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Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0



*Azianti Ismail¹, Aslina Omar²

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor Branch
Pasir Gudang Campus
81750 Masai, Johor, Malaysia
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor Branch
Pasir Gudang Campus
81750 Masai, Johor, Malaysia

*Corresponding author's email:


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all teaching and learning activities have been conducted via remote
learning on short notice. Not only in the delivery method, but the assessment also must be modified to
suit the needs for fulfilling the course learning outcomes. Thus, this paper intends to demonstrate the
approach of online assessment for the affective domain using Flipgrid as a platform for video
assignment. One of the fantastic and practical online app for video assignment that captured students'
verbal responses. This app encourages the students to participate in the learning process, especially in
the affective domain. The process of learning to accept an idea or concept, and to transform into own
understanding is the learning outcome. This paper gives an overview of using Flipgrid as a platform for
uploading video assignment in the production management course for diploma level at Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor Branch, Pasir Gudang Campus, Johor,
Malaysia. Details on the approach have been discussed in detail in this paper. Furthermore, we carried
out a questionnaire to measure students' satisfaction and their experience using Flipgrid after completing
the assignment. Flipgrid is readily available and downloadable by any user to a mobile device.

Keywords: Affective Domain, Online Assessment, Flipgrid, Rubrics

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is causing unprecedented remote learning by the
higher education institutions worldwide (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020). The landscape of teaching and
learning in Malaysia has abruptly changed due to this pandemic. Delivery of learning materials and
continuous assessments must be done 100% online for most of the courses offered.

Before this pandemic, affective domain assessment is done face to face with the students. Educators
must think of the best way to replace face-to-face assessment with the full online assessment. The
assessment must not overburden the students. With the limited access for proper video recording and
editing devices, a suitable online application must be considered, which is readily available without any
cost involved and easy to use on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

In the affective domain, students are encouraged to respond to the information they have received
through learning. According to (Krathwohl et al., 1973) the affective domain deals with things
emotionally, such as appreciation, values, feelings, enthusiasm, motivations, and attitudes. As for the

Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0

learning outcomes, affective taxonomy covers receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and

This innovation was developed to evaluate student's affective domain, such as individual or group
presentations, through an online application without having a face-to-face session in April 2020. The
advantage of this online affective domain assessment is to reduce the time spent by the students to
complete the video assignment without feeling pressure in which indirectly leads to halting their
creativity. For educators, this online assessment will save time in grading the video assignment by using
online rubrics. Therefore, it can create a conducive learning experience during the process of fulfilling
the need for the course learning outcome. Flipgrid is a free and accessible social learning platform that
allows students to creatively record their responses verbally to the assigned questions (Stoszkowski et
al., 2020).

Rubrics, as one of the assessment tools, that delivers flexibility in assessing and enhances grading
consistencies (Nathan et al., 2017). Bear in mind; the rubrics must be aligned with the course learning
outcomes that need to be assessed. Misalignment of the assessment with the course learning outcomes
will cause a major error in overall course learning outcomes attainment for the cohort (Johnson &
Skarphol, 2018).


The video assignment was assigned to 83 mechanical engineering diploma students, which catered for
the course learning outcome Apply Operation Management tools and techniques for decision making
with affective domain level of A3 (Valuing). This assignment required the students to provide short
video on the factors need to be considered to locate a plant or business. One week before this
assignment, the students were introduced to the topic of plant location. Each student was given two
weeks to submit a short video assignment. The flowchart of the process involved in the assignment is
presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Flowchart for the Student

Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0

As soon as the educator posted the assignment on the Google Classroom, each student received
notification via email. Figure 2 shows the Google Classroom display with information on the
assignment, the related rubrics, and the Flipgrid link. The rubrics for this assignment are shown in Table
1. Each student had to produce a 60-second individual verbal response, and it was recorded and
uploaded using Flipgrid.

