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SPE 103891

Best Practice and Case Study of Interwell Tracer Program Designs

H. Cubillos, SPE, CEPSA; H. Torgersen and C. Chatzichristos, SPE, IFE; and M. Lamela, SPE, CEPSA

Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers

Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur) since 1996. Deeper volatile oil and
This paper was prepared for presentation at the First International Oil Conference and Exhibition retrograde gas condensate reservoirs provide makeup gas for
in Mexico held in Cancun, Mexico, 31 August–2 September 2006.
the project.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Tracer technology has been successfully applied in RKF.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to It is demonstrated that reliable tracer data can be obtained
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at through careful planning, design, implementation, and
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
monitoring. A key element of success is integration of the
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is project team to include the disciplines of reservoir
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous engineering, geosciences, field operations, and tracer
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
This paper will discuss the integrated workflow and
Abstract lessons learned, and will propose best practices based on the
It is well known in the petroleum industry that tracer data can successful gas tracer project implemented in RKF field2.
provide valuable information on reservoir characteristics and
fluid flow performance. However, a prerequisite for obtaining Background
reliable information is careful planning, design, and field Tracer technology has been used for hydrocarbon reservoir
implementation. characterization for more than 50 years3. Tracers can render
The application of gas tracer technology for improving the information that is almost impossible to obtain with other
reservoir description and optimizing the RKF Field miscible methods, such as identifying flow paths, breakthrough times
gas injection project was presented earlier. The current paper from injector to producers and estimations of the interwell oil
compliments the earlier work by discussing issues related to saturation. Tracer technology is also used in the subsurface in
design and field implementation of the tracer program, single-well applications for mass balance calculations and
including definition of the objectives, determination of tracer saturation measurements. At the surface, tracers have been
types and amounts, and evaluation of sampling and detection used in separator efficiency tests, and in transport lines and
techniques. refinery surveys4,5.
In this paper we document the lessons learned and propose Tracer can provide very reliable information on fluid flow
best practices based on our experience with tracers in the RKF characteristics in secondary or tertiary recovery processes.
Field, Algeria. A critical element is integration of the field Tracers reflect the reservoir dynamics and can be injected any
operator and Research Centre personnel with the subsurface time at the start of the injection or later to obtain the fluid flow
team during all phases of the tracer program. This integration paths and velocities in the reservoir. The type of tracer
has been very important in obtaining good quality data in the information acquired depends on the objectives for the
RKF project. application. Some objectives could include: 1) detecting and
We also review common mistakes and bad practices that documenting breakthrough times; 2) mapping flow paths and
could occur in the absence of a robust tracer design program. performing analytical calculations; and 3) more advanced
The importance of analytical calculations, simulation, analyses using reservoir simulation to improve reservoir
sampling frequency and the recycling of tracers are also description and optimize reservoir management. Recent
among the design topics that are addressed. developments in tracer technology, especially in the areas of
The proposed best practices can be applied by field sampling and laboratory analysis techniques, have made it
operators in the design of future tracer projects and can also be easier and less expensive to undertake a tracer project. This
used to identify the causes of tracer monitoring problems in does not mean that it is not a complex procedure. On the
existing projects. We hope that this paper will be of use to contrary, based on our experience, a successful tracer project
those managing or planning tracer projects. implies special technical, cost, and environmental
Introduction At the technical level, tracer types, sampling methods,
The Rhourde El Khrouf (RKF) Field is located in Block 406A background levels, detection techniques, and recycling
of the Berkine Basin, 300-km southeast of Hassi Messaoud1. problems should be considered. From the cost side, some
The field has been producing under partial pressure important issues are tracer amounts, sampling frequency, and
maintenance by miscible gas injection from the TAGI (Trias detection techniques. Finally, there are environmental
2 SPE 103891

