Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

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Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

C Hochgraf, General Motors Fuel Cell Activities, Honeoye Falls, NY, USA
Published by Elsevier B.V.

Introduction – Why Fuel Cells? vehicle with advanced batteries. Cost is being lowered
and durability increased through engineering develop-
Hydrogen fuel cells are one of the most promising al- ment efforts. The development of higher-energy-density
ternatives to internal combustion engine hybrids and hydrogen storage is an area of active research.
pure battery electric power for propelling passenger Several studies have shown that the cost in the near
vehicles. term of producing, distributing, and dispensing hydrogen
Compared to internal combustion engine hybrid ve- for use in fuel cell electric vehicles is in the range of
hicles burning hydrocarbon fuels, fuel cell vehicles offer US$2–3 per gallon of gasoline equivalent (on a cost-per-
three primary advantages. First, the fuel cell system kilometer basis, not including taxes). Hydrogen is pro-
produces no tank-to-wheel carbon dioxide emissions and duced in large quantities for industrial uses including oil
no other harmful emissions such as oxides of nitrogen, refining and fertilizer production. The economics of
carbon monoxide, or particulates. Second, the fuel cell hydrogen production by steam methane reforming are
system offers the potential for approximately 30% higher well understood. The US Department of Energy is tar-
well-to-wheel energy efficiency. Third, the hydrogen fuel geting long-term costs of US$1.0–1.5 per gallon of gas-
consumed by the fuel cell can be produced from a variety oline equivalent. The primary challenges are the initial
of renewable sources including carbon-free methods such cost to deploy the fueling infrastructure and delays in
as electrolysis of water. getting approval to site dispensing stations due to the
Compared to pure battery-run electric vehicles, the absence of uniform building codes and standards for
fuel cell vehicle offers three primary advantages. First, hydrogen. Support of government policy is often cited as
the fuel cell vehicle has more than twice the driving being essential to overcoming these challenges.
range of a vehicle using existing batteries. Second, it
offers a much shorter refueling time, enabling brief re- Requirements of an Automobile Fuel Cell
fueling stops on long trips. Third, at cold temperatures, Powertrain
the fuel cell system can warm up much faster than a
battery and therefore produce full power in a shorter The requirements for an automobile propulsion system
period of time. have evolved over many decades. Consumers’ expect-
A fuel cell vehicle can be refilled with compressed ations for on-road vehicle propulsion are guided by ex-
hydrogen at a rate of 2.0 kg hydrogen per minute. To perience, which is almost entirely with internal
recharge a battery electric vehicle at an equivalent rate combustion engines.
would require the battery and charger to handle 2.5 MW Consumers expect vehicles to start instantly, accel-
of power. Such a charger would be 400 times larger than erate quickly, drive for long periods without refueling,
that typically used for battery electric vehicles. refuel in a few minutes, be cost effective, last for decades,
At –30 1C, many high-energy lithium battery chem- and be safe to operate and service. These high-level re-
istries cannot provide high power, that is, they cannot quirements are quantified in Table 1.
support discharge C-rates of 10 or more. To get full Achieving the desired driving range is particularly
power capability, the battery would need to be warmed challenging for the fuel cell vehicle because the energy
up. However, the time and energy required to accomplish storage density of compressed hydrogen gas is less than
this for a battery are significantly longer than for a well- 1 kW h L1 at 70 MPa compared to gasoline’s energy
designed fuel cell system. Improved, but not full, power storage density of greater than 8 kW h L1. As a result,
capability can be obtained at 30 1C by using lower- the requirement for fuel cell efficiency is significantly
energy-density chemistries such as those using nano- higher than that of a gasoline engine.
particle lithium titanium oxide. Packaging the propulsion system to fit into a standard
The primary disadvantages of fuel cell systems, vehicle’s dimensions and shape drives compact and
compared to gasoline hybrids, are the high present-day lightweight design solutions for the fuel cell system.
cost, shorter than required fuel cell stack life, poor en-
ergy density of fuel storage, and lack of a widespread Powertrain Configuration
hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Fuel cell system cost,
while higher than a gasoline hybrid, is projected to be A fuel cell powertrain consists of a fuel cell stack with
lower than that of an equivalent full-range electric balance of plant components for air supply, fuel control,

Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 237

Table 1 Key requirements of an automotive fuel cell system

Requirement Value Rationale
Peak power 80 kW Needed for acceptable acceleration.
Varies with vehicle
Durability 45000 h operation Consumer expected usage
410 years calendar life
435 000 starts/stops (key-
Cost o$50/kW Competitive with internal combustion
engines. Includes hydrogen storage
Range 4480 km Consumer acceptability for long trips and
infrequent fueling
Refueling time o3 min Consumer acceptability
Ambient temperature during operation  40 to þ 45 1C Global applicability of automobiles
Start time (ambient temperature above o2 s Consumer expectation from experience
Start time (ambient temperature below o30 s Consumer acceptability
Size and weight 100–250 kg, 200–400 L Existing vehicle practice
Safety codes and standards Society of Automotive Existing vehicle practice
Engineers Standards,
Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards,
regional standards
Efficiency 455% at 25% of rated Needed to achieve acceptable range
power from limited amount of onboard fuel

Compressed Compressed
hydrogen hydrogen

Fuel cell Fuel cell

system system
Motive power Motive power

Acceleration Acceleration
power power

High-voltage High-voltage dc/dc

battery battery converter

Braking power, Inverter Braking power,

load leveling load leveling

Regenerative Motive power Regenerative Motive power

braking Motor braking Motor

Gearbox Gearbox

Figure 1 Two common architectures for hybrid fuel cell powertrains. dc, direct current.

