Diskusi 6 Introduction To Morphologhy and Syntax

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Good evening Tutor, the following are the answers for the questions in this 6th session:

Adjective as Head
Adjective that habitually modify noun or verb also become the Head of structure of

a. Qualifier as Adjective Modifier

The word that is mostly used as modifier of Adjective is Qualifier such as very, rather, pretty,
E.g.  She is very pretty
         The sound was loud enough

b. Adverb as Adjective Modifier

Adverb that can modify the adjective is adverb that is ended by {-ly}
E.g.   The widely famous (singer)
If adjective comes after the linking verb, adverb does not modify the adjective anymore. The
function is as the modifier of the structure of complementation.
E.g.    The house seems clean everywhere

c. Noun as Adjective Modifier

In some special expression, noun can modify the adjective.

E.g.     Stone cold (coffee)
           Sea green    (cloth)

d. Verb as Adjective Modifier

Adjective can be modified by the verb in present participle form (-ing) that usually precedes
the adjective, or by to-infinitive that follows adjective
E.g.  freezing cold                   hard to say
        boiling hot                       good to see

e. Adjective as Adjective Modifier

For special expression, adjective can modify the other adjective

E.g.   Icy cold             dark blue         deathly pale

f. Prepositional Phrases as Adjective Modifier

The position of the prepositional phrases as adjective modifier is after the adjective
      E.g.   easy on the eyes             good for nothing         stronger than ever
Adverb as Head
There are four class words that can modify the adverb

a. Qualifiers as Adverb Modifier

E.g.            very easily                   rather slowly               happily enough

b. Adverbs as Adverb Modifier

E.g.            far away                      sometimes below

c. Noun as Adverb Modifier

E.g.            a meter away               some way up

d. Prepositional Phrases as Adverb Modifier

E.g.            away for a week          behind in his work      outside in the cold

Function Word as Head
Functional word can form a structure of modification by using qualifier as modifier.
E.g.      very much more (easily)
Rather too (strong)
Not quite (well)
Prepositions as Head
Preposition can be a Head of Structure of Modification. Modifier of preposition is qualifiers,
adverbs, or particular nouns.
E.g.      very like (a whale)                   almost beneath (notice)
Adverb that follows the prepositional phrases becomes the modifier of prepositional phrases,
while adverb that precedes the prepositional phrases becomes the modifier of the preposition
Sources: BMP PBIS 4362 Module 5, Structure of American English by W. Nelson Francise.
Page 297-325, www.linguasphereus.com.

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