considerations related to the types and amounts of tracers to be producers on the other side are monitored for its
injected and the minimization of their potential impact to the arrival.
atmosphere. 5. Determination of the existence of an attic volume.
There are many applications of tracer technology, but in Two or more tracers are injected from the same
this paper we will address only interwell tracer applications injector at a different time. The simultaneous arrival
and the issues that arise during the design and execution of the tracers might indicate the existence of an attic
phases of a tracer program. volume6.
Two tracer programs were conducted in the RKF miscible Types of tracers. The type of tracer(s) used must be
gas injection project. The initial tracer program, which began optimized for each application. The main criteria are
at production start-up, failed mainly due to poorly defined adsorption level, stability, resistance to degradation, detection
objectives and inadequate monitoring. On the other hand, the limit, cost, environmental impact, and ease of analysis.
later program has been highly successful. Based on There are both radioactive and non-radioactive (chemical)
experience from these two programs, best practices including tracers available for gas phase applications. Chemical tracers
the importance of having an integrated project team that have a significant advantage over radioactive tracers from the
includes all concerned disciplines will be discussed. standpoint of handling and logistics. Currently,
perflurocarbons (PFCs) (Fig. 1) are the most commonly used
Integrated Tracer Program Design chemical tracers. Table 2 presents a list of perflourocarbons
The overall objectives of a tracer program are (1) to obtain gas tracers. A new generation of environmentally friendly
reliable data at reasonable cost with minimal environmental tracers is being investigated under the Envitracer research
impact and (2) to integrate tracer data into reservoir project.
management in order to improve recovery efficiency. The PFCs have been thoroughly tested in slim tube
In our experience an integrated approach to designing and systems with residual live oil as a stationary phase at different
implementing a tracer program is essential. A coordinated temperatures and pressures. The lighter PFCs (mass < 450
effort by field personnel, reservoir engineers, geoscientists and AMU) are good tracers for methane and ethane at pressures
tracer specialists is required for a successful tracer program. and temperatures found in reservoirs (P > 250 bars, T >
The recommended workflow consists of three phases: 100°C). PFCs are very stable at reservoir conditions, have low
1. Design detection limits and, for surface sampling, can be absorbed
2. Field execution using an active carbon sorbent7.
3. Integration into reservoir management. Among the 10 commercially available tracers some of
The design phase consists of definition of objectives, them are light, such as PDMCB and some heavier like PFD.
selection of tracers, calculation of tracer volumes, scheduling PDMCH, is supplied as three isomers (m-, o- and p-).
for monitoring, and evaluation of the impact of tracer Therefore, it is important to test produced gas from the field to
recycling. During the field execution phase of the program, the ensure that the one of the PDMCH isomers is not repeated.
tracers are injected, and gas is sampled and analyzed for Also worth mentioning is that the third isomer of PDMCH, the
tracers. The final step is integration of the tracer data into the p-PDMCH, is not easily purchased in sufficiently purity, it is
reservoir management plan. often contaminated with up to 50% of o-PDMCH and m-
Design phase. The tracer program is prepared by the Calculation of tracer volumes. The tracer must be: 1)
integrated team using information shown in Table 1. The first produced in sufficient quantities to be detected by the analysis
step is to establish the objectives of the tracer program. techniques; 2) low cost; and 3) produced in quantities small
Objectives. Typical objectives of a gas tracer survey are: enough not to affect the environment. The calculation of the
1. Improving reservoir description by defining the tracer amount is normally based on pore volume between
interwell communication and flow paths. This injector and producer, desired maximum signal to noise ratio,
involves the injection of different tracers at each detection limit, and dilution factors. For gas tracers it is
injector and the monitoring of all the producers for all especially important to take into account the reservoir pressure
of the tracers. and temperature in the reservoir vs. the temperature at the
2. Estimation of the residual oil saturation. This requires sampling point.
the simultaneous injection of two tracers with There are several methods to estimate the tracer amounts.
different partitioning coefficients to the oil. The One of the methods is based on Brigham8, which calculates
difference of the retention time of the two tracers the mass of tracer needed as a function of reservoir properties,
provides estimates of the residual oil saturation. tracer concentration desired, mixing coefficient and distance
3. Confirmation of miscibility during gas injection. This from injector to producer. The most rigorous method is
methodology is similar to the previous one. Two numerical simulation using a detailed reservoir description9.
tracers with different partitioning coefficients are Several commercial simulators have tracer simulation options.
injected into the reservoir at the same time. The When calculating the tracer amount most suppliers
simultaneous arrival of the two tracers to the recommend a maximum tracer concentration of 100 times the
producer(s) indicates single-phase flow conditions in detection limit. Should the dilution volume in the reservoir be
the reservoir. 10 times the expected volume, one should still observe a
4. Investigation of the communication across faults. A maximum tracer response of 10 times the detection limit. A
tracer is injected on the one side of the fault and the
SPE 103891 3

