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Course Title: Promotional Management

Course code: MKT337

Section: 09

Fall 2019

Report On

Submitted to: Omar Nasif Abdullah (Onf)

Submitted by:

Name ID
Abdullah Al Rajib 1731755630

Swarup Saha Uthso 1520860630

Md. Junaed 1311311630

Letter of Transmittal

December 26, 2019


Omar Nasif Abdullah

Marketing & International Business

North South University.


Dear Sir,

With due respect we would like to submit a Report on “Zeil’s Shop Ltd.” to you. This task
immensely helped us to know about how a brand or company manage the whole system.

In this report we have found out the limitations behind a brand and its way of running the whole
system. We would like to thank you for guiding and teaching us such a way that will be very
helpful in our entire professional life.

Therefore, hope that you will kind enough to accept our project on “Zeil’s Shop Ltd.”.


Abdullah Al Rajib

Swarup Saha Uthso

Md. Junaed


All praise to Almighty Allah, the maker of the universe and all thing in this universe. He made us
super creature, blessed us to finish this work. We are very thankful to Allah, Who has bestowed
us such an opportunity to gain knowledge in North South University.

The success of any report depends upon a number of factors among which the proper guidance
from the experts and a faculty plays a key role.

We take this occasion to convey our thanks and gratitude to all those who have directly or
indirectly helped and contributed towards the completion of this project. We, take here a great
opportunity to express our sincere and deep sense of gratefulness to our course instructor Omar
Nasif Abdullah for giving us chance to work on this project. His relentless support and guidance
was of great help & it was extremely valued. We spread our special thanks to all the
professionals and writers whose websites, articles and reports have assisted in gaining valuable
information regarding our project and have contributed to its successful completion.

We acknowledge that we were unable to learn this much on our own. Thank you so much.

Executive Summary

Table of Contents
Competitor Analysis....................................................................................................................................8
Apex Footwear Ltd..................................................................................................................................8
Bata Shoe Co. (BD) Ltd..........................................................................................................................9
Promotional Activity.................................................................................................................................10
Identifying Challenges through Research..................................................................................................11
Product, Price and Placement....................................................................................................................12
Segmentation and Targeting......................................................................................................................13
Segmentation Table:..............................................................................................................................13
Target Table:..........................................................................................................................................14
IMC program Situation Analysis:..............................................................................................................15
IMC objective:.......................................................................................................................................15
Tag line:.................................................................................................................................................15
Aim of the promotion:...........................................................................................................................15
Analysis of Communication Process.........................................................................................................16
Communication Objective:....................................................................................................................16
Interactive Marketing:.......................................................................................................................16
Sales Promotion:................................................................................................................................16
Internet Marketing:............................................................................................................................17
PR Event & Publicity:.......................................................................................................................17
Personal Selling:................................................................................................................................17
Source, Message and Channel:..................................................................................................................18
Message factors:....................................................................................................................................18

Order of presentation:........................................................................................................................18
Verbal and visual:..............................................................................................................................18
Message Appeal:................................................................................................................................19
Channel Factor:.....................................................................................................................................19
Media and Channels:.........................................................................................................................19
Budgeting for IMC:...................................................................................................................................20
TV Advertisement..............................................................................................................................20
Radio Advertisement.........................................................................................................................20
Newspaper Advertisement.................................................................................................................20
Magazine Advertise...........................................................................................................................21
Support Media.......................................................................................................................................21
Arial billboard...................................................................................................................................21
Transit Advertisement........................................................................................................................21
Regular Billboard..............................................................................................................................21
Mobile Billboard...............................................................................................................................22
Interactive Media...................................................................................................................................22
Social Media:.....................................................................................................................................22
Sales promotion.....................................................................................................................................22
Internet marketing.................................................................................................................................22
Promotional event..................................................................................................................................23
Developing the IMC program:...................................................................................................................23
Story of Advertisement..........................................................................................................................23
Interactive Marketing:...........................................................................................................................24
Social Media:.....................................................................................................................................24
Mobile Marketing:.............................................................................................................................24
Sales Promotion:....................................................................................................................................24
Bonus Pack:.......................................................................................................................................24