temperature control, and humidification. To these are Two common configurations of fuel cell powertrain
added power-conditioning electronics, compressed component systems have emerged from the high-level
hydrogen storage tanks, a motor drive unit consisting of requirements in Table 1. They are shown in Figure 1.
inverter electronics, and a motor with gear reduction. A The fuel cell stacks use proton-exchange membranes
high-voltage battery may be optionally included. (PEMs). Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells offer fast
238 Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

startup times, high dynamic response, and good power If the fuel cell voltage is very low relative to dc input
density. voltage to the motor drive unit, a voltage-boosting con-
Most systems combine the fuel cell stack with a high- verter with unidirectional power flow may be used. The
voltage battery in a hybrid arrangement to recover full load efficiency of the boost converter is in the range
braking energy, increase driving range, and improve ac- of 97–98%. The part load losses can be reasonably low,
celeration (Figure 2). The high-voltage battery is gen- making for an efficient system.
erally nickel–metal hydride or lithium ion. If the fuel cell voltage is high, it may be connected
The power rating of the battery can be traded off directly to the dc input of the motor’s inverter elec-
versus the power rating of the fuel cell. A high-power tronics, avoiding power conversion losses for the main
battery, say rated at 70% of peak system power, can motive power. The battery is then interfaced through a
handle acceleration demands, allowing the fuel cell to be bidirectional dc/dc converter. In this configuration, losses
reduced to 30% of system power, sufficient to meet in the power conversion electronics occur both when
average power demand. An alternative is to use a small energy is put into the battery and when energy is re-
battery, say rated for 30% of peak system power, in moved from the battery.
combination with a larger fuel cell to handle acceleration. The choice of which power conditioning configuration
The smaller battery is sized to recover braking energy, to use is influenced by the voltages of the battery and fuel
which increases fuel economy. cell and the relative power rating of the battery versus
Non-hybrid vehicles have been built which demon- the fuel cell. If the fuel cell power rating is low compared
strate that PEM fuel cell systems can meet the fast dy- to the battery, it may be more cost effective to put the
namic power requirements of an automobile while power conversion electronics in the fuel cell electrical
avoiding the cost of the battery and its power conversion path.
electronics. The dc electric power produced by the fuel cell and/
Power-conditioning electronics are required at the or battery is converted into mechanical power and cou-
interface between the battery and the fuel cell to match pled to the wheels by an inverter–motor–gearbox unit.
the voltage characteristics of each source and control Efficiency of this conversion can exceed 90%.
where power is drawn from. Typical battery packs have Hydrogen for the fuel cell is stored as compressed gas.
rated voltages that range from 150 to 350 V, while typical Compressed gas is preferred over liquid hydrogen tanks
fuel cell voltages range from 200 to 400 V. due to the high energy cost to liquefy hydrogen and the
The motor drive unit is smaller and more cost loss of range as the cryogenic liquid hydrogen boils off
effective when the direct current (dc) input voltage is in over several days. However, compressed gas storage tanks
the range of 400–650 V. High voltages keep the current are very large for the relative amount of energy stored.
ratings for conductors, connectors, and electronics lower, Alternative hydrogen storage methods may offer higher
reducing weight and cost. storage density than compressed gas. Fundamental

Fuel cell system

12 V

Hydrogen storage

Rechargeable energy
storage system (high-
voltage battery)

Figure 2 Location of major fuel cell propulsion system components in a vehicle.

Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 239

research is being conducted on hydrogen storage using streams, or sometimes both. Waste heat is removed by the
metal hydrides, chemical hydrides, and sorbents. Onboard cooling system.
reformers to create hydrogen from other fuels are gen- Control of a fuel cell system involves keeping the
erally considered to be impractical due to the large membrane humidified to a set value while feeding
amount of energy required for warming/starting the re- reactant gases (hydrogen and air) to the electrodes in
former and the additional cost and weight of the reformer. sufficient quantity to produce the electrical current re-
Standards for hydrogen fuel purity are under devel- quested by the system. Coolant flow rate and tempera-
opment by committees including ISO TC197/WG12 and ture, hydrogen fuel pressure and humidity, and air inlet
ASTM D 03. In general, the hydrogen must be 99.99% humidification and flow rate are all controlled in co-
pure and have less than 1 mg L1 of particulate materials, ordination with the load current drawn from the fuel cell.
and individual particles must have diameters less than The subsystems of the fuel cell system may be real-
10 mm. Tighter limits are specified for contaminants that ized in different ways. Optimization of configurations and
are detrimental to the fuel cell, such as carbon monoxide components within the fuel cell system is an area of
and sulfur compounds. active engineering development. The top priorities of this
development are:

Fuel Cell System Configuration 1. reducing cost;

2. improving freeze tolerance of components;
The fuel cell system consists of four main subsystems: 3. improving humidity transfer in humidification
(1) fuel supply, (2) air supply, (3) cooling, and (4) the fuel devices;
cell stack. These subsystems are shown generically in 4. improving humidification control accuracy;
Figure 3. 5. reducing packaged volume;
The fuel cell stack receives hydrogen and air from the 6. increasing efficiency by reducing parasitic power and
respective supply systems. It produces water, heat, and pressure drop through components; and
electricity. Water is recovered and used to humidify ei- 7. improving cell voltage performance from the elec-
ther the cathode (air side of fuel cell) or anode inlet trode and membrane.