signal 10 times the detection limit should be easily concluded that no information can be obtained from the
distinguishable from the noise. tracers.
Scheduling for monitoring. Monitoring is the most critical
step for a tracer program. The main considerations are Field Execution. If production operations personnel have
monitoring the appropriate wells, not missing the tracer been properly integrated into the design phase of the tracer
breakthrough, obtaining good produced tracer profiles, making program then field implementation is often the easiest phase of
correct calculation of produced tracer volumes, optimizing of the program.
costs, and getting reliable data. Tracer Injection. Tracer injection is often the least
One of the most important tasks in the design phase is to complicated part of a tracer program. However, as analysis
plan the well monitoring. Proper monitoring includes: methods are improved, the tracer amounts are rather small.
1. Selection of the wells to be monitored for each tracer. Often, 1 to 2 kg of gas tracer is sufficient for one injection
Typically the wells to be monitored are categorized in well.
Primary Candidates (regular sampling) and Secondary Tracers are typically injected using pneumatic pumps.
Candidates (occasional sampling), Such pumps deliver from 0.1 litres/minute to 5 litres/minute.
2. Determine the timing to start the sampling of each Gas tracers are seldom used in larger quantities than 10 kg.
producer and the sampling points, For perfluorocarbons 10 kg corresponds to 5 to 6 litres. Such
3. Determine the initial sampling frequency and tracer amounts can usually be injected using a pump with a
4. Specify sampling and detection techniques. capacity of 0.2 litres/minute. For smaller tracer amount, like 1
The decision on the above issues can be based on kg (0.5 to 0.6 litres) even a small manually operated pump
experience, although a well-tuned and updated reservoir may be considered if pressurized air is not available.
model can give more accurate information. Naturally the Special consideration should be taken to (1) inject the
status of each producer or its sampling frequency can change tracer in the flow line at a point as close as possible to the well
during the execution phase. head to avoid problems with leaking valves at the injection
An important consideration in this phase is whether to manifold, (2) ambient temperature conditions when injecting
analyze for tracers at the field location or at an external low boiling point tracers, and (3) procedures for material
laboratory. In the case of RKF the preferred approach was to handling to avoid cross-contamination problems.
have field personnel collect tracer samples with analysis at an Tracer Sampling. The main considerations for tracer
external specialized laboratory. In this case, training of the sampling are sampling method, sampling point, and frequency
field personnel on sampling procedures was required before of sampling.
tracer injection. Sampling method: In our opinion, the most efficient
Recycling of tracers. One of the issues that might have to method for collecting gas samples to be analyzed for a
be faced during the design phase is the recycling of the tracers perfluorocarbon tracer (PFC), is to use a capillary absorption
in the reservoir due to reinjection of produced gas. The tube (CAT). The CATs are ¼” tubes approximately 10 cm
recycling of the tracers can potentially create a background long filled with a suitable absorbent that retains the PFC but
concentration in the reservoir, which if high enough can negligible amounts of the medium heavy alkanes and the
distort the concentration profiles of the original tracer lighter alkanes.
injection. The best way to evaluate the impact of recycling on The CAT sampling method involves bleeding a small
the primary tracer response is by simulation of the tracer volume (usually 50ml) of gas from the production well into a
operation. In general, the impact of recycling of tracers falls disposable plastic syringe. The gas is then transferred to the
into three main categories. CAT and the CAT is closed with stoppers at each end. The
The first category includes the injector-producer pairs in CAT can be transported to the offsite laboratory in an ordinary
which the recycled tracer concentration is very low compared padded envelope. Normally field personnel perform this
with the original injected concentration and does not distort operation.
the tracer profile (Fig. 2). In this case all the information Other widely used tracers like tritiated methane and SF6,
expected from tracers can be obtained. must, to our knowledge, be collected in pressurized cylinders
The second category includes the injector-producer pairs and shipped as hazardous materials.
where the concentration of the recycled tracer is of the same Sampling points: A gas tracer sample is in most cases
order as the original tracer concentration but does not overlap easily sampled from the wellhead, but also can be done at the
completely in time. In this case, some information such as the test separator. When sampling the gas tracer may be present
breakthrough time of the original tracer may be lost. Fig. 3 on both gas and liquid phases, depending on the K-values at
shows that the breakthrough time of the tracer will be lost given conditions. Normally only the gas phase is sampled so
(covered by the recycled tracer) but the “peak” and the to calculate the total produced tracer amount, liquid sample
remainder of the tracer profile are not distorted. Fig. 4 shows should be analyzed as well. Sampling at the wellhead can
that even though the tracer profile will be distorted, the result in errors due to large variations, depending on the well
breakthrough time can be obtained. These cases should be flowing conditions. For example, Fig. 6 shows a case were a
evaluated with simulation to characterize the tracer profiles for good tracer profile has been obtained in well RKF-5,
the recycling scenarios. meanwhile very poor profile has been observed in RKF-9 well
The third category includes injector-producer pairs where (Fig. 7).
the original tracer profile is almost completely covered by the
recycled tracer profile (Fig. 5). For these cases it can be
4 SPE 103891