Internet Marketing:................................................................................................................................25
Display Advertising:..........................................................................................................................25
Search Engine Marketing (SEM):......................................................................................................25
Social Media:.........................................................................................................................................25
E-mail Marketing:.................................................................................................................................25
Form of internet Advertising:................................................................................................................25
PR event & Publicity:............................................................................................................................26
Personal Selling:....................................................................................................................................26
Support media:......................................................................................................................................26

Zeil’s shop was established in 2012. It’s a footwear company with wide range of product
category of men ,women and children. Zeil’s shop target customer are medium to medium higher
income group. The brand is expanding rapidly and they have 27 outlets in strategic location
around the country.

They are known for their sporting shoe and sandals. Zeil’s have dedicated management team
which working hard for marketing expansion, product sourcing and marketing. Zeil’s have well
trained salesman which offer best service to its customers. Zeil’s goal is to become leading
company with large market share in footwear industry in Bangladesh.

Competitor Analysis
There are around 102 brands working in the footwear business. The following is brief discussion
on some of the significant brands' items, offers, advancements and piece of the overall industry.

Apex Footwear Ltd.

They have roughly 5% to 6% share in the nearby market. They guarantee to convey the best
grade send out quality shoes inside this domain, which is made with premium quality cowhide at
an entirely sensible cost without trading off the class. It has a wide scope of assortment of shoes
accessible for selling. At present the organization has around 2500 distinct kinds of planned
items available to its lineup. Their item is ordered into bound and without bound classes. As of
late they have been focusing on planning imaginative items. They have accompanied another
item called Aetrex Performance Footwear. It structures items dependent on classes like the best,
better, great andmoderately great. Formal shoes, easygoing shoes, shoes, sports casuals, canvas,
Thai Imported Flip Flops, Party Heels, wedge heels, pads etc. are offered by the brand.

They had around 3 billion market capitalization with 227 book esteem for each portion of BDT
in 2008. They sent out shoes worth 5.07 billion BDT. It's a completely send out arranged
organization. In the year 2012, Apex Footwear Ltd. used a record breaking 92.03% of their
generation limit. It makes 5000 leather shoes ordinary, while Bata produces 4000 sets. Peak
keeps up both single and different sourcing procedures. It searches for single sourcing when it
has just a single provider for every item. At the point when the purchaser uses a few providers,
they embrace numerous sourcing procedures. They keep up value-based systems of single buy,
concentrating on quality, after deals specialists and looking after administrations.

Apex arranges its necessary items to the Central Distribution Center (CDC), which is arranged in
Tejgaon, Dhaka. It utilizes its very own conveyance channel inside the capital city of Dhaka, yet
outside Dhaka, they use dispatch and leased truck administrations. At the point when another
item is presented in the market, it shows up in the divisional outlets as it were. Apex began
trading in 2000 and on a normal 75% of its all out income was created from the EU nations. It
has around 109 retail outlets. It means to oblige the requirements of the center and upper
working class in urban and semi urban zones the nation over. Its goal is to give clients enough
decisions in a genuinely thin value extend.

Bata Shoe Co. (BD) Ltd.

Constant extension of product offerings and outlets has helped Bata achieve 25% of nearby piece
of the overall industry. It has a 49%-51% offer with the administration. In 2009 it paid a record
breaking measure of expense of 1.2 billion BDT, which was around 70% of the duty paid by the
whole footwear industry in Bangladesh. Each section of their production network centers around
consistent worth expansion. The entirety of their elastic and related materials in created in their
very own production line in Tongi, Gazipur. The cooperation of its redistributing is around 4%.
Bata has 13 discount terminals. Bata Shoe Co. (BD) Ltd. offers easygoing shoes, formal shoes,
men's shoe, slippers, sports casuals, ladies' shoe, women shut shoes, women heel, women
easygoing shoes and so on inside a value scope of 1000 to 5000 BDT (much of the time). In any

case, they likewise offer items which are considerably progressively costly. They have their B
First shoes for school going kids, Bubble gummers for youngsters up to age 6, North-star's
stylish shoes for adolescents, premium range shoes, athletic "control" shoes, Dr. Scholl's shoes
for comfort and hush puppies leather footwear for men.

