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Pineda Aidy Gene F.

Conservation of a ball momentum
To determine the linear of momentum (velocity) of the two balls is conserved in two
dimensional collision between before (A) and after (A) and (B). The purpose of this experiment
is to reproduce a simple experiment demonstrating the conservation of momentum and to
observe the differences between before and after collision.
*Small Notebook with pencil (To take note the timer and the cm)
*Toy ramp
*Measuring Tape
*Steel balls (2)
*Meter stick
*Bond paper (4)
*Carbon paper (4)
Any moving objects and may be completely described by the single objects momentum when a
moving two objects might it be double objects. Conservation of a ball momentum in particular
is a conserved quantity, thus allowing us to predict the motions of ball after events like
collisions, where energy and momentum are transferred. We will follow the motions of
colliding objects. We chose the Conservation of a ball momentum because we wanted to see
what is different of a momentum and before and after collision.
Did something slip you suddenly? Same with the ball when you put on the toy ramp then it will
slide right away then it goes right down to the bottom of the floor? Do the objects is combined
literally move as faster and slower same speed (and thus velocity) as the original object
moving? Yes, it is like a keypad when you put it on something that slide, and but sometimes
when we are not in our minds, it seems like it suddenly slides in our hand. Do you notice things
that are the same in the ball when you put two balls on the toy ramp then the two balls collide
each other? For example in the billiard when the ball will collide when we push using stick to
push the ball, maybe they will collide with each other. We know that kinetic energy an object of
motion, but how does this affect how quickly something motions and how hard it hits the
ground? Like my phone, some phone that when it rings it doesn’t move on the table, but how
about me I also have a phone that moves when my friends call me but it does not move as
strongly when vibrating. My phone might be moving but it is not moving as in. because of
vibrating my phone immediately fell to the bottom of the floor. Based on science experiment,
we will explore the relation between speed and the velocity an object travels while it is being
constant speed has momentum.
Because the velocity an object is rolling down as the curved line and the momentum of an
object changes when a net forces acts on it. The object is being proportion during (Before)
collision, alteration that will be present conserved and the two objects remains constant speed,
the momentum passes a quantity masses in motion.
Experiment proper:
In this experiment, the goal is to measure the velocity that the ball initially travels in equal to
mass undergo a collision by time/speed as it rolls down a curved ramp (line).
1. Set up your toy ramp as shown in the illustration shown above. Hold your chair at the
top of the toy ramp so, that it won’t move. Use the chair so that it does not move during
the experiment.
2. Place the bond paper on the bottom of the floor and do not tape the paper to the
bottom of the floor.
3. Measure the height of your chair and record it in the paper below.
4. Release the steel ball 3 times from the top of the toy ramp and mark accurately where it
hits the floor. Catch the ball each time after it initially strikes the target paper. Make
sure that you record in the small note book or other sheet one bounce per trial.
5. Carefully putting the steel ball on the toy ramp. To hit or for to go straight to the bottom
of the paper and it will not go left and right the ball. Make sure that you only record one
bounce for each. Repeat this process 3 times. Mark accurately where each ball hits the
6. Using the meter stick either measuring tape, measure the range for each of 9 impact
strikes on your target paper. Record your answers in your small note book in the
appropriate columns in the data table provided below.
7. In the meter stick before the ball fall to the bottom of the floor measure immediately
with meter stick how many (cm) each per trial the ball fall to the bottom of the floor
then after you list on small note book everything you have written. Leave immediately
within (2 min) then you will proceed again to the next.
8. Next is after collision same as the (before collision) we will measure again. In after
collision two balls are needed for the two balls to collide to the bottom of the floor.
Then the before collision only one needed. But before that after collision calculate
immediately the average. Marked in the paper first when the time ball stop when you
put the toy ramp at the bottom of the floor. After you will calculate the average in (5
9. Record the before and after collision (cm) and (time) in the data table. Be sure include
time/seconds which you took the measurement.
10. When you are done to calculate average and record look at the results each per trial
within (1 min).
11. Make a line graph of results showing the before and after collision and then, place the
average before and after collision on the y-axis and the cm and the time (in sec) on the
12. Make a second line graph of results showing the before and after collision again, place
the average velocity (in cm) on the y-axis, but now place time (in sec2) on the x-axis.


Before collision (A)


62 61.7

Velocity (cm)



52 51.7


1.02 1.02 1.61

Time (s)
After collision (B)

62 61.7

Velocity (cm)



52 51.7



0.81 1.02 1.61
Time (s)


Method Before collision Before collision

(Object) Ball (m₁ , v₁ / cm ) (t₁ /s)

Trial 1 70 cm 1.02s

Trial 2 43 cm 1.04s

Trial 3 72.3 cm 1.01s


Method before collision before collision

(Object) Ball (m₁ / cm) (t₁ / s)

Trial 1 54 cm 1.01 s

Trial 2 62 cm 0.44s

Trial 3 68.4 cm 1.00s


Method After collision After collision

(Object) Ball (m₂, v₂ / cm) (t₂ /s)
Trial 1 42.5 cm 2.06 s

(B) 47 cm 2.06 s

Trial 2 43.2 cm 1.32 s


(B) 49 cm 1.32 s
Trial 3 83.7 cm 1.46 s

(B) 45 cm 1.46 s

1. How does the velocity that the ball travels change as it rolls down the curved line for a
longer amount of time?
The velocity increase as it rolled down into the curved ramp (line)
2. Comparing two graphs. How are they similar and different each other?
3. What does the graphs tell us about the Conservation of a ball momentum as it rolls down a
curved ramp (line)?
In the 2 graphs, we conclude that velocity is now increasing per second so we would see an
upward graph line and then the hypothesis of my colleagues was right, the velocity an object is
rolling down as the during collision between two objects is present in a before collision and
after collision the objects is proportion of the during collision is alteration that will be present
conserved and the two objects remains constant speed, the momentum of motion passes
quantity masses in motion.

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