Anode purge exhaust
with Fuel cell
jet pump system
Anode recirculation exhaust
Exhaust pipe
Fuel cell
dc electric Stack fan
− Coolant
power out voltage
Cathode Radiator
Coolant valve

transfer Water and
device heat transfer

Cathode exhaust


Figure 3 Illustration of generic fuel cell system configuration showing cathode air supply system, fuel supply system, and cooling
240 Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

Fuel Cell Stack membrane decreases by 50%. For other materials the
conductivity decrease can be smaller, B30%.
The fuel cell stack consists of individual fuel cells con- Relative humidity describes the ratio of the pressure
nected in series to produce a high-voltage, high-current of water vapor present in a given gas over the maximum
dc electric power source. pressure of water vapor that can exist at a given tem-
A single fuel cell has two catalyzed electrodes that are perature without condensation.
separated by a thin membrane. The membrane is per- The maximum pressure of water vapor (the saturation
meable to hydrogen ions (protons), but blocks the flow of vapor pressure) increases rapidly with temperature.
electrons. One electrode is referred to as the anode and is Consider that at a temperature of 100 1C, the vapor
where hydrogen fuel is split into hydrogen ions (protons) pressure of water becomes equal to atmospheric pressure
and electrons. Electrons produced in the anode move (101 kPa) and water boils. To maintain sufficient RH in
through an external electrical circuit providing power the fuel cell’s membrane, the pressure of water vapor in
and are returned to the other electrode which is referred the cathode gas must increase directly with the increase
to as the cathode. At the cathode, oxygen from air is in saturation vapor pressure as coolant temperature rises.
combined with hydrogen protons and electrons to form This requires a higher total gas pressure on the cathode
water. and is why many automotive fuel cells use a compressor
Control of humidification is one of the most critical to pressurize the cathode inlet air.
issues in a PEM fuel cell. Too much humidity will cause If the cathode pressure cannot be raised to maintain
water to condense, potentially blocking reactant flows. constant RH, then the membrane must have high proton
Too little humidity and the membrane will not ad- conductivity even when the RH is low. Figure 4 illustrates
equately conduct protons. the trade-off between the coolant temperature, cathode
The proton conductivity of the membrane varies pressure, and the ability of the membrane to operate at low
strongly with how much water is present in the mem- RH. Low-RH-capable membranes allow either lower op-
brane. The amount of water is often expressed in terms of erating pressures for the same coolant temperature or
the relativity humidity of the gas at the membrane. As the higher coolant temperatures for the same pressure. Devel-
relative humidity (RH) at the membrane decreases from opment of durable low-RH, high-temperature membranes
100% to 80%, the proton conductivity of a Nafions is a key area of research.

Cathode outlet absolute pressure required and relative radiator performance required vs
coolant temperature with relative humidity (RH) at membrane of 100% and 50%
3 700
Relative radiator performance
required (~1/ITD)
Relative radiator performance required (~1/ITD)

Stack cathode outlet absolute pressure (kPa)
2.5 Pressure for 100% RH
Pressure for 50% RH




0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Fuel cell coolant temperature (°C)

Figure 4 Illustration of the trade-off between the coolant temperature, cathode pressure, and the ability of the membrane to operate at
low RH. Membranes capable of durable operation at low RH (e.g., 50%) allow either lower operating pressures for the same coolant
temperature or higher coolant temperatures for the same pressure. If the membrane requires high RH (e.g., near 100%), then the
cathode inlet pressure must be increased as the stack coolant temperature increases. ITD, inlet temperature difference.
Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 241