Frequency of sampling: The sampling frequency is usually 3. Maintenance of a field instrument is often neglected.
a function of the estimated breakthrough time, which is often Bringing in service personnel is costly and time
unknown. consuming.
Surveys with short breakthrough time or limited dilution
volume require small tracer quantities. Using 1 kg of tracer Integration into reservoir management. The value of tracer
may then yield a significant response. In this case one can information is fully realized by integration of the results into
consider using on site analyzing equipment to evaluate a large field development optimization. The methods for tracer
array of samples. interpretation can be classified as qualitative, analytical, and
Also, from the above-suggested sampling frequencies, in numerical13,14.
surveys estimated to have a breakthrough time of more than 3 Qualitative analysis involves documentation of arrival and
months, samples can be sent to the laboratory for analysis non-arrival of tracer at producing wells. This information
while the survey is ongoing. While a special schedule with the provides some non-quantitative information about reservoir
lab should be in place to ensure rapid handling of samples, in a continuity and barriers.
3-month survey the usual 2 weeks response time that most Analytical evaluation involves equations that model tracer
labs provide is sufficient. transport, based on the methodology of Brigham and Smith.
After tracer breakthrough the field engineers, laboratory Other analytical methods are chromatographic analysis for
personnel, and the tracer specialists should communicate partitioning tracers.
frequently to decide how to proceed with the sampling, In the RKF case there is an “integrated tracer-reservoir
staying consistent with the objectives of the survey. Finally, performance analysis” program consisting of qualitative and
all samples do not have to be analyzed. Analyzing every 4th numerical analysis techniques. Operational plan modifications
sample until breakthrough of the tracer(s) is sufficient as are developed from this program to optimize field
backtracking can be used to defying breakthrough time and performance. Some operational changes made to gas injection
profile. Table 3, shows and example of sampling frequency, patterns, as a result of the tracer monitoring program, have
before, during, and after the estimated tracer breakthrough. increased oil production and improved recovery.
The breakthrough times suggested by a simulator should In summary, large volumes of data are acquired during
form the basis for using the above table with sampling tracer monitoring. Validation and integration requires a
frequencies10,11,12. considerable effort on the part of the subsurface team. The
Tracer Analysis. The main considerations for tracer whole tracer project execution requires allocation of resources
analysis are level of detection, reliability, QC-QA procedures, and budget for the different phases. As an example the cost
and reporting. distribution for RKF case is presented in Fig. 8. The challenge
Gas Chromatographs (GC) are normally used for detection is to add value to the field development by integrating tracer
of non-radioactive gas tracers. The PFCs are particularly information into reservoir management.
sensitive in GC systems with Electron Capture Detector
(ECD). GC/ECD normally offers detection limits in the 0.1 to Best Practices
0.05 ppb range for perfluorocarbons. Even though the Based on RKF field case and on other projects documented in
GC/ECD is a robust instrument, placing it in field laboratories the literature, the following best practices can be
has not always been successful. Typical problems are lack of proposed15,16,17.
operator experience and variation in sample chemical 1. A key element of a successful tracer project is the
composition. integration of all disciplines from the design phase,
The Capillary Absorption Tube (CAT) combined with Gas including reservoir engineers, geoscientists, field
Chromatography with Mass Spectrometer detection (GC/MS) personnel and tracer specialists.
method for gas tracer analysis has significantly improved the 2. In the case where tracers have been injected in the
ease and safety of sample collection and transport. The CAT past, sampling is needed to establish tracer
method also allows a significant reduction of the tracer background.
amounts due to a reduction in detection limit by a factor of 50 3. Train field personnel to collect reliable samples before
to 100 in hydrocarbon systems. Procedures should be in place tracer injection and convince them of the importance
to rapidly detect bad quality or cross-contaminated samples. of accurate sampling. Generally, tracer analysis
When conducting tracer analysis at the field location, even should be carried out at specialized laboratory.
though GC/ECD is a very sensitive instrument and when 4. Use numerical simulation with history matched
correctly used it should be able to detect the expected tracer reservoir models to analyze problems resulting from
concentrations, it may not be practical in operational situations recycling, determine sampling frequency, and estimate
because: tracer injection volumes.
1. Lack of field personnel expertise at the level of an 5. Implement very good QC-QA procedures. It is a
external laboratory. It could be difficult to monitor prerequisite that the tracer analysis laboratory has very
whether the performance of the field analysis system good procedures for handling the samples during the
is reliable. analysis process and that the calculation of tracer
2. Operational priorities override collecting and concentrations are objective performed based on a set
analyzing tracer samples. Tracer analysis is then often of good standards.
delayed or neglected.
SPE 103891 5

