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Sharad Kumar Barve et al.

, IJSRR 2019, 8(1), 785-791

Research article Available online ISSN: 2279–0543

International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews

Soft Fixed point Theorem for Contraction Conditions in Dislocated
Soft Metric Space

Sharad Kumar Barve1*,QaziAftab Kabir2 and Masroor Mohamaad3

Department of Mathematics, J. H. Govt. P. G. College Betul, (M. P) India.
Department of Mathematics, Saifia Science College Bhopal, (M.P) India.

In the present paper, we define dislocated soft metric space and establish existence and
uniqueness of soft fixed point theorem satisfying contraction conditions in dislocated soft metric
space. These established results improve and modify some existing results in the literature.
Illustrative example is provided.

KEYWORDS: Soft set, soft fixed point, unique soft fixed point, soft metric space, dislocated soft
metric space.

*Corresponding author
Sharad Kumar Barve
Department of Mathematics,
J. H. Govt. P. G. College Betul, (M. P) India.

IJSRR, 8(1) Jan. –March, 2019 Page 785

Sharad Kumar Barve et al., IJSRR 2019, 8(1), 785-791

Molodtsov12 introduced the concept of soft sets as a new mathematical tool for dealing with
uncertainties andhas shown several applications of this theory in solving many practical problems in
various disciplines like as economics, engineering, etc. Majiet al.8, 9 studied soft set theory in detail
and presented an application of soft sets in decision making problems.Chen et al.2 worked on a new
definition of reduction and addition of parameters of soft sets, Shabir and Naz13 studied about soft
topological spaces and explained the concept of soft point by various techniques. Das and Samanta
introduced a notion of soft real set and number 3, soft complex set and number 4, soft metric space 5,
. In 2000, Hitzler and seda7 introduced the notion of dislocated metric space. Dislocated metric
space plays very important role in topology, logical programming and in electronic engineering.
Recently wadkaret al.15demonstrated unique soft fixed point theorems for cyclic mapping in
dislocated soft metric space.
In the present paper, we have proved the unique soft fixed point theorem of a contractions
mapping in the context of dislocated soft metric space. Before starting to prove main result, some
basic definitions are required.

Definition 2.1:[12] Let and are respectively an intial inverse set and a parameter set. A soft set
over is pair denoted by ( , ) if and only if is a mapping from into the set of all subsets of the
set , i.e. : → ( ), where ( ) is the power set of .

Definition 2.2: [8] Let( , )and( , )be two soft sets over a common initial universe .
a) ( , ) is said to be null soft set(denoted by ), if ∀λ ∈ , (λ) = . And( , )is said to be an
absolute soft set (denoted by ), if ∀λ ∈ , (λ) = .
b) ( , )is said to be a soft subset of( , ) if ∀λ ∈ , (λ) ⊆ (λ)and it is denotedby
( , ) ⊆ ( , ). ( , )is said to be a soft upperset of( , ) if ( , )is a soft subset of( , ).
We denote it by( , ) ⊇ ( , ). ( , )and( , ) is said to be equal if( , )is asoft subset of
( , )and ( , )is a soft subset of ( , ).
c) The unionof( , )and( , )over is( , ) defined as (λ) = (λ) ∪ (λ), ∀λ ∈ A.We
write( , ) ∪ ( , ) = ( , ).
d) The intersection of ( , ) and ( , )over is ( , ) defined as (λ) = (λ) ∩ (λ), ∀λ ∈ A.
We write ( , ) ∩ ( , ) = ( , ).
e) The Cartesianproduct( , )of( , )and( , )over denoted by( , ) = ( , ) × ( , ),is
defined as (λ) = (λ) × (λ), ∀λ ∈ A.

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f) The complement of ( , ) is defined as ( , )∁ = ( ∁

, ) where ∁
: → ( )is a mapping
given by λ) = \ (λ), ∀λ ∈ A for all λ ∈A. Clearly, we have ∁ = and ∁ = .
g) The difference( , )of( , ) and ( , )denoted by( , )\( , ) = ( , )isdefined
as (λ) = (λ)\ (λ), ∀λ ∈ A.

Definition 2.3: [4,6] Let be the set of real numbers andAbe a set of parameters and ( ) be the
collection of non-empty bounded subsets of . Then a mapping : → ( ) is called a softreal set,
denoted by( , ). If specifically ( , ) is a singleton soft set, then after identifying ( , )with the
corresponding soft element, it will be called a soft real number.The set of all soft real numbers is
denoted by ( ) and the set of non-negative soft real numbersby ( )∗.
Let ̃ and ̃ be two soft real numbers. Then the following statements hold:
o ̃ ≤ ̃ , if ̃ ( ) ≤ ̃ ( ),∀ ∈ ,
o ̃ < ̃ , if ̃ ( ) < ̃ ( ),∀ ∈ ,
o ̃ ≥ ̃ , if ̃ ( ) ≥ ̃ ( ),∀ ∈ ,
o ̃ > ̃ ,if ̃ ( ) > ̃ ( ),∀ ∈ .

Proposition 2.4: [5]

(a) For any soft sets( , ), ( , ) ∈ , we have( , ) ⊂ ( , ) if and only if every soft
Element of ( , )is also a soft elements of ( , ).
(b) Any collection of soft elements of a soft set can generate a soft subset of that soft set. The
Soft set constructed from a collection of soft elements is denoted by ( ).
(c) For any soft set( , ) ∈ , ( , ) = ( , ); whereas for a collection of soft

Elements, ( ) ⊃ ,but, in general, ( ) ≠ .