Further detail on the operation and trade-offs of the performance and durability of the fuel cell stack. If the
fuel cell stacks can be found in other articles of this stack’s electrode and membrane are able to operate at low
encyclopedia. However, in general, it is desirable that the cathode outlet RH then the demands on the humidifi-
stack has low pressure drops and stoichiometry ratios for cation device are minimized.
its reactants. This will minimize parasitic losses in the Heat energy may also be transferred by the humidi-
coolant pump, air compressor, and fuel recirculation fication device. In cold conditions, the exhaust air can
compressor. warm the intake air, assisting in faster warm-up of the
Cathode Air Supply System
Anode Hydrogen Fuel Supply System
Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell stack performance
can be increased by pressurizing and humidifying the In contrast to the cathode air supply system which has air
cathode inlet air. Pressurized air helps to keep the continuously flowing through it to the exhaust, the anode
membrane well humidified when the stack coolant tem- operates as a closed system to maximize fuel economy.
perature is high, for example, >60 1C. Higher oxygen The fuel supply system provides pressurized hydrogen to
partial pressure has a secondary benefit of increasing the stack, which may or may not be humidified.
performance of the cathode electrode catalyst by re- During operation, small amounts of inert impurities in
ducing kinetic voltage losses in the oxygen reduction the fuel can accumulate over time as the main fuel
reaction. constituent, hydrogen, is consumed by reaction in the
A typical air supply system uses a compressor to fuel cell. Nitrogen in the air will slowly pass from the
generate cathode pressure in the range of 1.1–3.5 bar cathode through the fuel cell membrane to the anode and
absolute at cathode air flows with stoichiometry ratios of dilute the hydrogen fuel. The diluents can build up over
1.4–2.0. several minutes causing localized hydrogen starvation
Inefficiencies in the compressor may cause the dis- that damages the fuel cell stack electrode.
charge air temperature to be too hot for the humidifier or To avoid localized hydrogen starvation, the effective
stack materials. A heat exchanger tied to the stack coolant anode stoichiometry may be increased mixing the anode
loop may be used to cool the air. When the ambient air is gas with a recirculation compressor or jet pump (ejector),
much cooler than the stack coolant temperature, this or other means. While the fuel cell only requires an ideal
same heat exchanger warms the air before it enters the anode stoichiometry of 1.0, the need for uniform distri-
humidification device. bution of the hydrogen often leads to requiring much
The compressor is often the largest consumer of an- higher flow rates through the anode. The flow rates for
cillary power. In higher-pressure systems, an expander uniform mixing may be 1.2–3 times that of the flow rate
may be used to recover flow energy from the cathode required to supply the fuel consumed in reaction. Thus
exhaust. The compressor is also one of the highest-cost the apparent anode stoichiometry required may be 1.2–3.
items in the fuel cell system, other than the fuel cell Architectures for the fuel supply system include re-
stack. circulation systems, dead-ended operation, cascading of
Low pressure systems, near 1 bar absolute, are ap- anode stages, and flow-shifting between two stacks. Re-
pealing from a cost perspective. However, they require circulation systems appear to have the highest tolerance
special humidification schemes or they will be restricted for diluents while keeping hydrogen emissions to a
to low stack operating temperatures, for example, minimum.
o65 1C, which limits their ability to produce power in Recirculation can be achieved with a jet pump that
high ambient temperatures as seen in many regions of the draws gas from the anode outlet of the stack and mixes it
globe. The upcoming section on heat rejection describes with fresh hydrogen supplied by a fuel injector. This
the issue in more detail. mixture is then fed to the anode gas inlet of the stack.
After pressurization, the air may be passed through a The jet pump requires no additional accessory power but
humidification device. The humidifier transfers a portion may not achieve sufficient mixing when the fuel cell
of the water in the cathode exhaust stream to the cathode power output is very low as there is very little fresh
inlet stream. The amount of humidity transfer can be hydrogen being injected into the anode.
controlled, if required, by valves that bypass air around An alternative is to use a recirculation compressor,
the humidifier. Other means for control may be em- either by itself or in combination with a jet pump. The
ployed, depending on the technology used for the hu- recirculation compressor keeps the fuel cell anode gas
midifier. Over-humidification at the stack inlet can result well mixed even when the fuel cell is running at very low
in liquid water droplets entering the stack. Depending power. Design of the compressor is challenging. It must
upon the stack’s construction, the liquid water can cause operate with a mixture of water vapor and liquid water
localized blockage of reactant flows that may decrease droplets, yet not be damaged or made inoperable in
242 Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

freezing temperatures. The efficiency of the compressor relatively low operating temperature of the fuel cell and
is generally low due to the gas properties of hydrogen. (2) the relatively higher amount of heat energy put into
The compressor may draw several hundred watts of the cooling system. For equivalent performance in high
electric power, reducing overall efficiency of the fuel cell ambient temperatures, the fuel cell requires a larger ra-
system, particularly at low load conditions. diator and fan. Alternatively, power production in the
To reduce the effect of diluents, the anode of the fuel fuel cell must be reduced at high ambient temperatures.
cell may be periodically purged or have a small con- To illustrate the cooling challenge, consider the dif-
tinuous bleed flow to remove diluents. Along with the ference in the amount of heat coupled into the coolant
diluents, hydrogen fuel is lost during the purge. This for an internal combustion engine compared to a fuel
decreases fuel economy and also creates hydrogen cell. At high power, a gasoline internal combustion en-
emissions. What little hydrogen is emitted may be com- gine produces roughly equal thirds of mechanical power,
bined with the cathode outlet gas of the air supply system exhaust gas enthalpy, and heat to the coolant. Therefore,
to ensure the mixture is not flammable when it leaves the the ratio of heat power rejected to the coolant over the
exhaust pipe. Continuous mixing of the anode gas will useful mechanical power delivered is about 1.0.
reduce the risk of local starvation and can decrease the At high power in a fuel cell, the amount of heat re-
amount of fuel wasted by purges or bleeding. Anode jected to the coolant is about the same as the gross stack
purges can also be used, if needed, to remove excess electrical power. An ideal 100% efficient fuel cell would
water. produce a cell voltage of 1.23 V, as computed from the
Liquid water in the anode of the stack may block electrochemistry of the cell. However, in operation,
reactant flows resulting in electrode damage from the cell voltage is typically around 0.615 V. From this, the
hydrogen starvation. Systems with recirculation com- inefficiency of the fuel cell can be calculated to be about
pressors have an advantage in that they can increase the 50% of the gross fuel power (1.23–0.615 V)/1.23 V ¼ 50%.
anode gas flow, independent of load current, to clear or A low percentage of the heat is removed by the
prevent blockages without having to purge the anode. cathode exhaust stream under high power conditions.
Avoiding purges reduces the amount of fuel exhausted, When auxiliary loads and aging of the stack are con-
increasing efficiency. sidered, the net electrical power decreases to 40% and
the heat rejected to coolant increases to 60%. As a result,
Cooling System the ratio of heat power rejected to the coolant over the
The cooling system consists of a pump, a bypass or three- useful mechanical power delivered is about 1.5 at full
way valve, radiator, and fan. The valve controls the load.
amount of coolant that bypasses the radiator, so that the The major factor adversely affecting fuel cell cooling
fuel cell temperature can be maintained at a desired set is the relatively low temperature of the fuel cell coolant,
point. The pump flow rate may be varied with power typically around 80 1C, compared to an internal com-
level to control the temperature profile across the fuel bustion engine at 120 1C.
cell stack and achieve the desired humidity profile from The amount of heat rejected (kW) is approximately
inlet to outlet in the fuel cell stack. linearly proportional to the frontal area of a well-
Despite the apparent simplicity of the coolant system, designed radiator–fan system and is inversely pro-
it has many challenging requirements to meet. These portional to the initial inlet temperature difference
include material compatibility for corrosion resistance, (ITD) between the two fluid streams it combines (DT),
maintaining low coolant conductivity, removing large for example, air and coolant. With an ambient air tem-
amounts of low temperature heat, and quickly and ac- perature of 40 1C and a fuel cell coolant temperature of
curately regulating temperature to control membrane 80 1C, the ITD is 40 1C. In the internal combustion en-
humidification. gine with ambient air at 40 1C and coolant at 120 1C, the
The coolant system also plays a critical role during ITD is 80 1C. Thus for the same heat rejected, the fuel
startup of the fuel cell in freezing conditions. The coolant cell radiator must be twice the size. The relative increase
pump is a parasitic load on the fuel cell system and re- in radiator size with coolant temperature is illustrated in
duces overall efficiency of the system. The need for low Figure 4. If the stack is aged and auxiliary loads are high,
coolant conductivity is discussed later in the section on the heat rejection performance of the fuel cell radiator
isolation resistance. may need to be 3 times that of an internal combustion
To address the heat rejection issue, fuel cell efficiency
Heat Rejection must be kept high by running at high cell voltage and
with low auxiliary load losses. Additional radiator frontal
Cooling of an automotive fuel cell is more challenging area can be added through the use of wheelhouse radi-
than an internal combustion engine due to (1) the ators located in the front of the wheels, or at other
Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 243