They have a limited time special of "countrywide free conveyance". They offer clients with new,
fashionable footwear, which is structured explicitly for the local market. They have the client
arrangement of helping the clients pick their very own decisions, comparative decisions and most
noteworthy estimating items. Bata's quality lies in its overall nearness because of its association
with the Bata Shoe Organization. Bata has many years of involvement with the local shoe
showcase and have given careful consideration to purchasers' decision and their moderateness.
Bata's center competency stays in its unmatched dissemination system of 244 retail outlets too a
solid system of non-retail vendor outlets including 481 DSP (Dealer Support Program) stores and
349 RWD (Registered Wholesale Dealers) under 13 stations all over Bangladesh.

As the market head, Bata BD is as of now successfully situated into the shoppers' psyche as the
family brand with high unwavering quality, quality and comfort. Because of its moderate
valuing, a different arrangement of brands to take into account a wide scope of clients, it stays a
market fortification. It takes into account the interest of all pay and all (generally) age gatherings.
It centers around giving items inside a value extend that is accessible and moderate for various
kinds of clients. Its greatest procedure is concentrating on superstores in the urban areas.

Promotional Activity
I. We need to come up with a new slogan for the product to create a new brand image with
a new tagline.
II. We need a good positioning strategy for the brand.
III. IMC 360degree promotion should be done to attain the past lead in the market.

IV. Good communication and strategic media planning is the key to reach the target market.

For Zeil’s Shop, we are targeting the mostly the urban young peoples, teenagers and active
persons who are looking for the best value for their money, and targeting that we are going to
have this slogan stated below for the product:

“Giving value to your feet“

The tagline emphasizes on the everyday active people and promising the fact that we aren’t just
selling a product but also offering relevant value with it too. Also, we are going to make a
reminder ad as Zeil’s Shop is somewhere in between their mature and declining stage thus we are
going to promote the TVC as a reminder to the consumers. We are going to make the ad
repetitive and it will be a mass media promotion with full coverage.

Identifying Challenges through Research

By observing the current market, we can identify that Zeil’s is performing very poorly. It maybe
because of the customers’ awareness level for the product. customers are now more exposed to
alternative brands. Lack of promotion and advertising are the main reasons because of their poor
sales and it is getting down day by day. People are not willing to try their product anymore.
Price value is the strength of the brand. But in the current market the brand element is not strong
enough and so for that the brand needs some promotional activities to be done and must develop
the brand elements.
The promotion of Zeil’s Shop Ltd. was more or less good for the time frame when it was initially
launched back in 2012 but it was not satisfactory enough when the market started to became
competitive product, only launched one television commercials and a few newspaper

advertisements. Since there were no promotional activities the brand awareness declined with
time, as a result consumers are forgetting their existence in the market.
In recent times there are various innovative ways & media platforms to promote a product or
brand. It will help us to retain the current ones also will help the firm to track down the potential
customers. As they never had any print, media TVC radio ad to promote their products. So
successful promotion can boost the sales like anything. So, we can go for the social causes which
can help us to attract customers by emotions as well. We will use billboard ad for the cities to
attract our target customers. As our target customer is lower –middle class to middle class of the
society so we’ll place them where they would go very frequently and roam around for the day to
day purpose.

Product, Price and Placement

We would like to introduce a sports ked in the market.

This is a sort of sportswear which can be utilized for playing irregular games, for example,
cricket, volleyball, badminton, soccer, handball and so forth. This footwear is additionally useful
for running, running on treadmill, exercise and arbitrary use. This item is for light clients who
may utilize this for active everyday use.

We are using penetration pricing strategy for our all three categories of the product. It has price
of 1500-2500tk. This product price is 800-1200 taka less than other brands who provides the
same products.

We need to reach our clients through our outlets. We will contact them by our wholesalers as
well. Besides these all we will reach our customers through different distributors. We have one
major distributor in each division who will distribute the product to different channels inside that

We will offer our item through online to our clients. As internet is hugely getting mainstream,
internet based selling has taken a major part for each other brand. Clients can arrange our item on
the internet and our delegate will convey the item which will cost little measure of conveying
cost dependent on good ways from our outlet and nearby merchants. Along these lines, we can
reach to our clients by this channel as well.

