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Car Parking Requirements as set out by the Kilkenny City and Environs Development Plan

2014 – 2020.
Unit Type No. of Units Car Parking Standards Required Spaces
1.25 car parking space per unit
Apartments 34 51
0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Duplexes (2- 1.25 car parking spaces per unit
30 45
bed) 0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Duplexes (3- 2 car parking spaces per unit
30 67.5
bed) 0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
2 car parking spaces per unit
Houses 90 202.5
0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Total 184 366

Same requirements in Draft CDP 2021-2027

Car Parking Requirements incorporating Department of Housing Design Standards for New
Unit Type No. of Units Car Parking Standards Required Spaces
1 car parking space per unit
Apartments 34 42.5
0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Duplexes (2- 1 car parking spaces per unit
30 37.5
bed) 0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Duplexes (3- 2 car parking spaces per unit
30 67.5
bed) 0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
2 car parking spaces per unit
Houses 90 202.5
0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking
Total 184 350

“Peripheral and/or Less Accessible Urban Locations: 4.22 As a benchmark guideline for apartments
in relatively peripheral or less accessible urban locations, one car parking space per unit, together
with an element of visitor parking, such as one space for every 3-4 apartments, should generally be

Housing Mix for Proposed Site

Unit Type 1-Bed 2-Bed 3-Bed 4-Bed Total
Houses 70 20 90
Duplexes 30 30 60
Apartments 21 12 1 34

Total Units 21 42 101 20 184

Current Proposal allows:

2            per House                        = 180no.
1.5         per 3bed Duplex              = 45no.
0.9         per 2bed Duplex / Apartment                  = 58no.

Total Spaces Provided: 283no. or 1.53 Spaces per Housing Unit

Small Area Statistics for College Park / Margaretsfield Area shows currently 1.35 cars per household.

Small Area No. Cars No. Households Ratio

097063003, Kilkenny 139 108 1.29
097063004, Kilkenny 146 103 1.42
Total 285 211 1.35

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