Vstep Writing

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1. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend John, who is
planning to come to your country for a one-week holiday.

Hi! How are you doing? I’ve got one week free this summer and I’d really like to
spend my time touring around your country. How can I get to your house from the
airport?.Another thing, I will also need somewhere to stay – but not too expensive,
of course. Everyone says that food in your country is the best, so if you could have
free time, would you take me on a street food tour or travel around with me ? It
would be great if you could.

Write an email responding to John. You should write at least 120 words. You do not
need to include your name or address.

Hi John,

I feel so delighted to receive your letter. Recently, I have had a bit of a health problem, but
now, everything is fine. It's great to know that you will visit my country.

Don't worry about finding your way to my house; I'll pick you up from the airport. Near my
house there are many cheap hotels you can easily rent but I think it would be great if you stay
with my family. Vietnam is truly a culinary paradise, I have still not yet tasted all the
delicious dishes of my country. When you come to Vietnam, I think I will take you to eat
Banh Xeo - one of the famous dishes in my country and also my favorite dish. Then let's go
for a walk together at Dam Sen Water Park - a beautiful amusement spot in Ho Chi Minh
City. I am sure you will like it.

If you want more information, just ask me. Give me a call if you arrive at Tan Son Nhat


2. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have just received a letter from your English pen-friend Peter, accepting your
invitation to come and stay with you on New Year celebration. Read part of his letter

Thanks very much for the invitation to stay with you and your family for a few
days on Christmas – of course I’d love to come!

I’ve already booked my flights, and I will be arriving at 2.30 p.m on the 22th of
December. As you know, I’ve never been abroad during the Christmas holidays so
I have no idea what to do. What’s the weather like there at that time of year?
What kinds of clothes should I bring then? Anyway, what kinds of gifts are good
for the first meeting with your family?

Write an email responding to Peter. You should write at least 120 words. You do not
need to include your name or address.

Dear Peter,

Thank you for writing to me. I hope you are doing well.I am looking forward to your
reply and I am glad that you have decided to visit my hometown this coming
Christmas. The reason I am writing is to tell you what to prepare when visiting my

Christmas in my country is not too cold and there is no snow so you do not need to
prepare too thick clothes, nor do you need to prepare ski gear. But in my country there
are many interesting attractions, you should bring fashionable clothes and a camera to
walk around at Christmas. The first time I meet my family, I think you should buy a
small box of cake or some fruit as a gift, I think your parents will love it.

I hope information helps for you.I have to go now. I hope to meet you soon.

Best wishes,

3. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have just received a letter from your English pen-friend Jimmy who is
going to take a short training course in your country. Read part of his
letter below.

Hi Rose! How are you? I hope everything goes well. I am going to take a
short training course in your country next month. I’d like to spend my time
visiting you and your family, so what is the best way to travel from the
airport to your house? I need somewhere to live while I am there. Is there
any cheap hotel near your house?. As you know, my father is a coffee addict.
Can you show where I can buy some nice Vietnamese coffee for him?

Write an email responding to Jimmy. You should write at least 120 words. You do
not need to include your name or address.

Hi Jimmy,
I am very happy to receive your letter. Right now, I'm pretty good even though
work is a bit busy. It's great to know that you will be visiting my family and
taking a training course in my country. I hope to see you soon.
Since the airport is quite far from my house, I think the best way to get here is
by taxi. Near my house there are many cheap hotels you can easily rent but I
think it would be great if you stay with my family. There are many coffee shops
in Vietnam and they are all very good. I think that I would RECOMMEND you
to Trung Nguyen coffee - a big coffee company in my country. I'm sure your
dad will love it because Trung Nguyen coffee has a very strong and special
If you want any more information, just ask me. Give me a call if you arrive at
Tan Son Nhat Airport.
Take care,

4. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You received an email from your English speaking pean-friend- Audrey,
asking about your new puppy
It’s great to receive your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a
long time. I was busy preparing for final exams. I also try to help
my parents with the housework since they are busy all day. What
great news you have a new puppy! I really love puppies because
they are cute. What’s the name of your puppy?. Have you
decided to give it a name yet? Who gave you such a wonderful
gift? Also do you have any difficulties looking after it?

Write an email responding to Audrey.You should write at least 120 words. You do
not need to include your name or address.

Dear Audrey,

It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you. I hope you and your family are doing

I’m very proud to hear that although you were busy preparing for your final exams,
you still try to help your parents. Good luck with your exam! Anyway, the reason I’m
writing is to talk to you about my new puppy.

His name is Lucy. He is a wonderful gift from my sister on my 21st birthday last
week. I love him so much because he is very cute with big black eyes and brown curly
fur. Anyway, I don't have any difficulties taking care of him because feeding him is
very easy. I play with Lucy every day. Sometimes I take Lucy for a walk around the
village. When you come to my house, I'm sure Lucy will be happy to play with you.

My writing is quite long. I have to go now. I hope to see you soon. Send my best
wishes to your parents.