Segmentation and Targeting

Segmentation Table:
Geographic National Bangladesh
Demographic Age: 0-10 11- 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+
segmentation 20
Gender: Male Female
Income: 0-10K BDT 11K-20K 21K-30K 31K-40K 40K BDT or
(individual BDT BDT BDT above
per month)
Marital Unmarried Married
Education: Uneducated Completed SSC/HSC Bachelor Bachelor
High School graduate degree degree or
SEC( Socio A B C D E
Religion Muslim Hindu Buddo Christian
Psychographic Life style Healthy Trendy Adventuro sporty
segmentation us
Personality Self- Dominanc Sociability Adaptable Extrovert Introv
confidenc e ert
Behavioral User status Non-user Ex-user Potential First time Regular user
segmentation user user

Usage Rate High Medium Low
Loyalty Hard core Split Shifting Switchers
Status loyal loyal
Buyer High Low
involvement (Special (Minimu
effort) m effort)
Benefit The The The fresher The
segment healthy sensitive segment economic
segment segment segment

Target Table:
Geographic All over the country
Demographic Age: 15 to 35
segmentation Gender: Male Female
Income: 20K BDT and
(individual above
per month)
Marital Unmarried Married
Education: Bachelor degree Bachelor degree
and more
SEC (Socio B C
Religion Muslim Hindu Buddo Christian
Psychographic Life style Adventurous Sport
segmentation Personality Self-confidence Sociability Adaptable Extrovert
Behavioral Buyer High (Special
segmentation involvement effort)

IMC program Situation Analysis:
IMC objective:

Objectives: (SMART approach)

Specific: Grab 60% middle class and 40% higher class people.

Measurable: Increase the market share by 15% of the shoe industry.

Attainable and Realistic: We will try to gain a 50% hold the current market and attain the satisfaction of
the target customers of middle to higher class people. If we can do that it will help us to gain 15% market

Time bound: All these targets should be achieved by 3 years from commencement.

Brand: Zeil’s Shop Ltd.
Tag line: Giving value to your feet

Aim of the promotion: Our aim is to re-brand Zeil’s Shop into the maket. People aren’t well
aware of the brand and the product it offers. We will show customers that they can feel confident
about the products they are purchasing from the shop. So, we will unveil what the brand offers
along with the value and perks it comes with it too.

Appeal: We will use both ‘Rational appeal’ and ‘Emotional appeal’. By giving the
information about the brand we will use rational appeal. At the same time by reviving the feeling
of pride and confidence we will use emotional appeal.

Analysis of Communication Process
Communication Objective:
Objectives: Through advertising we believe we can increase:

 Awareness by 15%, within 3 months, because of teaser ads on TV, newspapers,

magazines and flash mobs.

 Knowledge by 20%, within 2 months, due to informational provided in our full version

 Liking by 15%, within 5 months, because of the various ads.

Interactive Marketing:
Objectives: Through internet marketing we will create-

 10% awareness within 6 months;

 15% knowledge within 6 months;

 15% liking within 1 year through online services;

 5% conviction within 1 year.

Sales Promotion:
Objective; Through various types of sales promotion we will create-
 25% liking will be created within 7 months;

 15% preference will be created within 8 months;

 10% conviction will be created by 8 months;

 9% purchase will be created by 10 months.

Internet Marketing:
Objectives: Through internet marketing we will create-

 10% awareness within 6 months;

 15% liking within 1 year through online selling;

 12% purchase through online selling.

PR Event & Publicity:

Objectives: We plan to increase the following by publicity-

 Awareness by 9%, within 2 months ;

 Knowledge by 6%, within 3 months;

 Liking by 5%, within 6 months;

 Preferring by 21%, within 3 months.

Personal Selling:
Objectives: Through the sales people of our customer care centers, we believe we can increase:

 Knowledge by 15%, within 3 months.

 Preferences by 30%, within 6 months.

 Conviction by 25%, within 6 months.

 Purchase by 10%, within 4 months.