6. Implement special procedures to prevent cross- method if a tracer does not show up even half a year
contamination related to injection equipment, material after it was expected.
disposal, and tracer storage.
7. Optimize tracer sampling to control cost. Sampling Acknowledgements
primary and occasionally the secondary wells. In The authors would like to thank SONATRACH/CEPSA
multiple tracers’ case, analyze for all tracers. Association for permission to publish this paper. They also
8. Keep in close contact with the tracer analysis acknowledge the contributions of Dan Stright and especially
laboratory and ask them to comment immediately on the RKF field operations staff.
unexpected tracer appearance and on all readings
below the accepted detection limit. References
9. QC the analysis by periodically sending duplicate 1. Cubillos, H., Stright, D.H., Djamel, O. and Navarro, J.M.:
samples to the main laboratory and by having other “Successful Peripheral Miscible Gas Injection in RKF Field,
laboratories analyze a duplicate sample set. Berkine Basin, Algeria – Field Case History”, paper SPE 94138
presented at the 2005 SPE EUROPEC Conference, Madrid, June
Lessons Learned 2. Cubillos, H., Torgersen, H., González, O. and Lamela, M.:
1. It is difficult to have reliable tracer analysis at the field “Application of Tracer Technology for Optimizing RKF
location. Operational priorities often override the Miscible Gas Injection Recovery - Field Case”, paper SPE
tracer analysis program. 94139 presented at the 2005 SPE Europec/EAGE Annual
2. If numerical simulation is not available for designing Conference, Madrid, June 13-16.
tracer sampling frequency, adopt a traditional 3. Du, Y. and Guan, L.: “Interwell Tracer Test: Lessons Learned
frequency of sampling every fortnight for the first from Past Field Studies”, paper SPE 93140 presented at the
year. If no tracer is recovered the first year decrease 2005 Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition,
the frequency to monthly sampling. Jakarta, Apr. 5-7.
4. Haugan, A., Hassfjell, S. and Finborud, A.: “Online
3. Injecting tracers with low boiling point at locations measurements of liquid carry-over from scrubbers using
with high temperature it is not easy. Depending on the radioactive tracers”, presented at 2004 Tracer 3 Conference,
ambient temperature and the tracer to be injected, it Ciechocinek, , June 21-23.
may difficult to inject light tracers such as PDMCB 5. Sira, T., et al.: “Liquid accumulation in gas condensate pipelines
with a boiling point around 42°C. The problem could measured by use of tracer techniques”, presented at 2005
be solved by using bottled nitrogen at 2900 psi International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology,
pressure to drive the pump. Barcelona, May. 25-27.
4. Considering that tracers are often analyzed in parts per 6. Dugstad,Ø., Aurdal, T., Galdigal, C. and Torgersen, H.J.:
trillion even the slightest droplet of tracer in the “Application of Tracers to Monitor Fluid Flor on the Snorre