locations. A larger fan can be used to push more air Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
through the radiator, but the increase in parasitic power Characteristics During Frozen Starts
to drive the fan reduces system efficiency with only a
With the supply pathways for air and fuel clear and ready
small gain in total heat rejection.
for gas flow, the fuel cell startup can begin. Below 10 1C,
The difficulty in rejecting heat from a PEM fuel cell is
the PEM fuel cell’s power output characteristics are
one of the primary drivers for research and development
significantly different than at the normal operating
of membranes that can operate at higher temperatures
temperature of 80 1C.
and with lower RH in the membrane. One difficulty is
The fuel cell’s polarization curve (voltage vs current
that at above 80 1C maintaining humidification of the
characteristic) changes with temperature as shown in
membrane and electrode becomes increasingly chal-
Figure 5. The fuel cell cannot produce full power when
lenging. If cooling is insufficient, and coolant temperature
it is cold and therefore must be warmed up.
is allowed to rise, the membrane will quickly dry out and
For a given current, the fuel cell stack’s voltage is
stack power production will be reduced. It should be
lower than normal, resulting in inefficient operation of
noted that heat rejection limits are usually only en-
the stack. The extra heat produced assists in a rapid
countered when traveling at high speeds or up steep
warm-up of the stack. At –30 1C, the fuel cell’s maximum
grades on hot days.
current is quite limited. As the fuel cell stack warms up, it
is able to produce more power and thereby produce more
Cold Weather Starting and Operation waste heat.
As soon as current is drawn from the fuel cell, water is
Water is produced by the fuel cell and may be used to produced in the electrode. This water will rapidly form
humidify the air and hydrogen reactants fed to it. If water ice on the flow field, diffusion media, and electrode, all of
at critical locations freezes during operation, the fuel cell which are starting at temperatures below the freezing
performance may be degraded or it may be unable to point of water. The ice can eventually block access of the
start or continue running after startup. reactants to the electrode and prevent the fuel cell from
Ice can block reactant flows in the humidification starting.
device, flow-field channels, gas diffusion layer, and cata- To prevent the fuel cell from filling with ice, the fuel cell
lyst layer. Ice can prevent operation of control valves, must be rapidly brought to a temperature >0 1C. The en-
injectors, and recirculation pumps. Sensors for tempera- ergy required to warm the fuel cell is dominated by the heat
ture, pressure, and humidity can produce inaccurate capacity of the fuel cell system rather than the amount of
readings or be damaged. heat loss to the environment. Reducing the heat capacity of
the fuel cell is critical to fast and successful starts.
Cold Weather Starting For a fuel cell with a heat capacity of 100 kJ K1, an
average of 100 kW of heat power would be required to
Careful insulation of the fuel cell system and its balance
warm it from –30 to 0 1C in 30 s (3 MJ of energy).
of plant components can prevent the system from
Typically, the waste heat power from the fuel cell alone is
freezing for a period of 8–24 h or more. Eventually, if no
heat is added through running, battery discharge, or
burning of fuel, the system will freeze and must be able
to restart. Open-
Successful starting of the fuel cell depends on con- circuit
ditioning the fuel cell properly before it freezes. A voltage
shutdown purge of the cathode with air can remove water
blockages in the valves, humidification devices, flow
Stack voltage

