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असतो मा सद्गमय ।

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृ त्योर्मा अमृ तं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

1. The seeker, is asking God to lead him or her from darkness to light. Take me to that
level of consciousness where I can get rid of darkness of ignorance and can clearly see the
light of knowledge and experience.
Good evening everyone, A very warm welcome to all the Interact members present here. I,
Interactor Swati Kapri today’s M a s t e r of Ceremony from Interact
Club of Children’s A c a d e m y , welcome you all to the second day of
2. Now I would like to invite respected DIR RID 3110, Interactor Mayank Maheshwari
Sir to call the meeting to order and welcome the august gathering.

Thank you for your warm welcome, Sir.

3. Now I request our honorable District Governor, RID 3110, India, Rotarian Mukesh Singhal
Sir to address the audience.
Thank you for your enlightening words of excellence.
4. Now I welcome honorable District Governor of RID 4490 Brazil, Rotarian Aldereri Sousa Sir,
to address the audience.
Thank you for your worthy words sir.

5. It’s time to tune in to the Rhythm with Interactor Sakshi Singh from Interact Club of Aligarh,
Lock City and watch her beautiful dance performance.
Thank you Sakshi as it indeed was a mesmerizing performance.

6 .Time Management-
It is well said by Robin Sharma, one of my favourite authors that,
“Time management is like management it means if one is unable to take the responsibility of
managing time then he cannot reach at its Zenith”
So , let’s welcome Itr. Prabhanjali Sahu from Interact Club of Kanpur to commence the
introduction of keynote speaker respected District Governor Elect Rotary International
District 3110, Rotarian Pawan Agarwal Sir.
Thank you for sharing your expertise sir. We appreciate your time and efforts.

7. Conflict Management
Once former U.S President Barack Obama said and I quote, “It’s important for us to
pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking to each other in a way that heals
not in a way that wounds.”
So let’ welcome Interactor Abhinav Pant from Interact Club of Children’s Academy
to commence the introduction of keynote speaker respected Ms. Amandeep Sethi
Thank you so much ma’am for addressing such a rare but important content.

8. Now here comes another dance performance. Brace yourself for a high octane dose of
entertainment. Please welcome Interactor Anshika Singh from Interact Club of Kanpur.

Perfect moves, perfect music and perfect expression. Thank

you for such an amazing performance.

9. For further proceedings I would like to invite DIR, RID 3110 Itr. Mayank Maheshwari sir.
Thank you so much sir.

10. Now I request our honorable DICC RID 3110, India, Rotarian Ashwini Dixit Sir to propose
the vote of thanks.

Thank you so much sir.

11. At last I would like to invite DIR RID 3110 Itr. Mayank Maheshwari Sir for the
adjournment of the event.

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