Remember These Are Only Points, Elaborate More On These Points and Explain in Your Own Words

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Remember these are only points, elaborate more on these points and

explain in your own words.

Intro by : Samanvitha


Good morning everyone, we are group 3 and we are presenting about life in the

year 3000 .


(read by Shaurya)

Technology is anything that makes humans' lifes easier. Nowadays, technology has a

whole different meaning though- the first thing that comes to one's mind when they

hear "technology" is civilized machinery or a next generation gadget. However,

technology may also include daily use items like a ladder! Even books, and old

cameras that used film were technology. When they were invented, they were

considered bleeding edge technology!

Today we use these ancient technologies very commonly. However, these ancient

technologies are constantly evolving, too. What were books are now Kindles, and

cameras are found on small phones.

Climate in the future

In the year 3000, scientists expect there to be an emmise rise in sea levels causing

droughts & floods more frequently than now, in many places throughout the Earth. Due

to the increasing temperature in the future, the glaciers will start shrinking more than

they do now, this leads to the increase in sea levels, which, in turn, lead to flooding in

coastal areas. With the change in climate now like: warmer atmosphere, higher sea

levels, larger changes in precipitation patterns, all of these have contributed to global

warming and climate change.

Read by Tanishka
Will Mars be habitable by year 3000?

(Read from ppt by shaurya)

In the year 3000 there will be developments to hospitals, restaurants, hotels, schools

and how they work

Hospitals -

In a shift away from their traditional inpatient facilities, health-care providers are

investing in outpatient clinics, same-day surgery centers, free-standing emergency

rooms and microhospitals, which offer as few as eight beds for overnight stays ”isn’t

that awesome”. They are setting up programs that monitor people 24/7 in their own

homes. And they are turning to digital technology to treat and keep tabs on patients

remotely from a high-tech hub. So, needless to say, hospitals will be very different in

the future.

Schools- I believe schools in the year 3000 will be very different from the current

ones mainly due to modernization. With the introduction of various technologies, the

educational world is expected to go digital. We can expect a total shift from the

schools we have today.

Hotels - By the year 3000, the hotel of today will be almost unrecognizable. The hotels

of the future will have facial recognition entry systems, talk-back TV, touchscreen

surfaces, smart toilets and mirrors, and many more innovative objects.

Restaurants- Fine restaurants use a wide array of digital media networking tools.

The system uses facial recognition to identify customers when they walk in, and

reveals their personal preferences which makes a perfect individualized service

Parks - By the year 3000, urban green space will be tasked with doing far more than

simply providing aesthetic appeal. From natural systems to deal with surface water

run-off and pollution to green corridors to increasing interest in urban food

production, the urban parks of the future will be designed and engineered for

functionality as well as for beauty.

(Read by kriti)

In the year 3000, there are developments to some gadgets used in our everyday lives.

For example - normally present-day whenever we have to print something we have to

use a printer but in the future, there is a gadget called the pen printer you just hold
the pen in such a way that the arrow is pointing down and slide the pen down the
paper and the text you want to print appears on the paper

Another epic gadget present in the year 3000 is A device that translates animal
thoughts into human language. I mean out of the world right !!! I could never think of
such a gadget.

These are just a few amazing gadgets in the year 3000. I don't want to make you
jealous but in the year 3000, there are also floating sofas which are made of the
most comfortable and soft material. There are also robot suitcases that follow you
wherever you go

I mean I never imagined we could make such vast changes to these simple gadgets
we use in our everyday lives.
(Read by kriti)

How would Photography be in the year 3000?

I feel photography will have been updated by having small, compact and easy to hold

cameras with very high clarity and able to capture pictures which are further away.

Cameras will have microscopic settings. Cameras will not be made of metal but by

resources which are in easy access like aluminum which is the Earth’s most

friendliest metal We will be able take photos from a moving vehicle.

Basic photography isn't a feat even now. Phones the size of business cards have

amazing cameras. However, in the year 3000, all of this will sound ancient. People have

sensible predictions of glasses or integrated camera systems in one's own eye! In

the blink of an eye, a high quality photo can be taken.

Read by Elzton
How would books be in the year 3000 ?

Books will be very advanced in the year 3,000. We are already in the process of

making books like they could be in the year 3,000. We are reading from screens

instead of books. We are buying e-books instead of physical books. Research in the

UK shows that most newspaper companies are heavily investing in creating websites.

Sales of devices used to substitute books like Amazon Kindle and IPad are also

increasing. In the year 3000 physical books might not exist at all! In an interview with

CNN's Howard Kurtz on "Reliable Sources," author Nicholas Negroponte, founder of One

Laptop per Child, said the physical book's days are numbered. “It will be five years”, he said.