80 °C
fields, gas diffusion media, and membrane–electrode as-
sembly (MEA). Purging or dry operation of the anode 0 °C
prior to shutdown may be needed, though the noise, time, −10 °C
and energy consumption associated with this preparation −30 °C −20 °C
must be considered. Care must be taken to not overly dry
the MEA or the fuel cell may have difficulty restarting.
Even after purging, some amounts of water and water Stack current
vapor are likely present in the fuel cell system. As the current
fuel cell system cools, condensation can form and drops
Figure 5 The polarization curve (i.e., fuel cell voltage vs current
of water may block reactant paths or affect valves and curve) of a proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell changes
sensors. Each component’s location, orientation, and strongly with temperature below 0 1C. Initial power production of
ability to tolerate ice must be carefully engineered. the fuel cell is limited below 0 1C, necessitating a rapid warm-up.
244 Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

much less than this and is insufficient to warm the fuel to start in freezing conditions. In either case, electric
cell in 30 s. energy required for cabin heating reduces cold operation
Additional heat can be created by using electric fuel economy.
heaters in the stack coolant loop. Power for the heater
can come from the fuel cell stack electric output or from
an electric energy storage device such as a battery or an Hybridization
ultracapacitor. Catalytic reaction of hydrogen fuel with
air can also be used to directly create heat. A fuel cell system may be combined with a bidirectional
energy storage device to create a hybrid powertrain,
Cold Weather Operation benefiting both the vehicle and fuel cell. The vehicle
benefits from faster dynamic power response, increased
Keeping the fuel cell system from freezing during op- driving range from capturing braking energy, and in-
eration is challenging. Relatively little heat is produced creased efficiency through optimizing the loading profile
by the fuel cell at light loads due to its inherently high of the fuel cell. The fuel cell benefits from hybridization
efficiency. As little as 650 W of waste heat may be pro- by reducing the severity of events that cause electrode
duced by a fuel cell vehicle idling while producing 600 W degradation. These severe events include cycling of the
of net electric load. fuel cell voltage from high to low as the load on the fuel
The amount of heat lost to the ambient environment cell varies up and down, and extended operation with the
at –30 1C can greatly exceed the amount of heat pro- fuel cell at high voltage, for example, when idling with no
duced at idle. Coolant leaking around the thermostat to load on the fuel cell stack.
the radiator at a rate of less than 100 cc per minute can
result in hundreds of watts of heat loss. If the fuel cell is Vehicle Benefits
not able to keep itself warm, performance will suffer or
The response of the fuel cell is usually limited by the
worse the system may freeze, causing it to shut down.
dynamics of the air compressor system but may be lim-
Maintaining the desired temperature of the fuel cell
ited by the fuel system if high levels of diluents, such as
involves balancing the heat generation and loss. Insu-
nitrogen, are present in the anode (hydrogen fuel side of
lation may be added around the fuel cell stack and bal-
the fuel cell stack). A PEM fuel cell system can achieve a
ance of plant components to reduce heat loss. Valves in
dynamic response o1 s from 10% to 90% power, which
the coolant path to the radiator will need to have very
is adequate to meet most consumer expectations, but a
low leakage rates. The effect of heat gain or loss from gas
typical bidirectional energy storage device, such as a
reactant and product flows must also be considered.
nickel–metal hydride battery, lithium-ion battery, or
Generating more heat in the stack than the driver
ultracapacitor, can respond even faster.
demand dictates, or using supplemental heaters will ad-
Energy that is normally lost in braking can be cap-
versely affect fuel economy in cold weather, but may be
tured by the energy storage device to be used later. An
required under certain operating conditions to prevent
increase in driving range of 5–20% is possible. Overall
components from becoming impaired by frozen product
efficiency of the vehicle can be increased by operating the
fuel cell near its peak efficiency point and avoiding
lower-efficiency regimes, such as idle and maximum
Cabin Heating
power. The fuel cell provides the average power demands
The automobile requires heat energy of 4 kW or more for by continually charging the energy storage device, while
defrosting the windshield and for comfort heating of the the energy storage device provides rapid power bursts
passenger cabin. In an internal combustion vehicle, ample when needed.
waste heat is available for cabin heating due to the overall Efficiency can be further improved by temporarily
inefficiency of the engine. This is not the case in a fuel shutting off the fuel cell when very little power is de-
cell vehicle. Consider for example a fuel cell vehicle manded of it, such as when the vehicle is stopped at a
whose average power required during a city driving cycle traffic light. Energy normally used to run the air com-
is on the order of 5 kW. Only 2.8 kW of heat energy is pressor or other support systems is saved. The fuel cell
available, assuming the stack efficiency is 64% at this can be rapidly restarted when power is demanded, using
light load. energy from the energy storage device. Overall efficiency
The heat required can be provided by adding electric can be improved by up to a few percentage points. The
heating elements that directly warm the cabin or defrost main requirements are that the energy storage device has
air or heat the fuel cell coolant, which is coupled to the a round-trip energy efficiency that is sufficiently high, say
cabin air through a heat exchanger. Warming the fuel cell >90%, and that the energy storage device is able to
coolant has an added benefit of allowing one component supply the peak power demands of restarting accessories
to both provide cabin heating and reduce the time it takes while initially propelling the vehicle.
Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 245