Figure 2. Google Classroom Display for the Video Assignment

The affective domain assessment for short video assignment consists of content, fluency and clarity,
effective audio-visual aid, and time management. Full marks presented as 10 points in which the scale
for each criterion is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Rubrics for the Short Video Assignment

Criteria Description Marks
Content of Relevant to the question: 3 - Comprehensively factors addressed
the topic Factors that need to be (more than 3)
considered for locating 2 - Sufficiently factors addressed (3)
plant or business 1 - Minimal factor addressed (1)
Fluency and Capturing and sustaining 2 - Organized & competent presentation
clarity audience interest 1 - Disorganized & incompetent
Effective Using aid to explain the 3 - Exceptionally creative & effective
audio-visual factors audio-visual aid
aid 2 - Well utilized & presented
1 - Poorly utilized & presented
Time The presentation should 2 - Perfectly completed the presentation
Management follow the time allocated within the time
1 - Overtime (video cut off at one minute
& not completed the presentation)

Figure 3 shows the display on the students' device. Students watched the two-minute instruction video
for the full explanation of the requirement of the video assignment. Once they were ready, the students
prepared the content and audio-visual aid material for the short video.

Students recorded their verbal responses directly using a smartphone or tablet with a camera. Besides
that, they were allowed to edit their videos on the app creatively. After uploaded the short video, the
students checked the thumbnails to ensure it was safely submitted on the Flipgrid. Figure 4 shows the
samples of thumbnails when the student successfully uploaded their videos.

Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0

Figure 3. Flipgrid Display for the Instruction Video

Figure 4. Flipgrid Display for the Thumbnails on the Uploaded Video by the Students


A questionnaire was used to measure the students' satisfaction with Flipgrid usage. It was distributed to
the students after marks were awarded. The questionnaire consists of six statements with three answers
to choose which are agree, neutral, and disagree.

Figure 5 shows that more than 90% of the students satisfied using Flipgrid for the assignment. It also
shows that 94% of the students clearly understand the rubrics for the assignment, which explained how
the marks would be awarded.

As shown in Figure 6, most of the students achieved excellent and very good marks (scored seven and

marks for the video assignment. On the other hand, only two students have achieved marks below five.
From the chart, we can conclude that this app helps to portray students' soft skills, especially in
communication. In the individual video assignment using Flipgrid, most of the students went through
the process of creating content, utilizing presentation tools, handling time management, and self-
confidence. Most of the students had portrayed good ability in presentation skills by showing a high
confidence level, good communication skills, and good English proficiency. While 2% of the students

Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0

rated as lacking in presentation skills due to incompetent in using multimedia technology in their
presentation and lack of confidence. The course learning outcome for this course was achieved, with
60% of the students scored very good and above.

I am satisfied with Flipgrid.

96% 2% 2%
Flipgrid stimulates my creativity.
94% 4% 2%
Process of uploading is easy to use.
92% 6% 2%
Process of recording is easy to use.
90% 8% 2%
Flip grid is interactive and very convenient
to use. 95% 3% 2%
I understand the rubrics clearly.
94% 4% 2%

85% 90% 95% 100%

Agree Neutral Disagree

Figure 5. Feedback on the Assignment

40% 33%
10% 7%
Excellent Very Good Good Poor

Figure 6. Distribution of the Marks


Flipgrid has proven to make the online assessment for the affective domain more effective and easier
to manage by the educators. For the students, this app encourages students' creativity in delivering
verbal responses (Dunn & Mulvenon, 2009). The positive feedback reflected from the usage of this app
shows that it is highly convenient in assigning other presentation types of assignments in which will
increase student engagement and communication. Future work will be focused on developing a higher
level of affective domain video assignment for group presentations, which includes teamwork dan

Azianti Ismail is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UiTM Johor Branch, Pasir
Gudang campus, Jalan Purnama, Bandar Seri Alam, 81750 Masai, Johor, Malaysia.

Innovation in Teaching & Learning Competition 2020 e-ISBN:978-967-18031-1-0


Bozkurt, A. & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to
CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i vi.

Dunn, K. E. & Mulvenon, S. W. (2009). A critical review of research on formative assessments: The
limited scientific evidence of the impact of formative assessments in education. Practical
Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 14(1), 7.

Johnson, M. & Skarphol, M. (2018). The effects of digital portfolios and Flipgrid on student
engagement and communication in a connected learning secondary visual arts classroom.

Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S. & Masia, B. B. (1973). Taxonomy of educational objectives, the
classification of educational goals. Handbook II: affective domain (Vol. 1), David McKay Co.
Inc., New York.

Nathan, S. S., Berahim, M. & Ramle, R. (2017). Rubric for measuring psychomotor and affective
learning domain. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 25, 101 108.

Stoszkowski, J., Hodgkinson, A. & Collins, D. (2020). Using Flipgrid to improve reflection: a
collaborative online approach to coach development. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,
1 12.


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