall. Don’t forget, there
is still additional height beyond the shoulder blades, with the horse’s head and
neck. Shire Horses typically weigh between 1,870 and 2,430 pounds.

Shire horses were descendants of the English Great Horse. Used in battle to carry
men in a full suit of armor, these great horses clearly were very strong. The same
is true of the powerful shire horse.

Sadly, there aren’t as many Shire Horses remaining, and the breed as a
conservation status of critical according to the Livestock Conservancy. You may
be able to visit a Shire Horse at a few zoos, including the Saginaw Children’s
Zoo and the Colchester Zoo.

#6 Tallest Animals: Dromedary Camel

Camels can also be amazingly tall. The Dromedary Camel, also known as the
Arabian Camel, is the tallest of the camel species. These camels have just one
hump, compared to their two-humped counterparts. The males of the species can
have a height between about 6 feet and 6 feet six inches when measured to the
shoulders. Add in some of the additional height from the hump, and they can be
even taller than this!

Dromedary Camels weigh between 660 and 1,320 pounds. Dromedary Camels are
semi-domesticated; they are extinct in the wild but are typically kept under the
watch of a herdsman or used by individuals for travel or other needs. Want to see
a Dromedary camel in person? Schedule a visit to the San Diego
Zoo or Louisville Zoo.

#5 Tallest Animals: Alaskan Moose

As if the first few animals on our list weren’t tall enough, now we’re getting into
some really tall animals. The Alaskan Moose can reach up to 7 and a half feet tall
when measured to the shoulders. Then, you still need to add on the height of the
neck, head, and, of course, antlers.

It’s no wonder the Alaskan Moose is so big; it can eat up to 70 pounds of food
each day and weighs up to 1,600 pounds. However, even with their large size,
Alaskan Moose are vegetarians and only eat moss, pinecones, aquatic plants,
and bushes. The number of Alaskan Moose out in the wild is declining, and they
sadly have a conservation status of near threatened. You can see a moose in
person at various zoos around the country, including the Columbus
Zoo and Minnesota Zoo.

#4 Tallest Animals: Brown Bear

You’ve probably heard people say that they wouldn’t want to come face-to-face
with a bear. And, for good reasons, when standing on four legs, Brown Bear is
about 5 feet tall at the shoulders. However, they’re even tall when they stand up
and can reach a height between about 8 and 9 feet! These large animals
generally weigh between 500 and 900 pounds. However, the largest bear ever
weighed was over 2,500 pounds!

Brown Bears may also be referred to as Grizzly Bears, particularly in North

America. They can also be found in areas of Eurasia. Currently, this species is not
endangered and has a conservation status of least concern. Visit the Maryland
Zoo, Alaska Zoo, or other zoos across the country to see just how tall a Brown
Bear really is.

#3 Tallest Animals: Ostrich

You’re probably not going to be surprised to see that the Ostrich made this list.
They are known for their very long legs and long necks. Ostriches can reach
heights between 7 and 10 feet as a fully-grown adult. Their long legs do more
than just make them the tallest birds on the planet; they also allow them to run
as fast as 40 miles per hour, making them slower than only a Cheetah!

Ostriches are found in many countries in Africa, Asia, and Australia. They are

currently not endangered and have a conservation status of least concern. You
can find ostriches in many zoos including Zoo Atlanta and the San Diego Zoo.

#2 Tallest Animals: African Bush Elephant

On to the second tallest land animal, the African Bush Elephant. African Bush
Elephants are between 10 feet 6 inches and 13 feet tall! No surprise to find out
that they are also quite heavy, and weigh around 13,400 pounds!

These large animals can live up to 70 years and, due to their large size, don’t
have many predators once they are fully grown. However, sadly, African Bush
Elephants are still hunted by poachers. This combined with the fact that
pregnancies last around 22 months means that the population isn’t being
replenished quickly enough and African Bush Elephants currently have a
conservation status of critically endangered. See an African Elephant at
the Oakland Zoo or Zoo Atlanta.

#1 Tallest Animals: Giraffe

You knew giraffes were tall but did you know giraffes are the tallest animal in the
world? A Giraffe’s neck alone can be nearly 7 feet tall! Their overall height is
normally between about 14 feet and 19 feet. They are also very heavy animals
and may weigh between about 1,750 and 2,800 pounds!

The Giraffe uses its long neck to eat leaves on high trees. Their long necks are
also very useful for helping them look over the land to identify predators. Giraffes
have a conservation status of vulnerable. You can find them in many zoos across
the country and world including National Zoo in Washington
DC and Columbus Zoo.

Wow! There certainly are some really tall animals here on Earth! Which one are
you most impressed or amazed by? How do you think you’d feel coming face to
face with one of the tall and majestic creatures that made this list?

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