Fuel Cell Benefits fuel cell rapidly, thaw small components if they are un-
expectedly frozen, and run accessories while the fuel
Reducing the dynamic response requirement on the fuel
cell’s power output capability is limited.
cell may allow decreased power ratings for some acces-
sory components, such as the compressor inverter, and
therefore lower cost. The power rating of the entire fuel
cell system can also be reduced. The amount of benefit
varies with system design.
A fuel cell propulsion system does not have some of the
Life of the fuel cell can also be extended by hybrid-
packaging constraints of an internal combustion engine
ization. Platinum–carbon electrodes have been shown to
system. The fuel cell system produces less structural
lose electrochemical area when their voltage is repeatedly
vibration, it may not have to carry reaction forces from
cycled from 0.6 (full load) to 0.94 V (no load). Figure 6
the driveline, and it does not produce the high exhaust
shows that the degradation rate due to voltage cycling is
temperatures (>500 1C) of the internal combustion en-
lower when the highest potential that a fuel cell sees is
gine. Components of the system, such as the power-
reduced from 0.94 to 0.85 V. The highest cell potential in
conditioning electronics and the final motor drive unit,
hybrid fuel cell powertrain can be reduced by keeping the
can be located remotely from the fuel cell.
fuel cell loaded to a predetermined minimum power value
This has given car designers freedom to come up with
at all times.
new vehicle structural and styling concepts. The fuel cell
A similar loss in electrochemical area over time occurs
can be placed in the underbody structure, rather than
when platinum–carbon electrodes are held near open
under the hood, allowing a clear view forward. It can also
circuit voltage, such as when the fuel cell system is idling
allow a variety of body styles to be fit to the same
for an extended period. Keeping the fuel cell operating at
foundational powertrain and chassis.
a current density greater than a set minimum value is
Fuel cells do have their own set of new constraints. An
effective in reducing this voltage level and reducing the
insulation layer may be needed to control heat loss in
rate of electrode degradation. Any excess power pro-
cold environments. This reduces the space available for
duced by the fuel cell is used to slowly charge the battery.
the fuel cell and also places a constraint on how com-
Degradation of the fuel cell electrode during startup
ponents are distributed throughout the vehicle. Pipes,
and shutdown is a major contributor to shortened fuel
plumbing, and compressors for the fuel cell may require
cell life. A normal usage profile for an engine can include
insulation to prevent heat loss, freeze-up, or undesired
35 000 start and stop events. Hybridization can help the
fuel cell during startup and shutdown by having power
The volumetric power density of a state-of-the-art
available to rapidly establish air flow, purge or dilute
fuel cell system, including power conversion electronics
gases, and condition the fuel cell humidity for shutdown.
and radiator, is lower than that of a gasoline engine.
Finally, in freezing conditions, the fuel cell may be
The fuel cell vehicle requires a hydrogen storage
able to start faster using stored energy to warm up the
system that, for equivalent vehicle range, has a volume
that is several times larger than that of a gasoline vehicle.
2.0 −10
Unlike a gasoline tank, the high-pressure hydrogen tank
vessel is not conformable to the shape of the vehicle.
Voltage decay rate (µV cycle−1)

Packaging of a fuel cell is strongly influenced by crash

ECA relative to initial (%)

requirements. The larger volume of the fuel cell system
may make it more challenging to achieve the required
1.2 −30
crush zone clearance. Components mounted on an
automobile are subject to g-forces of 3–11 gs in normal
0.8 −40
operation from going over potholes, hitting curbs, and
low-speed (8 km h1) bumper impacts.
0.4 −50 If the fuel cell is coupled to the drive unit, such as may
be done when the fuel cell is packaged under the hood,
0.0 −60 then additional clearance may be left to account for roll
0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96
of the fuel cell when reaction torque is transmitted
Upper limit voltage (V)
through it from the drive motor unit.
Figure 6 Effect on fuel cell durability of using hybridization to As components are distributed across the vehicle, care
control the highest cell voltage seen by the fuel cell during
must be taken to ensure electromagnetic interference is
operation. Reducing the highest voltage seen by the fuel cell
results in lower rate of cell voltage decay and less loss of
not created due to the electromagnetic energy produced
electrochemical surface area (ECA) over time. Reproduced with by the high-frequency switching of the power electronics.
permission from SAE publication 2008-01-0423. A variety of design approaches can be used such as
246 Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells

