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Sk chairman platforms tagalog

Wanted: Good platforms for the barangays! Last Tuesday when our weekly 888 News Forum at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel was winding up because it was already time to close, we learned that Magdalo Partylist Rep. Gary Alejano wanted to be our guest. Alejano was in Cebu City on Monday to attend an Akbayan Congress at the Cebu Capitol. To be polite to Alejano, mytv did not pack our cameras and
stood him on stage. But I had better things to do, so I left the room. To be completely honest about it... I hate the backlogs of disobedient soldiers who go on mutiny and use their popularity to advance their political agendas. This also applies to Alejano's comrade in-arms and fellow mutiny, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV. Well, I read in The Freeman that Alejano not only went to the Akbayan Congress, he also
went all over the country to find out if he should be a senator or not? A good question for Alejano is who pays his travel expenses for this consultation? More importantly, running for senator means you need at least $100 million to fund a nationwide cam-paign. Where would he get the money to get his campaign moving? Incidentally, Alejano is president of Magdalo Para sa Pagbabago Movement. Maybe
he should barnstorm the country to tell the Filipino people what kind of pagbabago has he done to make a better nation of the Philippines? There is no doubt that the election fever is on the rise with the registration period for those seeking seats like barangay captain, barangay councillors and in Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) is now underway. Tomorrow is the last day of submitting certificates of candidacy
(COCs), but I have yet to hear groups with their own platforms of government. It seems that everyone wants to have a piece of barangay, but only for the positions that are available. What I would like to hear from any barangay promises seeking elections is their platforms of government. Sure, we know all too well that the barangay is the lowest form of government, so we really can't expect any lofty
platforms or plans from those looking for positions in the barangay. But a simple plan or platform should be - cleanliness. If a barangay hopeful promises to ensure the cleanliness of his barangay, that person has potential because it is one way that we can check if he can perform as promised. Another suggestion is the safety of the barangay. Now this is a little tickling in the sense that officials can't act as
the policemen of their barangay, but at least they can be counted on to check out who the respective residents and those so-called passers-by who live alone or rent a space within their barangay. Mind you, when we talk about security, it's not just about peace within the barangay of bad elements, but also to keep their barangay drug-free. In this era when majorities of barangays are heavily influenced by
illegal drugs, it is certainly a noble goal to help the police cleanse their respective barangays of drug drugs drug users or drug lords. How I wish that one day, a certain barangay can boast to the community that it's drug free! Finally, I would like to emphasize what the Constitution says about the elections for barangay ... that it's apolitical. But we know all too well that many political parties or political groups
use the barangays as their political pawns, especially those seeking positions in the SK elections. I have learned from the past that many SK members elected to these positions are family members of politicians belonging to the ruling party of a particular city, province or city. I heard in the news the other night that the Comelec wanted to come up with an anti-dynasty provision for the barangay elections,
which for me is a good time to conduct this political experiment, but I don't have the details of that Comelec plan, so I'll discuss it here when we get the details of this experiment. I'm sure the political families are not happy with this development, but then this is the reality that politicians have to face in the new Philippines under Pres. Rodrigo Digong Duterte. You read a free sample
pages from 9 to 11 will not appear in this preview. You'll read a free sample pages from 18 to 24 won't appear in this preview. You'll read a free sample pages of 28 to 50 pages that won't appear in this preview. Need help getting started on your platform? Read through the sample platforms below. EXAMPLE ELECTION PLATFORM A: Objective To be the representative of the AJET bloc for [regional
name] where an exceptional ability to communicate effectively is required. My name is [NAME]. I am 2nd year ALT in [LOCATION]. I greatly appreciate the opportunity jet has given me. It is my wish that the JET program continues to develop and thrive by strengthening the JET community. What can I do for you? Represent yourself at the national level and ensure that your ideas and opinions influence the
direction of AJET and in turn the JET program. This will continue to enable us to meet our commitments in the JET program more effectively and strengthen DE's for the next chapters in their lives. Keep up to date with regional and national issues and get acquainted with events across the country. Bring ideas to the National Council that will help all JET's in my community to improve English education and