Source, Message and Channel:

It’s an advertisement for national level viewers. We will use any Bangladeshi celebrity. So, we
are planning to use some unknown random persons for our advertisement as well as a random
foreigner in our advertisement story so that our target customer can easily find similarity with

Message factors:
Order of presentation: There are two way of order of presentation. They are primacy and recency.
We will use recency. Putting the strong points at the end assumes a recency effect, whereby the
last arguments presented are most persuasive.

Verbal and visual: We will use both verbal and visual effects in our advertisement.

Message Appeal: We will use both logical and emotional appeal. Our advertisement will be
composed of both of these appeals to evoke positive feelings. Through our story of using both of
the appeals we will give practical reason for using the products of Zeil’s with emotional value.
Channel Factor:
We will use both personal and nonpersonal channel for the promotion of Zeil’s Shop Ltd.
Personal: Personal channel will be used for sales promotion.
Non-personal: Non-personal channels will be Tv, radio, magazine etc.

Media and Channels:

Media Type Channel
Electronic media Television ATN Bangla
Channel I
Radio Radio Foorti
Bangladesh Betar
Radio Amer
Print Media Newspaper Daily Star
Prothom Alo
Magazine Shaptahik

TV ads and Radio ads: Through the interesting TV ads we will try to create awareness
about Zeil’s Shop Ltd. Not only the TV ads but also some radio ads will also be used to
have some of the coverage. It will also create liking for our service.

Newspaper and Magazine: Through various types of news base & information base ads
we hope we will be able to create knowledge about Zeil’s among our target market.

Budgeting for IMC:
TV Advertisement

TV channel Frequency(f) Rate(r) Total=(r*f)

Channel I 3 Tk31500/60sec Tk94500

ATN bangla 3 Tk42000/60sec Tk126000

NTV 3 Tk36000/60sec Tk108000

Radio Advertisement
Radio Channel Frequency Rate Total

Radio Foorti 2 Tk4000/60sec Tk8000

Radio Amar 2 Tk3000/60sec Tk6000

Bangladesh Betar 2 Tk7000/60sec Tk14000

Newspaper Rate Unit Cost=(r*u)

Prothom Alo tk18000 7 Tk126000

Daily Jugantor tk14000 7 Tk98000

Daily Star tk11000 7 Tk77000

Newspaper Advertisement

Magazine Advertise
Name Size Rate Cost

The Star 5unit 1100/unit tk5500

Dhaka Courier 5unit 1200/unit tk6000

Support Media
Arial billboard
Cost of cloth Size Total

5050/= (along with 30*10sft tk5050/=


Transit Advertisement
Size Rate No Cost
20 sft tk800/sft 2 Tk32000

Regular Billboard

Place, Division Rate No Size Cost

Dhaka 1400/sft 6 40*50sft tk16800000

Mobile Billboard
Size Number Rate (sft) Cost

10*5sft 8 1000 tk400000

Interactive Media
Social Media:
There is no cost involve in opening a Facebook page but it might require one dedicated person to
regularly update and operate it.

The cost of making a website varies with the content in it. At present the dynamic package of
web development almost cost tk1,50,000. We are taking this as the web page development cost.

Sales promotion
I. Bonus pack: For bonus pack we will give the customer a total worth of tk400000.

II. Contest: There is an allocation of tk300,000 for organizing a contest. This

includes the cost of the prizes and also running the competition.

Internet marketing
A. Display ads

For displaying ad in a website of size 160*600pixel it cost almost $375 for 6

months. In Bangladeshi taka it is almost equal to tk30,000.

Promotional event
For promotional event of one hour there will be a total cost of tk3,00,000. This includes
all the cost those are associated with the managing of the program. This also includes the
extra cost that gets along when organizing a program.