In the future , when we go to libraries ( if they are still there and not replaced by

virtual reality experiences) there will be only tablets with stories and we have to take

those tablets like books and read them. Early examples of these tablets exist in the

forms of kindles nowadays, but tablets in the future are said to be much more

evolved. The reason physical books might not exist is because of deforestation.

There will be no trees, so no paper , ergo there will be no physical books. Even though

the future of books mentioned here looks interesting , we must try not to go towards

this future. We must have at least some physical books in the world.

Read by Shashank
Art and music

Music- Music will be made using a microphone to record the sound of an

instrument or vocals; music in 3000 will be virtual and mostly electronic. I think
that music will be mixed to create full 3D immersion over headphones long before

Art- Art clearly has a future that will continue to branch into new forms, including
continuing to integrate new technology. Both Virtual Reality and Augmented
Reality offer excellent ways to create immersive work, where the viewer can
experience the artwork utilizing a headset or phone (or even VR headsets!).

(Read by kriti)

What will films look like in the year 3000?

The cinema has evolved from black-and-white silent films edited by physically cutting

film strips to 3D digital content spliced together on computers. The digital age has

allowed for better quality, color, sound, and even computer-generated imagery. In the

year 3000, we expect the cinemas to completely depend on technology and robots.

Now, we have humans in the cinemas for serving food, cleaning, washing dishes etc. In
the year 3000 I expect all these jobs to be replaced by robots. Everything will be

automated, the menu of restaurants will be accessed via phone. We can also place

orders and pay from phones instead of physical contact.

Read by Tanishka D.

Samanvitha - Inventions

How many times have you ordered things online by seeing pictures but when you
receive the product it looks different ( pause) or how many times have you
ordered clothes and you don’t recieve the right color or size ?

Well there is a solution for this in the future

In the year 3000

When we shop online we have an option to feel the product ,touch the product or
try the product and then purchase it if you like it.
How cool right

Well that isn’t the only cool invention in the year 3000 there are many more . Like the

online video conferencing apps which allow you to go through the screen ..

Didn’t quite understand? Well let me explain this with an example .

Suppose you are in India talking on 1 of these apps with your cousin who is all the
way in U.S well with the help of this app you can teleport through the screen to the
place your cousin is at

Amazing right !

Hmm well what is next

Oh my I almost forgot to tell you about the time machines

In the year 3000 there are time machines which allow you to travel to any year ,
decade or century in this world .

It is Unbelievable !Listening to this I wish I was in the year 3000 so I can revisit all my
old memories . Well enough about inventions they are making me way too jealous it is
time to hand it over to my dear friend Shashank .

Transport in the Year 3000

In the year 3000 transport will be highly advanced.Personal transport like scooters and

cycles will be replaced with hoverboards. Many people have started creating their own

makeshift hoverboards. Even though big companies are not making hoverboards, it is
only a matter of time before they start creating them. Flying cars are sure to be

there in the next 1000 years! There are already about a dozen flying cars in the

world. Though they are not for sale for the public, it is only a matter of time before

they are! There could also be teleporters in the next 1000 years! Though there are no

prototypes or research going on about teleporters I am sure that there will be

teleporters in the next 1000 years.If there are cars in the future they will be electric

and they will be self driven. We are already in the process of making cars electric

and making them self driven. Elon Musk, CEO of car company Tesla, has incorporated

self driving technology into his car. His cars are also electric. Normal trains will be

replaced by bullet trains. This is because they are faster, which will help people reach

their destinations faster. Transport in the future will cost less. World leaders want

the cost of transport to be less so that everyone in that country has transport.

Former mayor of Bogotá in and current board president of the Institute for

Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Enrique Penalosa says: “An advanced

country is not where even the poor move about in cars, rather it’s where the rich use

public transport”. Transport in the future will be awesome.

Comparative case study between present day life and year 3000
Samanvitha - Wow, such amazing points . Now I kinda wish we were in the year 3000

Now let us compare the lives of the present day and in the year 3000

First of let us talk about Technology

Present day I would say the technology is pretty advanced and is sufficient enough
to fulfill our needs .

Whereas in the year 3000 the Technology is highly advanced and fills almost 90% of life
. From the moment you wake up till the moment you sleep Technology is everywhere

Now let's look into the facilities

Facilities are pretty wise in the present day. They are good but they can have a
few improvements . Whereas the Facilities in year 3000 are so good that robots are
taking over and that people aren't required to work, which isn’t a good impression.

Talking about films and photography, I think they are developed ideally in the year
3000 .

Whereas books in year 3000 I don’t think it is good for only online books it would be
too much of screen time I would prefer the books in present day

The inventions, gadgets and transport in the year 3000 are out of this world !

I love them

Overall both the lives are amazing

But at the end of the day always be happy with what you have thank you

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