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Experiment 6

DATE: April 1,2022

TITLE: Preparing a standard solution

AIM: To prepare a standard solution of 0.1 Mol/dm³ sodium carbonate

APPARATUS AND MATERIALS- 250cm volumetric flask, filter funnel, beaker, spatula,

dropper, analytical balance, distilled water, NaCl/ (COOH)Na2CO3/NaHCO,


1. The required mass was calculated to prepare a 0.1 moldm-3 solution using a 250cm3 volumetric


2. Accurately the required mass of solids was weighed in a beaker.

3. The solid was dissolved in a small amount of distilled water.

4. The contents of the small beaker was transferred into a 250cm3 volumetric flask using a filter


5. distilled water was added near the line on the volumetric flask.

6. A dropper was used to add distilled water to the line (i.e. until the bottom of the meniscus

was resting on the line).

7. The flask was stopper and several times inverted to mix the solution.


Initially, the solid was white .Then it was thrown in a volumetric flask where more water then

the final colour change was clear.


1. Give three reasons why the solid used is suitable for making a standard solution.

● Sodium carbonate is pure

● It is stable in air

● It gives reproducible results

For the 250cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3

2. Calculate the number of moles of Na₂CO3 (3dp)

Moles = molar concentration * volume

=0.1 moldm-3 * 0.25 dm3


3. Calculate the mass of Na₂CO3(to 3 dp)

Mass= moles * molar mass

=0.025mol * 106 g/mol


4. Calculate the mass concentration of Na₂CO3

Mass conc.=mass/volume


CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the concentration for the sodium carbonate solution is

now known at 10.6g/dm3 and 0.1 moldm-3 .

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