Field: A Filed Study”, paper SPE 56427 presented at the 1999
wrong place can contaminate the tracer sample. It is SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston,
therefore important to keep tracer stock and analysis Oct. 3-6.
equipment well separated. 7. Senum, G.I., et al.: “Petroleum Reservoir Characterization by
5. Recycling of tracers can significantly distort the tracer Perfluorocarbon Tracers”, paper SPE/DOE 24137 presented at
profiles. If a recycling problem is anticipated the 1992 SPE/DOE 8th Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery,
monitoring of the gas tracer at the gas injection Tulsa, Apr. 22-24.
manifold to keep track of the reinjection of tracers is 8. Brigham, W.E. and Smith Jr., D.H.: “Prediction of Tracer
recommended. This is important because some of the Behavior in Five-spot Flow”, paper SPE 1130 presented at the
1965 SPE Conference on Production Research and Engineering,
gas tracers have higher boiling points than others and
Tulsa, May 3-4.
will therefore be reinjected in lesser amounts due to 9. Cheung, S., Edwards, A. and Howard, J.: “A Novel Approach to
being separated to a larger extent in the topside liquid Interwell Tracer Design and Field Case History”, paper SPE
separation units. 56610 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference
6. Cross-contamination is a serious matter requiring and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 3-6.
attention from both the operator and the tracer service 10. Liv, J., Parker E.D. and Camilleri, D.: “A New Particle Tracking
company. A preventive step to check the sampling Algorith for Tracer Flow Simulation”, paper SPE 51905
equipment is to routinely runs blanks. If the blanks presented at the 1999 SPE Reservoir Symposium, Houston, Feb.
show signs of tracer, the source of contamination 14–17.
11. Ali, E., Chatzichristos, C., et al.: “Tracer Simulation to Improve
(field or laboratory) must be determined and
the Reservoir Model in the Snorre Field”, paper SPE 64796
eliminated. presented at the 2000 SPE International Oil and Gas Conference
7. Quite often the breakthrough time is longer than and Exhibition, Beijing, Nov. 7-10.
expected, especially in large reservoirs with 12. Gupta, A.D.: “Accurate Resolution of Physical Dispertion in the
complicated connectivity. Attributing the delay to Multidimensional Numerical Modeling of Miscible and
degradation, adsorption, or insufficient injected tracer Chemical Displacement”, SPE Reservoir Engineering (Nov.
volume may be an incorrect interpretation. Therefore, 1990) 581-588.
consider the possibility that the reservoir might have 13. Kocabas I. and Margoub A.: “Improved Numerical Schemes for
different flow paths than those expected and do not Transport Equations in Oil Reservoirs”, Report III submitted to
Exploration and Production Division ADNOC, UAE Univ., Al
prematurely plan a new survey or disqualify the
Ain UAE , 2000.
6 SPE 103891