Definition 2.5:[15] The soft metric space ( , ) is called complete, if every cauchy sequence in
convergence to some point of .

Definition 2.6:[15]Let( , , ) be a soft metric space. A function ( , ): ( , , ) → ( , , ) is

called a soft contraction mapping if there is a soft real number ∈ ,0 ≤ < 1 such that for every
point , ∈ ( ), we have

( , )( ), ( , ) ≤ , ,

Definition 2.7:[15]A mapping : ( )× ( ) → ( ) is said to be dislocated soft metric on the

soft set if satisfies the following conditions:

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( 1) ( , ) = 0then = ,
( 2) ( , )= ( , ), , ∈
( 3) ( , )≤ ( , )+ ( , ) , , ∈ .
The soft set with soft dislocated metric defined on is called a dislocated soft metric space and
denoted by , , .

Theorem . .Let ( , , )be a complete dislocated soft metric space and let : → be a mapping
satisfying the following condition.
( , ) ( , )
( , )≤ ( , )+ + [ ( , )+ ( , )] + ( , )+ ( , )
( , )

( , ) 1+ ( , ) ( , )
+ (3.1)
1+ ( , )
for all , ∈ ; , , , ≥ 0; + + + > 1. Then has a unique fixed point.
Proof:Define a sequence { }as follows
Let ∈ we define a sequence { }in by
= = 0,1,2,3, … , … , … , ….
Where ( , ) ≠ 0, it follows from (3.1) and
( , )≤ ( , )+ ( , )
Consider ( , )= ( , )
( , ) ( , )
≤ ( , )+ + [ ( , )+ ( , )]
( , )
+ [ ( , )+ ( , )]

( , ) 1+ ( , ) ( , )
1+ ( , )
( , ) ( , )
= ( , )+ + [ ( , )+ ( , )] + [ ( , )
( , )

( , ) 1+ ( , ) ( , )
+ ( , )] +
1+ ( , )

≤ ( , )+ ( , )+ ( , )+ ( , )

+ ( , )+ ( , )+ ( , ) + ( , )

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( , )≤( + +2 + ) ( , )+( + +2 ) ( , )
Hence we have
+ +2 +
( , )≤ ( , )
1−( + +2 )
( , )≤ ( , )

Where = ( )
, 0≤ <1

Similarly, we have
( , )≤ ( , ).
Continuing this process, we conclude that
( , )≤ ( , )
Now for > , using triangular inequality we have
( , )≤ ( , )+ ( , ) + … … … … … + ( , )
≤[ + + + + … … … … + ] ( , )

≤ ( , )
For a natural number let < 0 such that ( , ) < , ∀ ≥ .

Thus ( , )≤ ( , ) < for > . Therefore { } is a Cauchy Sequence in a complete

dislocated soft metric space( , ), ∃ ̃ ∗ ∈ such that → ̃ ∗ as → ∞. As is continuous, so

lim → = ̃ ∗ implies lim → = ̃ ∗ implies lim → = ̃ ∗ implies ̃ ∗ = ̃ ∗ . Hence
̃ ∗ is a fixed point .
For uniqueness of fixed point ̃ ∗ , let ̃ ∗∗ ( ̃ ∗ ≠ ̃ ∗∗ ) be another fixed point of . We have to prove that
( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ ) = ( ̃ ∗∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) = 0
Consider ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ ) = ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ ), then by (3.1) we have
( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗) ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗)
( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ ) ≤ ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗) + + ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗) + ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗)
( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ )

( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗) 1 + ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗) ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗)

( ̃ , ∗) ∗ ∗)
+ ̃ + ( ̃ , ̃ + (3.2)
1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗)
( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ ) ≤ ( + + + + ) ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗)
Which is a contradiction due to0 ≤ + +2 +4 + < 1. , Hence ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ ) = 0. Similarly, we
can show that ( ̃ ∗∗, ̃ ∗∗ ) = 0.
Now consider ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) = ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗∗ )

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( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ ) ( ̃ ∗∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
≤ ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗∗ ) + + [ ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗ ) + ( ̃ ∗∗ , ̃ ∗∗)] + [ ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )

( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) 1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗)
+ ( ̃ ∗∗, ∗)
̃ ]+
1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ ) ( ̃ ∗∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
≤ ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) + + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ ) + ( ̃ ∗∗, ̃ ∗∗ ) + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) + ( ̃ ∗∗, ̃ ∗ )
( ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )

( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) 1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗ )
+ (3.3)
1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
Since 1 ≤ 1 + ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗∗ ),

So 1 ≤ 1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )

⟹ ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) ≤ 1 + ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗)
( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗∗ )
⟹ ≤ ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗)
1+ ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ )
Thus (3.3) becomes
( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗ ) ≤ ( + 2 + ) ( ̃ ∗, ̃ ∗∗ )
This is contradiction thus ( ̃ ∗ , ̃ ∗∗) = 0
Similarly we can show that ( ̃ ∗∗ , ̃ ∗) = 0 which implies ̃ ∗ = ̃ ∗∗ is the unique soft fixed point of .

Example: . . Let = [0,1]. Define a complete dislocated soft metric by ( , ) = | |, ∀ , ∈

and define a continuous self-mapping by = ∀ ∈ .

Set = , = , = , = and = . Then satisfies all assumptions of Theorem 3.1 and

= 0 is the unique fixed point of in .

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IJSRR, 8(1) Jan. –March, 2019 Page 791

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