keeping wire lengths short, shielding conductors, or After a crash event, the high-voltage system of the fuel
slowing the rise times of switching waveforms. cell vehicle is designed to not present a hazard to
emergency first responders, passengers, or others. High-
voltage cables and harnesses are visually identified with
an orange covering material.
Design for Safety The high-voltage system is continuously monitored to
verify that it is isolated from chassis. If the isolation is lost
Crash Safety
in a crash event, for example by damage to the fuel cell
One relatively unique set of requirements for automobile stack, high-voltage components, or insulated wiring, the
fuel cell applications are those related to crash safety for high-voltage bus is de-energized. In a severe crash that
occupants and emergency first responders. would cause activation of an airbag, the high-voltage bus
The vehicle is designed and the fuel cell system may be automatically de-energized by means such as
packaged to minimize the risk of hazards in the event of a opening contactors to the battery and fuel cell.
crash. Crash requirements for vehicles and components Training materials for emergency first responders il-
in the United States are defined in Federal Motor Vehicle lustrate how to de-energize the high-voltage system be-
Safety Standards (FMVSS); for example, FMVSS 301 fore attempting to assist passengers. The system may be
addresses fuel system integrity, FMVSS 303 addresses de-energized by turning off the ignition, cutting the 12 V
fuel system integrity of compressed gas, FMVSS 304 negative battery cable, and waiting for 10 s.
addresses compressed gas fuel container integrity, and
FMVSS 305 addresses electric-powered vehicles.
Isolation Resistance
Updates to these standards are under development to
include aspects specific to hydrogen fuel cell systems. For The risk of electrical shock in an electric vehicle is
example, the use of aqueous coolant in the fuel cell minimized by insulating all high-voltage conductors and
creates a slightly conductive path from the high voltage by isolating both the positive and negative sides of the
bus to chassis. The normal range of isolation resistance fuel cell from the vehicle chassis. If the insulation on one
for fuel cells is therefore different from a battery. side of the high-voltage bus fails and a person comes in
The crash events to which the vehicle is subjected to contact with that side of the high-voltage bus and chassis,
are also defined. For example, SAE J1766 (SAE, Society there is no shock hazard because the circuit is not
of Automotive Engineers) specifies that fuel cell vehicles completed. Isolation ensures that the other side of the
shall meet the performance criteria when tested to the high-voltage bus has no path for current flow to chassis.
crash procedures of FMVSS 208 frontal impact (in- SAE J2578 Recommended Practice for General Fuel
cluding the full frontal and 301 front angle impacts), Cell Vehicle Safety specifies that the isolation resistance
FMVSS 214 side impact, and FMVSS 301 rear impact. be at least 125 O V1 from either terminal of the high-
The standards identify hazards to be avoided in- voltage bus to chassis, in consideration of safety and the
cluding high-voltage shock, excess hydrogen fuel release, constraints on fuel cell system coolant conductivity and
occupant space excessively intruded upon, and excessive coolant path geometry. For example, in a system with a
spillage of battery electrolyte outside of the passenger nominal voltage of 400 V, the measured isolation resist-
compartment or inside the passenger compartment. ance would need to be greater than or equal to 50 kO.
Careful design, placement, and robust testing of the For battery electric vehicles, FMVSS 305 specifies
storage tank, valves, lines, and supporting structure en- that the isolation resistance from either terminal of high
sure integrity of the hydrogen storage system. Com- voltage to chassis is at least 500 O V1. For example, in a
pressed hydrogen tanks are subjected to extreme abuse system with a nominal voltage of 400 V, the measured
testing to ensure they do not fail. Testing includes isolation resistance would need to be at least 200 kO.
overpressurization, pressure cycling, impact testing, drop In a fuel cell vehicle, the aqueous coolant that passes
testing, gun fire testing, and engulfing in a bonfire for through a fuel cell stack may become more conductive
20 min. over time, creating an electrical path between the cells
The hydrogen fuel system is designed with safety within the stack and the coolant pump, coolant piping,
features such as redundant shutoff valves, thermally ac- and radiator. If one of these components outside the stack
tivated pressure relief devices, and heat shields. If a crash is grounded to chassis, the isolation resistance between
is detected, valves shut off the flow of fuel at the tank. high-voltage bus and chassis is reduced. The effective
The tanks, valves, and lines are protected by careful in- isolation resistance depends on the coolant conductivity,
tegration into the vehicles, allowing deformation of the path length, and path geometry.
vehicle in a crash and minimizing the risk of leaking from A long, narrow coolant path from the stack to the first
the tanks. Crash simulations and testing are used to verify chassis-grounded component will increase the isolation
that components survive and meet requirements. resistance, but at the expense of coolant pressure drop.
Applications – Transportation | Electric Vehicles: Fuel Cells 247

Maintaining low coolant conductivity over time requires chemical resistance, and higher conductivity at low RH.
that contamination and leaching is minimized. One de- Electrodes are being developed that are more resistant to
sign solution is the use of deionization cartridges, which voltage cycling and start/stop degradation. Through the
may require periodic replacement. concerted effort of manufacturers, governments, and
academia, tremendous progress is being made toward the
Hydrogen Emissions widespread use of clean and efficient hydrogen fuel cells.
SAE J2578 Recommended Practice for General Fuel Cell
Vehicle Safety specifies limits on the concentration of
hydrogen emissions from the fuel cell system. Emission
limits are specified as a percentage of the lower flam- Nomenclature
mability limit for hydrogen. The lower flammability limit Symbols
of hydrogen is 4% hydrogen (by volume) in air. There- DT temperature difference
fore, an emission limit of 25% of the lower flammability Abbreviations
limit is equivalent to 1% hydrogen by volume in air. dc direct current
For normal operation, which includes startup and ECA electrochemical surface area
shutdown purges, the concentration outside the vehicle FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
should be kept below 50% of the lower flammability limit Standards
at the point of discharge and below 25% of the lower ITD inlet temperature difference
flammability limit in the surrounding area. Inside the MEA membrane-electrode assembly
vehicle, the concentration of hydrogen should be kept PEM proton-exchange membrane
below 25% of the lower flammability limit. RH relative humidity
The emissions from the vehicle must also be low SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
enough so that when a vehicle is parked in a garage or
enclosure without forced ventilation, the concentration of
hydrogen does not exceed 25% of the lower flammability
limit. A natural air exchange rate of 0.18 air changes per See also: Applications – Transportation: Hybrid Electric
hour is assumed. Vehicles: Batteries; Light Traction: Fuel Cells; Fuel Cells
The total amount of hydrogen exhausted during op- – Overview: Modeling; Fuel Cells – Proton-Exchange
eration, startup, and shutdown must also be kept rela- Membrane Fuel Cells: Catalysts: Life-Limiting
tively small in order to meet the requirements for high Considerations; Dynamic Operational Conditions; Freeze
efficiency and long range. Operational Conditions; High Temperature PEMFCs;
Hydrogen emission limits can be successfully met Impurities in Fuels and Air; Life-Limiting Considerations;
using a variety of methods such as compartment barriers, Membrane–Electrode Assemblies; Membranes: Design
forced convection, catalytic reactors, dilution with cath- and Characterization; Membranes: Elevated
ode exhaust, and other means. Temperature; Stacks; Systems; Water Management;
Fuels – Hydrogen Storage: Compressed; Liquid;
Conclusions Measurement Methods: Structural Properties: Neutron
and Synchrotron Imaging, In-Situ for Water Visualization;
As of 2008, most major manufacturers have hydrogen Safety: High Voltage.
vehicle demonstration fleets on the road and additional
fleets planned. The fleets range in size from a dozen to
over a hundred vehicles. These fleets have shown good Further Reading
driving performance and cold-weather start ability.
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