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For functional population health systems, well-trained population health staff are a must.

However, in resource-constrained contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa, healthcare workers'

perspectives on healthcare, the obstacles they confront in providing excellent health services,

and chances to boost motivation and provide acceptable care are rarely examined. In this

paper, we will be looking at this in terms of issues and needs, how to meet population health

needs of the African population and the barriers faced during the quest.

Introduction: Population health concept in the African continent

Population health was initially known as public health and focused on the management of

chronic illnesses coupled up with wellness and health education (Stanhope, (2019). ).

A lot of factors determine population health and these factors get shaped by social scenarios

such as education, poverty and housing. There is a need for ensuring that population health

goes beyond the services given by the health care system. There needs to be an emphasize on

education and wellness; waste elimination and the eradication of health differences on the

basis of language, race ethnicity, income and gender among others.

We ought to come to the realization that good health belongs to everybody and not select


If I were a case manager, the population health service would be my go to work due to the

fact that focusing on the health of all populations is important for the advancement of health

care and research.

Population health issues faced by the African population

It’s no news that the population health situation in most parts of the African continent is

wanting. There have been multiple efforts to try and contain this crisis with resource

meetings, and discussion inputs that have resulted in very little change.

The following are some issues that cripple the population health within the region.

Poverty, disease and death has been experienced in Africa with disparities from country to

country. Attenuation in terms of civil wars brain drain and lack of proper training also does

not help the situation. The African content is also a candidate for unbalanced trade, debt

burden, corrupt leaders among other vices (Jimada, (2017).). These vices lead to poverty

which leads to ill health and vice versa. A very relentless cycle. Poverty also limits the

population’s access to services an increases vulnerability to ill health.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is a big problem. This region is home to 70 percent of the

global HIV/AIDS burden and 95 percent of orphans. The HIV/AIDS scourge has swamped

health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa, driving existing health issues like malaria to a non -

preemptive status while boosting demand for a broader variety of services and expertise than

the health sectors could originally provide (Gelaw, (2019). .).

Lack of medicines; weak health systems; inadequate human resource; poor integration of

programs and the lack of prioritization of health issues are also some other issues that face

population health within the African population.


In a macroeconomic context that may be hostile to health development, critical external help

from international development agencies is required in terms of technical assistance,

lobbying, and political support. The need for assistance in developing local experiences that

can be shared across countries is perhaps the most crucial and essential. The worldwide
community of partners has the potential to influence policies that are detrimental to Africa's

health development.

Improved governance is a vital component in bolstering population health systems. This

necessitates capacity training not only for the "governors," but also for the key stakeholders

who must demand specific management outcomes. The way health systems and services are

organized and integrated, on the other hand, can lead to excessive bureaucracy or government

intervention. New organizational systems and processes can result in increased efficiency.

Meeting the population health needs of the African population

Addressing the brain drain situation would be a good place to start. We first need to find

ways of retaining population health workers within the continent. This could be done by

offering them better career opportunities and attractive salaries to reduce migration rates.

Also, there is need for the adaptation of fast and fluent doctor patient interactions, supply-

chain management and patient surveillance software’s among others should be invested in.

This will aid in the efficient treatment of the population

Across over 490 million internet users on the African continent, information is critical, with

population health courses offering access to the correct information about population health

safety and policies. By developing colleges that provide population health courses, more

public health workers will be available, as well as more job prospects in the sector. Still on

meeting population health needs within the continent, the following strategies could also be

used. Increasing the ratio of doctors to patients; coming up with R&D centers and widespread

public awareness.

However, in as much as we try to meet this population health needs, there are challenges that

we will face in our endeavor.

Workers may be suffering as population health firms attempt to integrate technology while

maintaining efficient processes. Twenty-three percent of healthcare workers said they didn't

have enough access to technology, with registered nurses coming in at 29 percent. Around

50% of all employees believed their company provided technological training; curiously,

employees held this belief more than employers. Only 38% of businesses believed the center

provided technical training.

Research shows that almost a quarter of population health workers said they didn't get along

well with their supervisors (Kanter, (2017).). Only 10% of employees describe a bad personal

fit with their coworkers as a serious difficulty; for supervisors, the number was far higher

than for coworkers. Other barriers that would be faced would include Language, wars, Few

staff, work overload among others.


As an example, Population health workers in Chad's primarily rural district experience a wide

range of problems, therefore their perspectives must be considered when improving

population health care initiatives aimed at improving quality of care. Nursing staff'

commitment to increase their skills and expertise, aggressive search for solutions to medicine

and medical device stock outs, and incentive elements to improve the quality of treatment are

all major opportunities for enhancing health services for everyone.

Gelaw, Y. A. ((2019). .). HIV prevalence among tuberculosis patients in sub-Saharan Africa:. a
systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS and Behavior, , 23(6), 1561-1575.

Jimada, I. S. ((2017).). Interrogating the issues of corruption and poverty in contemporary Africa. In
Poverty reduction strategies in Africa.

Kanter, R. M. ((2017).). Power failure in management circuit.

Stanhope, M. &. ( (2019). ). Public health nursing e-book: Population-centered health care in the
community. . Elsevier Health Sciences.

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