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Summary of the Artifact:

The artifact that I feel best represents Standard 2: Learning Differences is an SEL
(Social Emotional Learning) writing activity to promote kindness and acceptance in our
classroom. The students were given different writing prompts to respond to. For
example, “My favorite thing about you is…” or “You are a good friend because.” The
students had to complete the sample sentence by writing their responses on a post-it
note. Then, the students placed the post-it note on the student’s desk that they wrote it


This writing lesson demonstrates my ability to create an inclusive classroom. One of my

goals every day as a teacher is finding ways to integrate SEL into our lessons. When
students completed this activity they had to be reflective and thoughtful with their
responses. Many students showed higher levels of critical thinking in their writing. For
example, one student wrote, “You are a good friend because you show compassion and
empathy when someone is sad.” After each student wrote two post-it notes we then
formed a circle around the room where each student shared one of their notes from
another classmate. This was a great opportunity for the students to learn more about
the amazing qualities they have as well as learn more about the amazing qualities their
peers possess. Overall, I felt like this was one of my best lessons because all of the
students were actively engaged and it was an opportunity for the students to showcase
their unique skills and attributes about each of them.

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