internationalization. Qualifications: Possess excellent negotiation and public relationship skills. Am very adept at working with others. Have a genuine interest in education and internationalization. Am enthusiastic, professional and reliable. Have first-hand knowledge of all/most prefectures of our region. I have experience in teaching in OOO and OOO and organizing in OOO. Tokyo Orientation,
[PREFECTURE] Orientation, Skill Developement Conference presenter. ESL education in [LOCATION]. Presenter and Workshop Facilitator. DipT, BEd, PGCert Spec Ed, Ed, Learning Management. My promise By choosing me as your AJET representative for Block [] you will enable us to make significant progress and ensure that your voice will be heard. You'll be sure you'll never get out of the loop. My
track record When I volunteer in our community I... EXAMPLE ELECTION PLATFORM B: My name is [NAME], I'm a freshman ALT in [LOCATION]. I was happy when I found out I was placed in such a beautiful part of Japan. My dedication to the JET community and this region, coupled with my drive to do great work means that I will do the best job representing the JET's here. I've been lucky enough to
land in one of the tightest JET communities around. Since day one I have felt welcomed and included, and I am excited to pass this on to the newcomers. I think the bonds within each prefecture, and inter-departmental are important for supporting the JET program, and the well-being of each JET. I want to encourage JET's to get involved in the great events in surrounding prefectures to share history,
information and culture and friendship. Prior to JET I worked as an Account Executive for an advertising agency. It required great communication skills and organization, with the most important parts of my work being event planning, customer service, and production. My background would be especially complementary to ads, communication, marketing or publications liaison. Before arriving at [LOCATION]
I looked up our AJET chapter to offer my help, and have since been involved in planning and running successful [PREFECTURE] AJET events. When the current team retires, I look forward to a more active role at AJET. I work best when I have too many things to do, and love a new challenge. I look forward to the opportunity to represent the JET's of [PREFECTURES]. Vote for me to preview your Block
[LOCATION] Rep. C: (With Japanese translation) Marty McFly, 4th year, Kagawa Prefecture I'm Marty McFly, a 4th year ALT in western Kagawa. I am grateful every day to be a JET in this amazing place and to be part of our community of diverse and talented individuals. That's why I want to be block 8 representative and give something back to all of you. I'm highly qualified to be your representative. I
served as Kagawa's AJET prefectural representative in my 2nd and 3rd year and I am currently working as our treasurer. During my time at AJET, I helped to increase attendance at our events, revitalize our Charity Ball, and bring Kagawa JETs to the All-Shikoku Field Day in Tokushima. I am also a two-time Tokyo Orientation Assistant and I have presented many times at Departmental Orientations and
Skill Development Conferences. Next week take alt opinion exchange between CLAIR and the Three Ministries. There I will bring the ideas and concerns of ALT's to representatives of the Japanese government. In my local community I volunteer weekly at an after-school program and work closely with our Exchange Association. On the weeks you only use find me on the Kyudo-jo, catch up with friends or
bake another batch of my famous banana bread. If you choose me, I'll make sure you know what's going on in JET, when and where it's happy, and how it affects you. It is my attention to return Shikoku honestly and diligently, listen carefully to your concerts and serve as a good contact. I hope you give me the chance to give back to the Shikoku JETs by choosing me as your Block 8 Presentive. My
company is Mick Fry Marchie. This is the 4th year ALT of Kagawa Prefecture. I am grateful to be with all the wonderful JET people who live in beautiful Kagawa. That is why I want to contribute as a representative of Shikoku. I have represented many times. I worked as a representative of kagawa prefecture in the second and third years, and this year I get to book. Through AJET, we increased the number
of people at various events, activated CHARITY BALL for fundraising, and escorted JET people in Kagawa to Tokushima prefecture to participate in sporting events in Shikoku. In addition, I have been an orientation assistant twice and have given many presentations at seminars in the prefecture. Next week I will participate in an ALT exchange of views with CLAIR and the three ministries. We exchange
opinions with ALT people and discuss things to worry about. I volunteer after school at a local elementary school and work for international exchange. On weekends I do kyudo, play with friends and make delicious banana bread. If you choose me, I'll work hard. I'll teach you a lot about jet. I'm ready to do my best for jet people in Shikoku. If I become a representative, I will listen carefully to your opinion. By
all means, choose me! If you have questions please email Quick Election Links Main Election Page Election Rules Apppointed Points Application Rules and Advance Guidelines for Examples of Candidate Platform

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