Road Geometrics: CIV62D

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Today’s Walk through

Extra widening. Extra widening refers to the additional width of carriageway that is required on a
curved section of a road over and above that required on a straight alignment.
Extra widening due to psychological reasons. (Wep)
While negotiating a horizontal curve, the driver has a
tendency to follow the inner of the pavement. This reduces the
effective width of the pavement at curves. In order to have a
smooth operation at curves, you need to provide an extra
widening at the curve of the road. The IRC recommended a
value of extra widening formula for psychological reasons

Mechanical Widening (Wem)

While negotiating a curve, rear wheels have a tendency to
follow the inner track. To accommodate this, there will be a
widening is provided called mechanical widening have to be
provided. This is due to the offtracking of the vehicle.
Practice time
1. Which city you have seen in start of the lecture?
2. The additional width of carriageway that is
required on a curved section of a road over and
above that required on a straight alignment is
called _____________.
3. Two types of widening possible ____________
and _____________________________
A non-circular curve of varying radius introduced between a straight
and a circular curve for the purpose of giving easy changes of
direction of a route is called a transition or easement curve. It is also
inserted between two branches of a compound or reverse curve.
Advantages of providing a transition curve at each end of a circular
1. The transition from the tangent to the circular curve and from the
circular curve to the tangent is made gradual.
2. It provides satisfactory means of obtaining a gradual increase of
super-elevation from zero on the tangent to the required full
amount on the main circular curve.
3. Danger of derailment, side skidding or overturning of vehicles is
4. Discomfort to passengers is eliminated.
(1) A cubic parabola,
(2) A cubical spiral, and
(3) A lemniscate,

the first two are used on railways

and highways both, while the third
on highways only.
Advantages of Transition Curve
Gradual change from tangent to
circular curve and vice versa.
Gradual increase of super
Counterbalance the centrifugal
Jerks can be avoided
No discomfort to the user while
traversing the curves
Summit curve: When two Curves provided in the vertical plane to obtain the
gradual change in grade are known as vertical curves.
grades meet at the summit and
The curve in a vertical alignment which is produced when two
the curve will have convexity different gradients meet is known as vertical curves.
upwards, the curve is simply It is provided to secure safety, safety, appearance and visibility.
referred as summit curve.

Valley (Sag) curve: When two

grades meet at the valley (sag) and
the curve will have convexity
downwards, the curve is simply
In the case of valley curves, the use of cubic parabola is
referred as the valley (sag) curve.
preferred as it closely approximates the ideal transition
The most common practice has been to use
parabolic curves in summit curves.
Types because of the ease of setting it out on the field
and the comfortable transition from one gradient
to another.

Sight Distance

Stopping sight distance

For vertical curve
PIEV Theory
Let’s Solve

Total reaction time under PIEV theory is from ______ to _______ sec.
Can you write say
1. What is transition curve?
2. What is simple curve?
3. What is reverse curve?
UNIT 1 regularly to

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