(Note: There will be some other cost for flash mob, 3D painting and digital screen. These
costs are assumed on the basis on an interview of an employee of an ad making agency)

Developing the IMC program:

Story of Advertisement
Two student of North south university is gossiping at their university premises. All of them
are fashion concerned. One of the student is willing to buy an active shoe that can be used on a
day to day basis, plus it’s also a trending fashionable product. He is concerned with quality
and pricing. He searched the web online and found out that either the prices were too
expensive or not of good quality to his budget. He shared it with his friend about this problem
and asked him for suggestions. At first he suggested for APEX and BATA as they have good
brand image. But to his need these brand are over-priced and he can’t afford it. Then his friend
remembered the Zeil’s campaign that was going on and instantly told him about it. He asked
about the pricing and quality of Zeil’s Shoes, he replied saying “ They give you the best value
for your money possible”. Then he told him their new promotional campaign for rebuilding
their position in market. They also mentioned about their new marketing strategy which is
lower price and better quality. After visiting their online page he was convinced enough to buy
his desired shoe and gave him the ultimate satisfaction.

Interactive Marketing:
Social Media:
 To promote our Zeil’s Shop we will use Facebook as a tool of interactive marketing.
Through our Facebook page we will provide various types of status, picture and we will
also collect different commands.

 We will also use Twitter as our interactive marketing tool.

 For internet marketing we will use our own website. There will be new revised
website to meet the modern day customers where there will be all types of

information, feature about the brand such as product category, prices etc. with

 From our website anyone will be able to know about our offers & events.

 Certain types of problems will be solved.

 Different services will be provided.

 There will be a FAQ section

Mobile Marketing:

 We will let our customer know about our different new services

through mobile SMS.

 Mobicash or Bikash service for payment.

Sales Promotion:
Bonus Pack: We will offer some bonus or additional service to our premium customers. This
bonus services will be offered in various occasions like 21 st February, 14th February, 16th
December etc.

Contest: There will be an online quiz contest. It will be 10 minutes quiz. There will be 10
questions on this topic. The first person who will give the correct 10 answers, will be the winner.
Other than next highest 10 contestants will be rewarded with small packages.

Internet Marketing:
Display Advertising: We will choose some third party websites & blogs for our banner ads to
drive traffic to our own website and increase awareness.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Through this we will promote our website by increasing its
visibility in search engine result page. This can be done by 2 ways-

 Search engine optimization;

 Pay per click (PPC);

We have chosen the second one. We will pay the publisher when the ad will be clicked.

Social Media:
 Facebook: Facebook will be used for our various status & pictures. Through this we will
be able to know the customers feeling towards the brand, their thought, attitudes by their
commands. We will be able to collect their ideas which will increase their involvement.

 Youtube: We will use Youtube for our various video ads. To viral our flash mobs Youtube
will also be used.

E-mail Marketing: Different messages about our offers, services, events, programs, contest
will be sent to our target customers via email.

Form of internet Advertising:

 Banner ads: Using different banner ads for display advertisings;

 Pop Ups/ Pop under: Pop ups & pop under on some popular websites in time of

 Link: Links for our websites;

 Behavioral Targeting: Providing the ads of our service by using the behavioral
targeting & tracking cookies of our target customers.

PR event & Publicity:

I. We will arrange a “Customer Award Event”. Prize will be distributed to the

winners of our online quiz contest.

II. A special event will also be arranged on the day of the announcement of the result
of the Facebook quiz contest.

III. For news coverage and press release some members of different media channels
and journalists will be invited.

Personal Selling:
It is a direct conversation with customers. Company hir es special people for their
customer care center. For efficient personal selling a sales man should be-

 A person who has patient to listen customer requirements;

 People who can convince the customer about their services;

 Well known & informed about the service and cheer minded;

 Smart people who can describe the quality of service properly.

Support media:
I. Aerial Billboards: Now in Dhaka city there are many fly-over. Daily thousands of people
use those roads. So, for easy advertisement we will use that like “Kuril Fly-over”,
“Mohakhali Fly-over” etc. Also, on our special events we will use “LED scrolling night

II. Transits: According to our target market, we aim to place advertisements in both the
domestic and international transport and in the terminals of Shah Jalal International
Airport and also in bus & bus terminals.

III. Digital Screen: We will digital screen in the Shahjalal International Airport where a small
promotional advertisement will be shown when even someone will pass by.

IV. Flash Mobs: We are going to do an interesting flash mob. We will present this in some
popular universities & shopping malls.

V. 3D Painting: We will use 3D painting of Zeil’s various products. We hope it will draw
people’s attention.

(Note: Pictures used in this section are for sample and demo purposes)


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