Best wishes,


1. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

Some young people tend to have a year of travelling before they start work
or university and see it as a chance to broaden their knowledge. Others think
that this decision is a total waste of time. Discuss your views.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

In recent years, there has been an increasing debate about whether to take a year off for travel
to gain experience or not. Many people believe that traveling is the best way to gain more
knowledge while others believe that going to work is a better option. In this essay, I will look
at this question from both perspectives.

With an ever-increasingly huge and highly qualified workforce, finding work is becoming
increasingly challenging so finding a job is very necessary. Moreover, due to the impact of
COVID-19, business activities were limited, leading some to bankruptcy. That leaves a lot of
people unemployed. And When the number of job applicants is increasing, the competition is
increasing. All of these reasons have made the decision that getting a job after graduation is
very important. Furthermore, if you get a job before your friends, you will gain more
experience. You can learn a lot of new skills by doing a specific profession. When you work
as a waiter, for example, you will develop abilities to cope with tough customers. And you
will also get a better salary when you want to switch to another job and you will especially
have a significant additional income.

In addition, to explore a place you need a lot of time and it is also very expensive. You need
to spend money on guides, hotels, meals, etc. But Instead, I think you can learn about a
specific place in books because there are many books about tourist attractions. For example,
A friend of mine recommended to me the book "Beautiful places in Vietnam." in which I can
learn more about the diversity in Vietnamese culture through this book.

In short, Getting a job will become increasingly challenging as society continues to evolve..
We may be unemployed if we do not seize the opportunity. When we have a stable job, we
can travel. That's why I think having a job is more important than having a gap year.
2. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

Smoking is considered highly dangerous to our health because it impacts the smoker
and the people around them. Therefore there should be some strict controls about
smoking in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Smoking has a detrimental effect on smokers as well as those around them. Therefore, there
should be some strict control measures on smoking in public places. A significant part of the
community welcomes this concept, while the rest of the members oppose it.I completely
agree with the idea that smoking should be strictly controlled in public places. Some
reasons can be discussed to justify my point of view.

The most obvious is that smoking is injurious to health. It is that smoking a lot will lead to
diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even lung cancer. According to
my research a cigarette often contains killer ingredients like nicotine and carbon monoxide,
which destroy the trachea of ​the lungs. As a result, a person's digestive system begins to
shut down. Its harmful effects do not appear immediately, but if tobacco is consumed for
many years, smokers will develop the above diseases. In addition, it is more harmful for
passive smokers. To illustrate this, I would like to quote an example I heard from a woman
with lung cancer. However, Although she has never smoked in her life, she got suffered from
the disease just because her husband was a heavy smoker. Because she lived in the same
house and inhaled the smoke, she was affected.
On the other hand, opponents argue that a ban on smoking in public places can cause
bankruptcy of some businesses. For example, pubs and discos are usually visited by 80% of
smokers. If it were outright banned the aforementioned businesses will not have customers,
which will lead to bankruptcy.
In summary, I personally think that persuading people to quit smoking is very difficult but
smoking must be banned in public places. Furthermore, in pubs and discos, there should be
separate smoking areas so that passive smokers are not affected.

3. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic

Some people say that modern technology, such as the internet and
computers will ever replace the book or the written word as the main
source of information in the future. Discuss your views

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 word

It is undeniable that these days, as technology advances, we are drifting further

towards the internet for our research needs. However, I think that the internet and
computers will not completely replace books and written words in the future.

First of all, it is true that the Internet is becoming more efficient by the day. It helps us
find information and connect with friends more easily, typically on google, social
networking sites, e-books and electronic newspapers.

However, we are often faced with an extremely important question while searching
the net: is the information accurate and reliable? The internet is rife with
misinformation that can be inaccurate and plagiarized. While books are carefully
checked and edited by libraries, carefully selected. by publishers. Furthermore,
libraries allow people of all socioeconomic backgrounds to borrow books for free,
unlike “online books” that have to be paid for. (why do you mention "libraries"?)

Second, the entire process of “reading”—including underlining and taking notes in the
margins—is an important aspect of the learning process. For example, trying to
understand and solve math problems, or even organic chemistry problems while
staring at a computer screen, is extremely difficult. Similarly, it is much easier to read
an academic essay when we can underline and interact with the passage. The Internet
may be useful for your "light" reading or leisure reading, but is extremely
eye-catching and not suitable for more advanced subjects.

Finally, new health problems are also associated with “modern technology” devices.
New scientific evidence has shown that constant exposure to technological devices,
such as mobile phones, laptops, i-pads, kindle, etc., exposes people to a large amount
of exposure. abnormal radiation day and night. This can lead to eye and health
problems later on, skin problems, and most likely cancer due to direct and indirect
heat and radiation. Therefore, Old-fashioned books are best suited for studying for
many hours.

In conclusion, I think that as the computer age begins, we should continue to use the
Internet to read and find information. However, outdated books will never go away as
they have been, are and will continue to be a harmless and reliable source of
information for everyone in the world.

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