14. Tang, J.S. and Zhang, P.X.: “Effect of Mobile Oil on Residual Oil
Saturation Measurement by Interwell Tracing Method”, paper
SPE 64627 presented at the 2000 SPE International Oil and Gas
Conference and Exhibition, Beijin, Nov. 7-10.
15. De Melo, M.A., De Holleben, C.R. and Almeida, A.R.: “Using
Tracers to Characterize Petroleum Reservoirs: Application to
Carmopolis Field, Brazil”, paper SPE 69474 presented at the
2001 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum
Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, March 25-28.
16. Mercado, M., Perez, C.E. and Casas, D.R.: “Gas Flood-Flow
Pattern Evaluation: A Successful Interwell Field Study”, paper
SPE 81005 presented at the 2003 SPE Latin American and
Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Port-of-Spain,
Apr. 27-30.
17. Wagner, O.R.: “The Use of Tracer in Diagnosing Interwell
Reservoir Heterogeneities- Field Results”, JPT (Nov. 1977)
SPE 103891 7

FIELD Map with well locations

Structural crossection
Type of wells: producers, injectors
Production facilities
Well rates: oil, gas water
RESERVOIR Fluid types
Permeability distribution
Porosity distribution
Thickness, gross, net
Rock type
Extend of gas cap (if any)

Table 1. Example of Input Information for Tracer Program Design

Short Name Full Name

1 PDMCB Perfluorodimethylcyclobutane
2 PMCP Perfluoromethylcyclopentane
3 PMCH Perfluoromethylcyclohexane
4 1,2-PDMCH Perfluoro-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane
5 1,3-PDMCH Perfluoro-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane
6 1,4-PDMCH Perfluoro-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane *
7 n-PPCH Perfluoro-normal-propyl-cyclohexane
8 i-PPCH Perfluoro-iso-propyl-cyclohexane *
9 1,3,5-PTMCH Perfluoro-1,3,5-trimethylcyclohexane
10 PFD Perfluorodecalin
11 PFMD Perfluoromethyldecalin
* Normally not available with sufficient purity

Table 2. Perflourocarbons Tracers

8 SPE 103891

Estimated Sampling Frequency as Function of Estimated Breakthrough

time Before During After
1 day 12 samples/day 24 samples/day 6 to 12 samples/day
2 days 6 samples/day 12 samples/day 3 to 6 samples/day
1 week 2 samples/day 4 samples/day 1 to 2 samples/day
2 weeks 1 sample/day 2 samples/day 1 sample/day
1 month 2-3 samples/week 1 samples/day 1-3 samples/week
3 months 1 sample/week 2 samples/week 1 sample/week
6 months 2 samples/month 4 samples/month 1-2 samples/month
1 year 1 sample/month 2 samples/month 1 sample/month
2 years + 1 sample/month 1 sample/month 1 sample/month

Table 3. Example of Tracer Sampling Program

C F3
F C F3 F F


F3C CF 3


Figure 1. Most Commonly Used Perfluorocarbons

SPE 103891 9

Secondary response
Recycling inj. conc

Concentration, *E-9 g/l

Primary response




19-Apr-01 10-Dec-02 01-Aug-04 24-Mar-06 14-Nov-07 06-Jul-09 26-Feb-11

Figure 2. A producer-injector pair where all the information can be obtained.

Concentration, *E-9 g/l

Secondary response
4 Recycling inj. conc
Primary response

19-Apr-01 01-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 06-Jul-09 18-Nov-10


Figure 3. A producer-injector pair where the breakthrough time is lost

Primary response
Concentration, *E-9 g/l

3 Secondary response



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
T ime , days

Figure 4. A producer-injector pair where the tracer profile will be partially distorted
10 SPE 103891



Concentration, *E-9 g/l

0.7 Recycling inj. conc
0.6 Secondary response
Primary response




10-Oct-06 06-Aug-07 01-Jun-08 28-Mar-09 22-Jan-10 18-Nov-10


Figure 5. A producer-injector pair where practically all the information of the original slug is lost


Concentration (g/l)



Gas tracer n-PPCH

0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (days)

Figure 6. RKF-5 example of good tracer profile with sampling at well head

Concentration (g/l)

Gas tracer 1,3-PDMCH

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (days)

Figure 7. RKF-9 example of poor tracer profile with sampling at well head
SPE 103891 11


RKF Tracer Program - Cost Distribution 40%



Planning, Baseline Injection of Tracer Inter-
design survey tracers analysis pretation
4 years 12% 5% 28% 39% 16%

Figure 8. RKF Tracer project – estimated cost distribution for 4 years duration

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